The Valentine's Day Incident


Mary Ann




First he gave her that stupid, insulting card for Valentine's Day thinking it was hilarious. Then when she was justifiably upset, he told her she always misinterpreted his feelings. Now Fran is standing in the doorway of Maxwell Sheffield's office. She is hurt by how this Valentine's Day is starting out. She had had such high hopes for it, their fourth Valentine's Day together. But what comes next is not even comprehendible. 

"Oh, I wish I had never said 'I love you' in the first place!" Max says running his hands through his hair and looking down at his desk. How can that one moment of weakness on that plane from Paris have caused me so much grief? he thinks regretfully. 

At the sound of those words, Fran's blood runs cold. She is speechless and her heart skips a beat. Max isn't looking at her so he can't see that her face has gone ashen and her mouth is quivering. She quietly turns around and walks out of the office. He's completely unaware of the devastation he has just caused and goes back to his paper work.  

Hearing him say those words has hurt her beyond belief. She walks slowly up the stairs to her bedroom to think. So, he really doesn't love me...he certainly couldn't have made it more clear. She thinks as a lump forms in her throat. "NO! I will not cry over him ever again," she decides. "And I'm not running away either. From now on, this is my job and nothing more. He's made it plain and clear, so, I can't blame him. I guess he was being honest when he explained that he only told me he loved me because he thought the plane was going to crash. It was I who didn't believe him. I really thought he was going to come around and just needed more time. I guess he can't help it if he really doesn't love me," she says to herself. 

Fran is bravely trying to justify what just happened but her heart is broken. The tears that she valiantly tried to control suddenly flow freely. The permanence of the situation suddenly hits her and she collapses on her bed clutching her pillow. Oh, I just love him so much! How could he hurt me like this...I guess that's all the proof I need that he doesn't love me. How can I stay here feeling as I do about him, and knowing he doesn't feel the same? But, I can't leave those kids...I love them too. "It's time for me to move on with my life. What nerve I had to think someone like him could go for me, anyway. Well, at least I know for sure now. I do know that I don't want to be alone for the rest of my life, but I can't fathom it without Mr. Sheffield," she whispers softly to herself. 

Slowly the tears ease and she sits up. Well, I have only two stay or to leave. I'm going to stay. But, this is just a job to me now. She decides firmly as she goes to the phone to call Val. "Val pick me up, let's go out...I don't feel like staying here today. You can be my Valentine," she says sadly. 

Val is thrilled. "I'll be right over!" 

Fran takes a deep breath and makes a decision. "From now on, things are going to be different around here." She whispers as she goes to her mirror and reapplies her make-up. He's never going to hurt me again. She has a newfound resolve. 


"Good morning, everyone," Fran says walking into the dining room.  

The family and Niles look up and are too stunned by her attire to answer. "Fran! Where's your funky robe, how come you're dressed already?" Gracie says shocked that not only is Fran dressed, but she's wearing loose slacks, a turtleneck sweater and a blazer. Max has noticed it to and doesn't like it at all. Something's different about her, he thinks with some trepidation. 

"Sweetie, I've decided that I have been dressing quite inappropriately for a nanny. In fact, I'm going shopping today to get a whole new wardrobe!" she says addressing the kids.  

Niles and Max mouth drop open at this revelation. "What do you mean, Miss Fine?" Max asks a little nervously. "I think your current wardrobe is quite charming." 

I'll bet you do. She thinks scornfully. "Well, thank you Mr. Sheffield, but, you're going to see a whole new me around here from now on." In more ways than one. 

There's something not right here. Max thinks slightly worried. She's just not quite herself. There's something about her eyes when she looks at me, something is missing. No, you're just imagining things, he decides and puts it out of his mind. Maxwell Sheffield is never one to over analyze his feelings. 

Of course, he was right. That something missing is the spark of love that was always there when she looked at him. He had finally pushed her away once to often.  

Fran attends to her duties and escorts the kids to the door, waving goodbye as they go off for school. But, unlike every other morning she doesn't go back into the dining room to kibitz with Max. She heads right up to her bedroom and gets her purse. She comes down and informs Niles that she will be shopping and will be home before the kids return. 

"Is something wrong, Miss Fine?" Niles asks noticing the change in her demeanor. He also notices something else is missing but can't quite put his finger on it.  

