Janet, Steve and Kelly by Shari,
Donna, David, Brenda by Heather,
Brandon, Dylan and Gina by DC, Clare and Jake by Blanca, Carly And Lexi by Val, Valerie by Jessica


At the Peach Pit

It was early in the morning and Carly was driving Zach to school.   She stopped at the Peach Pit to get him a bite to eat so he wouldn't be late.  When they walked in there sitting at a stool talking to Nat was Mark.  Carly knew she couldn't avoid him forever so she sat at a booth near to him.  Nadine came over to her and took her order.

Mark looked over at her and smiled and brought his cup of coffee over.  "Good morning."

She smiled and nodded.  "Hey Mark," Zach said.  "How come I haven't seen you around lately?"  He pushed Mark for his response.  

He looked at Carly and she looked at him.  "Marks, been busy."  

"Actually I haven't.  I've been doing some things for work and I have a new client."  

"Wow, congratulations!"  She stood up and hugged him.  It seemed like things were ok.  

"Yeah, so to celebrate I was wondering if you wanted to go out to dinner tonight."        

She was so happy he had asked.  "I would love too."  Suddenly she just remembered she had plans with Clare and she had to work.  


"But, I can't."

He sighed.  "Why?"  He sat down.  This better be good, he thought.

"I have to work."

"Oh, ok.  Well I'll see you soon ok?"  

She nodded.  "Bye."  He said goodbye to her and Zach but he seemed somewhat mad.  She continued to worry while she ate her breakfast.


At Sterling Conway

"Congratulations, you've got the job," Lexi said to the man that was at her office five days before.  

He smiled.  "Wow, thank you, I can't wait to get started!"  

She smiled back and began to do some work.  "Now go outside, the pool needs some cleaning."  He nodded and left.  He seemed so interested in a job...it was weird.  

She looked through her rent files and noticed Michael was late on his March rent.  "Hmm," she said smiling.  "I'll have to see about that..."  

She picked up the phone and called Jenn Mancini, since she didn't want to talk to Michael after the other night.  

"Hello," Jenn answered her cell phone while in the car.  

"Hey its Lexi."  

"Oh hi.  What's up?"

"Your brother is unmistakingly being a moron again."  

Jenn shrugged it off.  "Yeah, so?"

"He is late on his rent and I really didn't have time to walk all the way over there and see if he's there."

She got confused.  "So why don't you just call."

Lexi thought up an excuse quickly.  "It's busy.  So can you just tell him his rent is to be in by tomorrow or else."

"Sure, why not.  Or else what?"

"Or else you don't have an apartment to bring your guys to," she said sharply and hung up.  

"Wow," Jenn said and hung up the phone.  


At Now Wear This

Donna angrily hung some new skirts that had arrived in for the spring line.  If she had hopes before of her and David getting back together, they were gone now.  Not that she actually knew what had happened that night…no one would tell her that, but she knew something had.  She hadn't seen or heard from David either, not that she wanted to.  She didn't care if she ever saw him again.

Donna finished the task at hand and then went and sat down behind the counter.  She had never felt so alone.  Tears started to roll down her face.  She reached a hand up to wipe them away.  When she looked up, Kelly was standing in front of her.

"Do you need a Kleenex?" she asked.

"Kelly?  What are you doing here?"  Donna was surprised to see Kelly, they hadn't talked since before New York.

"I just figured it was time for us to talk," Kelly explained.


Kelly sighed, "Donna, I can't begin to understand why you did what you did.  But I still love you, you're like my sister.  If you want to talk, I'll promise to listen."

Donna started crying harder, "Oh Kel, I've missed you so much.  I am so sorry!"

Kelly couldn't help but get tears in her eyes either, "I'm sorry too Donna."  She reached over and they hugged.

Brenda walked into the store at that moment, "Sorry to interrupt ladies!"

Both Kelly and Donna smiled at her.  "Hey Bren.  Do you mind if Donna goes out for some coffee with me?" Kelly asked.

"Of course not." Brenda knew that Donna needed that time.

Kelly and Donna sat at the tables across from Now Wear This.  They talked for a long time.  Donna tried to explain about what had happened and Kelly tried to understand.  They didn't talk about David or the phone call that Donna had made that night or that they both knew that whatever had happened was what had brought Kelly to see Donna that day.


Brandon and Dylan were driving to the police station. The case was being transferred to a local detective. They called Brandon in to see what they could tell him and him them. He called Dylan and they went together.            

They hadn’t talked since that night with David. Or rather, the night they let David leave with Jen. They were both feeling a little uncomfortable because they knew what they should have done in the situation.             Neither one really wanted to dwell on it, but it did make things awkward.

“What do you think their explanation will be?” Dylan asked.            

“For letting a murder loose on the streets?” he replied. “No idea, but it had betterbe a damn good one. It just helps to give a safe feeling knowing that the police are at least pretending to help.”            


More silence followed after that. Until Brandon asked, “Have you heard anything from your friends at the FBI?”            

“Friend? ”Dylan said in a sarcastic tone. “Christine Pettit is far from a friend. No, I haven’t heard anything out of her.”            

“Well, lets hope the police have more than Christine Pettit,” Brandon said.


"Well," Mrs. Moore said, "It's nice to finally meet you Mrs. Sanders."

Steve and Janet eagerly smiled at Mrs. Moore, who was sitting across from them, behind her desk.

"Ohh, call me Janet, please."

Steve chuckled a fake laugh, "And call me Steve," he added.

"I am really glad you two have come down here, together, and have decided to take this big step into the parental world," Mrs. Moore said happily.

Janet smiled, "Us too!! We already have a daughter.  I thought Steve mentioned that."  Mrs. Moore nodded her head no. "Yes, her name is Madeline.  She's one and a half."

"Ohh, that age is wonderful," Mrs. Moore noted.

"You have kids of your own, Miss Moore?" Steve asked.

"Mrs. Mrs. Moore."

"Right, sorry," Steve said.

"Yes, I do.  I remember when they were that age. I have two children."

"Then you see where we are coming from," Janet began, "We want Maddy to grow up in a happy environment.  Not that we're not happy already, but we want her to have siblings and--"

"What Janet means is, we want our family to be well-rounded," Steve said interrupting, yet getting Janet's point across.

"That's a certainly fine reason for wanting to take in a foster child.  I assume you have many others as well."

"Oh, of course," Janet said right away, not wanting to show any faults or flaws they may have.

"Well, in that case. Lets get down to business, shall we?  First, you will need to fill out an application.  It is quite long and quite in-depth.  We take approving parents to the extreme.  We want to give these kids the best home possible, whatever it takes.   The approval process is also quite long and quite in-depth.  A social worker will come and observe you, at work, at home, to see how you and your family work.  You will be interviewed as will some of your family and friends.  Therefore, while filling out the application, we will need you to list references."

"References?" Steve gulped.

"Yes, you will need at least three.  If more are necessary, we will let you know.  I suggest you don't take this too lightly.  Your references can make or break you."

Janet smiled uncomfortably.  Make or break you?  

Mrs. Moore continued, "We ask that you not only choose who will represent you the best but who will also represent you the worst."

"What do you mean?" Steve asked.

"In other words, lying is always detected.  Do not select people who will lie through their teeth for you.  This is a very truthful process.  A child's life is on the line here."

"We know, and we understand," Janet said, "We promise you.  You won't be disappointed."

"Good!  That's what I like to hear!  So we will need parts A and B of this form mailed or hand delivered back to us right away," she said handing Janet some papers. "Then for C and D you have a week to complete.  A and B are your references.  On those forms, your three references are to fill out their name, address, some questions, the usual.   Within a couple of days or so, they will be called, and an interview will be set up.  C and D are your forms-- your information.  Not to hurry the process, but puncuality is a must.  It shows responsibility.  But as I said before, do not enter this too lightly. At the same time, go slow.  You only get one chance."

Mrs. Moore got up from her seat, as did Steve and Janet.  "So we'll be in touch?" she asked.

"Yes," Janet replied.

"Don't hesitate to call if you have any questions," she added, shaking both Steve and Janet's hand.

Steve smiled, "Thanks." 

As Steve and Janet walked out of the room, they let out a sigh of relief.  The tough part was over...or so they thought.


At the Peach Pit

David was sitting alone at the counter at the Peach Pit when Brenda came in on her lunch break.  She stopped for a minute and sat down beside him.  "Hi David."

"Hey Bren," he kept looking down at the cup of coffee in his hand.

"I heard that you went over to talk to Donna.  How did that go?" Brenda asked.

David turned to look at Brenda, he really needed someone to talk to.  "Yea, I stopped by to thank her for some flowers she sent me but she denied sending them.  Why would she do that? I mean, it meant a lot to me that she had sent them.  I just don't get it."

Brenda didn't know what to say.  She had no idea that the flowers were what had caused them to argue.  She just looked at David with a funny look on her face. 

"What is it?" David asked, knowing something was up.

"Umm, David, I think I need to tell you something," Brenda confessed.  "Donna didn't send you the flowers, I did."


Brenda felt terrible.  "I'm really sorry.  I just wanted to get you to talk to each other.  Donna didn't know anything about it."

David nodded his head, "Great.  Listen, Brenda, I know you were trying to help, but I would really appreciate it if all of you would just stay out of our business." David got up and walked back into the After Dark leaving Brenda standing alone at the counter.


