The Honeymoon


Mary Ann, Juupke, & Sara 



Maxwell Sheffield had joined Fran on the annual Fine Family Reunion in Niagara Falls. It had been three months since London and that necking session in the hospital bed. Max was lately realizing that he might just be ready for a serious relationship with Fran. That was the main reason he subjected himself to the horrors of a Fine family function.  

The sight of the majestic Horseshoe Falls had inspired Max to propose to Fran. Unfortunately, she couldn't hear his proposal because of the thundering water around them. After being tossed down by a huge wave on the deck of the Maid of the Mist tour boat, Max had wound up in a Niagara Falls hospital with some memory confusion and a slight concussion. 

"How is he doctor?" Fran asked worriedly. She smiled down at Mr. Sheffield. He smiled up at her affectionately and held her hand.  

"Oh, he'll be fine in a few days. He may experience some memory confusion. It's not really amnesia. He is just confused about what is real and what his fantasy may be. Don't try to correct him, you'll just confuse him and slow his recovery. Just go along with whatever he thinks. We don't want to overload his brain." The doctor said signing the release form. 


"How do you feel Mr. Sheffield?" Fran said as they got in the Sheffield limo that had picked them up at Newark Airport. Because he was medicated, he had slept the whole forty-minute plane ride home, so this was the first she'd been able to talk to him  

"Why so formal Fran darling? Now that we're married, you don't have to call me Mr. Sheffield anymore. I'm sorry I got knocked out on our honeymoon. I'll just have to make it up to you tonight," he said seductively as he kissed her tenderly. I am so lucky to have such a gorgeous bride, he thought happily. I can't wait to make love to her. 

Fran's mouth opened wide. Oh, no! He thinks we're married. What's that the doctor said? I shouldn't try to correct him or it would slow his recovery. Hmmm...This might not be so bad! She suddenly thought of the benefits of being his wife, even if it's just in his imagination. 

They walked up the front steps of the Sheffield mansion. Suddenly Max lifted her up and carried her through the front door. "I love you Fran." He said kissing her again before he put her down. 

Niles, Brighton, Maggie and Gracie were sitting in the living room. Their mouths dropped open and their eyes went wide at this scene. "Oh, sir! You two eloped!" Niles cried as he and the kids ran over to hug them.  

CC was standing in the doorway to the office. She’d been working, trying to get everything ready before Maxwell came home, but it sounded like they were back already. When she saw Maxwell and Nanny Fine kissing her heart sank. She just knew that Niles’ remark was meant for her too. 

Fran caught Niles’ eye and shook her head slightly. She made a discreet motion that indicated Mr. Sheffield wasn't quite in his right mind. Niles looked at her very confused. "I'll explain later." She whispered as the kids hugged them. 

"Mr. Sh....Max, honey. The doctor said you must go right to bed for a few hours to sleep off the rest of your medication as soon as you got home. You go up and I'll be up later to check on you. Brighton, help your father upstairs." She said. 

"Are you sure you don't want to help me, darling?" He said taking her seductively in his arms. Brighton looked away and smiled.  

"Later, dear. The doctor gave strict orders," she said smiling softly at him. I've got to talk to Niles and the kids while he's napping. A very confused Brighton led his dad up the stairs to his room. 

Fran met with the rest of the family in the kitchen. She explained the situation to them. They shook their collective heads as they realized that this was just another ridiculous situation that Fran always seemed to get their father into. They agreed to play along and were intrigued how she was going to get through this night. The night that their father thought was his honeymoon night. 

Niles was secretly thrilled. This is just what they need to get their relationship jump-started! He thought happily. The kids just wanted their father and their nanny to sleep together already. They were old enough to know that it's really about time. I mean five years is long enough. They all left Fran alone to her thoughts. 

After hearing the latest trouble Nanny Fine had gotten Maxwell into, CC went to the office. This latest episode made her problems, her false sense of reality, come even closer to the surface. 

Fran sat in the kitchen for an hour sorting out her thoughts. What should I do? He will expect me to fulfill my wifely duties tonight! Well, maybe he'll just sleep through the night. She thought hopefully. Fran walked up the stairs to her bedroom. As she tiptoed by Mr. Sheffield's bedroom a hand reached out and pulled her in. Fran gasped in surprise. 

"I heard you coming up the stairs, darling," Max said hugging her to him. "I had a wonderful nap. I feel so much better now." He smiled seductively at her. "I must say you look gorgeous this evening." He looked at her appreciatively. Suddenly Max lifted her in his arms and carried her to his bed. 

Oh, no! Fran thought. Now what do I do? Her heart started beating faster as had he laid gently on top of her. He started applying soft kisses to her mouth and face.  

