You're Fired!

You're Fired!


Mary Ann

"MISS FINE!" Maxwell Sheffield screamed hanging up his phone. "Get in my office, NOW!"

Uh, oh, what did I do now? A worried Fran wonders as she trots from the kitchen to his office. He's been so crabby lately, I wish he'd just get an investor for that new play already---maybe that would put him in a better mood! As Fran enters the office, Maxwell is sitting behind his desk. She could tell that he is trying with all his might to control himself. That alone is unlike him. She could see his chest heaving and she starts to become scared. "Mr. Sheffield? Um, what's wrong?" She asks. She's never seen him this angry and is suddenly very worried. Why isn't he yelling at me? Oh, I don't like this at all!

Max looks her in the eyes and in a trembling voice says, "Miss Fine, thanks to you, the one investor I had on the hook has backed out. How you managed to insult him I'll never know. Max is struggling with something that has been gnawing on him for some time and calmly makes a decision. He looks up at her and says "I'm sorry, Miss Fine this was the last straw. Over the last three years, you have lost me quite a sum of money; you have become a hindrance to my business. I-I am sorry, but I am going to have to let you go." He says sitting down and reaching in the drawer for his checkbook.

Her blood turns to ice as she hears the words she had always dreaded. Her mind goes numb and she can think of nothing to say in her defense. "Mister Sheffield..." she whispered in stunned disbelief. "Y-you can't be serious!" Oh, no--is this really happening?

"I'm very sorry, I just can't have you here destroying my business dealings anymore. The stakes are far too high." He writes out the check and tears it out of the book. "Here is a check for six months salary, sixteen thousand dollars. I will write you a letter of reference tomorrow." He said, showing no emotion. "Miss Fine, I'm afraid I am going to have to ask you to be out of the house by tomorrow evening. I am hosting a party for some important potential backers and can't risk having you here to ruin it." He stands up and walks around the desk. He hands her the check starts to walk out the office door. He turns and says "I have to go to the theater now. If you need anything else, please let me know. Again, I'm very sorry about this--I just have no choice." He turns and walks out of the mansion.

Fran stands in the middle of the office her heart pounding madly. Her trembling knees finally carry her into the kitchen, straight into Niles arms where she promptly faints.

"Miss Fine!" A startled Niles cries as he carries her to the couch in the living room. "Miss Fine, please wake up!" My god, what happened in there? Fran slowly comes to, remembering what had just transpired, she burst into tears.

"Oh, Niles! He fired me! She sobbed. "You've never seen him like this, he was so mad that he didn't even yell at me, he just calmly gave me a check and fired me!" She is now sobbing uncontrollably.

Niles stared wide-eyed and open-mouthed. "I don't believe it! What could you have possibly done that could be any worse than anything else you've done before?"

"That investor he had for his new play--the other night when Mr. Sheffield introduced us, he was so sleazy. When Mr. Sheffield left the room, he put the moves on me so I pushed him away! He was really aggressive touching me and I pushed him so hard he almost lost his balance. He told me he'd get even. I didn't tell Mr. Sheffield about it because I didn't want him to lose an investor because of me! But, the creep backed out anyway and blamed me!" she sobs hugging him. "Niles, will you please help me pack--I want to be out of here before he comes home!"

Oh, Miss Fine--don't go, you know he'll calm down and change his mind! He always does! He's just been under a lot of stress lately with this new show!" Niles pleads.

"No, Niles, this time it's different--he was completely calm, and resolved--I could feel it. He wants me out before his big backers party tomorrow night. And, I can't stay in this house another minute anyway. Niles, you know how much I am in love with him; I have been for a over year now. This is the final proof I need that he has no feelings for me. How could he hurt me like this." She weeps as she starts to climb the stairs. "Niles, a couple months ago, on that plane back from Paris he told me he loved me--but then he took it back when we returned home. That's the "thing" that you were wondering about. He only said it because he thought the plane was going to crash."

That bloody fool. Niles thinks. How could he have hurt her like that? I know he loves her--which is probably why he gets so livid around her--he's just channeling his sexual tension into another emotional outlet. He pleads with her "Miss Fine, please, don't go now--I know he'll change his mind when he comes to his senses!"