Val and Jenn were eating an early lunch at a small cafe overlooking the ocean. Both were pretty quiet and neither of them were eating much.

"Life is so incredibly boring," Jenn said out of the blue.

"I know. The party we went to a few days ago was pathetic, and there haven't been any more good raves. Something really needs to come up..and fast!"

"I hear ya. But the only good parties come up on the weekends, when there isn't work the next day. Speaking of work, don't you have to go play good girl at some shelter or something?" Jenn asked.

"Beats me. I can't even remember my schedule anymore. I'll go in sometime next week or something."

"Oh my God. I have a great idea!" exclaimed Jenn, suddenly filled with enthusiasm.

"What is it?"

"We could have a party. Not some silly high school type of thing, but the real deal. Unlimited drinks and guys."

"Finally you come up with something good!" Val replied.

"Hey! Everything I say is brilliant, but not everybody's minds are able to function properly," Jenn said, laughing."But where would we have the party? My place is out."

"Well, the I guess we could have it at the beach apartment. I mean, what Kelly doesn't know won't hurt her, right?" suggested Val.

"Great. Let's get out of here, we have work to do," Jenn said, as she and Val paid the bill and started preparing for the party.


At the After Dark

Jake went into the After Dark and immediately saw David messing around in the back with one of the speakers.

"Jake! Hey man, whats up? You usually don't come around here that much."

"I was going to the Peach Pit to get something to eat...I saw your car so I just decided to come in through here and say hi. "

"Well I'm glad you came, its getting kind of creepy in here. I'm used to it being packed."

"Yeah well, sorry to dissapoint you, David but I'm going to go eat! Don't get too lonely here." he said looking around the place and seeing it completely empty.

"See ya." David said watching Jake walk into the Peach Pit. He started working on the speaker again.


At the Beverly Royale Hotel

Clare had been totally confused about what had happened with Jake the past few days. She couldn't understand it. The more she thought about it, the more confused she got. She decided she had to find Jake and talk to him. She couldn't just go on like nothing had happened. She liked him too much.

She picked up the phone and dialed his home phone number.  No answer. She tried his cell phone next but still no answer. "That's weird," she thought, "He always answers his cell." With that, she got her keys from the counter and walked out  of her room, and out of the hotel, towards her car.

After a few minutes of waiting, the valet finally brought her car. She got in the car and started driving away, not knowing where she was actually going.


At the Peach Pit

"Hey, Nat! How about a MegaBurger?!" Jake yelled sitting down on one of the stools in The Peach Pit.

"As long as your paying for it!" Nat joked, getting his MegaBurger ready.

"Ok, I guess you've given me enough 'on the houses'," Jake joked back. Nat brought him his Mega Burger after a few minutes.

"How've you been?" Nat asked watching him take a bite.

"Good, why?" Jake asked jokingly.

"Just asking, jeez! What kind of world woulld it be if I can't even ask how my customers are?!" Nat said laughing and walking back towards the stove.

"Thanks for the burger Nat! I'm probably going to the Beat on the Street to say hi to Brandon later...I'll pay you back, you know I'm goond for it!" Jake said walking out of the Peach Pit.

Nat stood behind the stove shaking his head and smiling. He really loved the gang.


After waiting for the better part of an hour, a very hungry Brandon and Dylan were finally granted audience with the detective who asked Brandon to come down to the station.

“Well as it turns out, Mr. Walsh,” the officer started, “you seem to have stumbled onto a very special case.”            

“What do you mean?” Brandon asked.            

“It looks like our friend Peter Kanis is a freeman,” he stated.            

Brandon was confused. No fancy lines. Just: “What?”            

“He escaped.”            

“Why wasn’t he told?” Dylan asked.            

“Well, that’s what’s so interesting about it. Your case against him has disappeared. When they went to notify all the right people your name was left off the list. That and the fact that you’re a newspaper journalist,” he joked, trying to lighten up the conversation.            

Neither Brandon nor Dylan were laughing. “What happened to my case file?” Brandon asked.            

The officer hesitated a bit, “We think that Kanis may have it.”            

After a short silence Dylan said, “I’ll bet you’re not getting that safe feeling anymore, are you Bran?”


At the After Dark

Clare decided her first stop would be the After Dark. She walked inside and saw David now fixing another speaker. She tip-toed behind him quietly so he wouldn't hear her.

"David!" She said and gently tapped him in the back. David jumped back and looked at who was behind her. There stood Clare laughing at him.

"You scared me!" David said holding his hand over his heart.

"That was the point....you need to get out of this place more often, David. I think it's doing some harm."

"Yeah, whatever," David said playfully.

"Have you seen Jake? I'm looking for him."

"Uuhh, yeah. He just came by.  You missed him by like ten minutes."

"Well do you know where he went?"

"Yeah, he said he was going to the Peach Pit."

"Ok thanks David..bye!"

"Wait! You scare me half to death and you just leave?!" But it was useless, Clare was already inside the Peach Pit.


At the Peach Pit

Brenda was supposed to be meeting Noah for lunch, however he was running late and she had to be at work soon.  She kept glancing down at her watch and then back at the door of the Peach Pit.

"Hey sweetheart, are you being stood up?" Nat asked playfully as he came over to refill her drink.

"I think so," Brenda sighed.  "I guess I'll go ahead and order."

"Noah will be here.  He's crazy about you...talks about you all the time.  What can I get you?" Nat asked.

This and the fact that Noah walked in the door made Brenda smile.  "Give us a second Nat. Hey, where have you been?"

"Traffic was hell." Noah leaned over and kissed Brenda on the cheek before sitting down next to her.  "Missed you last night."

"I missed you too."

Noah smiled at her, "Nah, I really missed you."  He reached up and pushed a piece of her hair back out of her eyes.

"I really, really missed you," Brenda replied, touching his face.

"Okay, you are both making me sick," David said from the counter.  They hadn't even noticed him walk in.  "Why don't you both go someplace else so I can miss you a little?" he suggested.

Noah and Brenda laughed.  "Good idea," Noah replied.  "C'mon Bren." Brenda allowed herself to be pulled into the After Dark, where it was dark and empty.  They walked over to the bar and then Noah pulled her into his arms and started kissing her.  They kissed like that for awhile before Noah lifted her up and sat her on the bar, still kissing her. 

Brenda began undoing the buttons on Noah's shirt.  "Can we go somewhere?" she asked him in between kisses.

Noah looked around at the empty room, "What's wrong with right here?"

Brenda giggled, "I guess nothing."  She pulled her shirt off over her head.  Noah kissed her again and pushed her back so she was laying on top of the bar.  He crawled up next to her and continued to kiss and touch her.


After bearly missing Jake at the Peach Pit, Clare got back in her car and drove off, a little mad. She didn't really know where she was going, she just drove. She picked up her cell phone and called Carly.

"Hey Carly, its  Clare."

"Hey, Clare," she said sounding a little surprised. "Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, why? Do I sound like I'm not okay?"

"No," Carly replied now sounding shocked at how  Clare was responding. "Not at all."

"I'm sorry Carly, I didnt mean to jump on you like that." Clare said noticing that Carly felt a little hurt because of how she had answered.

"No, its ok. What's doing?"

"I'm not really sure why I called. I'm really confused.."

"About Jake," Carly said finishing her sentence.

"Yeah...so I think I need a break. To go somewhere where I can just get my mind off him."

"Well, how about the mall? Shopping ALWAYS helps!"

"Great idea! How about I meet you there in about half an hour?"

"Sounds good to me...meet you at the entrance, then we could go to Now Wear This...I'm sure Brenda and Donna can REALLY get your mind off him!"

"Yeah, they're great...Ok, thanks Carly."

"No problem."





Kelly was in her office, rearranging the furiture.  She gave Megan the day off, figuring there was no point in having her sit around in the office doing nothing, too. Kelly was bored and lonely, and that's why she started moving everything around.  

When she finished, she plopped down on the couch, pooped out.  She took a deep breath, "Whew! I got my exercise for the day!"

Just then a semi-good looking man walked into the office.  Kelly stood up, startled that someone actually walked into the office, "Is there something I can help you with?" she asked.

"Yes," the man said, "The name's Lemme.  Jack Lemme.  From Dart's Dieting Company." He handed Kelly his business card.

"Dieting?" she asked.

"Yes.  We are releasing a new wonder drug...and we need you.  We want some heavy duty promotions going out, and who better to hire that a person who specilizes in Public Relations?"

Kelly smiled, "True.  May I ask how you found out about us?"

"There...uh, used to be a law firm a couple of stores down...I remember coming for a follow up and seeing this place in the process of opening."

"That was a long time ago."

"Yeah, well, it wasn't until now that I need a publicist."

"Understandable....well, we go by appointment only, and we're pretty booked up for the rest of the day..." Kelly said lying.

He saw right through it, "Thats why you're rearranging the furniture," he laughed.

Kelly smiled and walked behind Megan's desk to the empty appointment book that was lying open, "How about tomorrow, at one o'clock?"

"Great.  Nice meeting you," he extended his hand.

"Likewise.  So I'll see you tomorrow."

"Until then..." he said and walked out of the office.

Kelly smiled to herself, happy that she finally had a client...well... somewhat had a client.


At 7250

"This is the perfect dress," Carly said looking in the mirror.  She held a long light blue dress with a turtleneck loop.  