"No, Niles...nothing." Fran says deciding not to tell him about yesterday. I'm through crying on his shoulder. I just want to forget that I was ever in love with that man. Talking about it just dredges it back up. She convinces herself. She is actually proud of how she is holding up a good front when she actually felt so lousy. Seeing Mr. Sheffield this morning had been difficult, and it was all she could do to force her breakfast down. But she was determined. 


In the following week Fran does all she can to avoid Max. In fact, she hasn't been alone with him since Valentine's Day. He is starting to notice that something is missing in his life...but what? He is so out of touch with himself that he doesn't realize that Miss Fine hasn't jumped on his desk in one of her short skirts, or even been in his office for days. I wonder what she's doing. Well, I'll think about it later, I have to get this bloody work done. He thinks going back to his paperwork. 

He tries to concentrate on his work but something is nagging at him. Suddenly it starts to hit him. He hasn't seen Miss Fine in a skirt in days. Come to think of it, it almost seems as if she is avoiding him. She finds an excuse to leave the room when he arrives. I'd better find out if something is wrong after I finish this contract. He thinks slightly worried. 


The doorbell rings and Fran, who is reading on the couch says. "I'll get it, I'll get it." She trots over to the door and let's out a gasp when she see's who's there. 

"HELLO, LUV!" Nigel cries lifting her up and twirling her around the living room. "I've missed you! You look lovely!" he says really meaning it as he looks excitedly into her eyes. 

Fran is so surprised that her heart skips a beat at the sight of him. For the first time in a week, she is genuinely happy. "Oh, Nigel!" she hugs him gratefully. "You don't know how glad I am to see you!" 

Nigel is thrilled at her reaction. He really was disappointed that she didn't meet him at the ship and sail to London to get married two months ago. He had missed her and decided to pop in unannounced since he had business in New York. He had figured out that she loved his brother, but knowing Max as he did, his brother was probably was too afraid of his feelings to ever love her back. Perhaps she would give him another chance. 

"So, luv...are you free for this evening? I feel like dancing at the 70's disco club we went to last time!" He was as irrepressible as ever dancing around her with a twinkle in his eyes. 

Fran chuckles at his antics. It's the first time she's laughed in days. Fran did have feelings for Nigel, and was actually going to run off with him. But, she realized over the last two months that even if she had gotten on that ship, she would have backed out. She had loved Maxwell Sheffield with all her heart and even though she was fond of his brother, she knew she could never go through with it.  

Well, now she had another chance. With Maxwell out of her heart...his choice, not hers, she could really give his brother an honest shot. Fate sent him to me; I'm not going to blow it this time. She thinks and is surprised that she is really pleased that he is here now. Maybe he's just what I need to get Mr. Sheffield out of my heart and soul. 

"Oh, Nigel...that sounds wonderful! It's just exactly what I need!" she cries. "I have so much to tell you." She stops as Max and Niles enter the living room. 

"Nigel! This is a pleasant surprise!" Max says shaking his hand. "You are staying here with us, this time, I insist. We have plenty of room. How long will you be in New York?"  

"Several days." He looks at Fran and says. "Yes, I think I would rather stay here this time, thanks Max." Fran smiles at him. 

Niles doesn't miss this exchange and he is starting to worry. He knows the history between Nigel and Fran. Max, on the other hand is completely clueless. He didn't know how close he had been to losing his nanny that night two months ago. 

"Nigel, I'm afraid I must work this evening, again! I feel rotten about that since I neglected you so the last time you were here. But, I'll be free as a bird after tonight. Perhaps Miss Fine could..." 

"Don't worry, Max. Fran and I have already decided to go dancing tonight." Nigel looks affectionately at Fran and she returns the look. 

"Oh, good," Max says this time a little uneasily. Even he notices the look between them this time. Could they be attracted to each other? No, don't be an idiot. The poor little thing is in love with you. He thinks completely dismissing the thought. "Niles would you please prepare the guest room for my brother?" 

Niles stares at him. How can he be so bloody stupid? A blind man could see that Nigel and Fran were attracted to each other. He's just throwing them into each other's arms. I am going to have to talk to Miss Fine. Something has happened between her and Mr. Sheffield. The last time Nigel was here she hid her affection for him, now she didn't seem to care who knew it. He thinks worriedly walking up the stairs.  

Max returns to his office as Nigel and Fran walk up the stairs after Niles. "I'll be to ready to boogie-oogie-oogie in an hour Nigel," Fran says as she opens her bedroom door. "I'll meet you in the living room." She is stunned how good she suddenly feels.  

