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All About Mozenrath

This is where you can find out some
interesting information about Mozenrath. Who
is he? Well, in a nutshell, he's a young
sorcerer who also happens to be lord of a
mysterious kingdom. His power comes from a
gauntlet he wears on his right hand. Below
are some facts and suppositions about our
favorite villian.

Background seen on this page courtesey of: Backgrounds by Shawna.

Mozenrath Stuff

  • The gauntlet on his right hand has eaten away the flesh beneath it,
    leaving Mozenrath with a skeletal hand.
  • His familiar is a flying eel, named Xerxes.
  • He is power hungry.
    His main ambition is to rule the seven deserts,
    or destroy them. Whichever happens first. He overthrew his mentor, Destane,
    who was apparently a very powerful sorcerer.
  • His arch-rival is Aladdin.
    Ever since Aladdin tricked Mozenrath out of the power of the thirdack, they have been at odds.
    Also, Mozenrath desires the power of Aladdin's genie.
  • Mozenrath is a sore loser.

Suppositions: Things I've Figured Out for Myself

  • Mozenrath believes that power not worked for isn't worth it.
    He has often flung in Aladdin's face that the power of a genie was handed to him, whereas he, Mozenrath, had to work for it.
  • Mozenrath was not always as well off as he is now.
    Again, going back to his steadfast belief that unless someting is earned, it doesn't count. Also, he refers to Aladdin as 'street rat' whereas Xerxes refers to Aladdin as 'hero.' Mozenrath has always held Aladdins low status against. Perhaps because Mozenraths roots aren't as high as he'd like evryone to beleive...