"For what occasion?" Clare asked with a smile.  

She sighed.  "Your right."

Clare became confused.  "I'm sorry...I didn't mean to discourage you or whatever, I just didn't know what you would wear it to thats all."  Clare smiled.  "You would look cute in it, try it on!"  

She smiled shyly.  "No, its ok."  She put the dress back on the rack and walked out of the store.  

"Is something wrong, Carly?"  She shook her head no.  "Yeah right.   You're not talking and when you finally have enough money for something, you're not buying it."

"Nothing is wrong Clare!  I'm just a little uptight thats all," she said and stormed off.  

"Wait, Carly!"  

She turned around.  "Yes?"  

"I'm sorry...I was just worried thats all."

"It's ok.  Now lets go see Donna and Brenda at the store ok?"  

"Mmhmm..." Clare said knowing something was wrong.


At Casa Walsh

Steve was sitting on the couch, Janet's feet in his lap.  He sat there, massaging her feet, and just relaxing.  

Janet smiled, "Mmmm, I am so happy my parents said they'll watch Maddy until Wednesday."

"Me too."

"Ya know, Steve," Janet said starting to stand up, "I am really glad we're doing this."

Steve leaned in and kissed her, "So am I."

"Moving on," Janet said, laying back down, "References.  Who should be our three references?" she asked.

"Four words: I have no clue!!"  Janet laughed a little at his way of putting it.  "Well, my parents are out of the question...too dysfunctional...so how about yours?"

Janet shook head no, "Uh, uh!  No way!!  They are just starting to get into the grandparents mode and approve everything, and you.  I won't ask them to do this. God knows what they'll say."

"Hmmm...how about Brandon and Kelly?" Steve asked.

"I see no reason not to ask them...I think they'd be honored.  Who better than our closest friends?"

"My thoughts exactly.  Brandon can vouch for practically everything from work to our marriage..."

"And Kelly knows what kind of parents we are," Janet said logically, finishing Steve's sentence.

"Perfect...all we need is one more."

Janet sat up again, "What about Valerie?" she asked cautiously. "She and I have become really close and she knows how am I with Maddy and how I value being a mother and all."

"I don't know honey...from what I've heard, Val has been swimming in the deep end of the ocean lately, if you know what I mean."

"So?  Who cares?  Listen, I've gotten to know Val.  And I haven't known her as long as you, but she'll do this for me. I know she will."

"Whatever you say..."

Janet smiled, "Then it's settled.  I'll go talk to Val tonight."


At the After Dark

Noah was wiping down the counters of the bar when David came up to have a seat.  He needed advice.  He explained the whole situaiton and the misundertanding.

"You know Brenda was just trying to help, right?" Noah asked.

"Yea, I know," David replied glumly.

Noah picked up the phone behind him.  "Well, Bro, I think you need to call her and tell her everything that you just told me." Noah sat the phone down in front of David and walked away.

David looked at the phone for a few minutes, trying to decide what to do.  He finally picked up the phone and dialed Now Wear This.  He didn't know what he was going to say but knew he had to talk to her.

"Now Wear This, this is Donna." Donna said when she picked up the phone.

"Hey Don, this is David," he said unneseccarily into the phone.

"Yea?" Donna had no intention of talking to David anymore than she had to.

"Well, I just wanted to tell you that I talked to Brenda and she told me that she was the one that sent me flowers, not you." David tried to explain.

"That's great David," Donna said shortly.

David tried again, "I guess I just wanted to apoligize for the misunderstanding."

"David, I tried to call you the other night but you weren't home.  It was really late, David where were you?"

David was surprised.  No one had told him that she had called. "I was out with friends."

"What friends?"

"Just some friends, Donna. Damn, I don't think you are in any position to be asking me questions!" David replied angrily.

"Whatever David. Maybe you shouldn't call here," Donna suggested.

"Fine, I won't!" David said and slammed down the phone.



Val and Jenn were both on their cell phones inviting people to the party they were having later that night as they were on there way to the liquor store. They had called about a dozen or so people, and told each of them to bring a friends of their own, to make sure the party was a big hit.

"You know, there is this guy that I really think would have a great time at our party tonight," Jenn hinted.

"Oh really? And who would that be?" Val asked.

"I think you know him already. David Silver?"

"Uh yeah, I know him, and no, I dont think we should invite him," Val replied.

"What, why not? He is so sexy. And great in bed."

"And how would you know this?" Val asked.

"Well let's just say I get around."

"You are aware that he's married, right?" Val said, getting a little annoyed.

"And your point would be?" Jenn asked in a sarcastic voice.

"Whatever, but we're not inviting him. Leave it at that."

"What's the big deal? You said yourself that Donna was a snob. Here's a way to get back at her."

"Yeah, but not by having you sleeping with her husband. And besides, it's Kellys apartment and David tells her everything. And the last thing I need is Kelly on my case again. We can't invite him." Val said, determined to keep any one of the gang away from the party tonight.

"If you insist. But I will get to him somehow," Jenn shot back.

"That's perfectly fine with me, but make sure I'm not involved in it. Now come on, let's go buy enough alcohol to make sure we have a good time tonight." And with that Jenn and Val finished preparing for their party.


At Now Wear This

"Thanks a lot, come back and see us!" Brenda said to a customer as she handed her bags over. The lady had bought several outfits and spent a great deal of money. Donna would be excited to see that.

Brenda was in a great mood, in part because of her morning with Noah at the After Dark. The more time she spent with him, the more she loved him. After seeing him only a few hours before, she was surprised when he called her at the store.

"Do you have plans tonight? If you do, change them. We're going out," he told her.

Brenda smiled, "Oh we are? And where are we going?" she asked.

"It's a surprise."

"Can't you give me a hint? I need to know what to wear," Brenda asked, hating the suspense.

"Just have Donna help you find a new dress and you'll be fine. I'll be at your place at seven-thirty. Love you, bye." Noah said and hung up the phone.

Brenda set the phone down as Donna walked back into the store. Brenda was glad to see that Donna looked happier than she had in days. Her talk with Kelly must have helped.

"Donna, will you help me find something to wear tonight. Noah is taking me on a surprise date," Brenda explained.

Donna clapped her hands together, "Oh, that sounds like fun. I have just the thing." She ran into the back and came out with a little black dress on a hanger. "I just got this in...what do you think?"

Brenda was impressed, "It's gorgeous."

"Try it on. It'll look great with your dark hair." Donna pushed Brenda into the dressing room. When Brenda came out, Donna could see that she had been right. Brenda looked terrific.

"Wow, Bren," Donna smiled at her friend. "Hold your hair up..."

"Like this?" Brenda pulled her hair up and held it in place. She struck a model pose and Donna started laughing. They both started posing and making faces at the mirror. They soon were laughing so hard that their sides ached.

Dylan walked in and watched the two friends enjoying themselves so much that they didn't even notice him. "Excuse me, what's a guy got to do to get some help around here?" he asked.

"Dylan! What are you doing here?" Brenda asked.

"I was just in the neighborhood," Dylan replied in typical McKay fashion.

"Of the mall?" Donna asked, confused.

Dylan smiled, and shook his head at Donna. "Bren, you look great."

"Thanks," Brenda answered shyly.

"What's the occassion?"

"Umm, Noah and I are going out."

"Lucky guy," Dylan answered, looking her up and down.

"Yea. I think I'll go change." Brenda returned to the dressing room.

Dylan turned to Donna. "And how are you?"

"I'm fine."


"Well, lonely and sad, but I'll be okay," Donna said, resolutely.

Dylan smiled, "Good. Well, I really was just stopping in. I've got to be somewhere." He started walking out, "Bye Bren," he called back over his shoulder.


At the Peach Pit

Carly, Nadine, and Nat were busy working the famous seven o'clock shift.  Nat was flipping burgers, Carly was serving them along with Nadine.  The place was packed and full of familar faces.  One was Kyle McBride.  

Carly had never really chatted with him but Brandon had introduced them.  

"Carly, table four ordered six megaburgers with fries, come plate them!" Nat yelled from the grill.  

"Ok," she yelled back balancing the trays and serving them.  She loved waitressing and didn't want to give it up for anything.  She ran into the back and took out six plates.  She poured the fries onto the plate and put rolls on the megaburgers.  She got the ketchup and brought it over to the table.  

When she got back from the table she grabbed Kyle's order off the counter and put it on the table.  

"Hey," he said.

"Oh hi.  Listen I can't really talk I'm busy but maybe later ok?"  


The rest of the night was as busy as before being Carly and Nat were there until midnight.


Brenda was full of excitement on the ride with Noah.  She still didn't know where they were going.  She had tried to get him to tell all through dinner but he held fast to his secret. 

She reached over and squeezed his hand while he was driving.  He looked over and smiled at her. 

"Please tell me where we are going??  Pretty please??" Brenda tried one more time.

Noah laughed, "No way.  We are almost there anyway."  Noah turned the car and pulled up outside the Fox Theater.  He hopped out of the car and handed the keys to the valet.

Brenda stepped out of the car.  "The Fox?  We're going to see a play?" She didn't seem as happy as Noah had thought she would.

"Not just any play...Love Story.  I thought it would be appropriate for us. I know you love the theater." Noah looked at Brenda with a smile.

Brenda shook her head, "I'm sorry," she stuttered.  "I can't, I just can't."

