
Frequently Asked Questions


What is The Melrose 90210 RPG?

It is where Melrose Place and Beverly Hills 90210 live on even though they are gone. This site consists of a number of different writers who each write for a character from Melrose Place or Beverly Hills 90210.


Can I join the cast?

As of now, the cast is currently full. Please check back at a later date.


How do I join the cast?

To join the cast, you must comply with all of the rules. Let me know which character you would like to play. You can create a character as well.


How often do episodes come out?

Episodes come out every week give or take.


What are the awards?

The MP/BH 2000 Awards of Excellence are held every 10 episodes. They are similar to the Emmy Awards, but we have more fun and entertaining categories. They are a great way to remember all the fun moments from the previous 10 episodes.


How do I vote in the awards?

Anyone can vote in the awards. You can e-mail to receive a ballot.


How long is each season?

A season is 10 episodes long.


When will the next season begin?

It's hard to say when will the next season begin. It really depends on how long it takes to get each episode out. It usually takes about 3 months give or take. It also depends on if we are taking a "vacation" or if we are working on some other site-related problem. Some episodes might be longer than others therefore it might take longer for them to be posted.


Where is my favorite character?

Most main characters are currently involved. If your favorite character is not, keep checking; maybe they'll turn up.