Janet, Steve and Kelly by Shari, Brandon and Dylan by DC, Carly And Lexi by Val, Valerie and Jen by Shae, and Brenda, David, and Donna by Scott


Lexi and Michael were lying in bed in their hotel. "I can't believe we're going home today," Michael said.

Lexi smiled and stared at him. "Well, I'm anxious...yet disappointed. I'm gonna miss this place. Especially the quality time with you."

Michael laughed. "Yeah okay...what are you up to?"

Lexi became serious. "Okay, there's this really cool diamond necklace in this shop north of..." she babbled on.

Michael just looked at her. He loved this woman like no one before. There had been Megan, Jane, Sydney, and the millions of other women in his life. But Lexi was just the one for him.


Carly woke up from the loud noise of her alarm clock ringing. She got up, without any hitting-the-snooze-button, which she did sometimes. She went into Zach's room and knocked on the door. "Zach, time to wake up."

Zach tiredly got out of bed. “I’m thirsty. Can I have a drink?”

Carly nodded, walked to the kitchen, and poured them both a glass of milk.

"Kevin's nice."

She turned around. "What?"

."He's nice mom, I really like him."

She smiled. "That's good because I'm going to be working with him for a little while."

"He likes you mom."

Carly sighed. "Zach, go get ready for school."

He left the room and Carly thought about what he said. Kevin was nice...but she didn't want to get into anything.


"I just don't think you should go!" Brandon exclaimed, throwing his hands up in the air.

"Brandon, I have to. I've come this far, I can't go back now," Kelly reasoned.

The trial against Jack Lemme had started last Friday. Tomorrow was the day that Kelly was scheduled to testify against him. She had been unable to attend the first day of the trial, due to a chemotherapy session.

In the last month, Kelly already had two sessions. The side effects had been getting the best of her. "Kelly, how can you possibly do this? You're up all night throwing up, your constantly nauseus. Tell me, how are you going to do this?"

"I'll manage. I have all day to get better. The trial doesn't resume until tomorrow. Today, I just have a meeting with the district attorney."

Brandon sighed. He wasn't going to win this one. Kelly wasn't going to win it either. They would both just compromise. "If you get any worse, you're not doing it."

"Fine. Now I have to go in the shower. Excuse me."


It was finally Ryan's first day at Now Wear This. Donna and Gina had gotten to the store early in order to show Ryan around and explain to him what he'd be doing.

Gina was still obviously less than thrilled with having Ryan around. And having to come to work early wasn't putting her in a better mood.

Still, Donna persevered. She pointed to the cash register. "You're going to be spending a lot of time working there. This will free Gina up to handle fitting problems and all the other problems the women may be having with their clothing once they actually are trying it on. Obviously, you can't handle that."

"Who helps Gina when she has a problem with her clothing?" Ryan asked suggestively. And he favored Gina with a true Steve Sanders leer…the kind that always led to Janet kicking Steve in the shins.

Gina looked like she was more inclined to go for Ryan's throat.

Quickly, Donna moved to defuse the situation by saying in a calm but firm voice. "Ryan, do you want to be the one to tell your father that you couldn't even hold on to a job in a dress shop for a full day?"

Ryan immediately fell silent and looked very embarrassed. "Sorry." he muttered to Gina.

Gina nodded her acceptance of his apology. She didn't look any happier but at least, she didn't seem to be actively angry any more.

Donna wondered if maybe it might not be a good idea to make sure that there weren't any sharp objects lying about the store though.


Brandon couldn't figure out what had gotten into Kelly. After she had stormed out of the room to take her shower, he had sat down on the couch to try to figure out what to do. She wouldn't listen to reason. He knew that she wasn't up to the emotional stress of testifying against Lemme. Yet he had to smile when he thought of how strong she was. She really was something else.

Maybe what he needed was a little help in this situation. She wouldn't listen to Jackie. He doubted that she would listen to any of her friends either. Then a thought came to him. Maybe a phone call to this lawyer wouldn't be out of line.

Brandon crossed the room, listening to be sure that he could still hear the sound of the shower, and picked up Kelly's purse. His heart beat faster, a woman's purse was no-man's land. He pulled out her planner and glanced through it. He quickly found what he was looking for. Kevin Klein. Brandon jotted down the number before grabbing his briefcase to head to the office.


Brenda was just getting out of her car when she saw Traci pull into her studio parking space. She decided to wait for Traci so they could walk to the Class of Beverly Hills set together.

When she saw Traci get out of her car, she gave Traci a friendly wave. Traci saw her, smiled and reached back into her car. Traci pulled out a shopping bag, locked up her car and walked over to Brenda.

" Hi," she said to Brenda.

" Hi," Brenda responded. "What's in the bag?"

Traci grinned ear-to-ear. "The best sign imaginable that we're a hit! People are writing fan fiction on-line about us!"

Brenda was puzzled. "Fan fiction?"

Traci explained, "That's when people love a show so much that they write their own stories about it and they share them with people on-line."

"Oh, like Star Trek novels." Brenda commented.

Traci nodded. "Except the people who write Star Trek novels get paid. These people do it just because they love the show. They don't get paid a thing. All the really cool shows... Star Trek, Buffy, Angel, Roswell, Charmed..they all have tons of people writing fan fiction about them! And now so do we!" Traci really seemed enthusiastic about this.

"And this means we're a hit?" Brenda asked.

"It means we're really connecting with the audience!" Traci explained. "After we're on a year or so, the super-hip and jaded are going to get bored with us and decide that we're past our prime and should be canceled. They've got no attention span. But the people who love us enough to write about us and the ones who love us enough to read what they write, they're our core audience. They're what'll keep us on the air! And, even when we're off the air, there are shows that people actually care enough about to keep going with on-line seasons and role-playing games. Maybe we'll be one of them!"

Actually, that did sound pretty cool. Brenda kind of liked the idea that people cared enough about Hayley to want more of her than Brenda could possibly give them. It meant that she was really doing her job as an actress.

"Is that what you've got in the bag?" Brenda asked. “Fan fiction?"

Traci nodded, "Uh-huh. I ran off a whole bunch last night to show everybody." She frowned for a second. “I hope nobody thinks I'm being weird about this. It's just that I've spent so many years looking for something on the web-anything-about the Love Family and never finding anything. And now, to be on a show that people care enough about to actually write stories about it..."

" Relax," Brenda told her. "You're not being weird. It does sound pretty cool."

Brenda looked at the bag curiously "Err..are any of those stories about Hayley?"

Traci laughed. "Two. Both of them are romances. They match you up with two different people, actually."

"Who?" Brenda asked.

" Well," Traci began "One is about you and Landon and how the two of you find true love even though you come from different worlds..."

"And who's my other romantic interest?" Brenda asked curiously.

Traci suddenly had a very mischievous grin on her face. “Me," she said cheerfully.

Brenda was momentarily surprised. Then she laughed. "You know, maybe Hayley ought to consider that option. You're a lot less high maintenance than Landon."

"And I don't brood nearly as much," Traci pointed out.

They started to walk to the set, still discussing the various stories that Traci had run off.


With one hand in her pocket book and another carrying to file folders, Janet rode the elevator up to the 6th floor. She dug through her pocket book, almost dropping the folders more than once, looking for the office keys. Just as the elevator doors opened, she found them.

"Finally!" she sighed. She stepped out of the elevator and was about to continue to the office door when she stopped abruptly. "Todd?"

The young man got up off the floor and greet Janet. "Good morning. Oh, here, let me help you with that." Todd took the folders out of her hand and handed her one of the cups of coffee he was carrying. "For you."

"Oh, you shouldn't have. Really. I was just going to make coffee in the office, like I always do."

"Nonsense. No need to do that when there's perfectly good, store-bought coffee waiting for you."

Janet smiled uneasily and unlocked the office door. "What are you doing here so early?" She walked in, Todd following close behind her.

"Well, I knew you'd be coming in, so I figured I'd come in too. No reason to be all alone."

Again, Janet smiled uneasily.

"Steve's not coming in today, is he?"

"Not until this afternoon."




"Why is that good?" Janet pressed.

"Oh, um. . .because I didn't finish my article yet."

"Then, you should get to work."


Early that morning, Val woke up and thought today is the day that I’m moving on., a new start. She took a shower, got dressed and headed out the door. She went over to the Beat.

"Hey, Janet," Val said as she walked in.

"Hi, Val, how are you?"

"I'm okay, you?"

"So, so."

"That's good."

"Yeah, so what brings you by?"

"I need to look through the classifieds."

"For what?"

"A job."

"Oh, I thought you were going back to the After Dark, but I guess you wouldn't considering...." Janet trailed off.

"No, no, I just don't think its a good idea, for me and him to be working together. And I feel I need to something else with my life. I love the After Dark and all but I need something different. You know what I'm saying?"

"Yeah, yeah I do," Janet smiled. "Well here, if you go to this web site, you will find a lot of lists of jobs."

"All right," Val said sitting at Janet’s desk. "Thanks."

"No, problem."


Carly dropped Zach off early that morning, and then she had a meeting with Kevin. Later that afternoon she was going to visit Brenda at the set of Class of Beverly Hills. She was looking forward to that a lot more than what she was about to walk into.

She pulled up at Kevin's office and got out of her car. She walked inside and went up the elevator. She paced herself and slowly entered the room. Kevin was sitting at the desk doing some work.

He looked up. "Hey," he said.

"Good morning."

"Our first client should be here any minute," Kevin said and got back to his work.

"Our?" Carly asked.

