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Here's a little story I made up enjoy! Once upon a time in far... ah forget it. Anyway this dragon with scecial needs, can't fly or breath fire. But his specialties are snot gun, hovering gas attack, and drop dead. So one day he meets a boy who was trying to find a dragon, any kind (he's a dragon slayer). So when the dragon spots the boy he jumps up and down and accidently snots on the kid. The kid gets stuck to the ground and the dragon says " I'm sorry let me help you". The boy nodds getting ready for the kill. When the dragon bends down to help the boy he accidently snots again. The dragon cries and the tears were a mixture of gas and drool. The boy gives up and sleeps. When he gets up he's still in the snot. The dragon has left the boy and suffocates. The next day the dragon dies and the world explodes. Ha! you believed me? What a bunch of chumps. Well anyway when the boy woke up he felt he was going to throw up because of all the snot. But actually in his dreams he had a dream where he was on a boat and got seasick. Later the dragon flew over, I mean farted over the boy and gently land on the boys head. For sure the boy did barf and the snot ball got bigger. The dragon asked if he could help and the boy muffle "NO!". The next day the boy wakes up and then when he's about to say..... ZZZZZZZZ. HEY! YOUR NOT SUPPOSED TO BE.... ZZZZZZZZ! Wow this kids got big... ZZZZZZ! LOSER! Sooner or later the dragon will come up with a way to get me out of here, thought the boy. When the dragon returned he came back with nothing. The boy muffled "what are u doing? Why are you going out and stuff like that? Where do you go?". The dragon responded by saying " Uh I don't know, I keep forgetting wat im supposed to do". The Boy finally falls asleep again. END My second story how bout it? one day on oak ville high a young boy walked up to a man and he was going to ask if he knew a road to penssylvania. The man answered by falling asleep in the middle of the road. The boy left him and 2 seconds later the man wakes up. so the boy turned around to ask him again but before he could ask the man got hit by a truck. The boy stared in shock and saw the man was waving good bye. "ok?," said the boy. since the man got partially hit by the truck the boy walked into a store and there laid a body... sudennyly the body got up, said hello, and walked past him. the boy thought "wat a friendly neighborhood". so the boy walked top the counter and the owner asked "wat can i do for u?" the boy asked if he new a road to pennsylvania. the owner stood there and drooled. the boy was confused why do these ppl ignore me? later on the boy walks into the road and does a flip, the boy fell on his head and rolled down the road hitting cars while each car runs over him. the boy survives (somhow) and finds himself in pennsylvania. the boy asked other ppl if they new where the road to oak ville high. everybody he met did the same to him, u know fell alseep, walk by him, or stand there unconcious and drool. now the boy got frustrated and died. the next day the ppl cheered and walked away. THE END, lol The reason why the ppl ignored him was because he had a horribly stinky breath. For the first time ever, Homer and Bart Simpson are brought to the screen as three-dimensional characters, rendered in state-of-the-art computer animation by PDI. "Treehouse of Horror VI," the 1995 installment of The Simpsons' popular Halloween specials, features Homer3, a parody of a memorable episode of "The Twilight Zone" in which a young girl passes through a wall and is trapped in the 4th dimension. In the climactic moments of "Treehouse of Horror VI," Homer accidentally steps into the third dimension while desperately trying to avoid his sisters-in-law, Patty and Selma. Having lived his entire life in the 2D world, Homer enjoys his new depth until, through a minor mishap, he creates a black hole which threatens to engulf the entire universe. Bart alone is brave enough to cross over into this other world, in an attempt to save his father. According to The Simpsons' executive producers, Bill Oakley & Josh Weinstein, "PDI has provided a caliber and quality of animation never before seen on series television." Computer-generated backgrounds are filled with quirky mathematical equations and historic CG references. Homer finds himself on a bright green infinite grid plane, and runs past a replica of the temple from the CD-ROM sensation, Myst. In the early stages of production, maquettes of Homer and Bart were used as reference, digitized into the computer and refined to create convincing 3D versions of the characters. PDI animators quickly found that a whole new set of movements were needed to capture the spirit of Homer and Bart in 3D. This included the development of several small hand gestures and nervous ticks that convey Homer's signature nervousness and Bart's mischievous nature -- even when the virtual camera and characters are standing still. "PDI did a terrific job. They made Homer so real it kind of scared us," said Richard Raynis, producer for The Simpsons. More than 3 1/2 minutes of computer generated character animation were created by PDI for The Simpsons' "Treehouse of Horror VI," representing the first time a traditional 2D character has been re-created in 3D form for television.