"Not this time Niles" she says softly shaking her head. "You weren't there, you didn't see the cold look in his eyes--believe me, it's final. I'm going to call Val. She can drive over here and help me move. My parents and hers are on a cruise with my sister and her husband. Val just moved into a new apartment, I suppose I can stay with her until I get a new place." Fran is in a slight state of shock and she is now on autopilot, not even realizing that she is speaking out loud. She reaches the top step and suddenly her knees give way. Fortunately Niles has followed her and catches her before she tumbles down the stairs.

"Oh, Miss Fine, you are in no condition to do anything right now but lie down! Let me help you to bed!" He says, his eyes welling up.

"NO! I'm leaving--I-I have to get out of this house NOW!" She sobs and pushes him away. She hurries to her closet and takes out all her suitcases. She picks up the phone in her room and dials Val. "Val, please come here quickly--he's fired me!" She cries into the receiver.

"What? Who's fired you--Mr. Sheffield? I don't believe it!" Val exclaims. "Oh, my god! I'll be right over!"

A resigned Niles starts packing Fran's clothes as she sits down to write goodbye notes to the kids. By the time she is finished, Niles is closing up her suitcases and heads downstairs to answer the doorbell. Val rushes in out of breath. "Oh, Niles what happened? How could he do this to her? What could she have possibly done so bad?" Val cries.

"Miss Toriello, go to her--please try to talk her out of leaving! The poor children will be crushed! Not to mention me!" Niles implores as Val runs up the stairs.

"Val!" Fran cries running into her arms. "Get me out of here--now! I can't stay here another second, it hurts so much." She hands her two suitcases and she grabs the other two and heads out the bedroom door.

"Are you sure about this, Fran? You know he'll change his mind--he always has!" Val tries feebly, but she can see that her friend is determined and mortally wounded. Fran keeps walking and Val shrugs and follows her with the bags. They get to the front door and Fran drops her bags and runs into Niles waiting arms sobbing. He is crying and hugs her tightly to him.

"Goodbye, Miss Fine. Remember, we all love you!"

"Well" she whispers through tears "Almost all of you do." She lets go and picks up her bags. She and Val walk out the door and put the bags in the trunk of Val's car. Niles watches as Miss Fine drives away out of their lives.


Max returns home very late that night. He wasn't in the mood for any confrontations from Niles or the kids. They would all have to deal with it--Maggie and Brighton didn't really need a nanny anymore--they were more mature than many of their friends, and Gracie was well enough now that he was sure she could handle it. A nagging thought crept into his mind that the reason they were all so well adjusted was because of Miss Fine's influence. He shook it off before it was a completed thought. It's for the best, he convinces himself. I'm sure of it. He thinks and heads for his office to finish some paperwork. Exhausted after the day's events, he eventually climbs the back stairs and goes to bed, falling into a deep sleep.



Max slept through breakfast so the dining room was empty when he came downstairs. "Niles, where is everyone? Where's Miss Fine? Where are the children?" He asked walking into the kitchen.

Niles cold eyes looked directly at Max. "Miss Fine's gone sir, you fired her. I had to inform the children that she doesn't work here anymore. They left the house as soon as I told them." He says simply, not wanting to have anything to do with his boss at the moment. He turns his back to him and goes back to work cleaning the stove.

"Oh, yes...she's gone, already?" A cold feeling suddenly comes over Max and he shivers slightly. Well, that's good--no tearful goodbyes--yes, it's for the best. He thinks, but why does he suddenly feel so incredibly depressed? He shakes it off and says, "Is everything set for tonight's party Niles? I want everything to be perfect. It should go off without a hitch." Now that Miss Fine is gone. He thinks, trying to convince himself.

"Yes, sir...everything's taken care of. You have absolutely nothing to worry about...anymore." Niles says without turning around.

"Well, good" Max says uneasily noting the coldness of his butler. He rubs his hands a little nervously and slowly walks out of the kitchen and to his office. He sits behind his desk and starts on some contracts. For some reason he is having trouble concentrating--there is a nagging fear at the back of his mind, he just has no clue to what it is. What's wrong with me, I've fired dozens of people in my life--why do I feel so lousy?

Soon, C.C. breezes in and says, "Maxwell, tonight's party is going to be fabulous! All our past backers will be there and also some very wealthy new ones! Now, you have to keep Nanny Fine out of the house for the evening! We can't risk one of her screw-ups!"