"Fran, I love you so much. Thank you for marrying me," he murmured kissing down her throat. Max let his hand tenderly caress her body. He started to unbutton her blouse slowly. 

Fran was getting very turned on, feeling him on top of her. The fact that Mr. Sheffield was unbuttoning her blouse was madding. She had waited five years for this moment. Her breathing started getting heavier as each button was slowly being opened. Fran was conflicted. On one hand, she had never in her life wanted anything more than to share this intimate moment with the man she adored. On the other, she was starting to feel tremendously guilty that she just might be taking advantage of him. We can't do this! She suddenly realized. He's not of his right mind.  

"Um, Mr. Sheff...Max. I, uh I can't do this now," she said breathing rather heavily. She sat up and tried to catch her breath. It had taken tremendous willpower on her part to stop him. 

Max looked at her stunned. "But darling, it's our wedding night," he gasped. He was also having trouble catching his breath. 

"Yes, well, you know. I can't," she looked down shyly. 

"Oh," he said suddenly figuring out her situation. Max took her in his arms. "I don't mind if you don't, darling. That doesn't bother me a bit." He nuzzled her neck. 

Oh, no! That was my ace in the hole, she thought desperately. Now what excuse can I give him? "No, no, it's not that. I just mean that with all you've been through, the doctor didn't want you to exert yourself." She lied. 

"But..." He tried again. 

"No, sorry Maxwell. I won't take the risk," she said firmly, kissing him on the cheek. 

Max looked at Fran incredulously. I can't believe she's doing this, he thought quite stunned. He was extremely disappointed and quite surprised. He succumbed to the realization that she was completely resolute. He was rather tired. All the drugs hadn't completely left his system yet. And, truth be told, he wouldn't mind getting a good nights sleep. "Well," he said "At least you have to sleep here with me tonight. I insist." Max said smiling and lying down on the bed with her in his arms. He snuggled her to him and fell almost instantly to sleep. His forty-something body finally succumbing to the exhausting events of the day. 

OY! Well, this isn't going to be TOO frustrating! She thought. Being in his arms, in bed, was having a drastic effect on her, but she knew she had no other choice. After more than an hour of restless combat with her libido, Fran finally fell asleep. 


The next morning, Fran was grateful that she woke up before Maxwell. At first she didn’t know where she was and, more important, how she’d gotten there. But after a few seconds gazing around she remembered again exactly what a ridiculous situation she had gotten her handsome boss and herself into. She watched his relaxed, sleeping face a few more moments, sighed deeply and worked her way out of his arms, careful not to wake him.  

Fran really hoped that his memory would have returned by the time he’d come downstairs. She had no idea how to keep up this whole charade. She sneaked out of the room and went to her own bedroom to take a shower and put on her make up. When she was done, she went down to the kitchen, where Niles was preparing breakfast. “Good morning, Miss Fine," he said expectantly.


”God, I need a cup of coffee,” Fran mumbled as she sat down at the kitchen table. "What a night."

“Why Miss Fine? Didn’t you get enough sleep last night?” Niles inquired with a big grin on his face. He set a steaming cup of coffee down in front of her. Fran took it gratefully. 

“No, I didn’t, for your information. Unfortunately it’s not what you think it is,” Fran replied taking a sip of the black coffee.


”Did Mr. Sheffield’s memory return already?” Niles said a little disappointed. He had really wanted them to get together once and for all last night. He really couldn't understand how they could have slept in the same bed together, again, and not have done anything about it.

Fran sighed. “Do you know how frustrating it is to be in his arms, knowing that he desperately wants to… Well, you know?” She said shaking her head feeling very frustrated. 

Well, actually I don't. “So you didn’t?” Niles asked. Damn. 

“No, of course not. I mean he doesn’t know what he’s doing or thinking. I’d never forgive myself if I took advantage of that.” Fran said thinking affectionately of her wonderful boss.  

“I see…” 

“Oh, I just so hope that his memory comes back as soon as possible. To resist him one night is one thing, but I don’t know how much longer I can take such torture.” Fran puts her head in her hands. God he's so incredible. How on earth did I control myself last night? She is impressed and surprised with herself. 


Max had awakened quite aroused. He was pretty dismayed that Fran wasn't next to him in bed. Fran had been confessing her frustration to Niles. At that moment Maxwell came down the back stairs, happily whistling. “Good morning my darling.” He said, tightly embracing Fran from behind “I was really disappointed to wake up alone. I thought that I’d never have to do that again now that you are my wife,” he whispered against her cheek.  

Niles gave Fran a knowing look. It was very obvious that Maxwell’s memory hadn’t returned yet.  