"Can't wait, luv!" Nigel smiles kissing her tenderly. He follows Niles to the guest room. 


Fran draws a warm bath and gives herself time to sort through her feelings. "It must be fate that sent Nigel here. It's a sign that it is he and not Mr. Sheffield who I should be with. The timing is just incredible. I've been mourning Mr. Sheffield for a week, suddenly I feel alive again. Nigel always has that effect on me," she says to herself as she remembers how down she was just before his last visit. They had so much fun; he knocked her depression right out of her. That's one of the reasons she had considered running off with him originally.  

She lay back in the bath and her body totally relaxed. She hadn't realized how tight she had been the last week. He can make me happy. I think it would not be difficult to fall in love with Nigel. A feeling of incredible peace envelops her. A small smile comes to her face. 


Nigel settles in to his room. I can't believe how lovely she is. My bloody brother is a fool, as much as I love him, he doesn't deserve to have her. He couldn't make her happy anyway. She needs someone with the same fire and spirit as herself. He pulls a small box out of his overnight bag and places it in the top dresser drawer. 


Max, Nigel and Niles are sipping brandy in the living room as Fran descends the staircase. The three Brits hearts start to pound madly as their mouths drop open and their eyes go wide as saucers. She is wearing the lowest cut emerald green dress. The skirt is mind-numbingly short. "Hello, everyone! I'm ready do I look?" she says innocently unaware that her appearance is having a drastic effect on the three of them. 

"Oh, luv! You absolutely take my breath away!" Nigel cries running over to her and taking her in his arms.  

Max's eyes open even wider at Nigel's actions. Niles looks at his boss and is relieved by Max's _expression that he seems to finally get it. Maybe this will finally spur him into action. He hopes. 

Nigel releases her and they walk toward Max and Niles. " Miss Fine, you look ravishing." He is suddenly quite worried about just how ravishing she Nigel. " that what you're wearing tonight?" Max asks nervously. 

"Yea, don't like it?" She says looking down at her dress. 

"Well it's rather is February, after all." You idiot. You sound like a bloody moron. Do shut up! He thinks admonishing himself. Niles rolls his eyes. 

"Oh, don't worry, Mr. Sheffield! I have a coat!" she giggles as she goes to the closet. Nigel takes her coat and helps her on with it. He kisses her neck and opens the front door. 

"Don't wait up!" he says giving Max and Niles a wink as they head out the door. 

Max downs his brandy in one gulp. Niles looks at him under arched eyebrows. "Well, I hope you're happy, sir. It looks like she' going to have a marvelous time tonight. I haven't seen her this happy in a week...since before Valentine's Day." He walks away shaking his head. 

Valentine's Day... Max suddenly feels something gnawing at the back of his mind. Valentine's Day...why do I all of a sudden feel so guilty? That was a week ago. He walks back into his office and tackles all that work. He suddenly wants to make sure he is free tomorrow night. 



Fran and Nigel are enjoying a quiet dinner at the Plaza. He has a hard time keeping from touching her. He is so drawn to her. She's just unlike any other woman I've ever known! She can make me laugh...I've never felt like this. I really think I truly love her! 

"Nigel, I am sorry about what happened last time you were here," Fran begins. 

"Oh, that's alright darling...I figured out that you were really in love with Max. Anyone could have seen that." 

"Nigel, just so you know..." she confesses. "I did go to meet you at the pier. I was late and got there just in time to see you sailing away." 

Nigel's eyes shoot wide open and his heart starts beating faster. He smiles and takes her hand. "Oh, Fran...are you serious? Why didn't you call me? I would have flown back here to get you!" He is thrilled and stunned at her confession. 

"Because, you were right. I was desperately in love with your brother. I realized how unfair it would be to you. Last week I learned once and for all that he doesn't return my love. You see, when we were flying back from visiting you in Paris we experienced some awful turbulence. Mr. Sheffield thought that the plane was going to crash. He hugged me and told me he loved me. When we got home safely, he took it back," says tearing up a little at the memory. 

Niles hugs her sympathetically. That bloody fool! He thinks shaking his head. 

"I thought he just needed more time...that he really did love me. Well, last week I found out how wrong I was. He told me he wished he'd never said it at all! That's when I realized what a fool I've been these last few months! It's been very difficult this past week, but I think I'm gradually getting over him. I'm so glad you're here!" She spontaneously hugs him. 

