****Season Finale****

Janet, Steve, Kelly and Jake by Shari,
Donna, David, Brenda,
Brandon and Dylan by Heather,
Carly And Lexi by Val, Valerie by Shae


At Whilshire Memorial

Lexi woke up in her hospital room. One more day, she thought.  The little girl next to her just got moved to intensive care so there was no one to talk to.  She grabbed the remote and put on the televison. 

Megan walked in.  "Hey there, are we feeling better yet?"

"Of course not."

"Well don't worry.  When you get better, I'm gonna take you out."

"Ooh, sounds fun," Lexi said sarcastically.

"Well, it will be," Megan replied, ignoring her sarcasm.  "We'll go to the Boardwalk."

"Well, I could win some stuffed animals for Sarah."

"There ya go!" Megan said.  "Michael been in lately?"

Lexi nodded.  "About three times yesterday."

"Anything else happen?"

"No.  Do you think it was a one moment thing, you know the kiss, and the sparks and all?" Lexi asked worried. 

"No. I don't." 

"I hope not."


At Now Wear This

"Well, well, well.  Look who's back," Gina said with a smirk as Donna walked into the store. 

"Good morning Gina," Donna said with a big smile.  "So, how's business been?"

"It's been busy as usual.  But lets talk about where you've been the past few days," Gina said.

"Let's not," Donna looked through the mail that had piled up for her.  "Did you call the paper like we discussed?"

"Yes, they're going to run the ad over the weekend. So, you really haven't heard from Clare at all? It seems strange that she would just leave like that," Gina commented.

Donna looked up, "Only what Jake told me.  I knew she and Jake were having some problems but I didn't know it was that bad.  I guess I've been pretty wrapped up in myself lately."

"Thats an understatement."

Donna chose to ignore the comment, knowing that it was true.  "So, how's Dylan?"

Gina sighed, "Dylan is Dylan."

"Is that good or bad?"

"I don't know," Gina explained. "I never really know where I stand with him."

Donna nodded, "Well, thats Dylan for you.  I'm going to go look over the books.  You know, we're going to be really short staffed if Brenda gets that part."

"Yea, yea," Gina made a face as Donna walked into the back office.


At Melrose Place

Brenda sipped at her coffee and contemplated the day ahead of her.  She was surprised to hear a knock at the door and even more surprised to see that it was Kelly.

"Kelly, hi!  Come on in," Brenda smiled at her friend.  "Do you want a cup of coffee?"

"No thanks Bren," Kelly said as she walked into the apartment.  "I'm on my way to work.  I just came by to see how your audition went."

Brenda shut the door behind her.  "It went great!  I was really nervous but once I got started I did fine.  I think it went well.  My agent, Gabe, said that we should hear something very soon."

"I'm really proud of you Brenda, for doing this," Kelly told her.

"Thanks.  It felt wonderful to be acting again."  Brenda smiled, "But I really have Dylan to thank for the push."

"Oh yes, Dylan.  Everyone's knight in shining armour!" Kelly said.

"Or maybe just ours?" Brenda had to ask.

Kelly laughed at that and then looked at Brenda with a questioning look.  "Brenda, is there something going on between you and Dylan?"

Brenda shook her head, "No, nothing's going on.  I mean, I don't think there is.  I don't know!  Can you tell how confused I am?"

"You can always talk to me Bren."

"Even about Dylan McKay?"

"I'd like to think so."

Brenda nodded thoughtfully.  "Okay then.  I was sitting here the other night just memorizing lines when it hit me.  I still love him.  Is that crazy or what?" Brenda laughed nervously.

Kelly looked at her, "Well to paraphrase what a wise person once told me, 'To be in love with Dylan McKay is not crazy.'  The question is what are you going to do about it?"

Brenda stood up and started pacing the room.  "Nothing!"

"What about Noah?"

"I don't know Kelly.  I care about him but its nothing like the love I had for Matthew or Dylan.  I can't settle for less than that, you know?  But Kelly, I have to say this.  I know that you and Dylan shared so much.  If this hurts you, then I don't even want to see where this is headed.  I know how that feels and its not worth it to me."

Kelly looked at Brenda for a long time, trying to digest what she was hearing and what she was feeling.  "Brenda, I don't know if I have ever told you that I'm sorry for what happenened.  I mean, I'm not sorry for loving Dylan but I am sorry for hurting you."

Brenda reached over and hugged Kelly, "Thank you Kel.  That means more than I can ever tell you.  And I don't know if I ever told you that I am forgave you a long time ago.  We were so young.  I'm sorry for my part in all of it, too."

By the time Brenda was done talking, both girls were wiping tears away from their eyes.  Kelly glanced at her watch, "I have to go but I am here if you want to talk more.  And for the record, I think you should tell Dylan how you feel."

Kelly stood up to go and Brenda hugged her again.  "We'll see.  Thanks Kelly."

"Call me as soon as you hear about the audition," Kelly told her and then walked on out the door. 

Brenda watched her go, feeling like a weight that she had carried for a very long time had been lifted from her shoulders.  


At The Beat on the Street

"Hey Tammi!" Steve said as he saw his TV columnist walk through the door of The Beat on the Street.

"Hi Steve," Tammi said with a smile, "Morning Janet!"

"Do you want some coffee?" Janet asked while pouring herself some, "It's a fresh pot."

Tammi nodded, "Sure, thanks.  Just droping off my column.  It's about all the new E! True Hollywood Story episodes they're airing and how they're a bunch a crap.  Really, they're so lame.  It's two hours on information they don't even have!"

"Sounds like a great editorial," Steve said, looking the column up and down after Tammi handed it to him.

"If we don't get sued," Janet said.

"Don't worry, you won't.  It's all clean cut, no accusations, entirely opinion based on fact."

Janet smiled, pleased that she edited it for Steve and Janet's protection, "Great."

"Excuse me," Steve said after hearing the phone ring, "The Beat on the Street, Steve speaking.  Can you hold on for just a minute?" Steve covered the receiever with his hand, "Janet, it's the Foster agency," he whispered.

"Well, don't keep them waiting, get back on the phone!" Janet said.

"Yeah, I'm here," Steve said into the phone, "Really?  Oh, that's fantastic!  My wife will be thrilled...Yes, we'll definitely be in touch.  Thanks for calling."

"What did they say?" Tammi asked, just as eager as Janet.

Steve looked at them, still taking it in, "We've been taken off the waiting list.  We can come down to the orphanage as soon as we want to start looking at kids."

A smile appeared on Janet's face, "But how is that possible?  I thought they said it could take months."

"I don't know, all they said it that we've been taken off.  It must be--"

"A miracle!" Tammi said interrupting.

Janet smiled warmly, "Yeah, a miracle."


At the Beach

Kelly had just left Brenda's apartment and wasn't exactly in the best state of mind.  She got in her car and starting driving to her office.  She was already late.  As she headed down Sunset Boulevard she made a sharp turn, going in the opposite direction of her office.  She had a lot on her mind.  All these thoughts and feelings had rushed into her head.  She was happy for Brenda just there was still some stuff she had to think through.

She continued driving, not knowing where she was going, just driving.  She ended up at the beach.

Kelly got out of her car and walked on to the soft, pure sand.  As she walked along the water, she thought...about the past, the present, and what would and could come in the future.  She finally sat down in the sand, looking out into the ocean, thinking.

Brenda and Dylan back together again.  Of course, it wasn't official or anything.  Dylan didn't even know how Brenda felt.  But Kelly knew how Dylan felt.  She saw it the way he looked at her, the way he talked to her.  He loved her.  But was he in love with her? Kelly thought so.  But what about all those times in the past when Dylan told her that he loved her, not Brenda, and that they were soulmates?  At times, she even believed it too, thought that she was destined to be with Dylan.  Kelly then recalled a time when they were outside the Peach Pit, and Dylan mentioned that maybe everyone has more than one soulmate.   Maybe Dylan does.  Her and Brenda.  And Toni.  Kelly started to think that she had more than one soulmate, too.  Dylan and Brandon.  She always felt that each of them would hold a piece of her soul, and that, she felt, is what a soulmate truly is.  Her thoughts drifted more into the past.  Like when she and Dylan first realized they had feelings for each other.  Her mind started to drift to a flashback.   

Kelly looked directly at him, still in the sleeping bag, "I admit it, we did connect, but we both know how much you love Brenda."

Dylan stared back, "Did I talk about Brenda last night? Am I talking about her right now?"

Kelly was getting upset, she stood up, now wanting to avoid eye contact "I am and you should be!"

"What do you want me to do Kelly? You want me to tell Brenda about us?" he said, standing up after her.

"There's nothing to tell her, okay? We watched Casablanca, we saw some stars that's it," she said, trying her best to deny that there were any feelings between them.

"Whatever gets you through the night."

"If things were different Dylan, maybe we could of had something, but Brenda is my best friend. Dylan, you and I had what we had this summer. I just think that has to be enough for both of us."

Dylan looked at her, "What are you telling me, that we'll always have Paris?"

Kelly tried to put on an act,  "Dylan I'm happy for you, and for Brenda. You guys belong together. So lets just leave it alone, okay?"

"But where does that leave you Kelly?"

"You can't have it both ways."

Kelly shook her head, trying to get the image out of her mind.  She then recalled how she hurt Brenda, although that was never her intention.  It was good to know Brenda forgave her, a long time ago too.  Kelly always regretted what had taken place that summer.  She didn't regret her feelings for Dylan, she couldn't help them.  She knew you couldn't help who you fall in love with.  What she did regret was that her friendship with Brenda was never the same.  Even now, years later, she felt it still wasn't the same.  She was feeling closure, though.  Actually, she did start to feel closure a long time ago.  Right when she and Brenda had that conversation in back of The Peach Pit, only a couple of months before Brenda left for London.  

Kelly walked into the parking lot, calling after her, "Brenda!  You okay?"

Brenda was about to get into her car but turned and looked at Kelly, "No.  I feel terrible.  I feel like I don't have a friend in the world."

Kelly walked over to her, "Yes you do.  We're all your friends.  Including me."

Brenda looked at her, "Well, you said some pretty awful things."

"I know.  I'm sorry.  The green monster rears its head at really weird times."

"You were jealous of me?  Why?  I mean you have Dylan."

Kelly looked down, "Something tells me I won't have him forever.  I can't help but think that you'll be the one that he'll remember as the great love of his life."

"Well I don't know if that's true but I've been jealous of you ever since I moved here."

Kelly smiled, "Well, then maybe we're even.  I know I was a bitch right when you needed me the most and I feel really bad."

Kelly had learned a lot from that conversation in the parking lot.   Kelly did feel bad.  She and Brenda each played their share of the role of being the bitch.   But that wasn't going to be the case anymore. Kelly wouldn't let it happen.   She realized that Brenda was happy with Dylan and that he would be with her too.  She was okay with that.  She too, was in love, with Brandon.  Brenda and Dylan deserved hapiness too.  And Kelly would make sure they get it.  

It was just then, just at that moment, that she realized she was okay with Brenda and Dylan being together.  She honestly was okay with it.  And for once, she realized, she truly was okay with the path her life had taken.


At Melrose Place

Brenda couldn't believe the conversation that she had just had with Kelly.  Their fighting over Dylan sometimes seemed like a lifetime ago but then at other times it seemed like just yesterday. 

Brenda took a deep breath and let the memories overtake her thoughts. That horrible day when Kelly and Dylan had shown up at her door coming to do the honorable thing and confess that they had been together while she had been in Paris.  It had been such a shock when Dylan had told her that Kelly had been the girl that he had dated while she was gone. 

"I thought you guys were my friends," she had yelled at them both.  "I loved you.  I trusted you both."

"Brenda, please..." Kelly had tried but this was more between her and Dylan.

"We didn't plan this Bren," he had told her.

"Of course you didn't plan it, Dylan.  You just let it happen.  And you lied to me.  Both of you.  For months and months."  Brenda turned to Dylan.  "You know when I broke up with you, you made it seem like Kelly was just some girl you picked to go out with.  You made it seem so innocent, like it was my fault."

"Neither one of us wanted to hurt you," Kelly tried again.

"You didn't care about how I felt at all Kelly!" she had yelled at her best friend.

"That's not true!" Dylan yelled back.

"Why are you doing this to me?" she had asked trying to hold back the tears.

"Because we owe it to you Bren," Dylan had told her.  "I mean don't you think that we all owe ourselves a little something more than this?  That maybe we can start again from somewhere a little more honest?"

"Honesty?  Is that what you think this is about? I don't think so!" she had screamed at the both of them and then, "I hate you both!  Never talk to me again!"