CC walked in right at that moment. She also saw that Maxwell was still thinking that he and Nanny Fine were married. She couldn’t take it and turned right around to the office.  

Niles discreetly left Max and Fran alone. He was encouraged that maybe all wasn't lost after all. He had seen CC leave and decided to have some fun with the witch. He walked into the office, holding his feather duster so he had an excuse to be there. He didn’t need one because CC was so distraught that she didn’t notice him coming in.  

Niles was surprised to see CC crying, she never cried. Niles’ tender side decided that he should comfort her, even though she’d probably push him away. “Tell me,” he asked her gently. 

Forgetting that Niles was her worst enemy, she just had to tell him. “Even when he is not in his right mind, his subconscious picks her. "I never stood a chance Niles. And yet that’s not even what is bothering me. I knew that those two would end up together. But Maxwell has found a second wife, and Nanny Fine has found the love of her life. Why can’t I Niles? Why doesn’t anybody want me?” She looked sadly up at him. He had never seen anybody look so lost in his life. 

“How come you think nobody wants you, you date plenty of men,” he then muttered under his breath ‘They all seem to want you.’ 

“They don’t want me Niles. They want my money. They want me to get them a part in our show. They want to be seen with me so they can impress. But as soon as they get to know me they flee. They want to sleep with me. The only one who knows me and still like to be around me is…” Suddenly CC realized whom she was talking to. She stood and ran out of the office, out the door and jumped into a cab.

Niles couldn’t catch up with her. He was left wondering whom she could be talking about. Probably Maxwell again, after all, he had known CC for more than half her life. He thinks dejectedly. He decided to do what he always did when he was depressed; he went to the kitchen to prepare himself a snack.  


Maxwell snuggled the back of Fran's neck with kisses. "Fran darling, I'm feeling so much better now," He murmured in her ear. This caused the tiny hairs on the back of her neck to rise. He lifted her out of the chair to stand and face him. Max took her face in his hands and gave her a soft, slow, wet kiss. He let his tongue part her lips and play in her mouth. 

Fran's knees literally give out as she feels his tongue for the first time. She has to hold tightly around his neck so as not to land in a crumpled heap at his feet.  

"Fran, Fran...please let's go upstairs," Max pleads desperately. He presses his body against hers. She can feel just how much he wants to go upstairs. The feeling of his hardness against her is causing her to become very turned on. Fran feebly shakes her head no. Max just smiled seductively and lifted her up. 

"Maxwell, we shouldn't," she said only stopping as his mouth covered hers. He kept it there until he reached his bed. Fran has now pretty much lost all resolve and threw caution to the wind. I mean, how much torture can a person be expected to take. She thought justifying what was about to happen. And what am I doing that is so wrong? I'm not seducing...him he's seducing me! She suddenly started to feel better about all this, especially as she watched him get undressed.  

Max never took his eyes off of her as he got into bed. He took her in his arms as his mouth hungrily found her again. "Fran, my darling. I've waited so long." He groaned as he kissed down her throat. When his hand finally reached into her bathrobe he hesitated and looked deeply into her eyes. 

Fran looked into his eyes and finally came to her senses. Oh no! He's going to cop a feel! This isn't right. We can't do this like this, she thought, starting to panic a little she searched her brain for an acceptable excuse.  

“Oh, I’m sorry, sweetie, but I promised ma to visit her this morning and I'm very late!” she said while gently working her way out of his arms, again. Wow was that lame! My mind went blank with him kissing me like that. I couldn't think of anything! 

“Well darling, don’t you think that can wait? Don’t you think that what we’re about to do now is far more important than your two-daily visit to your mother’s?” he said his eyes at half-mast. 

“How can you say such thing?” Fran exclaimed. “That poor woman. My visits are one of the few things in her daily routine that she keeps looking forward to. Would you really want to take that away from her? Do you realize what that would mean to her? She’d definitely feel as if you were taking her daughter away from her! Are you sure you want to be the one to cause all that?”  

Maxwell looked at her, speechless. He didn’t really know how to answer all of Fran’s questions. And he was flabbergasted that she was making excuses to keep from having sex with him. Even though Sylvia could be pretty annoying once in a while, she still was Fran's mother after all.  

Oh please dear God, Fran thought at the same time. Let the guilt do its job just one more time. I really don’t know what other excuse I could use.  

Maxwell sighed and took a deep breath. “Well, all right then, but please come home as soon as you can. We still haven’t had a chance to have a proper wedding night, and darling, you have no idea how much I want you.” He smiled seductively. 