He looked up. "Is there a problem with that? You being my intern and all I thought that we would be working together so it techniically would be our client," Kevin finished.

She smiled. "Oh, yeah, that's fine."


Janet sat at her desk, editing various articles that would go into the next issue. As she read each carefully, she could feel Todd's gaze upon her. He was really giving her the creeps today. She couldn't wait for other employees to arrive at the office.

Todd got up from his desk and walked over to Janet. He stood behind her and looked at the article she was editing.

"You look tired. Why don't you take a break?"

"I'm fine," Janet told him.

"You seem a little tense too," he said. He put his hands on her shoulders and massaged them.

"Please, Todd. I'm fine."

"C'mon, Janet." He kept touching her shoulders, despite her resistance.

"You're making me really uncomfortable."

Just then, the office door opened. Just as quickly as it opened, did Todd remove his hands, startled that someone was coming in.

Brandon walked in carrying his briefcase, "Good morning Janet, Todd." He stopped in his tracks. "Todd? What are you doing here so early?" "I figured I'd just get a jump on my work." Brandon nodded. That sounded a little peculiar. Todd was usually the last one to arrive at work, sometimes not coming in before one. He shrugged it off and headed over to his desk.


David was excited. Today was the big day!

For a week, he'd been going over every song he'd ever written. He'd been looking for his very best work. It had been hard and painful deciding which of his creations was truly excellent and which was second-rate but he'd done it. He had put together enough songs to make an outstanding portfolio.

Now, the real work was about to begin. He was going to hit every record company in town-from the biggest to the smallest-and he was going to get a job as a songwriter. It'd probably be a really low-level job but that was okay. He just needed to get his foot in the door.

He checked out himself in his bedroom mirror-looking mighty sharp in that suit David, my man- picked up the portfolio, turned out the light in the bedroom and headed out to conquer the music industry.


Kelly speed-walked into Kevin Klein's office. She was supposed to be there ten minutes ago. His secretary told her she could go right into his private office.

"Kelly, I'm so glad you could make it!" Mr. Klein exclaimed when he saw her enter.

He got up to shake her hand.

"I'm so sorry I'm late. I haven't been feeling too well."

"I heard. Your boyfriend called me yesterday."

"He did?"

"Yes. If you don't want to testify tomorrow, you don't have to."

"What exactly did he tell you?"

"Well that you're undergoing chemotherapy to treat your cancer."

"I see. Mr. Klein, I made a promise to you. I'm going to testify."

"Good. I was hoping you'd say that! Now, before we get down to business, I'd like you to meet my intern." He pressed the intercom button on his telephone. "Dorothy, please send Ms. Reynolds in to my office."

A few moments later, Kelly was shocked to see Carly come in through the door. Kelly stood up. "Carly! I didn't know this was the lawyer you were interning with."

Carly was just as shocked to see Kelly. "I didn't know this was the lawyer for the case against Lemme!"

"What a small world!" The two friends laughed together.

Mr. Klein looked a bit confused. "You two know each other?"

"Know each other?" Kelly laughed. "We're extremely close friends."

Carly stopped laughing at her voice took on a more serious tone. "How are you feeling?"

"Not so good," Kelly admitted. "But I’d rather not talk about it."

Mr. Klein interrupted their conversation, "On that note, let's prepare for tomorrow."


Donna had finished training Ryan and was getting ready to open up the store. "Now, remember," she reminded Ryan. "While I'm in the storeroom doing my work, Gina is the boss. Treat her like you would anybody else that you're terribly afraid of."

She smiled at her little joke. Ryan and Gina didn't.

Hoo boy.

"Ryan, you get behind the cash register. I've got some last-minute instructions I want to give Gina."

Ryan nodded and headed for the cash register.

Gina walked over to Donna.

"Give him a chance," Donna said very quietly so that Ryan couldn't hear her.

Gina had a look of martyred resignation on her face. "All right," she muttered, being just as quiet as Donna.

"Thanks," Donna said and headed into the storeroom to start her work.


After looking up jobs at the Beat, Valerie went home. She found two possible jobs that interested her. Both were at magazines, one was at 'Venice Magazine' and 'TotallyLA'. She had called both of them and set up interviews for tomorrow.

She sat down on the coach and ran her fingers through her hair. She looked over at the phone and decided she should check up on Jenn. She picked it up and dialed the ten numbers.

"Hello," the voice said.

Valerie immediately hung up.

"What the hell is Noah doing over there?" she asked herself, then she quickly reminded herself, that they were having a baby together. To get her mind of that she re picked up the phone and called the home shopping channel.


Jenn and Noah were sitting down discussing their roles in parenting, more like fighting.

"What is your problem?" Jenn asked him.

"I don't know, maybe the fact that you don't seem to want anything from me except for my money."

"Okay, that is not true and you know it."

"Ah, whatever."

"Alright, come on, we got to face the fact and in a few months, were going to be parents. So we better start getting along."




"Thanks for meeting with me, Mr. Sanders."

Steve sat down in a chair across from the oak wood desk that Mrs. Eissing sat behind.

"I'm sure you know why I called you down here. . ."

Steve adjusted himself in the chair. "Well, um, not really. It has something to do with Taylor, being that he goes to school here, but that's all I know."

"Well, Mr. Sanders, the teachers at West Beverly have been having somewhat of a problem with Taylor."


"You see, sir, Taylor hasn't really been the best student."

"Which means he's doing poorly in class?"

"When he shows up."

"Taylor cuts class?!?"


"Wow. I must say I am pretty shocked by this. I had no idea."

"That's why I asked you to come in today. To inform you of all this."

"Yes, I see."


The couple had their bags packed and ready by the door a few hours later.

"Got everything?" Michael asked.

She nodded, "Yeah."

"Oh wait, that reminds me I have something for you," Michael said shuffling through his coat and pants pockets.

"Aha," he said and pulled out a wrapped box out of his jacket pocket. He handed it to her and she reached for it when he pulled it back. "Lexi...I just want to say before I give you this gift...that I love you."

She nodded and took the gift, anxiously unwrapping it. She found a necklace with a diamond star that opened up to be a locket. It was placed neatly on top of a silver chain. Lexi slowly opened the locket, careful not to break it, and found on one side a picture of her and on the other a picture of Michael. The pictures were cut in the shape of a heart to fit perfect in the locket.

"Oh my god...I don't know what to say." She wrapped her arms around him in a hug. "I love you," she said gazing into his eyes. And it was true. She loved him more than anything or anyone in the world. She never wanted to admit it but it was true. He saw through the front she put up for everyone. She was a bitch, she could admit, but Michael refused to hate or dislike it. He loved her and she loved him. That was all that mattered.


Jenn went to the Boys and Girls Club, thankfully, she only had to do twenty more hours and she would be done. She walked in and saw the group of pregnant teens she had to speak to. She went over them and began to speak.

"Hey, remember me, I'm Jenn," she said trying to talk over their ongoing conversation.

"Hello, is anyone listening to me?" she yelled. They continued to ignore her.

Finally she screamed All right you little brats, shut the hell up."

All eyes were focused on her. "Now that’s better. So do any of you girls, have any questions about sex?" Every hand in the room went up. "Oh boy," Jenn thought to herself, what did I get myself into? Of course they don't know anything about sex. That's how they all ended up knocked up.

"Umm you," Jenn said pointing to a blonde-haired girl.

"I was wondering if you still could have sex while pregnant. Because I met this new kid and he wanted to do it."

Jenn was astonished. "Umm, I would ask you doctor about that. Next question? Okay you."

The Red-haired girl asked, "I don't like condoms, but I love sex. Any advice for me?"

"Ugh, will you excuse me. I have to go to the restroom," Jenn said taking her purse and running the hell out of there.


Steve was still in the conference with Mrs. Eissing. She was going over all the problems they are having with Taylor and possible ways of fixing them.

"So if he keeps this up, he'll get detention?" Steve asked.

"He's already had detention."

"He has?"

"Yes, everyday, after school. Are you going to tell me he you didn't know that either?"

"Well, I really didn't."

"Mr. Sanders, if Taylor keeps this up, we'll be talking suspension."

"Are you sure that's necessary?!"

"Yes, it is. These are the policies of this school and we strongly follow them. I suggest you have a talk with that child of yours."

"I plan on it."


"Is that all?"

"For now."

"Well, Mrs. Eissing, it was nice meeting you." Steve extended his hand.

"I'm sure we'll be in touch."


Dylan strolled into the Peach Pit and looked around. He was meeting his old friend Gabe Walker for lunch today. His old friend and Brenda's agent, Gabe Walker. He spotted him and crossed the diner giving a wave to Nat on his way. He took the seat across from Gabe.

"Dylan!" Gabe said with a smile. "Good to see you, man. I can't believe this place is still here." Gabe had wanted to go to one of the new trendy restaurants on Rodeo buy Dylan had insisted on the Pit. "I can't believe you're still coming here."

"What can I say? I'm a creature of habit," Dylan replied with a smirk. The waitress came over and they placed their order.

"So, what do you think of the show?" Gabe asked after a sip of hot coffee. "Brenda's great, isn't she?"

Dylan nodded his approval. "Brenda's always been great."

"That's right, you used to date her, didn't you?"

"That was a long time ago, my friend."

"I'm going to ask her out," Gabe informed him. "I don't usually date clients but this time I just may make an exception."

"Is that right?" Dylan asked slowly with a touch of attitude.

"Does that bother you?" Gabe had noticed the edge in Dylan's voice.

