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Legendary Blather

Hi, y'all! Welcome to my first-ever web site. I hope you're as excited about it as I am.

My name is Meg. You can't see a picture of me here -- because I'm extremely paranoid about cameras. I am a person of many parts. I am a Trek nerd, a Buffy fanatic, and a Doctor Who freak. I am a wife, a mother, a middle sister (yes, Jan Brady), and I have trouble pronouncing the word "proselytize" . 

OK, so you probably didn't need to know the last part.

Please contact me by email if you wanna talk about this site, about other sites, about the Bolivian economy - whatever.




Fascinating information about me



New: 6 October 2003 - added Happy Birthday (Doctor Who drabble, written for the dw100 "Alien" challenge), Dressing Up (Doctor Who drabble, written for the dw100 "Love" challenge), and Tequila Few More Brain Cells (TNG, for Vic's Remix challenge - I remixed Sara's lovely Drowning in a Strawberry Daiquiri.).