"Not as glad as I am, luv. Come on let's go dancing! You deserve a little fun! Let me prove that all Sheffield's aren't as dumb as my brother!" he says placing a hundred dollar bill on the table and leading her out of the restaurant. 

The disco was rocking and Fran was having a great time. In fact, the last time she had this much fun was two months ago in this very room...with Nigel. This thought didn't escape her. They were dancing to I Will Survive. When the song changed to Don't Throw It All Away Nigel took her in his arms. They looked deeply into each other's eyes and Fran's heart skipped a beat as they slowly danced to the music. For some reason this song lately reminded her of Nigel. Oh, my...I really think I could love this man. I hope it's not just a rebound thing...but really, Mr. Sheffield and I never had a real relationship. It was one-sided, at best. She convinces herself. 


Since finishing his work, for the last several hours, Maxwell had been sitting on the couch sipping a scotch in the living room staring into the fire. It disturbs him that Miss Fine and Nigel were out so late, and he is still worried about her demeanor this past week. He goes over what could be bothering her. Suddenly it hits him. "Oh my god! VALENTINE'S DAY! After I gave her that stupid card and we argued. Did I say it? I did! You blithering idiot! You told her you wished you'd never said you loved her!" he cries out loud jumping up off the sofa. 

Thinking back, he doesn't even remember her reacting to it, which is probably why he had forgotten that he even said it. "Yes, since then she has avoided me. That's when she started dressing so conservatively. She's been so business-like with me this past week...well, I bloody hate it!" He realizes. "I've got to apologize to her. How could I have hurt her like that? What an insensitive beast," he whispers taking a sip of his drink. He looks at his watch and starts to get nervous. It's after one am! What are they doing out so late? She never stays out this late when she's with Val! 

Just then the front door quietly opens. Nigel leads Fran in. He stops and looks tenderly down at her. Suddenly he takes her in his arms and kisses her deeply. She returns the kiss with the same fervor. "Oh, Nigel," she gasps. 

Max stares in open-mouth disbelief. His heart starts pounding madly at this horrifying scene. "What the bloody hell is going on here!" he cries startling them.  

"Oh, hello Max...what are you doing up?" Nigel says casually. 

Fran doesn't make a move to break away from Nigel's embrace as she did a couple months ago when Max walked in on them kissing in the kitchen. Why should I feel guilty...he has no claims on me anymore. She thinks. 

Max hurries over to them. "What's the meaning of this Nigel? Let her go!" he says angrily. 

Nigel just smiles at him. Fran is starting to get angry. "Mr. Sheffield, what's your problem? I don't want him to let me go!" She looks lovingly at Nigel. He reaches down and kisses her again, passionately. 

Max gasps. He feels like he's been kicked in the stomach. The sight of the two of them is too much to comprehend. I thought she loves me, how could she kiss my brother like that! "Miss could you?" he finally manages. 

Fran gives him a confused look. "How could I what, Mr. Sheffield? What am I doing that's wrong?" 

"I thought, um, I mean...well, don't you me?" he says uneasily blushing slightly. 

Fran mouth drops open. She can't believe her ears. That he would actually ask her that. She thinks it over and decides to confess. "I...I did, Mr. Sheffield, with all my heart up until a week ago," she says shaking her head sadly. She turns back to Nigel.  

"Good night, Nigel. I had a wonderful time. I'll see you in the morning." She smiles and gives him small kiss. "Good night Mr. Sheffield." She gives him a sad look and retreats for her room.  

"Wait for me love. I'm going up too. I'll see you to your door." Nigel says hurrying up the stairs after her. "Good night, Max!" 

Max's heart is now pounding madly. He is in a slight state of shock. His trembling legs finally carry him back to the sofa where he pounds down the remainder of his scotch. "What the bloody hell just happened here? Miss Fine and Nigel? How could they do this to me?" he cries putting his head in his hands. "Why do I feel so horrible...I'm the one who didn't want her to be in love with me! Why aren't I relieved that she doesn't, anymore? Because you love her you blasted fool!" He whispers suddenly realizing the truth. "I never knew how much my words wounded her. Why didn't she react when I said it? Did I finally hurt her once too often? Now what the hell do I do?" Defeated he climbs the stairs to his room to try to sleep. 


Fran puts on her pajamas and climbs into bed. I can't believe Mr. Sheffield's reaction to Nigel and me kissing! She thinks very confused. He made it clear to me he's not in love. I've never seen him act so jealous. There was no doubt that it was jealousy. Could I be wrong? Does he really love me? Well, too bad. How long did he think I would stick around? Nigel and I are more suited than that stuffed shirt boss of mine. She convinces herself falling to sleep. 