Brenda had thought about that day many times over the years.  Finally, now she understood what Dylan had meant when he said, 'That maybe we can start again from somewhere a little more honest.'  Maybe thats what her and Dylan could do now. 

When they were in London, it always seemed like there was something between them, standing in the way of them being together.  Maybe it was Kelly or maybe it was their respective pasts.  But maybe this time they could really make it happen.


At Melrose Place

Brandon pulled some clothes off the hangers in his closet.  He folded the shirts and packed them in his suitcase.  He was never real picky about his wardrobe although Kelly helped ensure that he wasn't in danger of being arrested by the fashion police. 

Brandon was excited about his trip to Hong Kong.  It has been a long time since he had seen his parents...too long. Phone calls and email helped bridge the distance but he was anxious to see them.  If only he had been able to talk Brenda into going with him but she was still waiting to hear about the part that she had auditioned for.  If she got the part, filming for the pilot would start soon and she didn't want to be out of the country. 

Brandon finished his packing and walked out to the living room.  He grabbed a bottle of water out of the refrigerator before taking a seat on the couch.  He picked up his address book from the table next to him and dialed the long string of numbers that would put him in contact with his parents across the world.  It took a few minutes for the international call to be placed but finally he heard his mom's voice answer the phone.

"Hey Mom, its me, your favorite son!" Brandon joked into the phone.

"Brandon!" Cindy Walsh exclaimed.  "Jim!  It's Brandon on the phone," she yelled to her husband.

Brandon held the phone away from his ear as his mom yelled into it.  He smiled to hear her voice.  "Are you all packed and ready to come?  I am so excited to see you Brandon!"

"Just finished packing.  I wanted to give you my flight numbers and times."  Brandon read the numbers off as Cindy jotted them down.

"Has Brenda heard anything about the part yet?" Cindy asked hopefully.

Brandon shook his head, "Not yet.  She promised that she would call me first thing when she did though."

"Well, lets keep our fingers crossed that she gets it.  I never thought I'd see the day that she'd act again," Cindy said.

"Well, I think a certain male friend may have had something to do with persuading her," Brandon informed her.


"Nope, more like Dylan."

"Really?" Cindy asked, raising an eyebrow at her husband.  "I didn't know that there was anything going on there."

"Relax Mom," Brandon told her.  "They're just friends."

"Oh, I don't care.  You know we think Dylan McKay is a real gentleman."

Brandon stared in disbelief at the phone to hear Dylan described as a gentleman.  "Okay, Brandon.  Have a safe flight and we'll see you soon.  Give Brenda a kiss for us."

"Will do.  Bye Mom," Brandon listened for her reply before hanging up the phone. 


At the Beach Apartment

Valerie woke up late morning. After she crawled out of bed, she went to the kitchen.  She saw that there were messages on the answering machine.  She hit the play button and listened while she looked for something in the fridge.  The first message was from her mom.

"Valerie, this is Mom.  Brandon called me.  He said you were getting out of control.  What's going on? I'm really worried about you.  Call me.  Love you."

"Now you worry about me Mom?  Only sixteen years later."  She said out loud.  The next message was from Noah.

"Valerie, I'm worried. Call me."

"Well, Noah you weren't worried about me when I lost our baby.  So why worry now?"  She said to herself.  She decided that was enough messages and unplugged the machine and threw it in the trash.  She then walked back to her bedroom with a bottle of wine.  

She sat on the edge of her bed, and went through her drawer where she kept her stash.  She opened the box and found that it was all missing.  She yelled "GINGER" and she walked into her room.  Ginger was not there.  

Valerie was already moody before, now she was really pissed and her nerves were definitely shot.  She could really use a hit; she picked up the phone and called Jen.  No one answered.  She paged her with 911 and sat back and waited for her to return her phone call.


At Now Wear This

Donna took a last satisfied look at the books before setting them aside.  Gina had done a good job with them.  She needed to go tell her so.  She left the office and walked into the store. 

Gina was reading something and as Donna walked closer she could see that it was an invitation.  "What is that?" Donna asked.

Gina kept reading. "I don't know.  It just came.  Here, you have one too," she explained as she handed an envelope over to Donna.  Donna opened the envelope and pulled out the engraved invitation:

You are cordially invited to attend
a celebration of love.

The invitation went on to say that there was going to be a beach party held the following evening. Donna smiled, it sounded like fun. 

Gina reread the invitation, puzzled.  "It doesn't say who's throwing the party."

"I noticed that," Donna replied

"Who do you think it is?" Gina asked.

"I don't know." Donna said. "Who do you think?"

Gina looked thoughtful, "Maybe Brandon and Kelly?  Although Kelly probably wouldn't invite me.  Janet and Steve?"

"I don't know, Gina.  Guess we'll just have to wait to find out," Donna said.  "If you want to go to lunch, go ahead."

Gina pouted, "I hate surprises."  Donna just laughed.


At the Beach Apartment

Kelly flattened out her skirt before opening the door to Mr. Lemme's office.  As soon as she walked in she could tell that she had entered the Twilight Zone.  All of Mr. Lemme's followers were there, all dressed the same, all working on a lap top.  She proceeded up to the front desk, while inside, laughing at all the "twin" workers.

"Excuse me," she said to the lady who was busy typing away at a keyboard.

The lady barely gave Kelly a glance, "You're here to see Mr. Lemme, I presume.  Do you have an appointment?" she asked in a snippy tone.

"Well, no," kelly replied, "But it's kind of an emergency so I wanted to know if maybe I could--"

"I'll see if he's in.  Have a seat."

Kelly backed away and took a seat in the waiting area.  

"Kelly, hi! Nice to see you again!" Mr. Lemme exclaimed when he emerged from his private office, moments later, "Come on in."

Kelly followed him into to the back and into his office.

"Please, have a seat," he said to her before going to sit behind his big, maple wood desk, "What can I do for you?"

"Well," Kelly began, unsure of how to say what she needed to get out in the open, "There's no easy way to say this, but--"

"But...?" Mr. Lemme interrupted, not even giving her a chance to finish.

"I researched your diet drug.  Before you get upset, let me explain." Kelly could see the anger in his face, "I know I promised you I wouldn't, but if I didn't, I was going against my morals, and my own worth ethic.  For all I knew, you drug could of been highly dangerous, maybe fatal!"

Kelly could see Mr. Lemme getting very uncomfortable in his leather covered chair, she even noticed him starting to sweat.

"And I was right, Mr. Lemme, wasn't I?" Kelly continued, "Your drug is highly dangerous, and even fatal," she went on even further. She enjoyed being the sly, yet honest business woman, "And it contains almost 30% Fenfluramine, even more than the deadly Fen-Phen.  Now tell me, Mr. Lemme, was I not supposed to know this?  Was I not supposed to know that your drug actually never was approved by the FDA?  That you were going around with a fake permit?  I didn't think so, but hey, you do what you gotta do, right?"

"I demand that all your research be stopped.  This is none of your business, none of your concern!"

"Oh, but it is.  I, unlike you, can't market a product that could kill someone.  Tell me, Mr. Lemme, how do you sleep at night?  How do you even get a wink of shut eye, knowing that you have a drug that's going to be unleashed next month that's even more powerful than the original Fen-Phen?!?!  Don't you have a conscious?  I didn't think so..."

"Stop this interrogation right now!  I think you better leave, Ms. Taylor, before I get sercurity up here."

"Gladly," Kelly said with a smirk and left his office.


At Dylan's Place

Dylan sat at the table eating a bowl of cereal.  He thumbed through his mail, mostly junk.  He did smile to see a postcard from Iris.  He hadn't seen his mother in some time.  Maybe he needed a trip to Hawaii.  The surfing there was great and he could spend some time with Iris and Erica.

Dylan kept looking through his mail and he saw an invitation.  He frowned as he read it, wondering what it was about.  A Celebration of Love?  What was his friends up to now? Dylan threw it back down across the table and got up to stretch. 

Dylan walked to the door and looked out.  Another long day with really nothing to do loomed ahead of him.  He knew that he needed something more meaningful to occupy his time.  He was tired of living this way.

Dylan sighed and walked over to the couch and laid down.  He grabbed the remote and started flipping through the channels.


At the Beach Apartment

It had been an hour and Jen still hadn't called Val back. She was terribly mad.  Ginger finally came strolling into the aparrment, all cheerful.

"Where the hell have you been?" Val asked, angrily.  

"When did you start smoking cigarettes?" Ginger asked, noticing the one in her hand.

"When you took everything out of my stash and left me these!"

"Oh that, I'm sorry about that," she said walking into her room.

Valerie followed, "Sorry? Ginger do you know how much I paid for that?"

"Oh Val, don't worry about it," she said and sat back on her bed.

"You know what Ginger?  You're such a bitch!"  Val yelled.

"Well then I guess we're two of a kind," she said as the phone rang.

"Thank God," Val yelled and went running for the phone "Jen?" She answered.

"Yeah, what do you want?" she said.

"I need a favor."

"I'm at the Peach Pit, having lunch with my brother. Meet me there in ten minutes."

"On my way," she said and hung up the phone.

"Where are you going?" Ginger asked

"Somewhere without you."

"Aww, Val come on. Is that any way to treat your oldest and dearest friend?"

"Lets go then," she said heading for the door, Ginger following.


Kelly had just left Mr. Lemme's office and was driving along the highway. As she drove, she dialed Brandon's number.

"How's it going?" she asked after he picked up the phone.

"It's going.  Slowly, but it's going.  And how was your meeting with Mr. Lemme?"

"Oh, Brandon, it was great.  You should of seen me.  Boy, did I give it to him!"

That's my girl!, Brandon thought to himself, "What exactly did you tell him?"

"Just that I researched the drug and I knew all his dirty little secrets.  It feels so good, ya know?  To stand up to him, it feels like a huge weight has been lifted from my shoulders."

"I'm proud of you."

"Thanks, that means a lot to me.  But don't let me keep you from packing.  I'll see ya later?"

"Ooh, that reminds me, I made dinner reservations for us at The Armani Cafe."

"That was sweet of you."

"I'll meet you there at 7?"

"Alright.  Love you."

"Love you too."


At Melrose Place

Brenda didn't mean to be sitting, just waiting for the phone to ring but she couldn't help it.  Gabe had said that he would call as soon as he heard something.  She wanted this part so much.  It had been so long since she had acted and she finally realized just how much she missed it.  She owed Dylan thanks for helping her see that.

Dylan.  Her thoughts bounced from the acting job to Dylan, back and forth like a rubber ball.  She wondered how serious he was about Gina.  They seemed close enough.  Brenda wished she had some clues as to what his feelings were for her.   Did he care about her at all or did he just see himself as her big brother?  Not like she needed another overprotective big brother, Brenda laughed to herself.

Brenda thought back to when Brandon had called with the news of his wedding to Kelly.  Her and Dylan had gotten into a huge argument over it...

"Bren, you have to go.  It's your brother's wedding," Dylan had told her.

"I'm not going, Dylan, so quit yelling at me!" she had yelled back.

"I'm not yelling!  I want you to go with me.  Why don't you want to go?"

"You just don't understand," Brenda had screamed and then ran to her bedroom.  Dylan had waited a minute before following her.  She was laying facedown across the bed crying.  He sat down on the bed next to her and rubbed her back. "Then make me understand Bren."

Brenda had rolled over and looked up into the eyes that she loved, that she had always loved.  "There's just too much history there, Dylan."

"You mean between you and Kelly?"

"And between you and Kelly!"

"That's over Bren.  She's marrying your brother!"

"And I know you hate that!"

Dylan sighed, "It's complicated Bren.  I don't hate it.  I want nothing more than for Kelly and Brandon to be happy."

"I don't want you to go."

"I have to go."

Brenda nodded and said no more.  She knew that when Dylan made up his mind, there was no changing it.  Dylan sat quietly for a few minutes, "We can go together Bren.  Show everyone that we're together."

"But we're not together."

"We could be."

"I'm not ready to be with anyone right now.  You know that Dylan. I don't know that I will ever be again."

Dylan reached over and pushed a lock of her hair away from her eyes, "I understand.  Promise me that when you are ready, that you'll come find me."

Brenda knew then that he would be leaving London.  It might have been a month or even a year later, but he would be leaving.  He didn't mention it for awhile.  He went to the wedding and came back.  He was evasive when she asked him about it.  She didn't mention his going when she talked to Brandon and he didn't mention it either. 

A few months later, he came and told her that he was going to Italy for a while.  It was time to move on.  He didn't feel like it was doing her any good having him there to depend on.  Brenda had cried and cried but knew he was right.  They each needed to move on, in their own way.