Noah was shocked, "Why not?"

"Please, let's just go."

Noah stopped the valet and they both got back in the car.  He drove off.  After driving a few blocks in silence, he asked, "Are you going to tell me what that was about?"

Brenda just stared out the side window and shook her head.  Noah sighed. They were quiet until pulling into Melrose.  He parked the car and turned to look at her.  She tried to smile at him but couldn't. 

"I'm sorry Noah," she said and jumped out of the car and headed for her own apartment.


At the Bungalow

Donna arrived home once again to the empty house.  She tried to make the best of it and turned the stereo on, playing some of her favorite CDs.  She sang along as she made herself a salad to eat for dinner.  She looked in the refrigerator and pulled out a loaf of homemade bread, well homemade in her bread machine. She pulled out a knife and started to slice off a piece to eat with her salad.  Halfway through the loaf, the knife slipped and cut her finger.  Donna dropped the knife and ran to the sink.

"Damn," she said as she put her finger into the cold tap water and looked at the damage.  It hurt badly.  She grabbed a towel and wrapped her finger up and went to the bathroom for a band-aid.  The cut was still bleeding pretty badly. 

Donna put a band-aid over the cut and went back to the kitchen.  All the blood made her a little weak and she wasn't all that hungry anymore.  She sat down on the sofa.  The blood soon soaked through the band-aid. 

Donna went back to the bathroom and took another look at her finger.  She decided that it might need stitches.  She tried to think of someone to call to go to the emergency room with her but couldn't think of anyone.  "Oh well, I'll just go alone," she said to herself and grabbed her keys.  She headed to the closest hospital...Whilshire Memorial.


At Melrose Place

It was later that night and Jenn or Michael hadn't called, which probably meant that Jenn didn't tell Michael about their little chat which probably meant Michael wasn't sitting at his kitchen counter counting the money he owed her.  "Thats it," she said rapidly getting up from her desk and pushing the chair in.  

She got out of the office and locked the door.  She walked over to Michael's apartment.  She looked at the door and shook her head. She picked up her hand to knock but Michael had already opened the door.

"Hey Lexi," he said with a smile on his face.  

"Hey," she said walking in.  On his black couch a young woman in her early twenties was sitting there.  As a matter of fact, it was the same woman she saw the other night at the restuarant.  

"Hello, we meet again," she said taking a sharp, bitchy tone of voice.  

Michael walked in and closed the door.  "Lexi, I want you to meet Alaina."  

"Hey," she said and walked over to Lexi, extending her hand.  "I'm Alaina."

"Yeah I figured as much," she said and shook her hand.  

"I think we met, but I thought Michael should introduce us again because we started off on the wrong foot.  And I wanted to meet all Michael's friends."  She kissed him on the cheek.  "Right?"

"Yep, thats right," he said and hugged her.  "Isn't she great?"  

Lexi almost got sick.  She looked like the blonde version of Carmen Electra.  She nodded.  "Great...just great."

"I have to go to the hospital, so why don't you two stay here, and get to know each other?"

Lexi smiled a fake smile, "Great...just great," she said again.


At Dylan's Place

Later that night, Dylan was talking with Gina, “I’ll only be here for a few days when you get back.”            

“What do you mean?” Gina asked.            

“Brandon and I are taking a quick trip to Washington DC. Turns out that this Kanis guy is an escaped convict.”            

“Don’t you think we would have heard about something like that on the news? Or on America’s Most Wanted, something? ”            

“You would think so.” Dylan didn’t want to talk about Kanis anymore. “So I’ll pick you up at the airport and we'll take you home.”            

“Are you going to stay the night?” she asked.            

“Well that all depends on whether or not your flights on time, now doesn’t it. The later it is the more tired I’ll be and that means I might not want to drive all the way home.”            

“Icould hijack the plane.”            

“Funny,I’ll see you in a couple of days.”            



At Whilshire Memorial

Donna had sat forever in the waiting room at the emergency room before being lead back to one of the exam rooms.  The nurse looked at her finger and confirmed that Donna needed stitches. 

"Wait here.  Dr. Mancini will be with you shortly," the nurse said and left Donna alone again.

Donna sighed.  She was tired and ready to go home to bed.  It had been a long day and her argument with David hadn't helped any.

Awhile later, Dr. Michael Mancini walked into the small exam room.  Donna thought he looked familiar but wasn't quite sure where she knew him from.

"Let me take a look at that finger," Michael said as he sat down on a stool across from Donna.

Donna grimaced with the pain when he touched at the injury.  "Looks like a nice clean cut, a few stitches and you will be on your way home." He looked up and smiled at her.

Donna smiled back, "Good.  It really hurts."

Michael apprached her hand with a needle and Donna's eyes got big.  "This won't hurt a bit and then it will go numb so you won't feel the pain."

"Okay," Donna said hesitantly.

He was right and in a few minutes, Michael began making the stitches in her finger.  "Don't I know you from somewhere?" he asked while continuing to work.

Donna nodded, "I thought you looked familiar.  Don't you live over at Melrose?"

"Yep," he nodded, not looking up.

"I'm friends with Brandon and Steve and that group.  I think I've seen you at parties with Lexi."

Michael stopped and took a good look at Donna. "Yea, that's right! You're married to that D.J. at the After Dark."

"Well, I was married..." Donna tried to explain.


"I guess you could say  we are separated right now," Donna said sadly.

Michael finished the last stitch and cut off the thread.  "I'm sorry to hear that.  But you never know, things sometimes have a weird way of working out.  I'm all done.  I need to see you back in a week to get those stitiches out.  You can just call my office and set something up."  He stood up to leave the room but turned back and gave her a big smile.  "It was good to see you again Donna."

Donna smiled back, "You too Dr. Mancini."

"Call me Michael."


At the Beach Apartment

The party was well underway by the time the last guest arrived. Music was blaring from the speakers in the living room and already quite a few people were drunk. People were all over the apartment but Val didnt try and stop them, she just joined in on the action.

Her and Jenn had both finished off a couple of bottles of tequila by themselves, and were going around and kissing every guy that came into their view. Valerie left Jenn to go over to a corner in the apartment where she thought something interesting would be happening. She was right.

"And our hostess, Val. Want to take a sniff of one of our party favors?" one guy asked her, handing her a small bottle of cocaine.

"Ya only live once," Val replied, and with that she inhaled.

She suddenly got a strong buzz and decided to go find Jenn. She couldn't find her in the living room so she checked in the bathroom, as well as her own room. When she couldn't be found there, she checked the last possible place, Kelly's room. She quickly opened the door and found Jenn having sex in Kelly's bed with one of the party guests. She quickly shut the door with a smile on her face.

"So, who's up for more drinks?" Val yelled, grabbing an armful of liquor. Everyone in the room cheered and Val opened a bottle of vodka for herself and quickly drank the whole thing.

She fell to the floor because she couldn't think straight. She quickly got back up and got on top of one of the guys who was standing next to her and they started kissing. She was interrupted by a few people pulling her away and handing her a joint.

"Gotta light?" Val asked. She was just about to take a puff when she heard a knock at her door. "Come on in and join the Party," Val yelled.


At the Beach Apartment

Janet couldn't imagine what was going on inside of Kelly and Val's beach apartment.  Music was blasting and Janet couldn't even hear herself think.  Flyers were on the ground everywhere, saying there would be a party at the apartment.  She picked one up and knocked on the door.  

She kept on pounding on the door, waiting for someone to open it.   Fed up, she opened it herself, seeing that it was unlocked.  Janet couldn't believe her eyes when she walked in.  Cans of beer were on the floor, people were making out on the kitchen counter, others were doing drugs in the corner, the site was just unbelieveable.  

"Hey Janet!!!!" Val said walking over to her, obviously drunk.

"Uhh, get off me!!" Janet said removing Val's arm from her shoulder, "What are you doing??" she asked, seeing the joint that was in Val's hand.

"Smoking a joint! Want one?"

"Um, Val, can I talk to you?" Janet grabbed hold of Val's hand and dragged her to the bathroom.  She locked the door while Val, who was now high, got into the bathtub and laid down.

"So," Val said in a high pitched voice, "Whatcha doing?"

Janet grabbed the joint from Val's mouth, "For starters, getting rid of this."  Janet flushed it down the toilet.

"Heyyyy!!" Val yelled, reaching for it, "That's mine!"

"Not anymore!  Valerie, what are you doing?  This place is trashed... you have to put a stop to this!"

"No, no, no...this fun, c'mon, join the party!!" Val stood up in the tub, and tripped over her own two feet, while trying to get out.  Luckily, Janet caught her.

"Val, you're drunk.  And you're high.  Let me help you."

"No!  Get off me!" Val yelled sternly, "I don't need your help or anyone elses."

"Val--" Janet yelled.

"Stop!!  Get the hell away from me!!  Just leave!!  You're cramping my style!" Val grabbed the doorknob, trying to get out, not knowing it was locked.  She nearly fell backwards.  Janet tried to help her, but Val smacked her hand away.

"That's it, Val!  You're on your own!" Janet unlocked the door and stormed out.

"Good! And don't come back!!"  Val walked into the hallway and separated a couple that was making out.  She then herself, started making out with the guy.  He led her to the nearest bedroom...