"Why should it?"

"It shouldn't..." Gabe said hesitantly.

"That's right, it shouldn't and it doesn't!" Dylan replied.


David decided to go into a diner, order lunch and catch his breath. After he sat down and ordered, he went over the morning in his head.

This had been the worst morning of his life.

It used to be that you could at least count on the secretaries at recording companies to take your portfolios even if they wouldn't let you get to anybody important. Now they wouldn't even do that. They just barked out "We don't take unsolicited material" and threatened to call security if you didn't leave.

David sighed.

He wasn't giving up though. The next name on his list of recording companies was Goldchain Records. He'd hit them after lunch.


After spending two hours with Mr. Klein and Carly, Kelly headed over to The Beat on the Street. She had a few words to say to Brandon. . .

Brandon looked up from his desk and saw her girlfriend come in. He was a bit surprised to see her but pleased. He motioned for her to come over. When she reached his desk, he got up to give her a kiss. She turned away.

"Something wrong?" Brandon asked.

"Yeah, something's wrong," Kelly replied in a not-so-nice tone. "I heard you had a little chat with Mr. Klein."

"Oh, so he told you?"

"Yes, he told me!!" Kelly's voice rose. She was really angry at him.

"Brandon, how could you go behind my back and do that?"

Seeing Janet and other employees staring at him, he led Kelly over to the make-shift kitchen area.

"I was only trying to help you."

"By telling someone my deepest secret right now? My battle with disease is personal and private."

"I understand that."

"Do you? Because when you understand that, you don't go telling people!!"

"Kelly, it's not like you weren't going to tell him. He had to know."

"Yes, I was going to tell him. It was my place, not yours!" She turned to leave.

He grabbed her arm. "Kelly!"

"No, Brandon. I'm tired and I'm sick. I'm not dealing with this. Save it for someone who cares."

Kelly stormed out of the office, leaving Brandon dumbfounded.


Kelly almost knocked Steve over as he made his way into The Beat on the Street office.

"Hi Kel..." he started to say but she was already gone. He looked back, puzzled, before heading on into the office. He went immediately over to Brandon's desk.

"Got a moment?" he asked his friend kindly.

Brandon looked up thankfully. "I sure do," he said with a grim smile. The two men walked out of earshot of the rest of the staff.

"I saw Kelly leaving. I couldn't help but notice that she was crying," Steve offered in way of explanation.

Brandon nodded. "Yes, she's upset with me. I did something I shouldn't have done."

"You?? The perfect one did something wrong?" "I was only trying to help but Kelly didn't see it that way."

"Our Kelly is pretty independent," Steve commented.

Brandon had to smile. "Oh yes, that she is."

"How is she feeling?" Steve asked with concern.

Brandon felt tears coming to his eyes. He brushed them away quickly. "It's been rough on her, really rough. And she won't let anyone help her. She won't take it easy. I don't know what to do for her."

"Someone wise once told me that sometimes the best way to help is just to be there. And to be quiet while doing it."


"How'd you guess?" Steve said, cracking a smile.

Brandon reached over and pulled Steve into a quick hug. "Thanks man. Thanks for listening."

"She's going to be okay Brandon. Don't worry."

"I hope so."


The lobby of Goldchain Records looked like every other record company lobby that David had seen today. Same furniture, same style company logo over the receptionist's desk, same icy- looking receptionist.

David gathered up his nerve and walked over to the desk.

Suddenly, he was surprised to see a familiar-looking man come out of the offices to the reception desk. Where did he know him from? And then he remembered. It was Eddie Kavanaugh. He'd been in some of David's music classes in college.

"Eddie?" David asked incredulously.

Eddie turned his head, surprised. Then he saw David and smiled "David ! Wow, how long has it been? What are you doing here?" This was awkward. The last thing David wanted to do was come off like some jerk who appeared out of the blue and expected some guy he hadn't seen since college to give him a job just like that. He decided to go with the truth. "I'm making the rounds of record agencies trying to see if I can get a job as a beginning songwriter. I swear I had no idea that you worked here..."

Eddie frowned. Don't worry about it." He looked thoughtful. "Could I talk to you in my office? It'll just take a minute."

David was a little puzzled by Eddie's reaction but it couldn't hurt to talk to him. "Sure." he said


After his lunch with Gabe, Dylan drove out to the beach. The day was beautiful and he wished he had brought his board with him. Instead he walked along the sand watching the waves crash along the shore. He thought of his conversation with Gabe. Gabe and Brenda...he couldn't see that one happening. But who knew. He wouldn't have thought that Noah Hunter would have been Brenda's type either. Despite his protesting, he really didn't like the thought of Brenda with anyone. He guessed that was the curse of first loves. Dylan smiled at the thought.

His thoughts turned to Gina and he pondered his feelings for her. He cared for her, he really did. More than that, he admired her strength. He saw a lot of himself in her. They had both chosen the hard path of life or the hard path had chosen them. He didn't want to hurt her, not for anything in the world.


After Kelly left, Carly quickly gathered her papers on the case. "Well, I'll let you go then," Kevin said. "Have fun."

She smiled. "Thanks."

"Listen Carly..." he started. "I'm really sorry for the way I've been acting. I didn't mean to come onto you like that. I don't know what got into me. I'm never like this. I was just upset, my fiancee broke things off with me. I wanted to prove that I could find someone else. I'm sorry. I just don't want you to get the wrong impression of me," he said.

"That's okay. We all have bad days," she said not relieved at all. She was kind of upset finding out that he didn't even have any physical attraction for her. "Well I have to go. Bye."

"See you Monday," he smiled.

"Okay," she said. She put her coat on and headed out the door. She walked into her car and drove off.


Eddie's office was nice. It was the kind of office that you'd expect a junior record company executive to have. Everything was in its proper place. Everything was tasteful. And everything about it screamed "I'm on my way up!"

Eddie sat down behind his desk. "Sit down,” he told David.

David sat in the chair facing Eddie.

Eddie took a deep breath. "Look David, I always thought you were a pretty okay guy so I'm going to do you a favor. I'm going to save you a lot of time. There is no way that you are ever going to get a ground level job as a beginning songwriter with this company."

David was startled. "W-Why?"

"Bottom line-you're too old. This is a youth-driven industry. The only beginning songwriters they want are the ones fresh out of college or even better high school. By your age, you should be an old veteran. You're not technically too old to write songs for this company but by the time they get you trained properly, you will be. This company believes that only young writers can reach a young audience."

"That's ridiculous," David responded. "When I was in high school and college, I listened to plenty of musicians who were way older than me. And so did you. And so did everybody we knew."

Eddie threw up his hands. "That doesn't matter to them. They have this belief and they won't let it go no matter how easy it is to prove them wrong. And I have to enforce that belief or I'll be looking for another job."

David was still trying to process all of this.

I guess that's probably why you haven't found any work yet. A lot of companies have the same attitude we have. I'm not saying you should give up but you should know that it won't be easy."

Eddie got up and shook David's hand. Sorry I couldn't be of more help but I thought you should know."

As David shook Eddie's hand, he noticed that Eddie was starting to lose his hair. One day, Eddie would be an older man in a company that only wanted youth.

David was still shaken by what Eddie had told him. But he had at least one consolation. At least, he wasn't Eddie.


After Jenn ran out of the Center, she drove over to the Beach Apartment. Since Michael was out of town with Lexi, she had no one to talk to and she really wasn't looking forward to spending the afternoon alone. She gently tapped on the door. Valerie answered the door.

"Hey," she said.

"Hi, I was just in the neighborhood so I decide to stop by," Jenn told her.

"I'm glad, come in," she said opening the door for her to come in.

"So what are you up to?"

"Nothing, really. I was just picking out in outfit to wear to my interview tomorrow."

"Interviewing, what for?"

"A magazine. I needed to do something different beside the After Dark. And in college I was really good in advertising so I decide why not give it a try."

"That's sounds good. What are you planning on wearing?"

"A pin strip pants suit?" Val said.

"Are you kidding me?"


"Ah, come on. You need some help bad," Jenn said dragging her into her bedroom.


Lexi and Michael were on the plane, both reading magazines. "So, how are you feeling?" Lexi asked.

"I'm feeling...lucky...loved..." he said a+nd started to kiss her neck.

She pulled back. “Michael stop it, we're in public," she laughed.

A flight attendant walked by and flashed them a dirty look.

"She's just jealous," Michael said.

"Of you?"

He nudged her and laughed.


Brenda and Traci had just finished shooting a scene and were taking a break while the crew set up for the next scene.

"Did I mention that Carly's going to be visiting later?" Brenda asked Traci.

Traci smiled "No, you didn't. That's great."

"Yeah," Brenda agreed. "She was curious about what we do and I invited her to drop by."

"Open sets are so great," Traci observed. "It really makes work a lot more fun when you can share it with the people you love. I wish The Love Family had had an open set." She stopped and thought a moment. "Although, now that I think about it, maybe we did. I think it was just that nobody wanted to admit knowing us."

Brenda laughed.

"We're ready for you two!" they heard the director yell.

"Let's see if you can be that funny with the cameras rolling," Brenda said wryly.

Traci stuck her tongue out at Brenda.


Donna spent a very busy morning doing inventory work. Almost before she knew it, it was noon and Gina came in to the storeroom to report on Ryan's first morning.

So how's he doing?" Donna asked.

Gina frowned, "He's doing okay." she admitted reluctantly. "You may have been right to hire him." She sounded like she would rather have had root canal work than admit it.