At The Beat on the Street

Janet, Steve and Tammi were eating lunch at the office.  Tammi had decided to stay and help out with the layout that morning.  

"Pass me the soy sauce," Steve asked.

"So..." Tammi said, chewing her Lo Mein, "what type of child do you think you wanna take in?"

Janet looked confused, "Type?"

"You know, like sex, age, race..."

"We haven't really given it much thought," Steve said, "But I guess we should."

"Yeah, "Janet agreed, "We should.  I mean, we have to have some idea when we go there.  Speaking of which, I'd like to go tomorrow."

"So soon?" Steve asked.

"Yeah, I mean, why not?  Why waste any time?"

"Okay, tomorrow it is then."


At the Beverly Royale

Jake was in the back parking lot of The Beverly Royale Hotel polishing his motorcycle.  It really needed a good cleaning.  When he was finished, he decided to clean out the comparment underneath the seat.  He started taking everything out.   He found the watch he had been missing for two weeks, a couple of dollars, a comb, and then, there at the bottom, laid something completely different.  Something part of him wish he didn't find.  A picture of Clare.  He stood there looking at it in his hands for a few minutes, trying to envision happier times with her in his mind.  

"Jake..." called a voice from across the parking lot.

Jake turned around, "Colleen?  What are you doing here?"

"I've been looking for you..." she said when she approached him, "What's that?" she asked, pointing to his hands.

He put the picture behind his back, "Ohh, nothing..."

"Well, I just wanted to tell you that I'm going back to Oaji.  I got the divorce papers from your lawyer and if a divorce is what you want, then a divorce is what you'll get.  Besides, I gotta get out of this town.  Too many memories."

"I don't know what to say."

"You don't have to say anything.  Just promise you'll visit.  You and my ex-husband are the only father figures David has ever known.  You have to keep in touch."

"Well, I am his father.  And I'm not going to walk out on him.  I did that once before and that's not what I want to do again."

"Good, I'm glad to hear it.  Well, I best be going now, I have to get to the airport," she started to turn to and walk away.

Jake grabbed her and pulled her into a hug, "Goodbye Colleen."

"Bye, Jake."

Jake stood there and watched her walk away, deep in thought.  So she was leaving town.  That would of been perfect a week ago, when Clare was still in Beverly Hills.  Clare...Leaving town.  Maybe that's what he needed to do, leave town; find Clare.  Yeah, that was what he needed to do...


At the Peach Pit

Val and Ginger went to the Peach Pit. They spotted Jen as soon as they got there.

"Hey," Valerie said, approaching the booth.

"Wow, you look like hell," Jen told Val as she checked her out, wearing jeans and a white baby t-shirt, with her hair just thrown up into a ponytail.

"Well, maybe you can help me out with that."

"Okay, well there is this party in an hour.  And sources say there will be plenty to go around.  Expect it to last all night long."

"Great...but do you have anything now?"  Val asked.

"Yeah, here you go," Jen said handing her a gram.

"Thanks so much."

"Come on, lets do a hit now," Jen said dragging Val into the ladies room.  Ginger followed.

"Lock the door.  I don't want to get caught," she told her.  They snorted the whole gram.  When they were finished, Val said "Wow. I feel so much better."

"I thought you would," Jen smiled "Lets go."

As they were walking out they ran into Noah, "Hey, Val, did you get my message?"

"Yeah," she laughed.

"So why didn't you call me back?" he asked.

She wiped her nose "Umm...I had better things to do."

"Like what? Get high?" He reached into her pocket and found the bottle.

"Have it.  It's all gone," she laughed

"Val, you really have some problems."

"The only problems I have are with you.  So why don't you leave me the hell alone?" she walked away

"Leave her alone, Noah.  Don't you think you have caused her enough problems?" Jen asked.

"Like you two haven't," he said to them.

"Yeah, but we don't try to act all innocent about it either," Ginger said and strutted away with Jen.

"Are we ready?" Valerie asked them and they followed her to the door.

"Yeah, I need to go home and change and then we can go hit this party."

"Do you have some clothes I can borrow?" Jen asked

"Yeah, we can find something," Val said as they left the Peach Pit.


At the After Dark

David flipped through some CD's that the music label had sent over.  Most of it was crap but there were a few he didn't mind listening to. He stepped out of the booth when he saw Noah walk into the After Dark.

"Hey man," he called over.  "Whats up?"

Noah shook his head.  "I'd stay away from the Pit."

"Why?" David asked as he took a seat at the bar.

"Three words," Noah replied. "Jen, Val and Ginger."

David laughed, "That first one is more than enough to keep me away."

Noah handed David a soda and grabbed one for himself. "I'm really worried about Valerie.  She just isn't acting like herself."

"Have you tried talking to her?"

"Yep.  She won't return my calls and she pushes me away whenever I get near her, like just before."

"Sounds like we need to do something drastic."

"Like what?" Noah asked.  "Walsh called her mom but she won't answer her calls either."

"Val's mom isn't exactly the person that she will turn to in time of need, regardless of the progress that they have made," David pointed out.

"True.  I just feel so damn guilty, man.  I wasn't there for her when she needed me.  I should have stuck by her through the miscarriage."

David nodded, "I wouldn't beat yourself up about it.  Val's a big girl and has handled worse than this."

Noah took a last swallow of his soda before throwing it across the bar, smashing it into pieces.  "I just hope to God that nothing happens to her in the mean time. I don't know if I could handle that."

David stared at the glass on the floor for a long time.  "I know what you mean."


At California University

Carly sat in her class bored for a while while Proffessor Dain was talking.  In a few days they would have their first big exam and she was ready for it already-- she didn't need anymore lectures.  She knew about the history of law, the courtroom setup, and of course the most important rules of the courtroom.  Just then the bell rang.  

"Well that's the end of class, remember to prepare for the exam."   Everyone started to gather their things when he said, "Miss Reynolds, I'd like to see you."

Carly stopped in her tracks and grabbed her sweatshirt.  She put it on her and flipped her hair.  She grabbed her things and went to his desk.  "Yes, Proffessor Dain?"

He smiled.  "Have a seat."


"I was wondering would you like to go out with me sometime?" he asked her still smiling.

Carly was shocked!  "What?  I mean I'm not saying no, but after you were so mean to me.  Why would you want to go out with me?"

He sighed.  "I knew this was going to be hard.  I was only mean to you because I liked you."

He was kind of cute....  "Sure, I guess," Carly said trying to be nice.

"Okay then it's a date.  I'll meet you at the Armani Cafe at 8 tomorrow?" he asked her and smiled.  He had short brown hair and a great smile.  

"Alright.  Well, I have to get going to see my son," Carly said and got up.

"Son?" he asked surprise.

"Yeah, is there a problem?" she said with a tad of tone.

"No not at all, just surprising.  I have a daughter.  Her name is Lily," he said.  "My wife died."  He looked down.

"I'm sorry Proffessor Dain," she said with sympathy.  She didn't know what to say, he was turning out to be such a nice man!

"Adam, please.  Well you better get going.  I'll see you tomorrow."

"Thank you."  Carly walked out and ran to her car.  


At Melrose Place

Brandon stepped out his door and spotted Brenda laying out by the pool.  He walked over and sat down on the lounge chair next to her.

"You are looking like a starlet already," he commented.

"Shut up Brandon," Brenda told him, without looking up.

"Make me," Brandon said and then laughed.  "I spoke to Mom earlier. She said to give you a big kiss from her.  If you don't mind, I'll just relay the message that way!"

Brenda sat up and smiled.  "I miss them so much Brandon."

"I do too.  Thats why you should be going with me."

"I wish I could," Brenda told him.  "Why aren't you working?"

"Vacation starts today.  What about you? Who is busy selling clothes to the rich of Beverly Hills if you are here?" Brandon wondered.

"Donna and Gina are working today.  I have the entire day off and I am going to do as little as possible!"

"Me too.  I have dinner plans later with Kelly but that is all."  Brandon stood up,  "I think I'm going to go change and take a swim."

Brenda laid back down, "Sounds like a plan, Brandon."


At the Beverly Royale Hotel

Jake walked into his hotel room and headed straight for his bedroom.   He laid down on the bed, holding the picture of Clare right in front of his eyes.

Colleen was right, this town did have too many memories.   And for him, most of them were more bad than good.  Like when Palmer and Brittany tried to blow him up.   Or when Jess "fell" off the scaffolding at the high rise site and died.  Or, the most recent, when Clare left him.  

He knew what he had to do.  He had to find her.  The sooner, the better.  He was at that point in life when he knew exactly what he wanted, and he couldn't let that go or let her go.  He just couldn't...


At the Beach Apartment

After they left the Peach Pit, the three girls went back to the Beach Apartment to change their clothes.  Valerie changed into tight black jeans, and a red shirt that tied in the middle, totally exposing her mid-drift.   Jen wore a black dress with black boots.  While Ginger wore a lime green skirt and white shirt.

"Are you ready yet?" Jen yelled to Valerie from the living room.

"I'm coming," Val said.

"She's always late," Ginger mentioned.

"Yeah, I've come to notice that." They laughed.

Val walked out "Since when did you guys become friends?"

"Since you made us wait for you," Jen said.

"For the last twenty minutes," Ginger finished.

"I'm ready now, let's go," she said walking out the door.


At Melrose Place

Michael and Ryan were at Lexi's apartment hanging up banners and blowing up ballons.  They were planning a welcome home party for Lexi. 

Michael stepped back and folded his arms across his chest. "Think she'll like it?" he asked Ryan.

"Yeah I do, we need some more flowers and maybe a welcoming gift."

"What could we get her for a welcoming gift?"

"I dunno. Maybe a new comforter."

Michael glared at him.  "You've been married too long."  He started to pace.  "Maybe a new TV or something."

"Do you have that kind of money?"

"We could all contribute to it.  You don't think it's a well enough cause?"

"No I do, it's just...nevermind." 

"Good."  They continued to set up for the party.


At the Peach Pit

Carly walked into the Peach Pit about twenty minutes before her shift started.  "Hey Nat," she greeted him while he was behind the counter.

"Hey sweetheart, go on back."

She smiled.  "Thanks."  Carly walked into the back office and started to unload the New York Strip Steaks from the freezer for dinner.  Nat came back. 

"So how's Zach?  Kelly told me about his heartbreak.  Poor kid."

"Well he's having a hard time with it but the good thing is, Erin still wants to be friends."

Nat nodded with sympathy.  "Well, you gotta learn young."

She smiled.  "Yeah, I guess so."


At Melrose Place

Megan walked into Lexi's apartment and heard Michael and Ryan arguing in the bedroom. She walked in with her arms across her chest.  "What are you two arguing about?"

"What to get Lexi," Michael said.

"Just get her a gift certificate to 7250.  She'll love it," Megan said simply.

"Oh...." Michael said. 

"That's a good idea."  Ryan walked into the kitchen and turned on the news. 


At Whilshire Memorial

At the same time Ryan turned on the televison in the apartment, so did Lexi in her hospital room.  On FOX news there was a special on.  The program was interrupted for a special notice. 

"Attention John Sails has just escaped from jail."  They showed a photograph of him.

"Oh no," Ryan said, staring intently at the tv.

"He was found guilty of abuse and attempted rape of a young woman."

Lexi switched the tv off, unable to bare watching anymore.  Just then Michael called her. 


"Lexi it's me, I just saw the news. I'll be right over."

"Thanks."  She hung up the phone and sat there in her hospital room...scared stiff. 


At Dylan's Place

After a short nap, Dylan rose from the couch and crossed the room to the phone.  He picked it up and stepped outside on the porch to dial.  He was calling Gabe Walker, his friend and Brenda's agent.  Gabe and him had grown up together at the Bellair Hotel.  Gabe had went onto Beverly High and Dylan hadn't seen him as much but their shared past had joined them long ago.

While he waited for the call to be put through to Gabe, he took a seat on a bench outside his home.  Finally Gabe answered, "Walker here."

"Hey Gabe, it's Dylan."

"Hey man, whats up?" Gabe replied.

"Have you heard anything about Brenda's part yet?" Dylan asked.

"Not yet," Gabe said.  "The word is that it is coming down to Brenda and another actress...Tiffani Thiessen.  Have you heard of her?"

"From Saved by the Bell??" Dylan asked.   "Brenda's way better than her."

"Yea, we both think that," Gabe began. "But Thiessen has a lot more telelvision experience and that may be what Spelling is looking for."

Dylan nodded, "I want Brenda to get that part."