At Casa Walsh

"No!! No!! We'll be good parents we will!!! Please no! No!!!!!!!" Janet was screaming in her sleep, obviously having a nightmare.  The whole night she had kept thinking about what Mrs. Moore said: Your references can make or break you.

"Janet! Janet wake up," Steve was shaking her.  He had woken up from her screaming.

Janet awoke and rubbed her eyes, "What's going on?"

"You had a nightmare."

"What time is it?"

"Four-thirty.  Are you okay?"

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine."

"What time did you get home from Val's?  I fell asleep around 12."

"Oh, I left Val's around 10."

"That early?  Then where were you rest of the night?"

"Driving around.  The talk didn't go so well...Val is in major trouble.  But I'm tired.  We'll talk in the morning," Janet turned back on her side to go to sleep.

"No, tell me now.  If it's about Valerie and she's in trouble, I wanna know."

"Fine," Janet said and sat up in the bed and faced Steve, "She's hopped up on drugs, alcohol--"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa...Val?  No way."

"Yes way, Steve.  What do you think, I'm lying?  I walked in, shocked to find the place totaled and a party going on.  And to top it over, Val was high and smoking a joint.  In addition, it was clear that she was also drunk."

"I can't believe.  I mean, when she first came here, she did a little pot, but that was it.  She never did real drugs.  Do you know what else she might of taken?"

"Not a clue...but I'm sure this wasn't the first time she was like this. Val wouldn't just have a party and do drugs if she hadn't had a taste before to make her come back for more."

"True..but there's not much we can do now."

"Yep, so let's get back to sleep. PLEASE?"

"Alright," Steve gave Janet a kiss and laid down to go back to sleep.


At the Beverly Hilton Hotel

Clare parked outside the Beverly Hilton Hotel and gave her keys to the valet. She walked inside, determined to talk to Jake. It was pretty early but she didn't care; she needed to talk to him.

She had never been to his hotel room and she didn't even know what room he was in, so she walked up to the lady behind the check-in counter.

"Hello, what can I do for you today, Ma'am?" the lady said without even looking up from her computer.

"Yeah, can you give me Jake Hanson's room number please?"

"I'm sorry, I can't give out that information...It's confidential."

Clare was starting to get mad. Clare thought that the lady seemed to be enjoying this. She thought for a few minutes before trying again.

"What if I'm a relative?"

"Are you?"

"Yeah....I am."

"Hmmm..." she said taking her eyes off the computer for the first time and looking at her. Clare just stood there looking right back at her.

"Ok..." she said hesitantly, "the room number for Mr. Hanson is 728..on the last story."

"Thank you," Clare said with a little attitude and walked away. She walked towards the elevator and pressed the number 15. Now nobody was going to stop her from talking to Jake.  

Clare walked up to the door with the number 728 on it in gold. She knocked a couple times and waited for someone to answer but no one did. She tried again but still no one answered. She was starting to get worried more than mad. Where could Jake be at this hour? He wouldn't wake up this early. She decided to wait for him, so she sat down, right there in the hallway, to wait.


At Now Wear This

Brenda dragged herself to work after having had almost no sleep the night before.  Every time that she had tried to close her eyes to fall asleep, the memories of London came sweeping back over her.  When she walked into Now Wear This, she was greeted by a very cheerful Donna.

"Good morning!" Donna said to her.

"Hi," Brenda replied.  She stopped when she noticed the bandage on Donna's hand.  "What happened to you?"

"Oh, I cut myself and had to go get stitches," Donna replied nonchalantly.

Brenda looked confused, "Why do you seem so happy about it?"

Donna shrugged.  "I have just decided that I am through being depressed about David Silver.  If he doesn't know what he is missing, then that is his loss, not mine."

Brenda had to smile, "Okay, who's the guy?"

Donna turned red, "Guy? There's no guy. I am just tired of sitting at home crying all the time.  David certainly isn't."

"Okay, if you say so.  Anyhow, I am glad that you are happy."

"Speaking of happy," Donna said changing the subject.  "How was your big date last night?  Noah has called here several times for you already this morning."

"It was fine," Brenda began.  "But if Noah calls here again, can you tell him that I'm not here...please?"

Donna was surprised, "Sure.  Do you want to talk about it?"

Brenda shook her head, "No.  Not yet."  Brenda tried to smile at her friend, "But thanks Donna." 


At Casa Walsh

Steve was downstairs eating breakfast, while Janet was cleaning Maddy's room and talking to Kelly on the phone, at the same time.  Janet told everything that happened when she went to the beach apartment the night before. Kelly was shocked and outraged.   More than that, she was pissed!!

"I can't believe it," Kelly said.

"Join the club...she smoked right in front of my face!! Right in front!!  She is totally out of control."

"I don't know what to do..."

"How about Brandon talking to her? They're close."

"Tried that.  Didn't work.  She just keeps pushing us all away.   I just don't get it.  For once in her life, she was on the right track, not fighting with anyone, working at a shelter..."

"Kelly, you better kick her out, or move out, fast, or she's going to pull you down with her."

"You're right...I'm going to stop over there on my way to work."

"Alright...don't tell her I told you.  I don't need her being mad at me."

"No, no.  I'll make it seem like I just stopped by."

"Be careful."

"I will...bye."



At the Beverly Hilton Hotel

Two hours had passed and Clare was still sitting outside Jake's hotel room. A few people had walked by and had looked at her like she was crazy or something. She was getting pretty tired of sitting down so she stood up. As soon as she had stood up, Jake walked out of the elevator. Suddenly, Clare got nervous.

"Clare! What are you doing here?"

"Waiting for you!"

"How long have you been waiting?" Jake said starting to get his keys out of his pocket.

Clare thought about it for a few seconds before responding. "Not long....about 10 minutes," she said lying through her teeth.

"Oh. Want to come in?" he said, since he already had the door opened.

"I need to talk to you." she said not moving or answering his question.

Jake could tell this wasn't going to be a pleasant conversation. He didn't want to do it out in the hallway.

"Come on Clare. We can talk inside."

Clare didnt answer, she just walked inside and Jake closed the door behind her.

"Want something to drink?" Jake said trying to avoid the conversation.

"Jake, you cant avoid this! You can't do this to me!"

"Do what, Clare?!" Jake said, already knowing the answer.

"You can't just lead me on and than disappear off the face of the earth!"

"Clare..." he said trying to cut her off.

"No! I've been trying to talk to you and every time I try, you are never there! I've been trying to call you here and you never answer! I even tried your cell phone and it was the same! And now you aren't home at six-thirty am?!"

"I know....I'm really sorry, Clare.....but it's eight-thirty now..I thought you said you were only here for about 10 minutes?"

He had caught her in the lie. She looked right into his eyes and decided that she had two choices....to make things worse or to try and work things out. She chose to try to work everything out. She smiled innocently at him.

"Come on Clare, lets sit down....I have some things to tell you."


At the Beach Apartment

"WHAT THE HELL IS YOUR PROBLEM?" was the first thing Val heard as she awoke the day after the party. She was confused at first because she didn't exactly remember all the details of what had happened the night before, and she couldn't figure out who had just yelled at her like that.

"What are you talking about?" Val asked as she slowly lifted herself up, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. She quickly laid back down, her head was killing her.

She realized that the person in the room with her was Kelly, the one person Val had prayed would keep away.

"Oh no. Don't even play dumb with me. Get out of bed and tell me exactly what happened here last night, because I'm not leaving until I at least hear your pathetic explanation," Kelly yelled.

"I thought I told you to leave me alone," replied Val.

"I did leave you alone Valerie. I avoided coming to the apartment even though technically, I still live here. And look what I get in return! It's completely trashed. There is garbage and beer bottles everywhere. Things are broken and there is glass all over the floor. And is it just me or do I still detect a faint scent of smoke, and I don't mean the kind from cigarettes."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah...." was all Val would say.

"Valerie, you can be such a bitch," Kelly said, walking out of the room.

Just as she left, Val remembered that Jen had spent the night in Kelly's bed, and she did more than just sleep.

Val ran to try and stop her, but she was too late. Kelly was standing in the doorway to her bedroom with a look of disgust on her face.

"OUT. Both of you, OUT! Get out of my bed and out of this apartment," Kelly yelled.

"I would wash those sheets if I were you," Jen said laughing as her and a guy from the party walked out of Kelly's bedroom.

Val let out a little laugh but Kelly just stood there and glared at her.

"That's it! I'm tired of this. I'm moving out, Val. You can have the whole apartment to yourself and throw as many of parties as you damn well please."

Kelly threw a few items into a bag that she had picked up from her floor and stormed out of the Beach Apartment. She had been through a lot there. It had been her home for more than 5 years, and now it belonged to her enemy turned friend, now turned enemy again.


At the Beverly Hilton Hotel

Jake and Clare were sitting down on his couch talking. "I still dont know why you were avoiding me all this time," Clare said bringing back up the subject.

"I've had quite a few relationships in the past--"

"You're not answering my question," Clare said cutting his sentence off.

"and I even got married," Jake said ignoring her comment and continuing his sentence. Clare was a little confused; she didn't know where this was going.

"But I havent felt anything like this for anyone since I left my wife," Clare was starting to catch on, "so when I did....I ran. I wasn't ready to commit to any one girl."

"And now...?" Clare said looking down and not at him. She was a little scared of what he might say.

"And now I think I'm ready for commitment." he said as he cupped his hand around Clare's chin and lifted her face up and leaned towards her a little.