Max looks at C.C. and says, "Don't worry C.C.--you won't have to worry about Miss Fine again. I'm afraid I had to let her go." Funny how his heart skipped a beat when he said it out loud.

"WHAT! Maxwell, don't tease me like that!" C.C. cries.

Max looks down at his contracts and quietly says evenly, "It's true, now let's get some work done before the party."

C.C. looks at him in stunned silence. For some reason she wasn't as thrilled as she thought she would be. In fact, she actually felt bad for Fran. Thinking back, Nanny Fine had always been quite nice to her--much nicer than C.C. had been to Nanny Fine. She remembered the time that Nanny Fine brought her and C.C.'s father together, giving up tickets to see Barbra just so C.C. could be with her dad. Well, Niles will fill me in later. She thinks uneasily.



Niles was busy answering the door. The backer's party was in full swing. Max had hired a few of his regular musicians to play and the food was outstanding. Donald Browning, the famous investment banker approached Max. "Hello, Maxwell I must ask you, where's that gorgeous nanny of yours? I haven't seen her all evening! I quit going to these things years ago. The only reason I come to yours is because of your nanny! You know, of course, she's the reason I invested that half-mil in your last show--that charming woman convinced me that you were a man of vision and great imagination. Best money I ever spent!"

"Oh, Donald, uh, she wasn't able to make it tonight. Max says looking at him in wide-eyed surprise. "She convinced you to invest in my last show? I had no idea!" He exclaimed his mouth wide open.

Soon other investors were approaching Max asking about Fran. Some even indicated that the only reason they attended his parties at all were because they couldn't wait to see what she was going to do next. At least five of them told him that they wouldn't have even invested in his shows if it weren't for her. They figured that if he kept her on, he must be a man of exceptional imagination and exquisite taste. They were all disappointed to discover that she wouldn't be there that evening.

By the end of the night Max is incredulous. I can't believe this. I-I think I may have made the biggest mistake of my life. I had no idea she helped me that much--I only saw her faults. Thinking back, I guess most of her screw- ups did turn out all right. The truth suddenly hits him like a sledgehammer. A sickening feeling creeps into his mind.

When the last guest leaves, Max walks slowly up the stairs and, on a whim, opens the door to Miss Fine's room. He gasps at the sight of how empty it is and the permanence of the situation suddenly hits him. This is her room--she belongs here! Fear grips his gut as he notices an envelope on her bed addressed to him. His fingers tremble slightly as he picks it up and opens it. The check he gave her falls out on to the bed. He picks it up and stares at it not believing she left it.

He unfolds the letter and reads:

Dear Mr. Sheffield,

I just wanted to let you know that I have no ill feelings towards you. I understand that you've been very patient with me when I've messed up in the past. I'm very sorry I lost your backer. I only pushed him away because he was inappropriately touching me. But, that's not the point--I know now that it's the accumulation of all my mistakes--you just had enough. I appreciate the check, but I don't deserve it--I'll get by.

I hope you will let the kids visit me when I get settled in my new place. Please tell them I love them very much and always will. Please be there for them, they need you.

Since I won't be seeing you again, I must admit something. Mr. Sheffield, for the last year or so, I have been in love with you. When you showed up at my camp reunion last year, I was awestruck--nobody had ever done anything like that for me before. I fell in love with you there and then. Of course, I know I have no right to have such feelings for someone like you...I'm a simple girl from Queens and you are an important Broadway producer. You are way out of my class. Please don't feel bad about letting me go, it is probably for the best. It was getting very difficult for me to live there knowing I could never have you. I guess I really only stayed because I love the kids so much.

Goodbye, Mr. Sheffield, I will never forget you.

Love, Miss Fine


Stunned, Max looks up and the realization hits him. She was in love with me? I had no idea, I knew she had a crush, but, well, so did I. He analyzes his feelings for the first time. I-I think I am in love with her--no, admit it Maxwell, you are in love with her! She made your heart stop the second you met her. Max puts the letter and the check in his pocket and walks out of the room. "Oh, my god...what have I done? How could I have fired her--after all she's done for me---for my family? Was I bloody insane?" He whispers as he lay on his bed, stunned by Fran's letter. I wasn't thinking--I let my idiotic rage rule my mind. And, what was that she said about that bloke touching her? He took pulls letter out of his pocket and rereads it. "I'll bloody kill him!" He cries.

