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The Maximum Rocket Power Games

The Maximum Rocket Power Games is a real-life interpretation of the extremely popular cartoon. It consists of 3 rounds: a zorb to mountain bike relay (taken from the Rocket Power movie), a BMX relay, and a skate park relay for all the marbles. In these 3 rounds, 3 teams (Team Reggie, Team Otto, and Team Twister) battle it out. Each team has 4 kids (a.k.a. groms) and 2 pros. In round 1, Team Reggie wins, Team Twister came in second, and Team Otto gets third. In round 2, Team Otto wins, Team Twister got second, and Team Reggie settled for third. In the final round, Team Twister wins, Team Reggie got second, and Team Otto won third place. The overall winner: Team Twister.

Round 1: The Zorb to Mountain Bike Relay
Round 2: The BMX Relay
Round 3: The Skate Park Relay
Be a lame-o and go back home