"He's a real whiz on the cash register and when it comes to computing sales tax...he's like you with numbers. It's unnatural."

Donna smiled. Gina considered math something that God had invented specifically to torment her. "You're not so bad at working with numbers either." she pointed out.

"Yeah, but you two actually like math! IIt's just weird!" Gina returned to the subject. "Anyway," she continued, "I didn't have a problem with letting him solo while I reported to you."

" Well, let's see how he's doing," Donna opened the storeroom door a crack and she and Gina peeked out.

A brick wall with legs and a USC jacket walked into the store with the most plastic-looking girl Donna had ever seen. The brick wall seemed to know Ryan. "Sanders!" he yelled.

Ryan didn't look happy. "Hello, Eric," he said politely.

So it's true! You really are working here," Eric looked around the store. "You know, I always had a feeling you were kind of..." and he let his wrist go limp. "I'm glad you found a place you fit in. I hope they give you an employee discount on evening gowns." Eric laughed at his joke. So did the bimbo.

Poor Ryan, Donna thought. It was obvious that Eric could tear Ryan apart in the blink of an eye and would love to do just that if Ryan would give him an excuse by reacting to him. I am going to give that jerk a piece of my mind!" Donna whispered to Gina.

"I have a better idea," Gina told Donna.

Gina opened the storeroom door and suddenly started to positively purr. "Hi, sexy," she said to Ryan.

Ryan looked even more shocked to hear Gina call him sexy than Eric and the bimbo were.

Gina walked over to Ryan and started...exploring Ryan's body with her hands. "I know I was supposed to go off to lunch but I just couldn't stay away from you that long. I'm so glad you let me talk you into working here."

Ryan had obviously totally lost the power of speech.

But it didn't matter because Eric couldn't take his eyes off Gina. And his girlfriend had obviously noticed. She looked like she was about ready to kill Eric.

Donna suppressed a giggle.

Finally, Gina pretended to notice Eric and his girlfriend for the first time. Oh" Gina said innocently "these must be some friends of yours from school."

She turned to the girlfriend, "I'm certainly glad that you came here." she said cheerfully. "We have outfits that will make you look so good that nobody will ever notice that cellulite. Isn't that right, lover?"

" Uh-huh," Ryan managed to squeak out.

Gina shook her head. These strong silent types. Can't get a word out of him in public but in bed..."

Eric interrupted her. He looked like his world was crumbling around him. "We've gotta go now. Maybe we can come back later..."

Gina nodded. Of course." She turned to the girlfriend "I'm sure you're probably in a rush to get to the gym and start dealing with that whole cellulite problem. Good for you!" she said supportively.

Eric and his girlfriend left the store. The girlfriend was nervously checking her legs for cellulite deposits.

After Eric and his girlfriend were out of earshot, Gina relaxed and smiled. I've still got it," she said happily.

Ryan was slowly recovering his voice as Donna walked out of the storeroom. "Why?" he asked Gina.

Gina shrugged her shoulders. "Because you're one of us. I bitch a lot about it but I love this store. If somebody attacks the people who work in this store, they attack the store. They attack my home. And when I'm attacked, I don't take prisoners."

Then Gina smiled "None of which means that you're allowed to hit on me, by the way."

Ryan laughed. "That's okay. I decided that I'm not going to do that any more anyway." He looked a little embarrassed, " Idon't think I'm man enough for you yet."

Gina laughed supportively. "Few men are," she agreed.

Donna smiled. Maybe this was going to work out after all.


Valerie and Jenn were looking through her closet.

"Man, when’s the last time you been shopping?" Jenn asked

"Umm, I was in rehab a few months ago."

"Reason being, as soon as you got out, you should have went shopping."

"Well, I guess I was preoccupied. You know with the whole breakup…" Val said, Jenn quickly changing the subject said, "Ugh, well I like that green three quarters shirt, with the green and blue checked skirt."

"Really? Hmm, I don't know, I like the light gray turtleneck with the gray skirt with white flowers."

"No, that too hot for downtown LA"

"Jenn, its March."

"My point exactly. Stick with the green for the first interview and then for the second one put on the long black skirt, with the white collar shirt."

"All right, let’s go order some food," Val said, grabbing the phone.


Carly walked into the set of Class of Beverly Hills. She saw Traci sitting on a stool reading something. She went over to her. "Hey," she said.

Traci smiled. "Carly, hey what's up."

"Nothing, whatcha reading?" she asked and looked over Traci's shoulder.

"Fanfiction about our show."

She nodded. "Oh cool. Anything about Karen in there?"

She laughed. "Why, you like her?" "Yeah, actually, I watched last nights episode and I can't wait to see what's next for her story line," Carly replied.

"Awesome, here take a look at this one while you wait. Brenda's filming a scene over there," she pointed to Brenda who was acting with the actor who played Landon. "She told me to have you wait until she's done, then she'd bring you over to watch some more of her scenes."

Carly smiled. "Great."


Dylan walked into the doors of Now Wear This and was surprised to see Gina at the counter with Sanders' little brother. She had told him that Donna had hired the kid but she wasn't none too happy about it last night. It seemed that that had certainly changed. They looked pretty close today.

Both Ryan and Gina looked up at Dylan approached the counter. Gina's pretty face broke into a smile. "Hi honey. What are you doing here?"

"Dylan, my Man!!" Ryan said with his hand up to slap five with Dylan. One look from Dylan and he put his hand back down. Gina started to laugh.

Dylan shook his head. "Can you get away for a moment? So we can talk alone?" he asked with a glance at Ryan.

"Sure," Gina answered as she walked around the counter. "Ryan, I'll be back in a few minutes. Mind the store!"

"Sure thing boss!" Ryan replied.

Dylan and Gina walked out into the mall. "So, whats up?" Gina asked as they took a seat on a nearby bench.

"I just wanted to see you, is that a problem?"

Gina shook her head, "No, not a problem. Unusual, but not a problem."

"I can't do anything right with you, can I? Dylan asked.

Gina stood up, "I think you came here to pick a fight with me, Dylan. But not today, not with me." Gina walked off leaving Dylan sitting alone.


"Steve," Janet yelled, "the copier's not working."

Steve got up from his desk and walked over to where Janet was banging the copy machine.

"Honey, honey. Treat it gently. Copier's have feelings too."

"Yeah, yeah. Just figure out what the problem is."

Steve looked around, pressed a few buttons and then came to a conclusion. "Janet, it's out of paper."

"Oh," she said, embarrassed that she didn't realize that. "I'll go get some."

"It's in the back room."

"Okay." Janet walked to the back of the office and opened a door. The door led into the storeroom where they kept various supplies and extra issues of the paper. She hadn't realized that Todd followed her into the room, until she turned around. She gasped. "You scared me!"

"I hadn't meant to do that. Trust me. It's a shame people had to come into the office today."


"Well, cause it could have been just you and me." He touched her arm.

Janet felt really uncomfortable. "Steve. . ." she yelled.

A moment later he walked in. Janet could see nervousness in Todd's face. He thought she was going to tell Steve that he was hitting on her. After all, he was.

Instead, she lied. "Where's the paper? I can't find it."

Steve looked around. "Hmmm. We must be all out. Guess we'll have to order some. Todd, why don't you go do that? You know where the number is."

"Um, sure," he said. He turned and left the room.

"You okay?" Steve asked Janet. "You don't look too happy."

"I'm fine.”


"Bren, I must say you did an excellent job. My only regret is I didn't get to see any of your scenes!" she said to Traci. All three of them were walking out together.

Traci laughed. "Believe me they aren't anything to write home about."

Brenda nudged her playfully.

"Well I better be getting home now," Carly said as they stopped at her car. "And thanks for everything. I'll call you," she said to Brenda. "Bye guys."

"Bye Carly," Traci said.

"Bye," Brenda said.

Carly got into her car and started it up. She drove out of the parking lot, and started to play the radio.


David wandered the streets of Beverly Hills feeling lost and confused.

Was Eddie right? Had he waited too long? Had the music world passed him by for good?

All his life, he had loved music. Sure, he'd flirted with directing in college but that was only a brief flirtation. Hell, as soon as he'd gotten really comfortable directing, he had immediately started to focus on making music videos.

But, as fun as that was and as fun as being a DJ was and as fun as writing about music was, nothing in the world compared to actually creating music. If it was too late to do that, he didn't know what to do.

It was getting late. Donna would be home soon. He decided to head back to the bungalow and think things over some more.


Carly walked into her house. She sat down on the couch and breathed a sigh of relief. Then Zach came out of his room, followed by Leah.

"Hey mom!" he yelled.

"Hi Carly," Leah said and smiled.

She smiled. "Hey guys. Did you have fun?"

"Yeah I think we did," Leah said eyeing Zach.

"Yup, Leah's little brother has the same Nintendo games as me so next time she is going to bring him over."

"If that’s okay with you?"

"Yeah, that's fine," Carly said. "Well here you go," Carly said handing her the money she already had in her hand.

"Bye Carly, bye Zach."

"Bye Leah."


Leah walked out the door.

"Hey mom, how about we order some pizza and stay up late watching movies?"

She laughed. "Nice try, it's a school night."


Kelly spent the rest of the day driving and crying. She would drive a little, pull over, and then cry. Drive. Pull over. Cry. You would think at this point she'd have no more tears left. But they kept coming. She cried to the point where you could say she was bawling. She didn't mean to yell at Brandon the way she had. Something just came over her and she couldn't control herself. It was weird. Almost like she wasn't there. She was in the room, watching this person who looked just like her, yell and scream at the one man who meant the world to her. She thought about going back and apologizing, but she decided to just go home and sleep. She had trouble sleeping so she decided to make some dinner. Brandon got home just as she setting everything out on to the table. "Hi," she said quietly.