Max on the other hand has no chance at sleep. He tosses and turns for hours going over in his mind taking back his profession of love, that stupid card, and to top it off what he had said on Valentine's Day. He is racked with guilt and is genuinely afraid that he has lost her forever. That horrifying kiss that he had witnessed tonight was full of passion. It shook him to his core. I've got to get her back she's mine. He finally realizes. I've got to think of something...but what? He finally falls into a restless sleep. 


"Good morning everyone!" Fran cries entering the dining room in her shortest tight skirt. Max notices that she has gone back to her old look and is not as happy as he would have been. He realizes she is now dressing for his brother. 

"Oh, do look lovely!" Nigel exclaims jumping up to hold her chair as she sits. "Are you hungry?" 

"Famished! Oh, thank you Niles." She says smiling up at him as he hands her a full plate. "Where are the children? I guess I should know that, I'm sorry I overslept." She winks at Nigel. "Someone kept me out late last night." 

He smiled lovingly back at her. 

Oh, god...I just want to wretch. Max thinks glumly witnessing the two of them. They almost look like they are truly in love. He looks at Niles who is also watching them worriedly.  

"It's Saturday...they left an hour ago," Niles informs her giving Max a curious look. He definitely can see something's going on between them. I wonder if he plans to do anything about it. There is definitely chemistry between them, anyone can see it. 

"So, Nigel! I've finished my work and have made reservations for the three of us at the Rainbow Room this evening," Max says trying to sound cheerful. "You said you have business meetings today, so I've made them for six o'clock. How does that sound?" 

"That's fine with me, how about you darling?" He looks adoringly at Fran. 

"Oh, I love the Rainbow Room! I'm going to buy a new dress!" she says excitedly. To Maxwell's distress, Nigel pulls out his platinum card and hands it to her. 

"Buy whatever you want, luv! Sky's the limit! I want you to look smashing tonight!" Nigel says finishing his breakfast. "I have to run, see you tonight." He gives her a tender kiss on the lips. 

Niles almost drops his serving spoon and Max turns his head away. The sight of them was beginning to make him physically nauseous. Oh, god...I can't take this much longer. I have to do something! I'm at a loss...well I can certainly start by apologizing for that Valentine's Day incident. 

"Um...Miss Fine, could I see you in my office please?" he says getting up and heading for the office. 

"Sure, I'll be right in Mr. Sheffield. I just want to finish my waffle." This gives Niles the opportunity to talk to her privately. He sits down in Mr. Sheffield's chair and says. "Ok, dish! What's going on between you and Nigel? I thought you were crazy about Mr. Sheffield...what's going on? I noticed how distant you've been to him this last week. What happened?  

"Slow down, Niles!" She smiles at him. "Oh, Niles...I think I'm really starting to fall for Nigel! We have so much fun, and he has no problem declaring his feelings for me. He is really the exact opposite of his brother, and that ain't bad! I didn't tell you how Mr. Sheffield hurt me last week because it was the last straw and I decided that I was going to get over him." She proceeds to tell him the whole story starting with 'The Thing' on the plane right up to the now infamous Valentine's Day incident." She has Niles horrified attention.  

"Oh, Miss Fine! How could he? What is wrong with him? It's just not right! I know he loves you, there's no doubt in my mind!" 

"Well, he sure has a funny way of showing it," she says a little sadly. "Niles I truly believe that it was fate that brought Nigel here at this time. He brought me out of my depression. I think I could fall in love with him! Well, I better go see what Mr. Sheffield wants." She gets up, brushes off here skirt and heads for his office. 

Niles watches her leave and shakes his head sadly. He knows that Fran and Max belong together. Now what was he going to do? 


Fran knocks on the office door. "You wanted to see me Mr. Sheffield?" she says cheerfully walking in and standing in front of his desk. 

"Miss Fine, what are you doing way over there? Come...sit on my desk." He pats the corner of the desk enticingly. 

"Oh, I don't think that's appropriate, anymore. After all I am your children's nanny," she says formally. "What did you want to see me about?" 

Her demeanor was making Max sad and more than a little nervous. Has she lost that connection we once had? Have I really finally held her at arms length once to often? He thinks starting to panic a little. He gets up and moves to her side. "Please sit on the love seat with me for a minute," he says taking her and leading her to the small couch. They sit down and he looks deeply into her eyes. 