Max puts on his pajamas climbs into bed and tries to sleep. He tosses and turns for hours. What am I going to do, how will I get her back? He finally realizes the most important thing. She loves me--I'm thrilled. Looking back, I hated when she was out on dates with all those chaps she paraded through here. Well, I'll get her back tomorrow. I'll make it up to her! With that thought, a feeling of contentment rushes through him. It's the first time he's felt good in two days. He falls into a peaceful sleep, knowing that tomorrow he was going to make everything right.



"Good morning children" Max says cheerfully as he enters the dining room. The kids barely look up when they mumble their greetings. Maggie and Brighton are furious with their father and Gracie is miserable without the only mother that she has ever known. "Why the long faces? He looks at his family tenderly. Miss Fine's coming home today--I'm going to get her now!" He says cheerfully. The kids let out a yelp and run to hug their father. "Now, it's just a matter of finding her! NILES!" he yells.

A happy Niles rushes to the dining room, having 'overheard' the conversation. "Yes,'s the numbers for her parents, sister and the Toriello's...oh, but, I just remembered...they have all gone on a Caribbean cruise and Miss Toriello just moved into a new apartment. I don't have the phone number. I believe that's where Miss Fine is."

"I'll find her." Max says determinedly.


"Niles, I'm at a loss, it's been three days and I've been unable to located Miss Fine! I've called her parents, Val's parents and her sister to no avail. How long is that bloody cruise anyway? Miss Toriello must not have a phone yet because the phone company has never heard of her. I don't know where her new flat is and have no idea how to find her!" He said sitting at his office desk running his hands through his hair. "Niles, this house is just dreadful without her--I can't believe how much I...I mean we all miss her! I'm terribly worried about her, she hasn't even tried to contact the children, and she's been gone almost a week!"

"It's not like her not to call the kids." Niles says worriedly. "She's never gone a day without contacting them somehow--even when she was on vacation!" The doorbell rings and Niles walks into the living room to answer it. He opens the door and, to his initial relief Val is standing there. Max runs into the living room at the sound of her voice.

"Oh, Mr. Sheffield!" Val cries running to him. "I didn't know what to do! It's Fran...she's very ill!" Val starts sobbing.

Max's face goes white. "Niles! Get the limo, hurry!" Max yells.

"It's parked out front, sir!" Niles says as he runs out the front door and jumps in the drivers seat.

Max takes Val into his arms and walks her out to the waiting limo. He opens the door for her and gets in the back seat next to her. "Please try to calm down and tell me everything, Miss Toriello." Max says gently taking her hand, his heart pounding wildly. Niles pulls the limo out from the curb and heads for Flushing.

"Oh, Mr. Sheffield! I brought her to my apartment six days ago. She never said a word the whole way there; it was like she was in a state of shock. She didn't eat or sleep for days; she's so thin and weak. It's like she wanted to die. The other day, I was at work and she must have left the house. It was so cold and raining that day. I went out to look for her and found her just sitting on the park bench, no coat or hat. She was just staring straight ahead. She was soaking wet and shivering madly. I was able to lead her home and put her to bed."

"Oh, my god...Miss Torriello!" This is my entire fault...what have I done? He thinks racked with guilt.

"Well"...she continued. " I had to force water and juice down her. She wouldn't let me call you or a even a doctor! I got home from work today and went to her room to check on her. "Mr. Sheffield, she is delirious--she is burning up with fever...and she's calling out your name--over and over! Did I do the right thing coming to you? I know she's going to kill me for coming here!" She cried, looking up at him.

Max is nearly nauseous at the realization of what he has done to her. That poor sweet are a bloody beast. He thinks. "Of course you did Miss Toriello, I've been going mad trying to find her the last few days! I made the biggest mistake of my life when I fired her! Don't worry, I'll handle everything!" He said hugging her gratefully.

As the limo pulls onto Val's street, she says. "That's the building, Niles! Pull right up front."