"Hi," he said back, just as quietly.

"I made dinner."

"I can see that." He pulled out a chair and sat down. She did the same.

They each served themselves, avoiding a conversation.

"About this afternoon. . ." she started.

"Save it," Brandon said sternly. "Now I don't want to hear it."


"What Kelly? You want to apologize for throwing a fit today in the office in front of everyone?"

"Yes, I do. It wasn't me talking. It was the medicine. I'm not myself lately."

"You're right, you're not yourself."

"But I don't think you're yourself either. All we seem to be doing is fighting."

"Kelly, I'm sure as hell not the one who's instigating it."

"What are you saying? That it's all my fault??" Brandon didn't reply.

I see," Kelly said quietly. She struggled to fight back tears. "You know what Brandon? I'm not just sick of this medicine and this cancer and my life. I'm sick of you."

"So leave then!" he shouted. "Nothing's keeping you here."

Kelly gasped, surprised that he was actually telling her to leave. She started to say something but choked on the words. She got up from the table and searched through the kitchen for her keys. She found them on the counter. She grabbed them but they were stuck on the something. Kelly yanked on her keychain, trying to get them free. She yanked so hard that the chain broke and keys went flying everywhere. She dropped to the floor, scrambling to pick up the keys. Brandon bent down to help her.

"Don't!" she said sternly. She picked up a few of the keys and ran out of the apartment.


Speechless, Brandon watched Kelly walk out the door in anger for the third that day. It was more than he could handle. In the instant the door slammed, Brandon reached out and knocked the kitchen table over. Dishes and food flew everywhere.

Brandon looked around at the mess. Maybe Kelly was right and their problems weren't all her. He hadn't been feeling himself, ever since he had heard the word cancer come from Kelly's beautiful lips. He couldn't bear the thought of losing her.

Brandon stepped over the mess he had made and went into the bedroom they shared. He rummaged in his top dresser drawer and quickly found what he was looking for. The velvet jeweler's box that held Kelly's engagement ring. The one he had bought and then she had bought. It was in his hands once again. Maybe he needed to ask her to marry him. He wanted nothing more in life. But she would probably see it as him feeling sorry for her. And that wouldn't keep the cancer away anyway. Brandon sighed. He replaced the small box in his dresser. He needed to find Kelly. He didn't know if he had the words to say that she needed to hear. Brandon had never felt so helpless in his life.


Donna entered the bungalow in a really good mood. After the business with Eric, Gina had pretty much dropped any objections to working with Ryan. In fact, she even seemed to be becoming kind of fond of him in a grouchy Gina kind of way.

Donna smiled. She was remembering that before Gina had left the store, she had told Donna "The little dork's kind of okay. For a little dork."

She noticed that the light was on in the den. David must be home.

She walked into the den and David was sitting there, looking depressed.

"Hi, honey," Donna said. "Is something wrong?"

David sighed. "Kind of. I didn't tell you this because I wanted it to be a surprise but a few days ago, I decided to get my music career going again..."

Wow! How could that possibly be bad news, Donna wondered. That was incredibly good news! "That's so great!" she interrupted excitedly. "You're such an incredible musician! I'll bet you'll get an album deal in no time this time!"

David smiled bitterly "It may already be too late for that. Do you remember Eddie Kavanaugh?"


Steve, Janet, Taylor and Madeline just sat down for dinner. This was becoming a routine and they started to feel like a real family. Except for Maddy. She was the only one who didn't know what were feelings were yet.

All was going well and the dinner Janet made tasted really good. They made conversation, talking about general things such as the war on terror, Ryan working at Donna's store and a variety of other topics. Then, Steve turned the conversation onto to school.

"So Taylor, how's school going?" Steve asked. "We rarely ever talk about it."

Taylor took a sip of his ice tea. "It's going good."

"Well," Janet said.


"Well, Taylor. It's going well, not good."

"Riiight," he said, with a little laugh, "I guess I let that one slip."

"What else have you let slip, Taylor?" Steve asked him another question. "Besides your grades." Steve really caught Taylor off guard. The expression on his face clearly showed that he knew he was busted.

Taylor took a deep breath. "I can explain. . ."

"Explain what, Taylor?" Steve played dumb. "What's on your mind?"

"Oh, nothing. Nevermind."

"No, go ahead. Please tell."

Taylor started to squirm in his seat, feeling really uncomfortable. "Well. . ."

"Well. . .we're waiting."

"I guess I should tell you that my grades have been slipping."

"And why is that?"

"I guess because I haven't really been showing up for class."

"And why is that?"

"I don't know."

Janet spoke up. "You don't know? How can you not know? It's those friends of yours, isn't it? Are they making you do this?"

"No, no. They aren't making me doing anything."

"Then, what?" she asked. "You're skipping class because you like it?"

"I don't know what to say."

Steve put his napkin on the table. "How about the truth?" Steve waited a few seconds for a reply but Taylor didn't say anything. "You know what? Why don't you just go to your room?"

Taylor got up from the table, out of the kitchen, and up to his room. "You think we were to hard on him?" Steve asked Janet.

"Not at all. . .I hope."


"Wow, I can't believe I just ate entire pizza by myself," Jenn said looking at the empty extra cheese pizza box.

"I know, me either. I mean I really wanted a slice, it looked really good."

"I'm sorry, but you had a grilled chicken salad."


"So, I'm eating for two. I can eat like that, you can't."

Val threw a pillow at Jenn's head.

"Ouch!" Jenn said.

"Hey, do you want to stay the night? I mean, I don't want you to have to drive home this late."

"I would like that. Thanks.”

"No problem," Val smiled. She was happy that her and Jenn were reconnecting.


Finally, Lexi and Michael got home. They walked into Michael's apartment and Lexi immediately got a glass of water. "God, I thought I was going to croak on that plane ride.Michael was going through his mail that Jen brought in for him, which was on the table. "Yeah..." he said, but his mind seemed to be somewhere else. Lexi took a sip of her water and put it down on the table. She went behind Michael's shoulder. "What's that?"

"It's from NYU, I applied there a few months ago...."

"You’re going back to college?" Lexi asked confused.

"No, I applied to help practice medicine there."

"Well what does it say?"

Michael's eyes reread the letter over and over again. "It says they want an interview...I'm being considered as one of the top ten." A smile spread across his face. "Oh my god, Lexi this is great! I can be a doctor who inspires people! I can't believe this is happening to me!"

Lexi picked up her water and dumped it on his head. "Well Michael, I'm happy for you." She walked out without another word.


Kelly sat outside Brandon's apartment. She had her back towards the door, letting her body rest up against it. She sobbed quietly. After sitting there for quite a while, she saw Brandon walking towards the apartment. As he got closer, he realized Kelly was sitting on the ground.

Before he could say anything, she started to. "When my key chain broke, I must have lost the key to our apartment. I mean, your apartment."

"Our apartment." He sat down next to her. "Kelly, I don't want to ever fight like that again.”

"Neither do I." She wiped her tears. "I don't what came over me. I didn't mean what I said Brandon. You don't make me sick. But if you still want me to leave. . ."

"No, no. Of course not." He put her arm around her and she rested her head on his shoulder.

"What's wrong with us, Brandon?"

"I don't know. . ."

"It's the cancer. It's killing me."

"Don't say that."

"It is, Brandon. Look at me, I'm letting it take over my life. Look at the power it has over me. I'm a mess."

"I wish I could help you, but I can't."

"I know. I just can't take it. I'm too young."

"Too young for what?"

"To die."


David told Donna all about his conversation with Eddie.

"So you can see why I'm so worried," David concluded.

Donna looked puzzled. "No," she responded. "Why are you so worried?"

David was surprised. Wasn't it obvious? "Well, what Eddie said about me being too old to break into the music business..."

Donna dismissed that with a wave of her hand. "David, do you remember what you used to tell me about Eddie?"

David shook his head.

"You used to say that he was a great guy but he didn't have any backbone. At the first sign of trouble, he'd cave in. That's probably why he gave up on music and became an executive instead. You've always known that becoming a successful musician wasn't going to be easy. What's one more obstacle?"

David thought for a minute. Donna was absolutely right…as always. "I love you," he told Donna and gave her a big kiss.

Donna giggled. "Now I think it's time that we started building up your strength for all that door-knocking. I think you need a real workout." She took David's hand and led him towards the bedroom.


It was getting late and Steve and Janet were awfully tired. The two were turning down the bed together, when Taylor walked in.

"I just wanted to say goodnight," he said quietly.

"Goodnight Taylor," Janet said.

"Goodnight Taylor," Janet said.

Taylor made a small smile. "I'm hoping we can talk in the morning. Goodnight." He turned around and closed the bedroom door behind.

"That was sweet of him," Janet said.

"I suppose."

"Steve, I was wondering something," Janet started as she got into bed.

Steve joined her. "Yeah?"

"What do you think of Todd?"

"I think he's a great guy. A hard worker."

"He doesn't strike you as weird?"

"Weird? Weird how?"

"Oh, I don't know. Just forget it."

"It's forgotten." Steve leaned over and kissed Janet goodnight.

"Love you, honey."

"I love you too."

Steve shut off the light and turned over. Within a few minutes, Steve was asleep. But Janet wasn't. She stayed awake for the next two hours, thinking about Todd and how uncomfortable he made her feel today.