"I do too, man, but Spelling is the God."

"I want Brenda to get that part," Dylan repeated.

"What are you trying to say?" Gabe asked innocently.

"Do they need any more investors for the show?"

Gabe finally got what Dylan was trying to say.  "Ohh.  You mean you'll invest if they give Brenda the part?"

Dylan laughed, "Well, they say money talks."

"I don't know if they'll go for that.  But they are always looking for more money.  I can run it by them.  Hold on, I have another call." Gabe put Dylan on hold.

Dylan paced back and forth on the porch while he was waiting.  Should he do this?  Brenda would kill him if she ever found out.  But, she really needed this to move ahead with her life.  But still, she would be really, really angry.

"Dylan, are you there?" Gabe asked.

"Yea, I've been thinking..." Dylan began.

"Brenda got the part!  Without your help!"

"Thats great!" Dylan said excitedly.

"I did mention you to the producers though and they would like to take you up on your offer.  What do you say?  Want to get into the business?"

Dylan thought for a moment, "What the hell, they say there's no business like show business."

"I'll make the arrangements.  Welcome to Hollywood, my friend," Gabe told him and then hung up.


At the Armani Cafe

Brandon sat across from Kelly at the Armani Cafe, their new favorite restaurant.  She looked tired, he noticed.

"Kelly, is something wrong?" he asked with concern in his voice.

Kelly shook her head and gave him a small smile.  "Nothing's wrong.  It's just been a long day."

"This stuff with Lemme?" Brandon asked.

"That and some other things.  I had a long talk with Brenda this morning."

Brandon looked surprised, "Really?  What about?"

Kelly thought a moment before speaking, "We talked about Dylan.  Brenda has feelings for him."

"That shouldn't be a surprise to you," Brandon said.

"It's not," Kelly replied.  "It just got me to doing some thinking."

"About Dylan?"

"And Brenda.  And you."


"I think I'm realizing just how much I do love you Brandon."

"I love you too, Kelly." Brandon reached out and grabbed her hands.

Kelly looked into his eyes, "I'm going to miss you while you are in Hong Kong.  I was so upset last time you went with Tracy.  Remember?"

Brandon nodded, "I wanted you to go. I want you to go now."

Kelly smiled, "I wish I could. You just give Jim and Cindy a big hug from me, okay?"

"I will," Brandon replied.


Later, at the party, the girls met a guy named Mike.  He hooked the girls up with their own gram of coke.  He took a real interest in Val and began to talk to her.

"Hey, what's your name?"

"Who wants to know?" she asked, playing hard to get.

"I don't know, maybe me?"

"Really?" She asked

"Maybe we could settle this over a glass of wine," he asked

"Sure, that would be great," she said walking over to the bar with him.  He handed her a glass. "Thank you," she said and smiled.

"So do I get your name yet?" Mike asked.

"I'm not sure. How bad do you want it?" She said as she put her finger in her drink and put it in her mouth.  He was getting really turned on.

"Bad.  Very bad," he said smiling.

Val whispered in his ear, "My name is Valerie," she said very seductively.

"Valerie.  Great name.  Great body. Great eyes.  And definitely great lips."

Valerie chuckled, "I like to think so.  Want to try em out?" she asked, holding nothing back.

"Love to," he said going in for the kill.  They began to kiss and it was a great kiss.  When they unlocked lips, he was amazed.  "How about we go some where quiet?"

"I'm right behind you," she said and allowed herself to be pulled along.


Brandon and Kelly had just finished dinner at The Armani Cafe and were walking to their cars in the parking lot.

"I was thinking we'd go grab some dessert somewhere," Brandon said as they approached Kelly's car.

"I'd love to, especially since your leaving tomorrow night, but actually, I wanted to go over to Mr. Lemme's house."

"What?  Why?"

"I wanted to tell him that I've decided to report him.  Just give him a warning, so he knows.  I think I at least owe him that."

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Brandon asked, thinking it wasn't the best idea.

"Yes, I do."

"At least let me go with you," he suggested.

"No, this is something I have to do, on my own."

"Alright, just be careful.  Promise me you'll come right home after."

"Promise," Kelly said and gave him a kiss before getting into her car.


At the Peach Pit

Carly was at the Peach Pit working when she took her break just as Michael walked in. "Hey Michael."

Michael walked over to the counter.  "Hey, have you seen the news lately?"


"Well, when you get a chance, check it out.  Anyway can I have two megaburgers, extra tomato, to go.  I'm in a rush."

"Sure, coming right up."  She went into the back and talked to Nat about it and he gave her the food.   She put it in a bag and handed it to Michael.  "Here, two megaburgers, extra tomato."

"Yep, thanks." He smiled. 




At the After Dark

Noah made his way through the crowded bar area to grab the ringing phone. "After Dark," he said when he finally reached it.

"Noah, hey.  I can barely hear you," Brenda said.  Loud music played in the background.

"You'll have to speak up Brenda," Noah replied as he handed a beer to an impatient customer. "I can't hear you."

Brenda sighed. "Can you come by when you get off work?  I need to talk to you," she yelled into the phone.

"Yea, it'll be late though," Noah informed her.

"Thats okay, I'll wait up."

"Okay, see ya later.  Bye," Noah said and hung up the phone.


Kelly rang the doorbell of Mr. Lemme's house in Malibu. Mr. Lemme was startled and extremely angry when he opened the front door and saw who was standing in front of him.  "What do you want?" he asked with an attitude.

"Some of your time. May I come in?"

He cleared a path for her to walk in and led her into the living room.  Kelly took a seat on the sofa.

Kelly took a deep breath, "Jack--"

"Mr. Lemme."

She took another deep breath before beginning again, "Mr. Lemme, I'm going to report you.  To the Federal Drug Administration."

He stood up from the loveseat he was sitting on, across from her, "You're going to do what?!?"

"I'm going to report you," she said again.

"What for??"

"For possession of a illegal drug, false records, a fake permit from the FDA.  There's not way to get out of this.  I've backed you into a corner."

"No, Ms. Taylor!" he yelled sternly, "You've got this all wrong.   I've backed YOU into a corner.  If you report me, so help me god.  I'll mess you up, I'll mess you up bad, for good!  You don't know who you're dealing with."

"Is that a threat, Mr. Lemme?"

"No, Ms. Taylor, it's a promise."

"Don't be mistaken, Jack," she purposely said to annoy him, "I know who I'm dealing with.  A lying, conniving, cold-hearted--"

"In case you forgot, this is my house you are in. Do not speak to me that way in my house!"

"Well then I guess I'll just have to leave your house, now won't I?" And with that, Kelly got up and walked out, slamming the front door behind her.


At the After Dark

Donna walked into the packed After Dark.  David was working late and after all these months of living alone, she couldn't bear to go home to the empty apartment. David saw her from across the room and gave her a quick wave.  Donna smiled and took a seat at the bar.

Noah approached her, "Can I get you something to drink, Donna?"

"Just a club soda with lemon, Noah, thanks."

Noah prepared the drink and handed it to her.  "What brings you out so late?"

Donna picked up her drink and took a sip before answering.  "I was out doing some shopping and just thought I'd stop in."

Noah nodded.  "How's things between you and Silver these days?"

Donna tilted her head,  considering just how much to tell him.  "Let's just say that things are looking better between the two of us."

"Glad to hear it," Noah replied before walking off to take someone else's order. Donna twirled her barstool around so she could watch the dancers on the floor and when the crowd would part just right, she could catch a glimpse of her husband.


At Casa Walsh

"Hi Leah!" Janet said as she walked into the living room of Casa Walsh, "Is Maddy asleep?"

"Yep," Leah said while standing up from the couch, "She went down right away."

Janet walked with her into the foyer, "Thanks so much for babysitting. Steve and I really wanted to go see this play.  I have to thank Carly for giving me your number."

"Oh, it's no problem.  It's summer anyway, I don't have much to do."

Steve walked in from the kitchen and handed Leah money, "You don't want me to drive you home?"

"No, it's okay", Leah insisted, "I only live around the block."

"Alright," Steve said, "Goodnight."

"Night," Leah said, closing the door behind her.

"Hey, Steve," Janet said while going through the mail that was on the table in the foyer.


"Did you see this invitation we got?  It doesn't say who it's from.   Just a 'celebration of love' on the beach by Kel's old apartment."

"Yeah, I saw it.  I don't know who it's from, but I think we should go."

"I wonder who else got an invitation.  I'm going to call Carly and see if she got one."


At the Bungalow

David came home to find Donna at the kitchen table leaning over the portable sewing maching that she had set up.  She was hard at work, despite the late hour.  David leaned over and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

"Hi honey," she said without looking up from what she was working on.

"Hi," David walked to the refridgerator and grabbed a bottle of beer.  He opened it and took a drink.  "Are you about done there?"

"Are you kidding?"

David knew to keep quiet so he just nodded.  "Well, I guess I'll go watch some TV in the bedroom so I don't disturb you." Donna didn't bother answering. David sighed and left the room.


At Melrose Place

Brenda paced nervously around her apartment waiting for Noah to arrive.  She was trying to find the words to tell him that they shouldn't see each other anymore. 

Was she crazy, she wondered.  Here she was, giving up a wonderful man, for some old feelings that she carried for Dylan.  It wasn't like she was going to act on these feelings or anything.  She just knew in her heart that as long as she was in love with Dylan, she could not be with anyone else.

Brenda stopped walking and sat down on the couch when she heard someone outside.  She tried to remain calm and appear that she had been sitting there all along.

Noah knocked at the door and then let himself in.  He sat down on the couch beside Brenda.  He was quiet for a minute before he looked up at her.  "Hi," he said softly.

"Rough night?" Brenda asked.

"Yea, we were swamped.  How was your day? Did you  hear about the audition yet?" Noah asked.

Brenda shook her head, "Not yet.  Maybe tomorrow."

"Speaking of tomorrow," Noah remembered.  "Did you get that invitation to that beach party?"

Brenda jumped up to grab it, "Yes I did!  Do you know anything about it?"

"No.  David and I were talking about it at work and no one seems to have a clue."

"Thats strange," Brenda commented.

Noah began fidgeting nervously with his hands.  Brenda noticed and asked, "Noah, whats wrong?"

Noah took a long look at her, "Brenda, I think we need to talk."

Brenda's heart leaped in her chest.  Those were supposed to be her words!  "What do you want to talk about?"

"About us.  I think we may have rushed into some stuff here," Noah tried to explain.  He looked up, surprised when Brenda started laughing.  "Whats so funny?"

"Well, that is pretty much what I wanted to talk to you about tonight."

"Really?" Noah asked, relief washing over him.

"Yes.  I'm just not ready and as much as I care about you, I'm still not ready." Brenda smiled at him.  She did care about him. "And I was getting the feeling  that you weren't really ready either."

Noah nodded, "True.  Be honest with me, is this about Dylan?"

Brenda thought hard, wanting to be as truthful as she could "I don't know, maybe part of it.  But it's mostly about me."

Noah smiled, "You know, the whole time I was with Donna, she was in love with David.  I knew it, even then.  I just chose to ignore it, thinking maybe she'd get over him someday.  She didn't.  I see the same look in your eyes with Dylan. I don't want to be in that spot again, hoping that you'll get over him someday.  You won't."

As Brenda listened, tears came to her eyes. "I guess we all formed some pretty strong bonds in high school, huh?"

"Something like that," Noah agreed.

"I'm sorry," Brenda told him simply.

Noah reached over and pulled her into a light hug, "Don't be sorry.  I'm glad that we got the chance to get to know each other.  I still think you're a lot cuter than your brother!"


At Whilshire Memorial

Lexi was at the hospital waiting for the morning to come...it was about 1am and nine more hours till she was gone.  Michael had stayed with her a while, Lexi scared to have him leave her side with John now on the loose.  It was so odd to think back to before she was attacked. Everything was so different.  Now Michael and her were together and everything else was different too.  She had made friends and lost some.  Time flys...anytime.  

Lexi knew everything would be changed from the moment she steped out of the hospital.  Would she live with Michael?  Would they break up, if things don't work out?  Will things work out?  Every question brought another to her mind.  Life was a bitch and she had the worst share.


At the Bungalow

Donna worked late into the night on her project.  Finally at three in the morning, she stitched the last stitch.  She stood up and stretched, yawning.  She held up the finished product and took a proud look at it.  It was perfect. 

She looked at the clock and grimaced.  She had to be up early in the morning to get some things done. 

Donna crept into the bedroom so as not to wake David.  She smiled to see him sleeping in their bed.  She was filled with love for him.  She leaned over his sleepng form and kissed him softly on the cheek.  David smiled from his dreams.  Donna slid in next to him and fell fast alseep herself.