Max was out the door before the car came to a complete stop. The three of them raced down the stairs to Val's modest basement apartment. Val opens the door and they run into the bedroom. The sight of the unconscious Miss Fine makes Max and Niles stop in their tracks. She has lost so much weight; her face is skin and bones. Her skin is white and there dark circles under her eyes. Max reaches down to lift her and is stunned how light she has become.

"My, god! She's burning up!" Max cries. "We have to get her to the hospital immediately!" Val and Niles runs out the door to the front seat. Max carries her to the limo and gently deposits her into the back seat. He gets in and holds her on his lap. He buries his head into her hair and weeps softly, gently rocking her. "Don't worry, Miss Fine, I've got you now--you're going to be alright." He says softly. He takes his cell phone out of his jacket pocket and dials St. Anne's hospital. "Dr. George Patterson, Chief of Staff's office please" he says to the operator. "George is an old friend, and one of the best physicians in New York." He tells Val. "George! Maxwell Sheffield here...I have an emergency and I need your best doctors and a private suite available ASAP. My...fiancé is very ill. We'll be there in ten minutes!"

Niles and Val turn from the front seat and look at him in amazement. Fiancé!? They look at each other and smile slightly.

"Of course, Maxwell, bring her in to the emergency room. I'll have everything ready by the time you get here. What are her symptoms?" Max proceeds to tell him as Niles races through the streets of Manhattan.



Niles pulls the limo up to the emergency room. Max lifts Fran out and runs her to the entrance. His friend Dr. Patterson is waiting with a stretcher. The hospital staffs hooks her to the IV and rushes her to her VIP hospital suite. Val and Niles stays behind to give Fran's information to the nurse.

After Dr Patterson examined Fran he informed Max. "She is in deep coma caused by her fever and infection. We have her on very powerful intravenous antibiotics, but, I have to tell you--it's not good. She's very weak and doesn't seem to be fighting it. In fact, if you would have waited much longer, she would be gone. If she makes it through the night, we'll know more." He says sadly. "I'm sorry, I'm going to give it to you straight, I am going to have a rabbi standing by. I would suggest trying to get a hold of her family, Max."

Max gasped. "A Rabbi! George--do whatever it takes to save her! She's my life...I can't bare the thought of living without her!" Tears streaming down his face. "I must go to her!" He cries running to her bed.

"I can't understand it, she's a normal healthy young woman. She shouldn't be in this much danger--it's like she has no will to live." Dr. Patterson says shaking his head as he leaves the suite.

Max sits in a chair next to Fran's bed. He takes her hand and brings it up to his face to kiss it. "Please, please Miss Fine...fight. You have to fight can't leave me! I love you." He says softly in her ear. "Please come back to me. Let me make everything up to you, Fran." He breaks down and sobs softly into her hand.

After speaking to Dr. Patterson in the corridor, Niles and Val come in. Max looks up and says "Niles, would you please go get me an overnight bag...I'll be staying here tonight with Miss Fine. I have to be here if...when she wakes up."

"I'm staying too!" Val cries. "Fran's like my sister. We have been friends all out lives. I don't know which cruise ship our families are on to contact them, so, I'm the only family she has here."

"Of course, sir. I'll be back after I feed the children. Don't worry, I'll take care of everything. I won't tell the children yet, no need to worry them until we know more." Niles says as he walks out the door.

"Mr. Sheffield, don't worry, Fran's a fighter--she'll come back to us." Val says as she shyly puts her arm around him to comfort him. Max is now crying uncontrollably, remembering another hospital scene similar to this ten years ago. At Val's touch he suddenly puts his arms around her and sobs on her chest, hanging on to her as if for dear life. A surprised Val gently rocks him. "There, there Mr. Sheffield, it's going to be all right."

"Oh, Val... It's all my fault. She's going to die, and I'm to blame!" He cries. "How in god's name could I have fired her and kick her out of our home--after all she's done for me. If it weren't for her, my kids would be a mess. She single-handedly made us a family again. And then, how did I repay her? I told her I loved her, and then took it back! I never realized how much I hurt her! I constantly yelled at her over the slightest thing. Now, she's never going to know how much I love her!" He is now shivering and Val is starting to worry about him.