Day Two


Lexi walked into her kitchen tired. She didn't get a good night sleep. She kept thinking about Michael, and home so excited about going to New York. The image of his face just kept playing over and over again in her mind. She poured herself a cup of instant coffee, she didn't feel like making it herself.

She was upset, she wouldn't deny it. Then it hit her. She knew exactly what she needed…a shopping trip.


Valerie was ready for her first interview at Venice Magazine. She went into Jenn's room and gently shook her, "Hey."

"Hey," Jenn said rubbing the sleep out of her eyes.

"I'm leaving."

"All right, good luck."

"Will you be here when I get back?" she asked.

"If you want me to be here."

"Yeah, I do. So we can talk about my interview," she smiled as she left the house.


As Brandon struggled with tying his tie, Kelly flattened out a crease in her skirt. In approximately 1 and a half hours, Kelly had to be in court. She was getting nervous and seeing Brandon's getting frustrated with his tie, certainly didn't help.

"Here! Let me do that." She went and stood behind him.

"Are you nervous?" Brandon asked her.

"Define nervous. Okay, yes I am."

"Well, I'm going to be there. And your mother will too."

"You help. My mother, on the other hand, well, we'll see."


"Hey, can I talk to you guys?" Taylor entered Steve and Janet's bedroom early Tuesday morning. He was dressed and ready for school.

"Sure," Janet said with a smile. "Come sit down."

Steve, Janet, and Taylor all sat on the bed. After fidgeting with his hands for a few moments, Taylor started to speak.

"I will admit that I have been cutting classes. . .several classes."

Taylor paused. "Several times."

"Why?" Janet asked. "Why are you cutting?"

"Lotsa reasons. Well, the most obvious. My friends. They've been pressuring me, I guess. But I can't blame them. I do have friends that have tried to stop me and I've still done it."

Steve cleared his throat. "And what's not-so obvious?"

Taylor tensed up. He really was embarrassed about this. "I'm having trouble in a lot of my classes. My grades aren't just slipping because I'm cutting class. I don't understand the material. Sitting there, confused, just gave me one more reason to cut. I didn't want to put up with it."

"Cutting isn't the answer, Taylor," Janet said. "There are many solutions. You should have told us."

Taylor shrugged, "I guess."

Steve reached out and touched his shoulder, "Taylor, we're here to help you. We wouldn't get angry if you came to us. We would be impressed at your effort. You would have been taking the first step and showing us you wanted help. That's nothing to be ashamed of. Listen, it's getting late. We don't want you to be late for school, so you better get going."

"Okay." Taylor got up from the bed and headed towards the door. Janet got up abruptly. "Taylor, thanks for coming to talk to us. And make an effort in school today, please. If not for us, but for yourself."

He nodded and walked out.


Since Valerie had awaken her she went into the kitchen and fixed a bagle and cream cheese. While she was eating it she heard her cell phone ring. She ran down the hall to her purse and answered it "Hello," she said breathlessly.

"Jennifer Mancini?"

"Yes, this is her."

"This is Amanda from the Boys and Girls Center. I wanted to know what happened."

"I can't deal with those kids."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, they are terrible kids."

"Excuse me?"

"They are brats. I need to be transferred. I would rather pick up trash then work with those kids."

"Fine, I will talk with the judge," Amanda said harshly and hung up.


David walked over to Steve's desk.

"What's up?" Steve asked him.

"I just wanted to let you know that I'm trying to get my music career going again."

Steve grinned. "Terrific! How can I help?"

"Well, I'm really going to need to talk more with Artie in Classifieds about this but I just wanted to ask you to let me know if you hear of any ground-level opportunities for struggling musicians."

"No prob," Steve said and returned to his work.

David was a little surprised. "You don't mind that I'm looking for another job?"

Steve looked up. “Janet and I never thought you were going to be here forever. You're a musician." Steve leaned back and grinned, "however, when you win your first gold record, we get the exclusive and when you win your Grammys, you always have to thank us first in your acceptance speeches."

David laughed, " It's a deal. Thanks.

I have one thing going for me that you didn't, Eddie, David thought. I have the best cheering section in the world.


Valerie walked down the long narrow corridor to the reception desk. "Hi, my name is Valerie, I have a 9 o’ clock appointment, with Richard Dyke."

"One second."

"Okay," Val smiled as the lady went to confirm it.

"All right, you may go in. It’s the 2nd door on the left."

"Thank you," Val said and went into the office.

"Valerie Malone, I presume," Richard said.

"Yes, and you must be Richard."

"You are correct," he said extending his arm for a handshake. "So, you used to run the After Dark. Great place, I frequent there."

"Yeah, it is."

"So, why did you quit?"

"Time to change up."

"I see, well we do have a position in our advertising department. And I know you are experienced with advertising."

"Yes I am",p> "Well then you know that its extremely important that it comes out on time. And is neatly displayed and in only the best way possible."

Val nodded her head.

"Hmm," he nodded back. "I have a good feeling about you Valerie," he said to her and continued to ask her questions.


Halfway through the day, Janet was pleased to be told she had a phone call. She was pleased at any thing that made her busy, too busy for Todd to talk to.

"Hello?" she said into the phone, not knowing who it would be.

"Mrs. Sanders, this Mrs. Eissing from West Beverly High. I met with your husband yesterday regarding Taylor."

"Oh yes, that's right. What can I do for you?"

"I just wanted to inform you that Taylor has showed up for all of his morning classes."

"He did?"

"Yes, he did. And a few of his teachers stopped me in the hall to tell me that he was, indeed, participating in class."

"That's very good news."

"Yes, it is. It's also quite a turn around. Let's see if he can keep it up."

"I assure you, Mrs. Eissing, he will."


Kelly and Brandon made their way up the stairs outside of the courthouse. In the car ride, they had made general conversation. Neither of them mentioned the events that took place the day before. They had sat outside together, Kelly in Brandon's arms, crying, for about two hours. Then they went inside and got into bed. Kelly cried herself to sleep. Brandon tried not to hear. When the morning came, each awoke with smiling faces, as if nothing had happened. Both knew deep down inside that that wasn't true at all. They went inside and took the elevator up to the 5th floor. They passed through a crowded hallway and found the correct room. Kelly started to open the door when Brandon stopped her.

"Wait," he said, grabbing her arm.

"What is it?"

"Listen, whatever goes on in there, it won't change anything between us."

"I know, Brandon. Why would it?"

"Not just in there. But anywhere. Perfect health or not, successful or not, I'll love you anyway. I'll be with you always."

"That's the nicest, most comforting thing anyone could have said to me. Coming from you makes it a thousand times better."

Brandon kissed her. "C'mon. There's a guy in there that needs to pay for his mistake."


Carly arrived the cour house around the same time as Kelly and Kevin arrived. "Are you ready for this?" Carly asked her.

"Yeah, I'm ready," Kelly said confidently.

Carly touched her shoulder. "Everything will be fine."

Kevin checked his watch and looked straight ahead. "We should start heading through the crowd right about now."

"Let's go," Brandon said coming up behind them with a glass of water for Kelly.

She smiled. "Thanks."

They started walking through a crowd of people and news reporters taking pictures. Kevin shoved his hand on the lens of one of them as they continued to walk.

"Miss Taylor can I please have a statement?" a woman asked.

Kelly gave her a dirty look and they all continued to walk by.

Carly was worried about Kelly. But somehow she knew that she could make it through this.


Now Wear This was getting ready to open.

Donna had given Gina the results of her work from the day before so that Gina could study them and be up-to-date on everything. Gina was busy studying the results and Ryan was carrying a big pile of boxes into the storeroom.

In fact, Donna realized, he was carrying too big a pile of boxes.

"Don't carry all those boxes at once," she warned Ryan. "Make two trips!"

"Don't worry!" Ryan assured her. "I've got them." The very next second, he dropped all of them.

"Next time, make two trips," Donna told him casually.

Ryan just stood there, surrounded by boxes. He seemed to be waiting for something. "That's it?" he asked.

What did he mean by that, Donna wondered. Then, suddenly it hit her. Ryan's father would've chewed him out a lot more for that mistake.

"I assume you're smart enough not to make that mistake again now that you know why you shouldn't," Donna told him.

Without looking up from her reading, Gina added "Kid, if you're trying to replace me as company screw-up, you're going to have to do a lot worse than dropping some boxes. A lot worse."

Ryan smiled a little-boy smile that, for once, really made him look like Steve and started to pick up the boxes.

Ryan was going to work out just fine, Donna thought.


A couple of hours later, the courts had called her and said she needed to finish up her fifteen hours at the Boys and Girl Club and she could not transfer. She drove back to Melrose Place to shower and get some new clothes. There was a message that awaited her "This is Jen, I’m not here so leave it at the beep."

"Hey its me Noah, I was figuring we should talk, call me."

"Hmm let me think about it. Nope," she said walking out of the door, she really didn't like Noah at all. She had no idea what Val saw in him. I mean yeah he was hot and a good lay and all, but as far as personality was concerned, he was a jackass.


Forty-three minutes into the start of the trial today, Kelly was called to the witness stand.

"Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth so help you God?"

"Yes, I swear," Kelly said.

Mr. Klein got up from his seat in the prosecution and walked closer to the witness stand. "Kelly, how are you doing today?"

"Fine, thank you."

"Why don't you start at the beginning of the story, okay?"

Kelly nodded. For the next ten minutes, she began the story. No detail was left untold.