"Miss Fine. I just realized something. I think I may have said something very stupid to you on Valentine's Day. I was under a lot of stress with all my work and didn't mean it when I told you I was sorry I ever told you I loved you!" he says nervously. His heart starts to beat faster looking deeply into her eyes waiting for her reaction. 

Fran looks down at her hands. "I'm over it, Mr. Sheffield. It did hurt me deeply, but it is for the best. It made me realize that you were telling the truth when you took back 'The Thing'. I thought you just needed more time, but you really did want to be just friends." She looks up at him and smiles sadly. "I did love you so much, this last week it's been very hard for me getting over you. I think fate stepped in and brought your brother to me. I never told you this, but two months ago when Nigel was here we became quite close. He asked me to marry him. I am very fond of him, but was in love with you at the I didn't." She withholds the fact that she actually went to meet Nigel and missed the ship. 

Max gasps at her confession. He was really starting to panic now. Oh, god! He wanted to marry her? She really does...did love me, and now she's over me? She thinks fate sent Nigel back to her? He is trying to digest everything she has just told him. What the bloody hell should I do?  

Fran looks at her watch. "Well, I have to go shopping, Mr. Sheffield. I accept your hard feelings," she says kissing him lightly on the cheek. She gets up and leaves the office. 

Max is stunned that she so could blithely leave him. He sits dejectedly on the love seat. I think I've really lost her this time!  

Having heard the whole conversation on the intercom, Niles walks in just as Miss Fine leaves for Bloomingdale's. "Oh, Niles! I'm sure you heard everything. What are we going to do? I think she's starting to fall for my brother!" Max looks up at his butler and nervously runs all ten fingers through his thick hair. 

Niles shrugs his shoulders. "What do you care, sir? You're not in love with her. Why don't you want her to be happy?" He looks smugly at his boss. 

"Huh? What do you mean, old boy? Well, of course I love her!" he says angrily. "How could she do this to me?" 

"Oh, you declared your love for her?" Niles acts surprised. "When did you do this? You actually committed yourself to her? Then she should be ashamed for carrying on with Nigel!" he says in mock disapproval. 

"What? Oh, shut up Niles! I don't need your sarcasm. If you're not going to help then just leave!"  

"Mr. Sheffield, why don't you just tell her the truth? What are you so bloody afraid of? You've loved her for years've never been able to hide anything from me! I've known your feelings since that night you waited up for her when she went on that wretched date with Brock Storm. That was two years ago! All this time, you've done nothing about it."  

Niles continues. "She's a normal young woman, what did you expect from her? And Nigel is a handsome young man. You better do something before something happens between them. How would you like it if they made love? You know Nigel has no trouble getting women into his bed." That should set a fire under him. Niles thinks. 

Max's head snaps up in horror. "Don't even think that Niles!" The thought of his Fran and Nigel in bed together causes him to shiver. "You're right. I have to tell her my feelings before it's too late, if it's not already."  

Niles smiles and is greatly relieved. "Do whatever you have to do, sir. Your family and I are counting on you," he says encouragingly. 


Nigel gets home early from his meeting and walks up the living room stairs. He goes into his bedroom to retrieve that box from his drawer. He walks to Fran's room and knocks on the door. 

"Oh, hello Nigel! You're home early." She smiles, standing aside to let him in her room. 

"Fran, I have something important to ask you," He smiles a little nervously. "The reason I am here in New York because I've sold my nightclub to investors here. I was just signing the papers. I am going to move to New York!" He nervously awaits her reaction. 

Fran is thrilled at the news. "How wonderful!" she exclaims hugging him. 

Relieved by her obvious joy, he settles down a bit. "Um, Fran...I have to tell you...I am in love with you. Would you do me the great honor of becoming my wife?" He slowly opens the box revealing a stunning seven-carat princess cut diamond ring. 

She gasps as he puts it on her trembling finger. Oh my god! I don't believe it. He is the exact opposite of his brother. She thinks tremulously, staring at the incredible ring in astonishment. "Oh, Nigel...yes, I will." She kisses him tenderly. I knew fate brought him to me. Well, I guess Maxwell Sheffield really wasn't my destiny. At least I will be part of the family now. She fights off a feeling of sadness and focuses on the man in front of her. 