At Whilshire Memorial

"Good morning Lexi," Dr. Bell said as he took her blanket off.   "You better get ready for your big day.  In just a few hours you'll be going home!" he said excitedly.

"Great," Lexi muttered.  She looked up at the clock, it was 6 'o' clock in the morning!  He must have been crazy waking her up at this hour, besides she was a patient.  "Dr. Bell I'm getting a slight case of the Zzz's, do you think I could take a nap?" she said and batted her eyelashes.

"I think not Lexi.  Get ready, Dr. Mancini will be here in two hours." Dr. Bell placed a plastic bag on her nightstand.  "Here are your items you had when you were admitted into the hospital."  

Lexi opened the bag and saw a few photos, her wallet, some jewelry and her purse.  "Thanks."  She laid down for a little while and fell asleep.  Not long into her sleep, Lexi had a dream.

Lexi was running, running fast and hard away from John.  "No," she screamed as he grabbed her.  Her heart was racing and beating quickly.  "Somebody help me!"   But it seemed as if she was screaming in an empty world.  No people around to save her...she was scared.


Valerie woke up next to Mike.  Her clothes were scattered all around the room and it was obvious what had went on last night.  She reached over and grabbed her pants.  She stood up to put them on and she tripped, waking up Mike.

"Hey now," he said.


"You're not running out on me, are you?" he asked

"No, I was going to wake you.  I need a ride home," she told him.

"Does this mean the fun is over?"

"No, not at all," she told him.

He ran his hands through her hair and kissed her, "Let me get dressed and I'll take you home."

"Thanks," Val said as she sat on the bed with her shirt in her hand.  Mike had turned out to be a pretty nice guy.  But, hell, what did she know, she only had met him for an hour and already was in bed with him, that had to be a new record for her.   Valerie sat back on the bed and sighed.


At the Bungalow

Donna woke early, long before David.  She left him sleeping and headed out to get some much needed stuff done.  While she drove, she dialed the store where she knew Brenda was working.  She pulled over in a parking lot to talk.

"Now Wear This," Brenda said when she finally answered the phone.

"Hey Bren, are you busy?" Donna asked, not wanting to bother her if she was.

"Not at the moment," Brenda told her.  "What's up?"

"I was just wondering if you and Noah were going to this beach party thing," Donna questioned.

"I am but don't ask me about Noah."

"Why? Did something happen?" Donna asked.

"We mutually agreed to just be friends," Brenda explained. "It's a long story.  I'll fill you in later. Are you going to the party?  Any idea whos throwing it?"

"Not a clue.  I guess I'll go," Donna told her. "Maybe we'll have a chance to talk then."

"Sounds great.  Oh, I need to go help a customer.  See you tonight!" Brenda said before hanging up the phone.

Donna set down her phone and pulled back out into the busy Los Angeles streets.  She had just a few more stops to make before she could head home.


At Melrose Place

Kelly walked into the kitchen, Saturday morning, to find Brandon eating a bowl of cereal while reading the newspaper.  

"Morning," she said and gave him a kiss on the cheek.  She poured herself some orange juice and sat down next to him.

"What time did you get home last night?" he asked in between spoonfuls of cereal.

"Not late, but you were sound asleep when I came into bed."

"How did it go?"

"I'd rather not discuss it..." she said, getting up from the table and opening the fridge.

Brandon slammed his spoon down, "He threatened you, didn't he?"

"Yes, but--"

"I told you not to go.  I knew it wasn't a good idea.  What did he say?" he said talking a mile a minute.


"What did he say, Kel?" Brandon demanded, starting to get stern.  

"Brandon, please.  This was just something I had to do.  For me.   I'm fine, don't worry."

"How could I not worry?  You should of let me go with you."

"Yeah, well, I didn't."

"I don't want you going over there again..."

"Brandon, this is my job.  I am fighting for what I believe in, trying to save an innocent person's life here.  You're either with me or you're against me.   And I don't know if I could handle you being against me."

Brandon got up from the table and hugged her closely and tightly, "I'm with you, I'm with you..."


At Casa Walsh

Janet and Steve were rushing to leave the house.  They wanted to get over to the orphanage as soon as possible.  As usual, Steve was running late, very late.  At times, Janet couldn't help but wonder if her husband was born late.

Leah sat in the kitchen feeding Maddy.  She was watching Zach and her all day, even into the evening.  She didn't mind though, she was saving up for a car.  And if babysitting all day and night would get her some cash, then that's what she was going to do.

"Steve, let's go!" Janet shouted from the foyer.

Steve yelled back down from the top of the stairs, "I'm coming, I'm coming...where is my other shoe??"

Janet let out a grunt and ran up the stairs to help Steve look.  

Leah laughed as she heard Janet yell, "It's right there!  Where all your shoes are!  Now, let's go!"

Leah and Maddy walked into the foyer just as Steve and Janet reached the bottom of the stairs.  

"Give mommy a kiss goodbye," Janet said, bending down to Maddy, "Daddy, too."

Maddy hugged Steve closely after kissing Janet.  Steve loved receiving hugs from his daughter.

"We don't know what time this beach party is going to end tonight, so we'll keep in touch," Janet said. "Carly should be dropping Zach off sometime this afternoon."

"Okay, well, enjoy your day," Leah smiled.  

"Bye," Steve said as he and Janet walked out the door.


At the Beach Apartment

Valerie and Mike were walking up the stairs to the Beach Apartment, talking and laughing, when they noticed Noah sitting there on a beach chair.

"What are you doing here?" Val asked him putting her hand on her bare tummy.

"We need to talk," he told her.

"I thought I told you yesterday we didnt have anything to talk about," she said.

"Is this guy bothering you or something?" Mike asked her.

"Look dude, you probably don't even know her last name so why don't you go take a hike?" Noah said, starting to get angry.

Mike being the nice guy that he is turned to Val and said, "Look Val, obvioulsy you and this guy need to finish some things up so I will let you be...call me," he whispered into her ear and walked away.

"Noah just go away," Val said as she walked towards the back door of the beach apartment.

"Don't walk away from me," he told her.

"Why not? You walked away from me," she shot back and went inside the beach apartment, slamming the door.

Noah walked in, opening the door, "Look Val, you're going to talk to me whether you like it or not."

"Really?  Who the hell do you think you are?  You have no say in my life whatsoever."

"Valerie, you're coming with me. We can do this the easy way and you can just come with me or i can drag you out kicking and screaming.   Your choice."

Valerie scoffed at him, "Fine, lets go then" she said angrily walking with him out the door.


At East LA Children's Orphanage

Steve and Janet walked into the East LA Children's Orphanage.   Feeling a bit nervous, they took their time walking up to the front desk.  

"Hi," Janet said when she and Steve approached the desk, "We're here for a tour of the orphanage.  We're supposed to be meeting April."

"Yes, she has been waiting for you.  I'll let her know you're here," the woman behind the desk replied.

Moments later, out walked a young, yet professional looking lady.

"I'm April," she said, extending her hand to Steve and Janet, "I'll be your tour guide."

"It's a pleasure to meet you," Janet said with a big smile.

"Let's get started.  Follow me."

April lead them around the corner and started showing them the orphanage.  She stopped in front of a glass window.  Janet and Steve peered in to see a bunch of cribs all lined up in a row.  In them were babies, sleeping soundly.

"Here at the orpanage, we like to separate the age groups.  As the kids get older, we also separate the sexes, as it becomes necessary.  The babies are taken care for my six different staff members.  Most of them were given up for adoption at birth, pre-planned."

"Aren't they adorable?" Janet said to Steve.

Steve smiled, "They're so tiny!  I can't believe Maddy was once that size."

"So," April began, "do you have any idea of what type of child you would like to take in?"

Steve nodded, "I think so."

"Okay...sex?" April asked.

"Boy," Janet responded, while at the same time, Steve responded with "Girl."

"Age?" April asked.

"Older." "Young.  Maybe a toddler"  Again, Janet and Steve's answers were quite opposite.

"Ethnicity?" was the next question April asked.

"American." "Japanese" Janet and Steve said simultaneously.

April made a slight face of confusion, "Sounds like you two still have a few details to work out."

"Yeah, I guess so..." Janet said in an upset tone.  


At the Peach Pit

David entered the Peach Pit and took a look around.  He sat down at the counter and waited for someone to take his order.  Nadine came by with a cup of coffee for him and took his order of eggs and toast. He smiled his thanks and then added some cream and sugar to the cup in front of him.  Finally Nat finished what he was doing and came over.

"How are you David?" he asked.  He had been concerned about the destructive path David had been going down.

"Never better Nat.  I'll let you in on a little secret.  Donna and I are back together and happier than ever."

"Thats the best news I've heard all day!" Nat beamed. "You say that this is a secret?"

David shrugged, "For now.  We just really haven't had the chance to share the news with everyone yet but we will."

Nat reached over and slapped David on the shoulder.  "I am really happy to hear that. Oh, here's your food!"

Nadine set the plate down in front of David.  "Enjoy!" she told him. David smiled and dug in.


At Melrose Place

Kelly sat on the couch with the phone in her hand and the number to the Federal Drug Administration hotline next to her.  Brandon sat patiently on the other sofa, waiting for her to make the call.  It took some heavy convincing, but he finally helped her get the nerve to report Mr. Lemme and his drug.

"Okay, I'm ready," she said after taking a deep breath.  She turned the phone on and dialed the number, "It's ringing."  She followed the instructions and pressed theappropriate keys that would lead her to operator assistance.

"Operator," the voice picked up.

"Yes, I'd like to make any an anonymous report," Kelly said softly.

"I'll connect you to the criminal department.  Please hold."

"You're doing fine," Brandon encouraged as she was waiting for someone to pick up.

"Hi..." Kelly said into the phone when the administrator picked up.

The woman on the line asked Kelly to share her tip, and if she chose not to, she didn't have to give her name.

"Yes, I'd like to remain anonymous."  Deep down, she truly was scared of Mr. Lemme.  

"Okay, that's fine.  Please, now tell me what happened."

Kelly got up from the couch and started to pace around the living room, ready to explain everything that had happened the last few months.  From the "twin" employees to Mr. Lemme's hestitantness with the research, she was holding nothing back.


At Melrose Place

Carly was at home feeding Zach an early lunch.  "Hey Zachman, what do you want for dessert?" she asked.

"Uhh, hmmm....Cookies and Cream ice cream," he said smiling.  

"Nice pick," she said and got it out of the fridge and put it in a bowl for him.  Cookies and Cream, it was Mark's favorite ice cream.  That's why it was still in there, he hadn't finished it.  She froze and thought for a minute.  Was she really ready to do this again?  Was she really ready to play the dating game?  Proffessor Dain seemed nice and all but she wasn't sure.  


At Melrose Place

Lexi and Michael pulled into the Melrose parking lot.  "Ready to go in?" he asked her smiling.

"As ready as I'll ever be."  They got out of the car.  "God this place seems so different."

Michael didn't respond.  They walked into her apartment and kissed then everyone yelled "Surprise!"  


At Melrose Place

Carly was in her bedroom talking on the phone to Brenda who was working at Now Wear This. "So what about that mysterious invitation for this afternoon, on the beach?  Any idea who it is?" Brenda asked, while folding some shirts.

Carly put her hand over her mouth.  "Oh my goodness, I totally forgot!"  

Brenda wasn't getting the point,"Soo...?"

"I made a date with Adam, Proffessor Dain I mean, oh no, I don't know what I mean!"  

"That rude and obnoxious proffessor?" Brenda asked surprised.

"Yeah that one.  His name is Adam and he asked me out."

"Right...look, I have a customer, I'll call you back okay?" Brenda said.

"Sure, bye," Carly said and hung up the phone.  She quickly dialed Adam's number and waitied for the phone to ring.  


At Melrose Place

Lexi was shocked as Megan, Ryan, Sarah, Kyle, Jane, and Jake were surronded in the shadows.  There were banners hanging up saying "Welcome Home Lexi" and ballons all around.

"Thank you guys!" she said excitedly as she exchanged a hug with Megan and whispered "You're my best friend and I know you'd never let me down."

She hugged Ryan, Sarah, and Jane and then went to Kyle.  "Kyle thanks, I know this was your idea."

"But don't go away yet we have a gift for you," Jane said.  Jane handed her a box.  Lexi opened it and it was $100 gift certificate to 7250.

"Thanks guys.  But I think I want to take a rest," Lexi said and left the room and went into her bedroom.  