"You don't know how happy I am to hear you say that," Clare said as they shared their first real, passionate kiss. Jake took her hand and walked into the bedroom....


At California University

Carly rushed into Terry Cambell's office with papers in her hand.   She got in there and handed her the papers.  "Here you go," she said polietly and gave them to her.  "I'm ready for today's class."

"Ok."  She looked the papers over and nodded as she was impressed.   "Well the class is in ten minutes.  You can go get a coffee or a mocha and then good luck!"  

"Thank you," she said and smiled.  She walked out of the office, this time strolling.  She browsed the campus as different teachers and students lurked around.   The feeling was great.  She came up to the CU coffee shop and went over to the counter.

"Morning, how may I help you," a young woman asked.  

"Umm," she said staring at the menu.  "One expresso please."

"Sure thing," she said and nodded making it.  "So you new here?  I haven't seen you around."

"Really?  How can you remember all these faces!?"

The young woman chuckled.  "I'm always here, except Sundays.  The other woman works then."  

She nodded.  "That's good.  But yeah, I'm new here, I'm taking a class on Law."

"That 'Law For Beginners' thing?"


She laughed.  "That is the hardest course I've ever taken in my entire life."

"Oh, you're in the class?" Carly asked, a little confused.  

"No. I tried it a year ago and then I ended up here.  Trust me, the chance you have of becoming a lawyer and passing is one in a million," she said and handed her her drink.  "Here ya go."  

She walked away thinking about what the woman had said.  She didn't want anyone to make her feel like she couldn't do this...she could.  She knew she could.


At 7250

At Now Wear This, Lexi and Amy were shopping.  Brenda was tending the store while Donna was out.  "Hey guys," Brenda said coming up to them.  "Is there anything specific your looking for because we're going to close for lunch soon."

Lexi shook her head.  "Nah, just browsing."  

"Lexi, you said that four times," Amy said getting annoyed at her cousin.  

She laughed.  "Ok ok, lets go Amy."

Amy smiled shyly and sweetly.  "Sorry to keep you," she said to Brenda.  

"Ok," she said and walked out with Lexi.   Brenda and Lexi waved to each other and they left.  

"Wanna get a coffee?"  Lexi asked her.  


They walked over to the cappachino area and started to talk.  They sat down.  "Oh my god, I can't stand it anymore!  Mark is so sexy, it's unbelievable."

She laughed.  "Really?"  

"Mhmm," she said sipping her drink.

"Well then you won't mind if I add in this."   Amy's face looked as if she had question marks all over it.  

"I called Mark and told him I was you and that I had an article that I needed help with.  He had trouble believing the accent at first but it was okay."  She smiled.  

She cupped her face with her hands and smirked.   "Oh, my god Lexi, you didn't?!"  

She nodded.  "Mhm I did."

She removed her hands and became more serious.  "Well, I think it's about time I made my move anyway.  Besides, he and Carly are in a fight.  At least that's what she told me."

"Then there won't be a problem."

She shook her head.  "No, there won't be."   



Kelly was busy tiding up her office for when Jack Lemme came in for his 1 o'clock meeting.  She wanted everything to be perfect, to increase her chances of them wanting to hire her.  She anxious to know what their company was all about.

Kelly was shocked as she saw a group of men and women dressed alike, walk into her office at twelve-thirty.  Behind them was Jack.  

"What are you doing here so early, Mr. Lemme?" Kelly asked.

"Puncuality is a must!  Besides, we're not that early, and call me Jack"

"Jack...right, um, who are all these people?"

"Oh, just some of our employees.  I like them to be here when conducting outside business.  

Kelly looked around at them all, there was about 15 of them, scattered around her office, some sitting on the couch, others on chairs, and some even on the floor.  Not only were they all dressed alike in navy blue suits, but they were all sitting there, doing work on a laptop.  It was kind of freaky seeing them all there, dressed alike, doing the same things at the same time.

"Give me a few minutes, and we'll get started," Kelly said and smiled.

"Great," Jack said and took a seat.


At Melrose Place

Brandon was just finishing his coffee when someone knocked at the door.  He was surprised to see Jennifer on the step. 

"Hi Brandon, is David here?" she asked as she walked past him into the apartment.

Brandon shook his head but closed the door behind her.  "He's still asleep."

"Well I know which room is yours so I'll take a guess and try the other room. Thanks Brandon," Jen said as she headed down the hallway.

Brandon gathered his things and left.  He didn't want to be around for this.

David didn't stir when Jen walked into the room.  She pulled off her shirt and unbuttoned her pants as she walked over to the bed.  He was as cute as she remembered him being the other night!

Jen pulled the covers back and slipped beside him.  She pulled herself close against his back and reached her hands around his waist.  David moaned and tried to roll over. 

"Jennifer?  How did you get--" Jen silenced him with a kiss.  David kissed her back and then pulled away a little.

"What's the matter? Only like me when you're drunk?" Jenn asked playfully.

"It's not that. I'm just surprised to see you, umm, here in my bed." David rubbed his hand through his hair, uncomfortable.

"Well, when you didn't call, I decided to call you."

"But you didn't call," David said confused.

"Call, surprise you in bed, what's the difference?"

David had to laugh, "Not much I guess.  I really need to get to work."

Jennifer put her head under the covers and started kissing David's chest.  David shut his eyes, "Well, if you put it that way, I guess I can go in a little late..."


At Casa Walsh

Steve decided to go in late to work.  He had a good reason.  Who was going to be their third reference?  Now with Valerie out, someone else had to be in.  But who?

Steve and Janet were sitting in the kitchen, reading the newspaper, while discussing who would be their third reference.

"What about Donna?" Janet asked.

"Nooo.  She has her own stuff to worry about.  David?"

"If we're not using Donna, we not using David," Janet said.

"Who else is there then?"

"What about Carly?  She knows how good of parents we are.  She has Zach, that could help.  When you guys were dating, I'm sure you were a father-figure to Zach."

"True...yeah, why not?  Carly, it is!"


"What do you say we invite them all, Carly, Kelly and Brandon to dinner tonight? There we can ask them."

"Oooh, that sounds good."

"We can go to the Armani Cafe."

"Nice...Lets call Carly now."  Janet picked up the phone and dialed Carly's number.  It rang a few times and the machine picked up.  "I got the machine...I'll leave a message.  Hey Carly, It's Janet.  Listen, Steve and I wanted to see if you wanted to go for dinner tonight.  We were thinking the Armani Cafe, around seven-thirty.  No need to call us back, just meet us there, unless you can't make it.  See you later."

Janet hung up the phone, "Now we need to invite Kelly and Brandon."

"I"ll invite Brandon at work," Steve said, "and why don't you stop by Kelly's office?"

"Alright.  Lets get going."


At the Safe Place

Val had tried calling Jen a thousand times but she couldn't get a hold of her. She was angry about what had happened with Kelly, and she wanted to get her mind off it and maybe go to an early party or bar of some sort, but she never partied alone. It wasn't her style. So, she had to find something else to occupy her time.

She decided to go to the shelter. She hadn't been there in ages, but she didn't think that would be a problem. Boy, was she wrong.

"Valerie, get into my office...Now," Ms. Logan ordered as soon as she saw Val enter the building.

Val kept her head down so she didn't have to see all the looks of disapproval coming from the other volunteers' faces.

"First of all, I want to tell you how very disappointed I am in you. I expected so much more from you, Valerie. You had such a positive outlook on the shelter and you promised me that you would be here to help these people no matter what was going on in your personal life," Ms. Logan lectured. She went on and on about how angry and let down she felt. Val was hardly paying attention. The only reason she came here today was because there was simply nothing else to do. If there had been a party or if she had been able to get a hold of Jen, then there was no way she'd be caught dead in the shelter. Now she'd wished she'd never even come.

"I'm going to give you one final chance, Valerie. And if you so much as come in late, or call in sick, then I can assure you that your services will no longer be welcomed here. That's all I have to say. You can see yourself out,"mMs. Logan finished as she opened the door and let Val out.

Valerie got out of there as fast as she could. As she was walking towards her car she saw one of her 'friends', a guy named Trent, whom she often partied with. The two of them chatted for a little while when Trent asked her what she was up to this afternoon.

"Not a damn thing. Still on withdrawl from last night," Val joked.

"Well if you want, you can come back to my place with me. I have to go into work tonight, but I just purchased a few things that might interest you, if you know what I mean," Trent grinned. It was obvious that he was talking about drugs, which wasn't surprising considering the neighborhood that they were in.

Val was a little apprehensive at first but decided that since she had nothing better to do, she might as well. So she accepted and they drove over to Trent's house, where the real fun was about to begin.



Kelly had just started her meeting with Jack Lemme and two of his colleagues.  The rest stayed in main part of the office.

"Well," Kelly said, trying to be professional, "First, why don't you tell me about your company?"

"We started up nine months ago.  I am the founder.  Being a diet company, our goal is to help people lose weight.  In order to do so, we have invented a new diet drug.  We want you to put it on the market, release it, make it known."

"Alright.  That sounds like a case I'm ready to take on.  But before I officially start working for you guys, I need to do some research."

"Research?" Jack asked.

"Yes, usually before I take on a case I research  the product or company, making sure there is a case at all and in this case, that the drug is safe for the public."