"Oh, darling! You don't know how happy you've made me! I'm sailing tomorrow for London, again. This time you must come with me! We can have the wedding in New York when we get back, or wherever you want! You're the boss!" he says twirling her around the room. 

"I'd love to go with you! Oh, it's getting late, we better get ready for dinner! We can tell your brother at dinner together! I hate to leave him on this short of notice, but, the kids are so grown up...they don't really need a nanny anymore, especially Brighton and Maggie. Besides, now they are getting a new aunt. Since we'll be living in New York, I'll see them all the time!" She is starting to really feel more comfortable with her impetuous decision. 

"Well, luv...I'm taking you to the ship personally tomorrow evening. They'll be no missing it this time! Pack all warm clothes, it's no Caribbean Cruise, you know," he says smiling. I'm going to call Cunard and book another suite, that is unless you want to stay in mine." He looks at her hopefully hugging her close to him. 

"Oh, Nigel...I think it's a little too soon for that, if you don't mind. I think, for now, I would feel more comfortable with my own cabin," she says a little shyly. 

"No problem, whatsoever!" He kisses her tenderly and leaves to make the travel arrangements.  

Fran sits on her bed and looks down at the beautiful ring. "I've made the right decision. Mr. Sheffield doesn't love me...well the other Mr. Sheffield. Why do I feel a little sad...I guess I'm not quite as over him as I thought I was," she whispers ruefully. Well, I could certainly do worse than Nigel! Now, Fran, be happy! She orders herself as she takes a deep breath and stands up. She runs a hot bath and gets ready to face her boss with the news. 



Max doesn't notice the sparkling rock on Fran's left hand as the three of them get into the waiting limo. They arrived at the Rainbow Room and made small talk over cocktails. As the orchestra started playing Begin the Beguine Nigel grabs Fran and escorts her to the dance floor. 

Max could only watch in despair as they stared lovingly into each other's eyes. He is mad with jealousy at how closely Nigel is holding her. The song ends and they walk back to the table. 

"Well, Max!" Nigel says. "Congratulate us, we're getting married!" He puts his arm around Fran as she looks down at the floor a little nervously, anticipating Mr. Sheffield's reaction. She looks up as he yelps. 

"What? MARRIED! Max stares at Fran...a look of betrayal in his eyes. Suddenly he composes himself. "I mean...congratulations old boy. He looks at Fran's hand. "I must say that is a brilliant ring." He takes Fran's hand and admires the ring, not wanting them to see the emotion in his eyes or the fact that his heart is pounding through his chest. 

"Isn't it gorgeous." She smiles relieved that he seems to be taking the news well. "I'm sorry I can't give you two weeks notice, Mr. Sheffield, but we're sailing tomorrow night to London on the Queen Elizabeth II. We're going to get married here in New York when we return. He's taking this so well, I guess I was wrong about him being jealous! 

"I'd like you to be my best man, Max." Nigel says smiling at his brother. 

"I consider it an honor," he says never taking his gaze away from Miss Fine. He stares straight into her eyes until she can stand it no longer and casts her eyes down. Only then does he look at his brother. "So, this calls for champagne!" He calls the waiter over and orders Deutz 1990 Cuvee William Brut Champagne ($115 per bottle). How the bloody hell am I going to get through this evening...I'm going to make an excuse, I can't stand seeing them together. "By the way, I'm going to have to cut the evening short...problems at the theatre. I'll leave you the limo and take a taxi home, after I see to things there. 

He stands up to make a toast. "To my brother and friend. And to the most wonderful woman I have ever met. I will be eternally grateful for what you've done for me and my family." He looks deeply into Fran's eyes. "You will be greatly missed." 

His voice slightly cracks at the last word. Miss Fine notices and it cause tears to burn her eyes. Max takes a sip of his win and shakes Nigel's hand. Then he tenderly takes Fran's hand and softly kisses the back of it. "I must two have fun." 

Max walks away from the table and out the restaurant. As soon as he was safely in the elevator his trembling knees give way. He grabs the rail to keep from collapsing to the floor. "Oh my god," he whispers. "That's's really finally happened, she's gone for good." He slowly composes himself and heads to the lobby. Outside he hails a taxi and heads home. 




