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Thanks to Lisé, who had Wolf in "Lost..." utter the immortal line "...when sheep start worrying me!" - here's a drabble on that theme. For those who don't know, a drabble is a story complete in 100 words.

A Little Wolf Worrying
by Shay Sheridan

"My, what a fluffy tail ewe've got!"

"Whatcha got in mind, mister?"

"Ever see a wolf naked? Hey ---! What the --?"

"Up against the waaaaall, wolf! You're under arrest for soleweciting!"

"Cripes, Officer Sheep --"


"--I wasn't doin' nothin'!"

"You caaaan't pull the wool over my eyes, wolf!"

"It's a frame! This is shear harassment! Ow! Ow! Quit it!"

"You wolves are all baaaaad!"

"No we're not -- we're just disenfranchised!"

"Get him -- aaaaall of ewe!"

"Yowch! My tail! I thought ewe guys were herbivores! This is POFLEECE BREWETALITY!!"

Wolves on the lamb, running rampant in ewer village?
Call 1-800-RAM-PAGE. BITE BACK!!

The End

If you enjoyed this story, please let Shay know.
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