"I'll go see what's wrong," Michael said.

"No. Michael, let me."  Megan went into the bedroom.  "Lexi, honey, what's wrong?"

"Megan, just leave me the hell alone okay!"

"Lexi, what's going on?" she asked ignoring Lexi's request.

"I'm a little scared, that's all. I'll be fine."  She laid in her bed upset, alone, and the real Lexi shattered through for a few minutes.


Noah and Valerie were in his jeep driving.  Everything was quiet until Val finally said something, "So where are we going?" she asked getting restless.

"Just sit back and be quiet," he told her.

Val couldn't believe him, "Who the hell do you think you are?  When did you get so bossy?" Noah ignored her "You know you can play these games with Brenda but you can't with me.  Does Brenda even know you're with me?"

"We broke up," Noah said as he pulled up to a red light, "We're almost there..."

"Where are we going?? What do you want from me Noah?" she blunty asked him.


At Melrose Place

"Hello Adam?" Carly asked.

"Carly, hi, what's the deal?" he asked smiling.

"Uhh nothing. Look Proffessor, er Adam, I can't make it to our dinner tonight.  A friend of mine's having a party," she said.  It wasn't a lie, it just wasn't the truth.

"Okay, that's fine. Would you like to go out to lunch then?" he asked her.

Obviously he wasn't going to give up.  "Heh, uhh sure.  1 'o'clock?"  

"No problem, where at?" he asked.

"The Peach Pit.  It's where I work and some good friends of mine go there, do you know where it is?" she asked him, getting ready to give directions.

"Yeah, it's next to that nightclub, the After Dark right?"

She smiled.  "Yeah, I'll see you there at one."

"Okay, it's a date."


At Melrose Place

Although Lexi had disappeared into her bedroom, everyone stayed at her apartment and hung out.  Everyone was scattered across the living room and connected kitchen, just talking and catching up with one another.  

Jake stood up and walked onto the tile floor inbetween the kitchen and living room so everyone could see him.  "I'm leaving," he said bluntly and loudly over everyone's voices.

Everyone stopped talking and looked straight at Jake.  "What?!?" Jane asked, wanting to make sure she heard right.

"I'm leaving LA.  I can't stay here...not anymore.  I have to go..."

"...find Clare?" Michael asked.  Jake nodded.

"It's just something I have to do..."

"We understand.  That's what friends do.  Understand," Kyle said.

Jake smiled, "Thanks.  I'll remember that."


As the tour continued, Janet and Steve were shown the cafeteria as well as some bunks of the other children.  The East LA Oprhanage seemed like a very nice place.   April stopped in a long hallway that had a several doors lining each side.

"In each of these rooms," April began, "we have support groups and meetings.  Any of the children can attend the meetings.  They are mainly for the children to share their feelings so they aren't bottled up inside.  Some of them are for specific situations, like for children who just recently came to the orphanage or those who have been shuffled from foster home to foster home.  In the door to my right, one of the meetings is presently underway.  We'll go in for a few minutes and watch."

April opened up the door and tip-toed in with Steve and Janet behind her.  Some of the children turned around to see who had entered.  Janet and Steve smiled uneasily and listened in on the conversation.  

The children were talking about what it feels like to be an orphan and go into a foster home.  One girl, about nine years old, was sharing her feelings.

"Everytime I see the tour people leading some nice people around, I wonder, 'Is she going to be my new mommy?    Is he going to be my new brother?'  And then when I realize I'm not the one they want to adopt, I think something's wrong with me.  Why don't people want me?" the girl finished with tears in her eyes.  

Janet felt her heart breaking as she listened closely.  She couldn't imagine how hard it must be for these children to cope with all these feelings that are presented to them at such a young age.

"Taylor," the monitor asked, "What do you have to say on the subject?"

The 15 year old boy looked up, unsure of what to say at first.  He stared at the wall for a few minutes, before beginning, "It's hard, I mean, going from home to home, not knowing if these people are the ones that will be your family for the rest of your life. The ones that were born to be your family.  The ones that will love you unconditionally.   You don't know what to expect and very few families have shown any sign of understanding.   No one knows where we're coming from.  No one knows what it's like to be us."

A few of the children nodded their heads in agreement.  Taylor lost the the softness and openess in his voice. "But I guess, I've grown to deal with it," he said, adjusting his baseball cap.

April motioned for Janet and Steve to follow her out of the room.  

Back in the hall, April said, "That was Taylor, our resident bad boy, jokester, and cool guy.  Apparently most of the girls have a crush on him."

"Reminds me of myself in high school!" Steve said with a laugh and a big smile.


At Now Wear This

Brenda leaned across the counter and handed a bag to the customer.  "Please come back soon," she told the lady with a big smile.  The woman had just made a huge purchase.  Gina came in the door to relieve her as the lady walked out.

Brenda smiled to welcome Gina.  "Hey.  How are you Gina?"

Gina made a face, "I've been better."

"Whats the matter?"

"Well, for one, I would really appreciate it if you would stay away from my boyfriend," Gina told Brenda.

"Uum..." Brenda didn't know what to say.  "Dylan and I are just friends."

"Yea, well, lets keep it that way.  I know you've had your eye on him since you came back to town, but he's mine."

Brenda shook her head sadly, "The Dylan I know doesn't belong to anyone but himself and his surfboard.  He wouldn't have it any other way."

Gina turned to face Brenda and pointed a finger in her face.  "This isn't high school anymore Brenda.  You don't know him at all!"

"Whatever Gina," Brenda replied and walked away.  She was burning with anger but didn't want Gina to see it.  "I'm going to go now.  Have a great day," she said, heavy with sarcasm.  She grabbed her purse and headed out of the store.

"I'm serious  Brenda," Gina called after her.  "Stay away from him!"


Noah got out the car and sat on the side of the mountain they were on, the mountain where the forests below could be seen, the mountain where Noah and Valerie had shared many romantic moments before. "What I want is to talk to you and to help you," Noah told her.

"Noah, I don't want to talk you and I damn well don't need your help," she yelled at him.

"Oh really? Valerie you need all the help you can get.  You're addicted to a lethal narcotic."

Valerie got on the defensive, "So I have a little fun every once in a while, doesn't mean I'm an addict. So save your twelve step speech for someone else."

"Stop Val, just stop! I'm going to help you whether you like it or not.  So just come over here and sit down."

For some reason, Val actually listened to him and sat down beside him. "Look how beautiful it is out here," he said, looking out.

"Noah, it's too early in the morning for this, can you please take me home."

"Nope, not until I knock some sense into that head of yours," he told her, Val just sat there, looking down "What happened to us Valerie?"

"Do you remember that night, after we had that big fight with Lexi? We went back to the beach apartment and we feel asleep on the couch together," Valerie said, avoiding eye contact.

"Yeah, I remember," he said with a smile, thinking back.

"I fell in love with you that night, Noah.  And do you remember that night when I walked in your apartment and found you and Brenda on the couch making out, well I fell out of love with you that night.  That's what happened to us, you destroyed us.  And most of all you destroyed me. So if you don't like what I've become, don't blame me, blame yourself.  Now I'm leaving," she said getting up and walking off with tears streaming down her face.

"Valerie, come back here," Noah yelled after her.  She kept walking, not once turning back to look at him. When she got far enough away from him, she opened her bag and took a hit of some of the leftover cocaine she had.  Then she called a cab on her cell to take her home.


At the Peach Pit

Carly had just dropped Zach off at Casa Walsh.  He was excited to spend the rest of the day with Maddy and Leah.  Carly was at the Peach Pit drinking a cup of coffee, waiting for Andrew.  Just then, he walked in.  

"Hey Carly," he said sitting down next to her.

Nat winked at her and came over.  "Hey there, Carly. Can I take your order?"

"Sure Nat, this is Adam, he's a friend of mine," she said.

"Hi Nat," Adam extended his hand.  

"Nice to meet you," Nat replied in his usual chipper voice.

"I'll have a megaburger," Adam said.

"Make that two," Carly agreed.

"Two megaburgers coming up."  Nat went into the back to get the megaburgers ready when Carly saw David on the other side of the counter coming over to her.

"Hey Carly, what's up?" David said when he approached the table.

Carly smiled, "Oh hey David. This is Andrew."  

"Hey man," David said.  "So did you get that mysterious invitation?" Carly was signaling for David not to say anything.  

"Uhh yeah...I'm going are you?"

"Maybe, I don't know."

"You should go, it'll be fun," Carly smiled.

"Okay I'll leave you two alone," David said and left.

Adam smiled.  "This date is turning out excellent!"


At the Beach Apartment

Val walked into the beach apartment sometime around one-thirty.   Ginger and Jen were on the couch talking.

"Hey, where have you been?  We were looking for you all morning," Jen told her.

Val walked over to the fridge and poured herself a glass of OJ, "Noah wanted to 'talk' to me, so I was with him all morning, unfortunately."

"What did he want?" Ginger asked her.

"Hell, if I know..." She said walking into her bedroom.  Deep down inside, her conversation with Noah deeply affected her.

"So he totally got to her," Jen said getting up from the couch.

"Oh, I know," Ginger said, "and that's shocking."

"Why is that?" Jen asked

Ginger stood up, "Because Val's the strong one, she could always take it.  You know, she was never the one with tears in her eyes."

"Well, with everything that has happened with Noah and her, I'm not suprised," Jen said.

"Let's cheer her up," Ginger suggested.

"Okay, what do you have in mind?" Jen asked.

"Don't worry, I'm sure I can find something for us to do. Let me call some people," Ginger said and headed over to the phone.


At the Peach Pit

Brenda ran into the Peach Pit to grab a quick bite to eat.  She was completely out of groceries and wouldn't have time to shop that day with the party that afternoon.  She was anxious to hear word about the audition.  She was so tired of waiting, she didn't really care if she got the part or not, she just wanted to know. 

She glanced around the diner and saw Dylan sitting by himself reading a paper.  She approached him slowly, not wanting to interrupt his reading.

"Hi Bren, have a seat.  Whats up?" Dylan said, without looking up from the paper.  "Any word yet?" he asked, pretending he had no idea she got the part.

Brenda shook her head, "Not yet. So anyway, your girlfriend is like really unsure of herself, isn't she?"

Dylan looked up quizzically.  "First, I wouldn't say she's my girlfriend. Second, Gina has very low self-esteem.  Why do you ask?"

Brenda filled him in on her conversation with Gina.  "I didn't mean to get upset with her but when she implied that I didn't know you..."

"Don't worry about it Bren.  I can handle Gina.  Let's talk about something else.  How's Noah?" Dylan asked pointedly.

Brenda looked Dylan straight in the eyes.  "Actually, we broke up last night." Dylan didn't say a word, just kept looking at her.  Brenda couldn't stand the weight of his stare and she looked away.  "It just wasn't working out."

Dylan nodded, "That happens sometimes.  I'm sorry to hear it though."

"Are you really?" Brenda asked.

Dylan nodded, "No, not really."

Brenda's heart raced at his words.  "You never have liked him, have you?"

Dylan shrugged, "He's not good enough for you."

"Oh really? And do you think that there will ever be anyone that you think is good enough for me?" Brenda asked, teasingly.

Dylan nodded again. "Probably not," he said with a sexy smile. He stood up to leave, "I'm late.  Call me when you hear something..."

"You'll be the first person I call." Dylan smiled and then walked away.


At the Beach Apartment

After Ginger had made some calls, she knew excalty what the girls were going to do.  She and Jen went into Val's room to let her in on the plans.  But Val was in bed.

"What are you doing?" Ginger asked her. "Get your ass up, we're going out."

Val didn't move, "No that's okay. I think I had enough for today."

"Why are you crying Valerie?" Ginger asked her.

"I'm not crying, I'm sleeping.  Now leave me alone..."

"Okay, you're obviously not sleeping, that's a given," Jen told her.

Ginger looked at her, "Are you crying over Noah?  My God, Valerie.   Get up and get into some clothes and lets go."

Val felt really pathetic. She had Ginger bagging on her,  which wasn't a good sign "You know what, you're right."

"Yes she is, for once," Jen laughed.

"Hey!" Ginger snapped.

"I'm going to go get dressed," Valerie got out of bed and opened her dresser draw.

"Hey Val, think fast," Jen said throwing her bottle of coke.

"What's this for?"

"I don't know, call it an early birthday present."

Val laughed it off and searched through her draws for the perfect outfit.


At Dylan's Place

Gina knocked on Dylan's door and waited impatiently for him to open it.  When Dylan finally arrived, he found Gina standing with her arms crossed with an indiginant look on her face. 