"Come on Mr. Sheffield, let's get you over to the other bed. She stands him up and leads him like a child to the bed. "Lie down for a while." She says gently. He complies and she takes off his jacket and shoes. She covers him up and tucks the blanket around his neck. He is in a slight state of shock and she is very worried. She starts to go get the doctor, but he grabs her hand and says. "Val, please don't leave me--I-I don't want to be alone!"

She sits next to him and puts her hand on his face looking down at him, a soft smile on her face. "Don't worry, she's going to come back to you." Mr. Sheffield.

"Val, please call me Maxwell." He looks up at her appreciatively. Even in his state of shock, he realizes there is now a strong bond between them. They both love Fran with all their hearts. "I will be forever grateful to you for bringing her back to me and for being here for me now. Thank you, Val." He says squeezing her hand. After a few minutes, exhaustion overtakes him and he falls into a deep sleep, brought on by the events of the day and severe depression. Val looks down at him affectionately. He wants me to call him Maxwell--wow! He's such a good man. With all he's got, you'd think he'd be a snob--but there isn't a snobbish bone in his body. Who could imagine such a rich, handsome and successful man could be so genuinely nice-- Fran's so lucky.

Suddenly she realizes that Fran's not so lucky right at this moment. She gets up and goes over to Fran's bed. She takes her hand and whispers in her ear. "Fran, it's me Val. You have to get better--Mr. Sheffield will never be the same if you don't come back to him." She starts crying. "He loves you so much--we all do." She says as she brushes a lock of hair off Fran's forehead and sits for hours holding her hand.


Niles walks into the Sheffield mansion. The children are all out, and blissfully unaware of the dire situation. C.C. is sitting on the couch in front of the fireplace. She get up and goes over to greet him. She stops in her tracks as she sees the expression on his face. He is trembling slightly.

"Oh, Niles...what's wrong?" She asks. "Where's Maxwell? Did he find Nanny Fine?"

She is stunned as Niles goes to her and almost collapses in her arms. She leads him over to the coach and sits nest to him, her arms around him. He tells her the whole story in between sobs. C.C. gasps as he tells her that Miss Fine may not make it through the night. "Oh, Niles--you can't be serious! Poor Nann--Fran!" C.C. feels fear for Fran, and ashamed of herself for how she's treated her these past three years. She's always been so sweet, no matter how badly I've treated her. She' really the closest thing I have to a girl friend. She thinks sadly.

Niles and C.C. hug each other tightly and cry in each other's arms, praying for their friend.


After several hours, Maxwell wakes up with a start. "FRAN!" He cries. He looks over to the bed next to him. "Oh, Val, how is she--any change?" He asks hopefully getting out of bed.

A bleary eyed Val shakes her head. "No, she hasn't moved a muscle the whole night, Mr. Shef...Maxwell. I'm going to go for some coffee, how do you take yours?"

"Cream and sugar, thanks." He says handing her ten dollars. "Maybe some crackers or something to settle my stomach too. Um, Miss Toriello--Val...I just want to thank you for last night. I don't know how I would have gotten through it without you." He is slightly embarrassed as he remembers crying in her arms. Val takes his hands and hugs him. She looks into his eyes and says. "You are wonderful person. I am honored you opened up to me." Max relaxes and smiles. "So are you, Val." He says sincerely.

Val leaves and Max walks over to Fran's bed and slowly sits next to her. He gazes down at her gaunt face and his heart breaks. "Oh, Fran, Fran....please, darling please wake up. I love you so much--I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Please wake up." He whispers gently hugging her burying is face in her hair, careful not to disturb the IV tubes.

"Mr. Sheffield...w-where am I?" A confused Fran says weakly, blinking her eyes. "Why are you on my bed?"

Maxwell's head shoots up and he looks at her with pure joy in his eyes. "Oh, FRAN! You came back to me!" He cried, hugging her, tears now streaming down his face. He sits back up and looks into her eyes. "Oh, darling, thank you, thank you!"

A stunned Fran stares wide-eyed at him. "Mr. Sheffield--I-I don't understand. Where am I? Why am I here? Why are you here? You fired me!" She remembers tears starting to form in her eyes. Did he just call her 'darling?' What's happening? A very confused Fran thinks.