"Ohhh," Jack said, "There is no need to do that.  I can assure that the drug is fine.  Trust me, we've tested it." he said in a persuasive way.

"No, I think I better just do my original research, for myself.   It's just something I have to do. I just won't feel comfortable."

Jack started getting uncomfortable in the way he was sitting, "Really, Ms. Taylor.  There is no need."

"I'm sorry but either I do the research or I don't take on the case." Kelly leaned back in her chair, waiting for a response, but instead her someone calling her name from the main office.  "I presume this meeting is done?"

"Yes, yes it is."

Kelly led Jack and the two workers out of the office, "So when you make a decision, just let me know."  She then saw Janet standing by Megan's desk. "Excuse me," Kelly walked over to her, "Hey."

"Who are all these people?" Janet asked. "Kinda scary."

"I know, they are all here with this guy from this diet company."

"Are you going to take on the case?"

"I don't know..but enough about me, what's doing with you?"

"Well, I just stopped by to invite you to dinner with Steve and I."

"Really?  What's the occasion?"

"Ohh, you'll see.  Just meet us at the Armani Cafe at seven-thirty."

"Nice choice"

"Thanks.  We wanted to go somewhere special and nice."

"And exspensive, I see.  That place'll cost you a fortune."

"Steve picked it, I don't even think he knows how much it costs."  They both laughed.

"I have to get back to my client," Kelly said.

"See-ya later."

"Thanks for the invite, bye."  Kelly walked back to where Jack was standing with one of his colleagues.  "Have you reached a decision?"

"No.  We'll get back to you."

"Okay, no problem.  Nice seeing you, and I'll be waiting for your call."

They shook hands and Jack cued his workers to get up.  They all filed out in a single line, Jack leading them.

Kelly sighed.  She wanted to take on the case but she would only do it with researching the drug first.


At 7250

Later on Lexi and Amy were still at the mall, hanging out with Brenda for a while, while she was off.  Her breaktime had finally come!  They were window shopping for a while until Lexi saw something she liked a lot.  

"Oh my god those are the perfect shoes," she said handing her shopping bag to Amy.  She ran into the store and saw silver strappy sandals.  She flipped over the price tag and it said $159.00.  

Since Amy wasn't used to the Beverly Hills prices, when she walked in she was surprised.  "Wow, is it on sale?" she said with sarcasm.

Lexi glared at her.  She grabbed a box with her size and put it on the counter.  The woman rang her up and they left the store.  

"Well guys I have to get back to work," Brenda said and waved.   "I'll see you soon Lexi.  Nice meeting you Amy."

Lexi nodded as Amy waved.  "So are you going to make your move on Mark??" she asked.

"Yes.  Defenitely tonight."

Lexi smiled in delight.  


At Melrose Place

David and Jennifer had spent the day in bed alternating naps and sex.  It was late in the afternoon when they woke up again. 

Jennifer smiled at David, "I'm thirsty.  Do you have anything to drink around here?"

David rolled over, "You can help yourself."

Jennifer stood up and walked out of the room naked.  She stood in front of the refrigerator looking for something to drink.  She pulled out two bottles of beer and started looking around for a bottle opener.

Kelly came in the door and saw her standing in the kitchen.  "What the hell are you doing here?"

"Umm, visiting a friend." Jennifer said with a smile.

Kelly just stared back.  "I think you need to leave."

"Can I get dressed first?" Jen asked as she headed back to the bedroom.  David was dressed and coming out as she went in.  He looked at her, questioning what she was doing. 

"We have company..." Jen said and then went into the room to find her clothes.

David walked into the kitchen to find a very angry Kelly.  "Hey Kel."

"David, I do not want that woman in this apartment.  Do you understand me?" Kelly said.

"Kelly, you are overreacting."

"No, I am not!  First, I find her and some guy in MY bed this morning and now here with you...I definitely do not think that I am overreatcting," Kelly tried to explain.

"What are you talking about?" David asked, confused.  Jennifer came out of the bedroom buttoning her shirt.  She leaned over and kissed David on the cheek, "I'll call you."

Kelly looked at her, "David, you had better pay her.  I think she charges by the hour."

Jen smiled at Kelly, "I'll pretend that I didn't hear that-- this time.  Bye David." She turned and walked out of the apartment.

Kelly looked at David sadly, "What are you doing?  You are married, remember?  I know you are hurting right now but this isn't going to make it any better."

David just looked at her.  "Are you through with the lecture now?  If you are, I am going to go take a shower."

"Whatever," Kelly replied sadly.


At The Beat on the Street

Brandon couldn’t keep his mind off of the fact that Kanis might have a cop helping him do his dirty work. Steve saw that Brandon wasn’t really concentrating so he decided to give him a small break.

“Hey, Brandon. You and Kelly want to join Janet and I for dinner?”

That was a no brainier. “Sure Steve, what’s the occasion?”

“Nothing special.” Steve didn’t want to get too involved on the topic. They start talking; Brandon started asking questions, “Hey Janet’s talking to Kelly about it I’ll just let her give you the when and where.”, Steve replied.

“Sure thing, Sanders,” Brandon ended it just as quick. He knew that Steve didn’t want to dwell on the topic. Besides there’s no harm in letting him have it his way. Of course this is Steve Sanders.


At The Beat on the Street

David stopped by The Beat on the Street before going to work at the After Dark.  Brandon and Steve were getting ready to leave for the day. 

"Uhh, Silver, you're a little late," Steve told him with a serious face.  "However, Brandon filled me in on what was uum, occupying your time, so I understand, just this once." Steve cracked up and headed out of the office.

Brandon watched Steve go, shaking his head.  He turned back to David, "Kelly just called."

"Yea, I figured she would.  Listen man, I appreciate your hospitality but I'll try to find another place," David said.

Brandon looked uncomfortable, "There's no rush, just keep Jennifer out of there."

David nodded, "Will do.  Tell Kelly I'm sorry."

Brandon smiled, "Okay, catch you later," he said and walked out of the office.

David sat down at the computer to think for a moment.  He didn't want to find another place to stay, all he really wanted was to be home with Donna.   That seemed out of the question as they couldn't seem to get along for even five minutes. 

And what about Jennifer?  She was definitely a distraction from his problems but could become an even bigger problem.  The truth was he was married and that did mean something to him even if he wasn't acting like it at the moment.

David sighed and got up.  He was running late for his show at the After Dark.  He flipped off the lights and walked out.


At Now Wear This

Donna was just closing up when Noah came in the door.  He looked around and then smiled at her.  "Hi Donna."

Donna smiled back, "She's not here."

"What makes you think I am looking for her?" Noah asked.

"Oh, maybe they way you surveyed the place before you said hello to me," Donna replied playfully.

Noah grinned, "Well, do you know where she is?  Nobody's answering at her apartment."

Donna shook her head, "No, she left about an hour ago but didn't say where she was going.  What happened?  Did you get into an argument?"

"No, thats the problem," Noah explained. "I have no idea what is wrong.  She is just avoiding me."

Donna nodded her head, "Well, I can certainly sympathize with that.  Just give her a little time, she'll come around.  She's crazy about you Noah. Although I am probably the last person you should be taking advice from right now."

Noah smiled. "David is crazy, Donna."

"That's what I keep telling myself."

Donna gathered her things and headed for the door.  "So, where are you off to?"

"To the After Dark.  Want to come by for a drink?"

Donna considered this for a moment, "You know what?  That sounds really good. I'll see you there."

Noah followed her out of the store, "Great, and thanks Donna."


At the Armani Cafe

"Great, you're all here," Steve said to Kelly, Carly and Brandon while walking into the Armani Cafe.  Janet was holding his hand from behind.

"Hi guys," Janet said. "Thanks for coming.  New dress, Carly?"

Carly smiled, "You like?"

"Love it!" Kelly and Janet said at the same time while admiring the dress.

"So, why'd you invite us all here??" Brandon asked.

Steve answered, "You'll find out soon enough.  Let's get a table."


At the After Dark

Donna stopped by home before going to the After Dark.  She wanted to change her clothes and run a brush through her hair. 

Awhile later, she parked outside the After Dark, very nervous.  She knew that David would be working.  She missed him so much.  She was scared to see him but she couldn't avoid this place or her friends forever.

Donna walked into the crowded club and looked around.  Noah was at the bar and David was in the booth.  She walked over to the bar and had a seat.

"Hey, you made it!" Noah called over to her, handing drinks over to one of the waitresses. "Can I get you something?"

"Just a glass of zinfandel, thanks."  Donna looked around at the people dancing, they looked so happy and carefree.  She was only twenty-six and yet she felt so old.  She was separated from her husband, probably on her was to being divorced.  Donna shook her head, and turned back around to face Noah.

"So, are you going to go talk to him?" Noah asked, placing the glass in front of her.

Donna took a sip of her wine, "Probably not. We had an argument earlier today and I told him not to call."

Noah looked right at her, "You know, that isn't what the girl I used to know and love would have done."

Donna looked confused, "What?"

"Well, you just seem content to sit back and let whatever happen, happen.  There was a time when Donna Martin would have fought forever for what she wanted. But hey, what do I know?" Noah walked off to make some more drinks. 

Donna thought about what he had said.  He was right.  She had to stop pushing David away and make sure he knew that she wanted him to come home.