"What took you so long to open the door?" she asked as she walked in.  Dylan closed the door behind her and then walked over to the couch.  He took a seat. 

"I was just reading some stuff," Dylan said indicating to the coffee table.

"Like what?" Gina said as she grabbed for the folder.  Dylan didn't say a word as she looked over the papers.  "This looks like a script."

"It is," Dylan answered simply. 

"What are you doing with it?" Gina asked as she set it back down on the table.

"It's to Brenda's show," Dylan told her.  "I am going to be one of the producers."


"Yes, me."

"So, Brenda got the part, and you are one of the investors," Gina said piecing it together in her mind.  "Isn't that a little convenient?"

Dylan stood up, "It's not like that.  Brenda got the part based on her own talent."

"Sure..." Gina said sarcastically, nodding her head.

"Listen, Gina, I think you need to go," Dylan told her.

"You're kicking me out?" Gina asked, ticked off.

"I just need some time alone."

"Great Dylan.  That's just great.  What about this party tonight?" Gina asked.

Dylan headed for the door.  "I don't think I'm going." Dylan pulled the door open and indicated for her to go out.

"Thanks a lot," Gina said as she stormed out the door.

"Bye Gina," Dylan said as he shut the door behind her.


At Melrose Place

Carly walked inside her apartment and sat on the couch.  She had to admit that was one of the funnest luncheons she's ever had.  Adam was funny, smart and everything she thought she'd never find in a guy.  But why didn't she like him or at least have some romantic feelings for him?  

She got up from the couch and went outside.  She walked to the mailboxes to get her mail.  Two bills and a letter addressed to her from Mark.  She anxioulsy tore the letter open and read straight through to the bottom:

Dear Carly,       
I love you so much and I'm here in New York, missing you right now.  I'm coming to LA next month for a business trip again. Maybe we can have dinner or something.  I love you with all my soul and I miss you and Zach.  


Carly didn't even cry this time.  She knew when she finished the letter, that she finally, truly was over him.


At the Beach Apartment

Val, Ginger, and Jen were sitting down eating a late afternoon lunch in a Cafe.

"So this is what we're doing today?  Eating lunch?" Val said in disbelief.

"No, we were hungry and wanted to get something to eat," Jen said, taking a bite of her burger.

"Yeah, Val, you really need to go food shopping," Ginger said.

Val didn't like the whole buddy-buddy thing going on between Jen and Ginger. "Whatever," Val said, picking at the lettuce from her salad.

Ginger sighed, "Val, you really have to start trusting me.  When I take you to the place I found, you're going to forget all about Noah."

"I'm not hung up on Noah, Ginger.  Is that what you two think?" Val asked. Niether one of them said anything. "Well, it's nice to know who your friends are..." Val said, getting up from the table.

"Where are you going?"  Jen asked.

"Anywhere but here..." Val said picking up her purse.

"Val, wait, I'm sorry," Ginger told her.

"Whatever, I just want to be alone," she said, heading for the exit.


At Casa Walsh

After finishing their tour at the East LA Orphanage, Steve and Janet got in the car and headed over to the beach for the party.  They parked in the muncipal parking lot on Lighthouse Road, right by Valerie's beach apartment.  They got out of the car and walked down onto the beach, hand in hand.

Janet and Steve were suprised when they walked onto the beach and none of their friends were in sight.  They then realized that they were a half hour early.

"Let's go for a walk," Steve suggested.

"Okay," Janet said, taking off her sandals and then letting herself be led by Steve to the water.


At the Beach Apartment

After Valerie left the Cafe, she decided to take a walk and think about some things.  She was tired of people telling her what was wrong with her, and how she should act, and people trying to help her.  She just wanted to make her mistakes and live her life her way.

Maybe she did have feelings for Noah, mostly hate, but there was something about him, she just didn't know what it was.  All she knew was that she had all these feelings and it just pissed her off.  She didn't want to talk to Jen or Ginger or anyone. All she really wanted was to be by herself so she just walked....


At the Bungalow

David sat on the couch with the remote in hand flipping through the channels as he waited for his wife to finish getting ready to go to the beach.  He would never understand why it took her so long to get ready.  David sighed and kept channel surfing.

Finally Donna walked into the room.  "Well, how do I look?" she asked doing a little twirl in front of him.

David eyed her appreciatively, "Well, you were certainly worth the wait. Are you sure that we have to go to this thing?"

Donna giggled, "Pretty sure.  Come on, lets go." She reached down and grabbed his hands and tried to pull him off the couch.  David resisted causing her to fall over on top of him. 

"This is more like it," David told her and then kissed her. 

After a few minutes, Donna pulled away, "Come on, David we have to go.  We are going to be late!"

"Isn't that the idea?"

"Yeah, but still..." Donna said giving him puppy dog eyes.

"All right, all right," David sighed as he got up from the couch to follow his wife out of the house.


At the Beach

Brandon and Kelly walked down to the beach party.  The candles lit on the tables made the place shine like a fairy tale.  Kelly squeezed Brandon's hand tighter as she pulled him toward their friends.

Brandon stopped Kelly before she got too far and pulled her to him and gave her a firm kiss.

"What was that for?" she asked with a smile.

"This place brings back a lot of memories for me," Brandon explained.

Kelly nodded. "Me too, unfortunately not all of them good," she said, thinking of Val now living in what used to be her home.  She still worried about Val much more than she let on. 

"Remember the night before I left?" Brandon asked with a smirky smile, "Skinny-dipping in the ocean."

"How could I forget?" Kelly smiled back at him.

"Want to do it again?" Brandon asked.


"Why not?"

Kelly looked around, "We would have quite an audience."

Brandon laughed, "I guess you're right.  Maybe later?"

"You can count on it, Brandon," Kelly replied.  "Come on, let's go talk to our friends," she said, pulling him further down the beach.


At the Beach

Brenda walked down to the beach and saw many people already there.  She started heading over to Kelly and Brandon when Gina stopped her.

"Hi Gina, where's Dylan?" Brenda asked in a friendly voice.

"He's not coming," Gina told her.

"Really? Why not?" Brenda asked.

"Who knows.  Where's Noah?" Gina asked.

Brenda looked away, "Well, actually, we broke up last night."

Gina nodded, "Does Dylan know this?"

"I may have mentioned it to him when I saw him earlier," Brenda told her. "What are you getting at Gina?"

"It all makes a lot more sense now," Gina mumbled before walking off leaving Brenda standing there.  


At the Beach

Steve and Janet returned to the beach right outside the Beach Apartment, thirty minutes later.  

When they got there, they noticed the table and chairs set up, and a tent with tables of food under it, and candles all around.  Hanging around by it all, was  most of the gang. It was the first time Steve and Janet had seen the whole gang together since the brunch they had at The After Dark a few weeks earlier.  The couple walked over to their friends and began to mingle.


At the Beach

Brenda and Kelly stood closer to the ocean and looked back at the group of friends that was gathering.  They still had no clue why they were even there but they were determined to have a good time.

"So you broke it off with Noah?" Kelly asked, once they were out of earshot from the rest of the group.  Brenda just nodded.  "Have you talked to Dylan about how you feel?"

Brenda shook her head.  "No and I'm not planning on it."

"Why not?"

"I don't know," Brenda shrugged.  "It all scares me...love, relationships, Dylan."

Kelly giggled, "I still think you should be upfront with him. Let him know where you stand."

"Yea, maybe," Brenda was interrupted by the ringing of her cell phone.  "Excuse me for a minute, Kel."

Kelly smiled and walked back up to the crowd.  Brenda thought this might be the call she had been waiting for.


"Brenda? Is that you?" the voice of her agent Gabe Walker spoke from the other end.

"Hi Gabe.  Yes, it's me."

"Brenda!  Do I have good news for you!" Gabe yelled into the phone excitedly.

Brenda didn't want to get her hopes up, "Really?"

"Really!  They would like to offer you the part.  I have negotiated an amazing salary for you," Gabe explained.

"OH my God!" Brenda tried to control her emotions but she was so excited.  "That is great news.  Thank you so much."

"NO, thank you!  You are going to make me a very rich man.  Brenda, you are going to be a star," Gabe told her.  "Can you meet me tomorrow to work out the details and sign the contract?"

"I sure can!" Gabe's enthusiasm was catching.

"Okay.  I'll call you in the morning as soon as I receive the papers from Fox," Gabe told her.  "Hey, congratulations!"

"Thanks Gabe!" Brenda said and then hung up the phone.  She couldn't believe it.  This was a good day after all.


At the Beach

Brenda continued to look out at the ocean awhile after she hung up from Gabe, thinking about acting again.  She looked up at the clouds and whispered, "Matthew, can you hear me?  I'm going to act again.  I'm doing this for you.  I know it is what you would have wanted.  It's going to be hard, but I feel you with me."  Brenda smiled and stepped away from the water.  She pulled her cell phone out and called the only other person she wanted to share this moment with.

"Yea?" Dylan said when he answered his cell phone.

"It's me.  I have great news!" Brenda told him excitedly.

"You got the part!" Dylan said.

"I got the part!  I owe it all to you," Brenda said. "I never would have auditioned if you hadn't talked me into it, Dylan."

"You earned that part, Bren," Dylan told her. "You deserve it."

Brenda turned back out to look at the water.  "Dylan, thanks.  You have been so great to me.  I really wish you were here right now.  The sun is just getting ready to set over the ocean.  It's beautiful."

"And let me guess, there is a sailboat drifting in the water in front of you?" Dylan told her.

"How'd you know that?"

"You've always liked sailboats, Bren," Dylan said from right behind her.

Brenda turned around to see Dylan.  "What are you doing here?  I thought you weren't coming!"

"I changed my mind."

Brenda smiled and then walked over to pull Dylan into a big hug.  "I'm so glad you're here." Dylan inhaled deeply, enjoying the smell of her hair Something stirred inside him.

"Come on, we had better go rejoin the group," Brenda told him.

"Do we have to?" Dylan asked playfully.

Brenda grabbed his hand and pulled him.  "Come on!"


At the Beach

Gina watched as Dylan and Brenda talked near the ocean with jealousy rising in her chest.  Why did some girls have all the luck while she had none?  She had worked too long for a relationship with Dylan to let someone walk right in and take him away.

She knew that Brenda hadn't earned that part.  Dylan had bought it for her just like he bought everything else.  And Gina felt that Brenda needed to know that.  She didn't think that Brenda would appreciate it very much. 

Gina nodded, she knew what she needed to do.  She would just have to find the right time to do it.  With a satisfied smile, Gina turned around and began listening to the conversations around her.


At the Beach

Brenda hurriedly walked over to a group of people including Brandon, Kelly, Janet and Steve, losing Dylan in the midst of it all.  She was so excited that she just interrupted the conversation already going on.  Dylan joined the group a minute later, smiling at her excitement.  

"Guess what!  I got the part!" she yelled out.

"Thats great, Bren," Brandon said with a huge grin on his face.  Kelly hugged her, "Congratulations." Steve and Janet both gave her their best wishes.  "I can't wait to see the show," Janet told her.

"I can't believe that we're going to have a star in our midst," Steve said.  "Now not only can I tell people that I am Samantha Sander's son but that I am Brenda Walsh's friend!"

"Very funny, Steve," Brenda said, pretending to be offended.

"It really is great news, Brenda.  Congratulations," Gina said, joining the group. 

"Thanks Gina," Brenda said, a little surprised by her kindness.

Gina ignored her comment and continued talking, "I mean, I've heard that you are really talented and all but it is surprising considering that you have absolutly no television expereince."

Brenda frowned and started to speak when Dylan spoke up, "That's enough Gina." Gina gave him a big smile and walked off.


At the Beach

Carly was talking to Steve and Janet and they were telling her about how great Leah was working out.  They were all sitting there waiting for that mysterious group who threw the party to show up.  

"Yeah, she is great," Carly agreed taking a sip of her wine cooler.

"How'd you find her?" Janet asked curiously.

"Well she works at the Deli on Melrose and she needed a new job so I told her I'd hire her."  Janet nodded.  "So did you guys find out when you get to take in your child of choice?" she asked.

Steve and Janet exchanged glances.  "Well...not exactly..."


At the Beach

As the sun started to set over the ocean, the group of friends still wondered why they were even here.  Despite not knowing, they were using the time to catch up, reminise and laugh together.  They were interrupted when Nat separated himself from the group and started waving his hands.

"Can I have your attention over here?" Nat yelled out.  Everyone turned to face him to hear what he had to say.

"You have all been invited here today to join in on a celebration of love," Nat announced.  "And that you all came today without knowing anything more than that s hows that you all have faith in love."