Fran and Nigel have their suitcases gathered at the front door of the Sheffield mansion. The QE2 doesn't leave for six hours but Nigel is taking no chances this time. He wants to board in plenty of time. Maggie, Brighton and Gracie sit glumly in the living room. Fran had explained everything earlier to them. They understood why she was leaving. They were old enough to be happy for her, but were devastated at losing her. All three were disturbed with their father...knowing he blew it. At least Fran would be their aunt and part of the family. She said that they would be living nearby. That really cushioned the blow for the kids...of course; it didn't help Max at all. If anything, it made this whole dire situation worse. To have them living so near was going to be sheer torture for him. 

Fran, luv...time to go!" Nigel says cheerfully. "Bye kids, we'll see you in a couple weeks! Too bad Max had to work, tell him I'll call when we get to London." The time had come. Fran hugs and kisses the kids. She walks over to Niles and is distressed to see tears in his eyes. "You scarecrow, I'll miss most of all." She whispers hugging him. He remembers how she used that same line from the Wizard of Oz when she almost left two years ago to marry Danny. "Remember, we all love you Miss Fine," he says quickly retreating out of the room as he is beginning to sob.  


In the kitchen Niles mind goes back to last night. Mr. Sheffield had come home and retreated into his office with a large bottle of scotch. After about two hours, Niles became worried about him and entered the office. "I've lost her Niles...she's marrying my brother." Niles almost passed out when he saw that Mr. Sheffield was sobbing. He hasn't seen him cry since his wife died seven years ago. He was now very drunk and a little incoherent. Niles led him up to his room, undressed him and put him to bed. Suddenly Max hugged him like a child and wailed. "Oh god, Niles...what have I done!? He buried his head into Niles chest, his body shaking uncontrollably. Niles just rocked him like he had when he was a child. His heart broke for him, even though he brought it on himself. Eventually, he had cried himself out and he fell into a drunken sleep. With tears in his own eyes Niles covered his boss up, shut out the lights and quietly closed the door. 


Fran's heart is breaking. She is for the first time starting to wonder if she is making the right decision. Leaving them all is so hard! I love them...they're my family! She thinks desperately. How could Mr. Sheffield not be here to say good-bye! Well, I guess that just proves how much he cares! She finds new resolve in that and walks over to Nigel. Actually, she is hurt to the core that he's not here. She turns and waves as they walk out of the mansion. 

"What's the matter, seem sad. Are you having second thoughts?" Nigel asks slightly worriedly. He puts his arm around her as the limo drives to the pier. 

"Oh, Nigel...I'm such a horrible person. I think I am still in love with your brother! I just can't get him out of my mind," she says soft tears suddenly falling. 

"I know that, luv...that's why I wanted to get you away from there. I figured I could win your heart on this cruise." He gently nuzzles her neck. "If you aren't comfortable with me, you know I would never hold you to anything you didn't want," he says smiling sadly down at her. 

She looks up at him gratefully. "Thank you Nigel. "The last thing I would ever want to do is hurt you. You know how long I have been in love with your brother...I don't think it's going to be easy to forget him. I just want to be totally honest with you." 

"Darling...I just want you to be happy." He hugs her tightly. 

The limo takes them to New York Harbor. They pull up the passenger boarding area. Nigel helps Fran out of the back seat and then turns to the driver to get the luggage. 

Fran looks at the magnificent ship. Her mind goes back to what should have been with Mr. Sheffield. She swallows, takes a deep breath and is determined to forget him. Suddenly parting the crowd of people waiting to board, walking straight towards her is a man wearing a black overcoat with a black turtleneck and pants. As he gets closer her heart starts pounding and her legs lead her slowly towards him. She is close enough now to see the gray streak in his beautiful black hair, and the tears that are in his green eyes. They never break stride as they find each other's arms. He hugs her tightly to him, his body trembling with emotion.  

"I love you more than life itself. Please don't leave me," he sobs burying his head into her hair. He clutches her as if his life depended on it. His heart is now pounding through his chest. 

"Oh, Mr. Sheffield...Mr. Sheffield," she sobs hanging on to him. "I can't leave you. I love you too!" 

Nigel witnesses the passionate scene sadly shaking his head. He knows that he can't take Fran away from his brother. I really have no right to her. She will always belong to him, and he to her. He loads her bags back into the limo and walks to them. He embraces them both in their embrace. "I love you happy," he whispers. He takes the ring that Fran has taken off her finger, discreetly slipping it to him. Maxwell has no intention of letting Fran go, With his face still buried in her hair, Max touches Nigel on the shoulder with his left hand gratefully.  

Nigel gently pats his brother on the shoulder. With a bittersweet smile he walks slowly to the ship, never looking back. 

The End