"Any why exactly were you suspicious of Mr. Lemme?" Mr Klein asked her at one point.

"He just didn't seem true. He acted as if he was hiding something."

"So you went and met with a scientist."

"Yes, Professor Powers. He works at UCLA."

"Yes. And for everyone's information, we will be speaking to him later." He turned his attention back to Kelly. "And what did Professor Powers find?"

"That this drug was dangerous," Kelly replied.

"How dangerous?"


"Thank you, Ms. Taylor. Your witness," Mr. Klein said to Lemme's attorney, Ms. Whitherfield.

Ms. Whitherfield scanned her notepad and then got up from the defense table. "Ms. Taylor, just a few minutes ago you said you were suspicious of Mr. Lemme and that he gave you reasons for your suspicion. So you investigate him and his drug. Is that correct?"

"Yes, it is."

"Isn't it also correct that you went against your word to Mr. Lemme?"

"And what word is that?"

"He asked you not to research the drug. You did. You went against your word."

"Yes, that is also correct, but--"

"But what, Ms. Taylor?"

"I may have gone against my word but Mr. Lemme went against a bigger one. He was a fraud. A fraud who pretended to have a drug that was licensed that could have possibly killed tons of people."

"And that's what matters?"

"Yes, I believe that's what matters."

"We'll see if the jury agrees with that, now won't we? No further questions, your honor."


Despite Janet asking him not to, Steve left the office to go pick up some lunch. Janet felt extremely uncomfortable being there with Todd. Yes, other people were in the office. Plenty of people. But it didn't stop Todd from hitting on her. As subtle as his hints were, he was definitely making passes at her. She just didn't know what to do about it.

She saw Todd headed straight for her desk. Luckily, as he was walking, Steve came in through the door. Saved!

"Have no fear, Steve, the food man is here!!!!!!" he yelled in a deep voice that sent the office into laughter.

Janet got up from her desk, passed Todd, and walked over to Steve, giving him a big kiss on the cheek. "My hero!"


The trial was having a fifteen-minute recess. Kelly hurried out of the courtroom, her forehead sweating. Brandon dashed out after her.

"Hey, you okay?"

"No, I'm not." She went over to the water fountain and took a sip. Brandon followed.

"What's the matter?"

"I just got a little dizzy all of a sudden."

"Maybe it was just from all the tension in there."

"Maybe. Every time I looked, I saw Lemme staring at me. Watching me with this fierce look in his eyes. But I don't think that's it."

"Then what?"

"I think. . .I think. . .I think I'm going to be sick."

Kelly ran down the hall and into the ladies room. Worried and a bit panicked, Brandon ran after her and into the ladies room.

"Kel? Kelly," he called. A few women washing their hands gave him looks. "I'm just looking for my girlfriend! Please, leave if you must!" Each of the women hissed as they passed Brandon on the way out.

Kelly came out of one of the stalls and went to the sink. She washed her hands and rinsed off her mouth.

"You okay?" Brandon asked her. She shook her head 'no'. "Why don't I just get you home? Come on."

Brandon helped her out of the bathroom. As they were walking, they passed Jackie.

"What? Where are you going??" she asked, extremely confused. "Home," Brandon said simply.


Valerie was in the car driving back to the Beach Apartment. She was done with all her interviews. She really didn't like Totally LA, she thought they were a little too young for her. But she also had a good feeling about Richard, and hoped she would be receiving a call from him.

She pulled up to Lighthouse Road and parked her car, stepping out the car, with two milkshakes.

"Jenn," she called out as she stepped into the house.

"Hey, is that for me?" she asked taking the chocolate milkshake.

"Yeah," she said sipping on her vanilla milkshake.

"So how did it go?”

"Very good."

"That's a good thing, right?"

"Very good thing Jenn."

"Awesome! Want to celebrate?"

"What did you have in mind?" Val asked worriedly.


Brandon took Kelly home and tucked her into bed. She was sick, really sick. Rest would definitely help but she needed more than that. She needed to know that she wasn't in this alone. It was time to rally the forces and Brandon knew exactly where to start.


Lexi walked into Now Wear This. She saw Ryan at the counter.

"Um...aren't you Steve's little brother?"

He nodded. "Yeah," he said checking her out.

"Is Donna here? Or Gina?" she asked.

"Hello Lexi," Donna said coming out of the back. "What can I help you with?"

"I need a dress," she replied.


Lexi smirked. "Let's just say, a dress that says 'I'm sexy and men want me'," she said.

Ryan smirked and Donna looked at her strangely.

"Okay, how about this?" She held up a strapless black dress with two slits up the side and covered in sequins.

"Umm I'd say that'll do," Lexi said with a smile.


It didn't take much for Dylan to drop everything he was doing and come running at Brandon's call. Of course, he wasn't doing much anyway. He drove over to Melrose with thoughts of Kelly on his mind. He would always love her, even if she was Brandon's now. He had been deeply upset at the news of her illness but had tried to keep his distance. Obviously that had been the wrong thing to do. He could hear the desperation in Brandon's voice when he called. His friends needed him. And he would be there.


Valerie had just hung up the phone with Brenda, they were going to hang out and talk today. She wondered if Brenda was only wanting to talk to her because of what happened to Noah. She decided she needed to stop thinking the worst of people and went to shower. After she got out of the shower, she was dressed, in a blue skirt and a yellow three quater shirt. She was headed out of her door, when Noah was there.

"I'm on my way out," Val said pushing past him.

"Can't you just talk to me? It will only take a couple seconds."



"You got twenty-five words."

"Val, I know, you said you want nothing to do with me but I refuse to accept that. I love you."

"That's twenty-one words, what’s your other 4?"

"Come on Valerie."


"Will you just stop it and listen to me?"

"I already did. I gave you eight more words." Val said leaving.


Brandon opened the door and was relieved to see Dylan. "Thanks for coming, man."

Dylan didn't justify the comment with an answer. Where else would he be. He walked through the door that Brandon held open for him.

"Kelly's sleeping," Brandon told him.

"Good. Gives me the chance to talk to you. How are you holding up?"

Dylan took a seat on the couch and stared intently at his friend.

"Why does everyone keep asking me that? I'm not the one who's sick," Brandon informed him.

"Brandon, you're a smart boy. You can figure that out. You know that you have to stay strong for her even when you're feeling helpless inside. Those kind of feelings can tear you apart."

"That pretty much sums it up."

Dylan smiled, "Brandon, I know the fear of losing someone. But you just need to take it a day at a time. You will both get through this." "I know we will," Brandon offered his agreement. "I'm glad you're here. And I know that Kelly will be glad to see you too."

With that, the men heard a soft voice from the bedroom calling out. "Brandon? Are you here?”


Brenda walked around her apartment, checking to make sure it was tidy. Val was coming over soon and she wanted to make sure that everything looked nice for Val.

During a routine housecleaning, Mom had discovered, packed away in a crate somewhere, a ton of pictures of Brenda and Val in their third grade play. Figuring that Brenda would want pictures of her "first role", Mom had had copies made of the pictures and mailed the copies to Brenda (There was no way Cindy Walsh was going to let go of originals of pictures of her little girl!). Brenda had decided to invite Val to take a look at the pictures and engage in a little sentimental reminiscing.

The doorbell rang.

It was Val.

" Hi," Brenda said. "Come on in. Make yourself comfortable. I'll go in the bedroom and get the pictures."

Val came in and Brenda headed for the bedroom.

Brenda had just found the pictures when her phone rang. Brenda picked it up.

"Hello," she said.

"Hello, Ms. Walsh," an all-too-familiar voice greeted her. It was Beck.

"Don't you have a life, Beck?" Brenda groaned.

"Oh, I have a life, Ms. Walsh," Beck assured her. "And it's going quite well. Before too much longer, I will be leaving the ghetto of entertainment writing for the California Review of Books. You, in the other hand, will soon be a national scandal and your career will be damaged irreparably. Unless you have the information I requested." "Beck, did it ever occur to you that Traci just doesn't have anything to hide?" She doubted that this would work but it was worth a shot.

"Oh, everybody has something to hide, Ms. Walsh. You certainly do. And everybody will know it soon."

She'd had it with this guy. "I don't care, Beck! I'd rather go back to folding shirts and never act again than stab Traci in the back! You can stop calling me and just start writing your article! I'll never do what you want!"

Beck just chuckled. "We'll see," and he hung up.

Brenda angrily slammed the phone down.

And then she saw an utterly shocked-looking Val standing in the doorway of her room.

"Are you all right?" Val asked worriedly. "I heard screaming."

She had forgotten all about Val.

Suddenly, it occurred to Brenda that maybe she should tell Val about Beck. Traci had already told Val about her having been in rehab so it wouldn't be like she was violating Traci's confidence. Maybe Val might have some ideas about how to deal with Beck.

"It's a long story," Brenda told Val. "Let's go in the living room and I'll explain it to you."


Dylan and Brandon entered the bedroom. Dylan noticed that Kelly looked tired, with dark circles beneath her eyes. Beyond that she looked healthy as ever. She smiled as she saw him enter the room. Dylan's insides tugged when he saw that smile. He sat gingerly on the edge of the bed, careful not to move her. He reached over and took her hand. "I heard that you knocked them over in court today."

Kelly smiled, "Lets hope the jury thought so."

Brandon stood back and let the McKay magic work its charm. Kelly noticed and motioned him to come closer. He walked over and sat on the opposite side of her. "I'm glad you're here," she said quietly to the both of them. She reached over and squeezed Brandon's hand.