"Now without further ado, I would like to welcome you all to the renewal of David and Donna's wedding vows," as Nat spoke he gestured toward the back of the crowd of people.  Music began playing just as he finished speaking.  Everyone turned to where he was pointing and they saw David and Donna standing together some distance away. 

David grabbed Donna's hand and they walked slowly toward their friends.  Everyone smiled to see them together.  As they got close, the crowd parted to let them walk up to Nat.  Donna was wearing a long cream colored dress while David was wearing slacks with a shirt opened at the collar.  They both looked casual yet beautiful. 

David and Donna stopped before Nat and faced each other.  David took Donna's hands in his.

"We are gathered here today to celebrate the love between these two people," Nat said.  "They have invited you, their closest friends, to witness as they renew their wedding vows."

Donna smiled at David before speaking, "A long time ago, we went out on our first date, and I thought that that was the happiest day of my life.  But then you kissed me out on the dance floor at West Beverly...well, maybe I kissed you," Donna said with a giggle.  "And I thought that was the happiest day of my life.  And then many years later, after many happiest days of my life, I stood before you as I am now and said my vows to you and I thought that was the happiest day of my life.  Now I would have to say that maybe today is the happiest day of my life.  I have realized that it only gets better, and that life is a series of ups and downs.  I promise to cherish the ups with you and help you over the downs.  I love you David and I promise to spend the rest of my life showing you just how much." Donna squeezed his hands when she was done talking. 

David took a breath, "Donna, my life has already known many good times and bad times.  Through them all, you were always there.  That is what love is to me.  To look back on our long history together and know that we have made it through gives me the greatest joy possible.  I love you Donna and today is the happiest day of my life! I promise to spend the rest of my life making each day the happiest day of your life." They both looked at each other as Nat said, "You may now kiss the bride!"  David did just that as their friends started clapping wildly.

Together David and Donna turned to face their friends.  David spoke first, "We wanted you all to be here today to join in our happiness.  But we also wanted to say thanks for all of the support you have given us lately.  We realize that we have been acting crazy and we apoligize for making you all a part of that."

"You have all been with us through so much and we thank you for sticking by us," Donna told them. "We would not have made it without you."


At the Beach

Right after the ceremony ended, Kelly walked up to Donna and David with tears in her eyes.

"That was so beautiful!" Kelly exclaimed, reaching out to hug both Donna and David.

They both embraced her. "Thanks," David said.

"I'm so happy you guys got back together.  I knew that with the special bond that you guys share, you would work your problems out," Kelly smiled.

Donna looked at David, "So did we.  It just took a little time to realize that."

"Well, now I can rest easy knowing my best friend is going to stay my sister-in-law," Kelly said, hugging Donna.

"Kelly!" Brandon called from under the tent.  He pointed to his watch and Kelly nodded.

"I have to get going to the airport," she said, "I'll call you two lovebirds tomorrow.  Thanks for letting me witness this 'Celebration of Love'."

"Goodnight," David said.

"Night," she replied before heading towards Brandon.


At the Beach

"Congratulations man," Dylan said to David, slapping him on the back. 

"Thanks Dylan," David said.  "I feel like I am doing the right thing."

Dylan nodded, "She loves you very much."

"I know," David replied happily.  "I think I've always known that, I just let my pride get in the way."

"Well, we men are good at that sometimes," Dylan said.

Donna walked over, "What are you guys talking about?"

Dylan grabbed her and gave her a big hug and kiss, surprising her.  Donna squealed.  "What was that for?"

"I didn't think that Silver needed to be the only one having fun," Dylan told her.  "Nah, I'm really happy for you both."

"Thanks Dylan," Donna said with a smile.


At the Beach

Donna walked over to Brenda.  "I hear I missed your big announcement."

Brenda smiled, "Yea, I am really excited.  But this is a big day for you too!" She reached out and hugged Donna.  "I am so glad that you and David worked through your problems.  It really gives me hope that love can conquer anything."

"Is there a certain love you are thinking about?" Donna had to ask.

"Maybe a certain one," Brenda said wissfully. "Not that it matters."

"Why not?"

"I think he thinks of me as a sister," Brenda explained.  "We've been through so much together."

Donna laughed to Brenda's dismay.  "What are you laughing at?  That's not funny."

Donna tried to stop laughing, "I'm sorry.  It's just that you sound just like I did when I realized that I was in love with David.  I was so worried that he didn't feel the same way, that he thought of me as his sister."

Brenda smiled, "And look at you now. How did you get past that?"

"I guess I just took a chance," Donna said thoughtfully. "Maybe that's what you need to do."

Brenda smiled softly, thinking of the hug she and Dylan had shared y the water. "Maybe I will."


At the Beach

"Can I have this dance?" David asked, tapping Donna on the shoulder.  She smiled and excused herself from the conversation she was having with Brenda.

She drifted into David's arms and settled her cheek against his shoulder.

"Are you having a good time?" David asked her.

"I think it may be better than the first time around.  This time I know that we can face any obstacle together," she told him.

David didn't respond but just pulled her tighter. 

"I love you David Silver."

"I love you too," he whispered back.


At the Beach

Jake walked on to the soft sand of the beach and proceeded straight to the water, where Dylan was standing, looking out over the ocean.

"Take a picture.  It'll last longer."

Dylan turned around, "Jake, man, what are you doing here?"

"Saying goodbye."


"I'm leaving LA," he said bluntly for the second time that day.

"What? Why?" Dylan asked.

"One word: Clare."

"You're leaving, over a girl?"

"For a girl.  I have to find her."

"Enough said, but where exactly are you headed?"

"I don't know.  Wherever the winding road takes me, I guess.  I was thinking maybe Arizona.  I traced the phone call I got from Clare a few days ago, and it came from Phoenix."

"Well, man, I wish you luck," he said, extending his hand.  "Are you coming back?"

"Maybe..someday...with Clare."

"You'll always have a place here."

Jake stopped shaking Dylan's hand and pulled him into a hug.  Times like these called for it.  "I know...I know."


At the Peach Pit

Ginger and Jen had been looking for Valerie all afternoon and into the evening.  By this time, the sun was almost set.  At one point, they gave up looking and went to the club they planned on going to with Valerie.

"We shouldn't have gone to that club.  We should have looked for Val," Jen said.

"I know my best freind, she wanted to be by herself.  She would've just pushed us away if we went after her.  She would want us to have fun," Ginger told her while driving.

"You know what, don't talk. Keep your eye on the road and I will look out for Val."


"Oh look, there she is!" Jen said, signaling Ginger to pull over and stop the car.



Brandon waited with Kelly for his flight to Hong Kong to be announced.  She looked up at him sadly, "I am really going to miss you.  We haven't been apart since you've been back."

Brandon gave her a quick kiss, "The time will fly, I promise.  I really wish you were going with me."

"Me too.  Maybe next time," Kelly said.  "Promise me that you'll be careful."

Brandon gazed into her eyes, "I promise.  When did you get to be such a worrier, Kelly Taylor?"

Kelly frowned, "Well, maybe it was the time you were kidnapped by Kanis or maybe the time..."

"Never mind!" Brandon chuckled.  "Actually, I'm the one who should be worried about you.  Now promise me that you'll be careful!"

"I always am, Brandon."

At that moment, they heard his flight number called over the loud speaker.  "I guess this is it," Brandon said, standing up.  "Give me a hug."  Kelly  hugged him longer than necessary, hating that he was going halfway around the world without her.  "I love you Kel."

"I love you too, Brandon."


At Melrose Place

Lexi and Michael were alone at her apartment at last. All their friends had stayed well into the night.  They were sitting on her bed watching T.V.  "Anything you want?" Michael asked.

"No Michael," Lexi snapped.  "You've asked me ten times."

"Okay, okay. I'm just worried about you that's all," Michael said as he was telling the truth.  

"Well there is one thing you can do.  Get me a glass of milk and some cookies," she said and smiled.  He nodded and went in the kitchen and opened her fridge.   He poured a glass of milk and took a sip and boy was it sour!  ICK!  

"Hey Lex," he said.


"I'm going next door to get my milk. Yours is a little sour."  

"Okay," she laid her back as Michael left the apartment.  


Jen jumped out of the car, "Val, where the hell have you been?" she yelled.

"Walking, I wanted to think," Val said, stopping.

"Well is the thinking over?  I want to go back to the club we just left," Ginger said in a snobbish tone as she got out of the car and walked around to them.

Val smiled, "Yeah, I want to have some fun.  This has been a really bad day, hopefully I can make it a better night."

"Thatta girl!" Jen said and patted her on the back.

The three women got back in the car, excited to be going to the club.

Ginger turned the car back on and they headed back on to the road.   They drove for a while in silence, along the winding road that got higher and higher around the bluffs.

Val broke the silence, "So where were you guys?"

Ginger responded, "Oh, we were at this underground club; it was great.  That's where we're going now.  It's in Malibu."

"Cool," Val responded.

"Hey Val, hand me that bottle," Ginger said, while driving.

"What bottle?" Val, who was in the backseat, asked as she looked.

"Jen, take the wheel," Ginger told her and reached back into the back seat....they swerved onto the other side of the road, where traffic was heading towards them.

"Jen, I told you to take the wheel!" Ginger shouted angerly, regaining the wheel.

"I'm sorry, that's too complicated for me!" Jen laughed.

"Lets try this again, take the wheel!" Ginger said and leaned into the back seat. "Here we go," she said and grabbed the bottle. She turned around and saw a truck heading towards them.  They once again had swerved into the opposite side of the road. Her eyes bugged out as she saw the truck getting closer, beeping its horn.

"DAMN YOU, JEN!" she said swerving the car, to avoid hitting the truck.

Ginger lost control of the car as Jen had her hands on the wheel, trying to help.  The car ran off the cliff and flipped down the hill, the girls screaming all the way.  It finally landed at the bottom after hitting into a tree.  The car landed upside down after flipping once more...


At Melrose Place

John silently walked into the door of Lexi's apartment after watching Lexi through the window all night.  Lexi was in her room watching television, still waiting for Michael to return. 

John went in her room with a gun.  Lexi almost yelled but he said,  "Scream and I'll shoot."

Oh my god, oh my god.  Thoughts kept going through her mind.  Don't worry Michael will be back in a second. 

John laid on the bed, next to her.  "We can make this easy if you want it to be," he said kissing her neck. 

Lexi remembered the guide she had on rapists and it said to resist.  She kicked him in the crotch as he tried to get on top of her.   "Owwww, damn you, you little ho!"  He punched her in the eye, knocking her out.  He slowly had sex with her.  He climbed out the open window right after he finished. 

Michael walked into the apartment, not even a minute after her "Lexi, I brought ice cream!  Lexi?" he asked walking into the bedroom. He saw her, his best friend and the love of his life, lying there knocked out, with just a sheet covering her nakedness.  "Oh my god!" 


Jen woke up from being knocked out from the crash and couldn't move her arm..."Val, Ginger" She called out, her voice weak.  She looked around and saw that she was in a crushed, upside down car.  She smelled smoke and other fumes being released. She looked over and saw Ginger totally knocked out, the seatbelt twisted around her body. She tried to wake her but Ginger didn't respond.  

Jen moved her leg and sat up, looked back and saw Valerie.  She shook her and Val woke up, "Oh God, what happened?" Valerie asked.

"Are you okay?" Jen asked her.

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"Good we gotta get out of here," Jen said climbing out the broken window, apparently not hurt that bad.


Jen continued getting out through the window, "No, come on. We have to get out of the car."

"I've got to get Ginger out," Val insisted, leaning foward.

"No, get out and we'll go to the other side and we'll pull her out through the window."

"Okay," Val said squirming her body through the window.  She wasn't hurt that badly either...just some scrapes and cuts.

They both went to the driver's side to get Ginger, when they saw sparks start to fly.  Jen panicked, "Oh my god, we have to get away, it's going to blow up."

"I can't leave Ginger," Val yelled as loud as her voice would allow.

"You don't have a choice!" Jen said pulling Val away.  Val was stunned as she saw sparks coming from every direction possible. She couldn't move. "Val, we gotta go," Jen said dragging Val away.  They heard a clanking noise and Jen started to run.  

"Val, run!!!!!!" she screamed.

The car exploded, glass shattering and parts of the car flying everywhere.  Valerie ran to Jen and they ducked for cover behind a tree.  They stood there, their bodies frozen from shock, watching the flames get higher and higher.

As Valerie stood there,the little tears that were rolling down her face suddenly turned into rivers, "My god, Ginger is dead..."

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