Donna got up and picked up her purse.  She started to walk over to the DJ booth.  When she got closer she noticed that there was a very attractive girl in the booth talking to David.  Was this the one he had spent the night with?  She tried to turn around but David notcied her and waved her in.  She passed the girl as she was walking out.  Donna felt sick.

"Hey Donna, did you need something?" David asked.

Donna shook her head, "No.  I just have some of your mail and wanted to know what to do with it."

"Oh, okay.  Well, I'll come by for it.  Thanks." David smiled at her and turned back around to face his equipment, ending the conversation.  Donna walked back out. She continued walking until she reached her car where she started to cry.


At the Armani Cafe

Steve, Janet, Kelly, Brandon, and Carly had been seated at a round table in the back of the restaurant.  Water and bread had been served to them so far.

"Well?" Kelly asked, "Are you going tell us?"

Steve and Janet looked at each other.  Steve smiled, "As you probably already know, Janet and I have been exploring our options for a second child and we've decided to...--"

"Take in a foster child!!!" Janet said eagerly, finishing Steve's sentence because she was so excited.

"Wow, that's great," Carly said.

"Now here's where you guys come in," Steve said, "We need references to vouch that we're good parents."

"And we'd be honored," Janet continued, "If you would be our three references.

Smiles immediately appeared on Kelly, Brandon, and Carly's faces.

"So?" Steve asked cautiously, "Whattaya say?"

"I say we'll do it," Brandon answered.

"Thanks for asking.  It means a lot to me," Carly said, looking towards Janet.

"No, thank you.  Who better than our closest friends?" Janet said.

Kelly smiled, "Of course."

"Well, that was easy," Steve sighed, "We need you to fill out a questionnaire on us and be interviewed."

"Not a problem," Kelly said simply.

Janet was so happy, "Great."


At the Armani Cafe

Carly, Kelly, and Brandon had just been asked to be Steve and Janet's references. They were all shocked, surprised, and happy that Steve and Janet had chose them to be their childcare references.  

"I'm so happy you asked me," Carly said again, smiling.  "I'd love to, you know that."

Janet nodded.  "That's why we asked."

"Ok, now that we've all said we would three times, lets talk about the new baby!" Kelly said excitedly.  

"Good idea," Janet said and raised her champagne glass and was followed by the rest of the group.  "To a new member of the Sander's family."

"I'll drink to that," Steve said.  

Brandon chuckled at the comment.  "I figured that, Stevie boy."


While Carly is busy elsewhere

Later that night Mark was in his robe watching a movie in his hotel room.  He talked to who he thought was Amy on the phone earlier and she was coming over to talk about a new article she wanted published.   He waited a while and then finally she knocked on the door.  He got up and opened it.  She stood there in awe looking at him.  

"I hope this isn't too inappropriate," he said looking at his robe.  

"N-no," she stuttered.  

"Come on in," he said and moved out of the way.  

"Thanks, thanks."  She walked into his room and sat on the couch.   "So how have you been?" she asked.  

"Great and yourself?"  He could hardly deny the attraction he had for her.  It was beginning to be unbearable.  

"Fine, just fine."  

He sat down next to her.  "So what's your article about?"  

"Woman's rights."  

He smiled.  "Mmm...interesting topic."  

"Yeah, it is," she said getting closer to him.  

Finally Mark couldn't resist it any longer and he kissed her.  She kissed him back and layed down and Mark got on top of her.  They didn't even come up for air before they started taking their clothes off.  "Mmm," he said.  

"Thats right," Amy replied and smiled.  

For the rest of the night they made love and kissed for hours...and hours...and hours.


At the After Dark

Trent had just dropped Valerie off at the After Dark. After practically falling out of his car, she made her way inside. Her head was spinning as a result of all the alcohol she had in her system. She was also on a major buzz off something Trent had gotten earlier that day. Whatever it was, it sure was strong.

She saw Noah working at the bar so she started to approach him. "Outta my way," she yelled as she pushed everyone standing in her path away from her. She tripped but caught herself in time.

"Get me a drink, NOW," Val yelled as she slammed her hand against the counter. At first Noah just thought she was kidding around, but when he didn't move and Val started to yell again, he knew she was drunk.

"Val, I don't think that's such a good idea. Why don't you move outta the way and let me get the people behind you a drink," Noah suggested.

"I didn't come here for you to serve those people. I said I wanted a drink so get me one," she yelled.

"Val, stop it. Your making a scene," Noah hissed.

It was obvious that Noah wasn't going to serve her, so she decided to take matters into her own hands. She leaned over the counter and tried to grab one of the bottles of vodka. Instead she completely fell over the counter. She started laughing hysterically as Noah quickly yanked her up and dragged her out the back door.

David, noticing all the commotion by the bar, followed them outside.

"What the hell was that about?" Noah demanded as Valerie just continued to laugh.

"Hey, what just happened?" David asked as he walked out the door.

"This drunk over here just made a complete fool of herself and me at the bar."

"I'm not drunk," she laughed. "See, I can still walk in a straight line and everything," Val tried to demonstrate, but instead she tripped over her own two feet. That just made her laugh even harder.

"Noah, I think this is her way of getting back at your for breaking up with her," said David. Val hearing that, quickly got up.

"David, you don't know anything. Why don't you just keep your assumptions to yourself."

"Val, I'm sorry if I'm wrong, but drinking is not going to solve your problems. If you're still having a hard time with your break-up from Noah--"

"Shut the hell up. Don't you dare preach to me about relationships. I'm not the one sleeping around while I'm married," Val yelled.

"Hold on a minute," Noah started.

"No you hold on a minute. How dare you call me the drunk. Your the one who killed your own girlfriend by drinking and driving, so don't even begin with me," Val shot back. She knew right then that she had crossed the line.

"You bitch," Noah muttered as he angrily walked back into the building.

"Oh that was real nice, Val. He has done nothing but been a friend to you. It's not his fault that he wasn't able to be involved with you. You have a lot of issues you still need to take care of--" David said, but was cut off by a smack across the face from Valerie.

"I hate you," she cried, " I hate all of you."


At Dylan's Place

Brenda had spent hours just driving around the city.  She didn't want to go home for fear she would run into Noah at Melrose.  She had went and sat on the beach and watched the sun set. 

Somehow, without even noticing it, she ended up driving to Dylan's place. She was surprised to see that he was home.  She sat in the car for a few minutes and debated about whether to go in or not.  Finally she did. 

She walked to the door and knocked.

Dylan was surprised to see her at the door and immediately noticed that something was wrong. 

"Bren, what is it?  What's the matter?" he asked, pulling her inside.

Brenda started crying and couldn't talk.  Dylan was even more concerned now.  Brenda has never been one to cry much, even when they had broken up in high school she had gotten mad, not sad.  Only in London did he see her cry.  Hell, they had both did their share of crying in London. 

Dylan tried again, "What is it? Tell me Bren."

Brenda took a deep breath and tried to relax, "I'm being silly.  Noah...he wanted to take me out somewhere special.  He bought tickets to Love Story, it's playing at the Fox..."

Now Dylan understood.  He reached out and hugged Brenda.  "I'm sorry honey.  I know it's hard."

"It just brought all these memories rushing back.  I thought I was over all this, Dylan."

Dylan shook his head, "I don't know that you ever completely get over something like this.  Does Noah know?"

Brenda looked sad, "No. I haven't talked to him since last night. I thought I was ready for a relationship with him but now I don't know."

Dylan nodded.  He could understand that.  "You'll be okay, Bren."

"Dylan, I hate to ask this...but could I stay here?  I just don't want to be alone tonight."

Dylan hesitated.  He had talked to Gina earlier but she was still across the country.  Besides, he needed to be there for his friend.  God knew she had helped him through the dark days as well.  "Sure, you can stay here."


At Casa Walsh

Janet and Steve were in the car on the way home from dinner at the Armani Cafe.  They weren't speaking to each other. They were at a loss of words--in a good way.  They couldn't wipe the smiles off their faces.  The night was a complete success.  

Kelly, Brandon and Carly all agreed to be Janet and Steve's references.  All were sure they made the right choice: Janet and Steve asking them, and them saying yes. Dinner was beyond great.  

Kelly, Brandon, and Carly were all happy to hear that they decided to take in a foster child. But conversation didn't stop there.  Valerie and her wild ways were discussed as well as Donna and David's separation.  Kelly refrained to tell what had happened in Brandon's apartment this afternoon.  She didn't think it was information that should be discussed.

Brandon explained the new information he had found out about Peter Kanis. Kelly mentioned the new case she might take on, and Carly told them all what felt like being on the campus of CU.  The night was enjoyable for all.  Just like Janet and Steve had hoped.


At Melrose Place

Lexi ran her fingers through her hair as she tried to get Michael's rent added up.  She closed her eyes not being able to concentrate and wasn't feeling well.  

For some reason she felt lonely...maybe it was because she wasn't with a guy since Michael.  Well one she cared for at least...     

Or maybe it was because Michael had found someone and it was eating away at her.  Her soul...her heart...and every part of her.       

Why did she turn him down?  She knew she loved him enough to marry him.  Maybe she was scared...but she didn't have a reason to be, especially of Michael.   She knew she would have doubts but never like this, especially almost a year after.  Something was wrong and she needed him...that bitch who stole him is going to pay, she thought and smiled.       

She wasn't going to come home every night and be lonely.  There was not going to be an empty bed.  She'd find someone, someday.