Brandon smiled and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek.


Brenda really didn't know how Val would react once she finished telling her about Beck. But she really didn't expect her to burst into a big grin.

"My God," Val said. "You really don't see it, do you?"

" See what?" Brenda asked.

"Then again, Brandon wouldn't see it either," Val mused. "I've known both of you all my life and sometimes even I forget how much alike you are."

"See what?" Brenda repeated, starting to get annoyed.

Val laughed and started to explain it to her. "Actually, Beck's really given you all the information you need to decide about what to do."

"Huh?" Brenda asked.

"Remember when he told you that everybody's got something to hide?" Brenda nodded.

"Well, isn't he somebody? All you have to do is find out what he's got to hide and blackmail him into leaving you and Traci alone."

"But...but how could I find out what he's got to hide? It's not like I'm a detective or anything," Brenda pointed out.

"You're not," Val agreed. "But I know somebody who makes his living handling things like this." Val leaned forward. "Did Dylan ever tell you how we rescued his sister from her mother and her crazy boyfriend?"

Brenda nodded, "Yeah. It's not a period in his life that he likes to talk about much but he did tell me about what you had to go through to get her back."

Val looked her directly in the eye. "We couldn't have done it without help. The guy who helped us- a guy named Jonesy-he's a good man, Brenda." She smiled affectionately, "a weird man but a good man. I've stayed in touch with him- we've helped each other out a time or two- and this is the sort of job he loves. I'm sure he'll be happy to help you out."

"And you trust this guy?" Brenda asked.

"With my life," Val said solemnly.

That was quite a recommendation. Val didn't trust too many people.

"Okay," Brenda told Val. "I'll give him a call."

Val shook her head. "It doesn't work that way. I have to get in touch with him. There's a whole complicated process that I have to put in motion. But he will contact you very soon. I promise."

Brenda nodded, "Okay. Thanks."

"No problem," Val said cheerfully. "But I am going to have to insist on my reward."

Brenda smiled, "And what would that be?"

Val smiled, "I want to see those pictures of two geeky little third-graders in their class play already!"

Brenda laughed.


Jennifer was faced to deal with what she thought was going to be the most difficult thing she would ever do. Tell her mother she was pregnant.

"Okay, Jenn you can do it," she coached herself. "Pick up the phone, dial the number." She did it. Her mom picked up on the third ring



"Jennifer, how are you?"

"I'm okay, what about you?"

“I’m doing good, baby."

"Speaking of babies…"

"We’re not speaking about babies."

"Oh, well, now we are. So, I just wanted to say I'm going to have one."


"Mom, don’t flip out."

"Unless you tell me your getting married and didn't tell me then I will be flipping out."

"No, Mom I'm not getting married and I have no intention on it."

"Are you kidding me? You’re a Catholic, you can't have a baby without a husband."

"Well, I guess I’m going to be the exception to that rule."


"You know what, I called you because Michael made me to. Now I told you, so..." Before Jenn's mom could get a word out she had hung up on her.


Steve walked into the living room where Taylor was holding Maddy while watching television.

"Heard you did really well in school today."

"Yes, I did. I'm proud of you. You went in there today and blew them all away."

"That rhymed," Taylor pointed out.

"Oh, it did, didn't it? I'm a poet and I didn't even know it!" They both laughed. "In all seriousness though, Taylor, I really am proud of you."

Taylor smiled. "Good. Cause that's what I want. I want you to be proud of me. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go change Maddy's diaper."

"Wow. You're gonna change her diaper?!? You're on a roll. Keep it up, kid."

Steve smirked and headed out of the living room. "Have fun. Oh, and a word to the wise, hold your nose."


The ongoing conversation between Kelly, Brandon and Dylan was interrupted when the phone rang. Brandon got up to get it.

"Hello?....Yes, hold on. She's right here." Brandon handed the phone to her. "It's the DA."

Kelly sat up in bed a little more and put some loose strands of hair behind her ear before getting on the phone. "Hi, Mr. Klein.....I'm doing a little better, thanks....Oh, that fast? Okay, well go ahead. Tell me.....Wow.....Yes, we will be in touch. Have a good night." Kelly hung up the phone.

"What happened?" Dylan asked.

"The jury came to a decision."

"Already?" Brandon asked.

Kelly nodded. "They convicted him. They gave him a $5000 fine and three to five years in prison."

"Wow," Dylan said.

Kelly let out a little laugh. "My thoughts exactly. The sentencing is two weeks from today."

Brandon kissed her on the forehead, "You did it. If it weren't for you, he wouldn't be paying for all the lives he could have taken. I'm proud of you."

"Thanks," she said. She then smiled and took both of Brandon and Dylan's hands. "But I couldn't have done it without my two favorite men."


Carly got home after a long day in court. She took a long shower and decided to get ready for her dinner at Dylan's. She was going there to talk about her buying out Dylan's half of the Peach Pit. She had a good feeling about it so she curled her hair and put on some makeup. She put on a dark blue dress and got Zach situated with Leah. Without anything further she was out the door.


Valerie and Brenda were sitting down on the couch flipping through photos, when she came across one of Brenda and her and her father at her house. Brenda noticed the smile that Val had on her face was suddenly now gone

"What's wrong?"


"Talk to me Valerie," Brenda said and reached her hand out.

"I just really loved the house. Everything was great there."

"Yeah, Minnesota did have its moments."

"Yeah....remember snowboarding everyday after school?"

"Of course, I remember when you and Greg Parks, went out snowboarding for hours and didn’t come back until nearly after ten."

"Yeah, and you covered for me and said I was over your house."

"I had to you said you would kill me if I didn’t," Brenda laughed.

"That's true."

"Even if I didn't, it wouldn't have matter. Your parents always gave you so much freedom."

"It was okay sometimes, other times I wish I hadn't." Val flipped the page and saw another photo of her and Brandon and Brenda.

"Oh, look at that one!"

"We had some good times."

"The best," she smiled.


Lexi walked into the After Dark arm and arm with a guy. His name was Ray and he worked at Sterling Conway. "Okay, so you know the drill, if you see Michael Mancini kiss me?"

"Okay...Lexi...this guy sure better be worth it."

She glared at him. "I'm just doing this to...uh...."

"Make him stay," Ray finished.

"No of course not. I could care less what he does!"

Ray looked at her. "Come on Lexi let's go." They walked over to the bar and Michael conveniently was sitting there. Ray leaned over and kissed Lexi. "Lexi?" Michael asked looking at her.

She looked at him and smiled and continued to kiss Ray. Michael got up angrily and left.


Carly, Dylan, and Gina were eating dinner, made by Gina. "This is great," Carly said taking a bite of the chicken.

"Thanks," Gina smiled.

"Well Carly, I think what we're doing is going to be great," Dylan said.

"Yeah me too. I can't wait to own part of the Peach Pit. With me going to school and all I feel like I need a piece of it. So thanks for giving that to me," she replied.

"No problem."

Gina got up to start clearing the dishes, and then stopped. "Anyone up for seconds?"

"No thanks," Carly said.

Gina eyed her. "Well...okay...but have so mashed potatoes."

Dylan and Carly both grabbed for the spoon. Carly felt really good to be buying the Peach Pit. It was like her other half and now she was complete.


Valerie was leaving Brenda's apartment, when once again she ran into Noah "Danm," Val said out loud.

"You can't avoid me forever."

"Wanna bet?" Val asked.

"This is insane, you can be friends with Jenn, but not me. I think we have a lot more history then you do with Jenn?"

"I didn't trust Jenn with the world. Jenn didn't break every promise to me. Jenn didn't treat me like crap and walk over me repeatedly."

"Are you kidding me? Jenn didn't do anything to hurt you?"

"It doesn’t matter what she did. All right, I knew what I was getting into when I became friends with Jenn. I can deal with her."

"You can?"

"Yes, now please just leave me alone. Don't make this harder then it has to be," Val said begging him with her eyes.


After Val had left, Brenda stayed up late learning her lines when the phone rang.

Brenda walked over to the phone. "Hello," she said.

"This Brenda Walsh?" a man's voice said on the other end.

"Yes," Brenda responded curiously.

"Hey, how you doing?" the man said in a friendly voice. "I'm Val's friend Jonesy."

"Oh," Brenda responded. "I'm glad Val was able to get in touch with you, Mr. Jones."

"Jonesy," Jonesy said. "For friends of Val Malone, Jonesy."

Brenda chuckled, "All right, Jonesy. Now, about my problem..."

"Not over the phone," Jonesy cautioned her. "Phones have ears." He stopped for a minute. "Kind of a disgusting image when you think about it."

"All right. So when you do want to meet and talk about it?" Brenda asked.

"I've got another job that's going to take me a few days to wrap up but there will be periods of down time on it so I can start working on your problem as well."

"Then you will go to work on my...problem?"

Jonesy laughed, “I don't ever say no to Val Malone. And she never says yes to me. That's how our relationship works and I'm not going to change it." Brenda decided to just push on. "So when do you want to meet?"

" I’ll call you," Jonesy told her. "It won't be long. In the meantime, just worry about how you're going to prove that that Jessica bitch framed you and Karen for stealing the SAT answers."

"You watch our show?" Brenda asked, surprised.

"It's a good show," Jonesy responded casually.

"But that plot line," Brenda continued, "our writers just came up with it today! How could you possibly know about it?"

Jonesy laughed and hung up the phone.

Brenda looked at the receiver and smiled wryly. Okay, she thought, at least I know he's good at finding things out.