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Kissingtown lies in ruins

Can King Wendell save the Fourth Kingdom?

'"What?" she said suspiciously, "What aren't you telling us?"

Wolf had spotted it too and moved instinctively closer to his mate.

"Yeah, what aren't you telling us Wendy?" Wolf's eyebrows met in an angry 'v'.

Wendell sighed and all the energy seemed to go out of him. He slumped into another chair and ran his hands tiredly through his curls. Now she could think of something besides her sore back and feet, Virginia could see how drawn Wendell's face was.

"My friends, I'm afraid disaster has struck the Fourth Kingdom. Again. We're doomed."

"You too?" Wolf muttered.

"A dragon has destroyed Kissingtown. No one knows why or where it will strike next. My subjects are rightly terrified and the other kingdoms won't send help in case it attacks them next."

When a dragon attacks Kissingtown, against Wolf's better judgment, Wendell sets off to slay it, but becomes enamored of a mysterious silver-haired woman along the way and changes his mind.

by Ali

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