"Oh, sweetheart, please don't cry. I'm so sorry I was such a beast. I regretted it the moment I calmed down. I tried to find you for a week to bring you home! Val finally contacted me when you became ill. You were so very sick, Fran. I was so terrified that I would lose you before I could tell you...I love you. Please forgive me for all the times I hurt you!" He sobbed holding her close to him. "I can't risk losing you again. I want to spend the rest of my life with you!"

Did I die and go to heaven? Am I dreaming? Fran, in her weakened state thinks. This can't be happening for real! She looks at Max her eyes wide with confusion. "Uh, Mr. Sheffield, is this really happening?" She asks innocently her brown eyes blinking with wonder.

Her expression makes Max laugh for the first time in a week. She's so adorable! I don't deserve her, but I need her. I'll make it all up to her, I swear! "I love you Fran Fine. Please, please say you'll do me the honor of becoming my wife. I promise to spend the rest of my life making you happy!" He looks at her pure love in his eyes.

"Oh, Mr. Sheffield"...She says weakly as she presses her hand to her cheek. "I can't marry you--I-I am not of your class--you are so rich and important, and I'm a nobody. I would just hurt you business--you were right, I'm not for you." She turns her head on the pillow to look away from him.

"Don't ever say that again!" He cries. "It's me who doesn't deserve you! You have more class than anyone I know! Money means nothing to you, your class comes from within. I feel more at home in your world than in the one I came from! Your parents are warm loving people and, well, you know what mine are like. I love you, Fran! Please, please say you'll be my wife." He pleaded taking her gently in his arms.

Just then, Val walks in the room with coffee. "Oh, FRAN! You're awake! Oh, Max--she's back! I told you she'd come back to us!" Val sets the coffee on the nightstand and she and Max hug.

Did she call him 'Max?' He called her 'Val---And they're hugging! Now I know I'm dreaming Fran thinks as she witnesses the scene.

Val sits on the bed and takes Fran's hands in hers. "Don't ever scare us like that again, Fran! You don't know the hell you've put us through." She cries hugging her.

"Val, I've just asked Fran to marry me." Max says looking at Miss Fine. "She's reluctant, how can I convince her?"

"Would you excuse us for a minute Maxwell?" Val says sitting next to Fran.

"Yes, I have to freshen up anyway. I'm going to take a shower." He says walking across the suites huge living room to the bathroom. While he's in the shower Val tells an incredulous Fran what has transpired over the last eight hours.

"He cried in your arms--over me?! I don't believe it. First he fires me then he wants to marry me! Oh, Val--I love him so much. Now go! He's getting out of the shower! I want to me alone with him." She says as Val gets up to leave. "Oh, and Val--thanks!"

Max dries himself off and puts on the plush bathrobe that the hospital provides the VIP Suites. He peeks out the door and sees Fran is alone. He walks over to her and sits on the bed and softly rubs her cheek with the back of his hand. "Oh, darling, please say yes." He leans down and kisses her.





Maxwell Sheffield pulls his Porsche up to the slightly run-down apartment building and gets out. He walks down the stairs to the basement apartment and knocks on the door. Val opens her door and is stunned to see him standing there. "Mr. Shef...Maxwell--is something wrong? Is Fran ok--she's supposed to get out of the hospital today, isn't she?" Val asks worriedly.

"Val, I need you to pack your things and come with me." He says mysteriously. "I'm afraid I can't tell you anything right now...just trust me." He smiles his most charming smile and she doesn't even think to ask any more questions. She packs a bag and gets into his car. They drive to mid-town Manhattan and Max pulls up in front of a beautiful apartment building. They enter the lobby and he pushes the elevator button. They get off at the eighth floor. He leads her down the hall to a door and turns the key opening it. They walk into the gorgeous two-bedroom corner apartment with floor to ceiling windows and a balcony. The view of New York is incredible.

"Oh, Maxwell, what a beautiful apartment! Who's is it?" Val asks, confused why he brought her here.

"Well, after you sign the papers, it's yours--if you like it!" He smiles and hands her the keys. "I've purchased this condo for you. We can't have you living so far away from us, anymore, Val."

"Oh, Mr. Sheffield...I-I can't accept it--it's too much!" She cries, her heart pounding wildly, tears coming to her eyes.

He takes her in his arms and says. "You can, and you will. You brought my Fran back to me--it's the very least I can do."

"Welcome home, Val!"

The End