“I have no idea? Honey, you do remember who you’re talking to, don’t you? I want you just the same, believe me.” To prove her point Fran kissed Max passionately. “It’s just that… Well, I don’t know exactly. I just feel that our wedding night has to be very special." Suddenly she had a brilliant thought. "What do you say we go on a proper honeymoon together, and then we can have the wedding night we have both have dreamed of for so long? It’s been such a long time, it doesn’t really matter anymore whether it’s going to be a few more days, does it?” Or weeks…I really cannot believe that I’m the one keeping him at arms length now! Boy, have I come a long way, or what?  

Maxwell hesitated. He looked at Fran, who was now giving him her puppy dog eyes. “How can I resist you when you look at me like that?” Fran returned him her most dazzling smile. He sighed and said “Well, whatever makes you happy, sweetheart. But will you at least do me a favor and let me plan our honeymoon?”  

“Of course honey, if you want to do that. What do you have in mind?” 

Max smiled mysteriously. “I’m afraid that’s not yet for you to know...not just yet. You’ll find out when the time comes, I promise.” 

Fran kissed him softly and got out of bed to get dressed. 



“Oh Dr. Grant, I really don’t know how I do this anymore. It’s been four days, and he still believes we’re married! There is not even a small sign that his memory will be back soon. Are you sure this is normal and that he didn’t suffer from brain damage after he fell on his head?”  

Fran had gone to Maxwell’s doctor, to see if there really wasn’t anything she could do to speed things up, and to make sure that there wasn’t anything seriously wrong with Max. She was very glad that she’d been able to come up with a honeymoon as an excuse to hold off making love to each other. At least now Maxwell wasn't trying to make love to her every minute they were alone. It was still very frustrating though, to be in his arms every night, keeping control of her mind and body, so as not to give in to her desires. 

“I’m sorry, Miss Fine, but the only thing you can do is wait. I really cannot say how much more time it’s going to take. But I can assure you that this is entirely normal. I’ve even heard and read about patients who kept suffering from this temporal amnesia for several months.” Dr. Grant explained sympathetically. 

Months!” Fran exclaimed. “Please tell me that I misunderstood. You didn’t just say ‘months’, did you? And why can’t I just tell him honestly what’s going on? You told me before that he’d be only more confused, but now I am the one who’s confused.” 

“I completely understand this is very difficult for you to handle, but you have to trust me when I say that you really shouldn’t tell him. If you do, you might cause old, hidden traumas of his childhood to appear all of a sudden, and then things will only get worse. Whereas, if you don’t push him, these traumas probably won’t surface for the rest of his life. You see everyone’s got this kind of trauma. They don’t even have to be about something very serious. Often they’re just caused by small things, every adult would laugh about them. But because these traumas have been in someone’s mind and memory for so long, people feel like they’re very important, and it takes quite some time to get over things and to move on with life.” 

Oh my god, Fran thought to herself while the doctor was explaining all this, if even people with a nice childhood have these traumas, I really don’t want to know what’s hidden in Max’s memory. After all, his youth hasn’t exactly been pleasant. Her thoughts go to his cold uncaring parents. “All right, I get your point. I suppose I’ll just sit and wait.” Fran sighed. 



A week had passed since Fran and Max had come back from Niagara Falls, and still nothing had changed. Max had been busy planning their honeymoon, and no matter how often Fran asked where they were going, Max wouldn't tell her anything. Fran could tell by the way he smiled mysteriously every time she mentioned the honeymoon that Max was going to pull out the big guns. Truth be told, she was very curious to know where he was going to take her. It was the day before their departure. Fran was in the kitchen chatting to Niles. He was totally amazed at how she managed to keep control. Niles knew what kind of torture the last week had been for Fran. 

“Niles, do you have any clue about where he’s taking me?” Fran asked desperately. After all Niles was the biggest yenta the world had ever known, so she figured she could always give it a shot. 

“No Miss Fine, I know as much as you do. I can’t believe how cautious he is. I snooped around his office, the bedroom, and the living room. I’ve thoroughly searched through every room in the house...nothing! He never managed to keep something from me before.” Niles sulked. 

“You know, at first I felt really guilty about talking him into this vacation, but now, I don’t know. I mean, it’s not as if can't afford it. I tell you, I definitely can use some time off. And maybe when Mr. Sheffield is in surroundings other than his own he’ll remember everything. And since he planned this as a honeymoon, I’m sure it’s going to be pretty romantic. It's exactly what we need to spice things up, and this time for real. What do you think?” She looked at Niles. 

“It’s about time that things get spiced up! For years I’ve been hinting, to him, to you, to him again. The first three years he had a crush on you. This last year you had a crush on him, which scared the hell out of him. Lately though, I've noticed that he seemed ready to put his fears aside. I think it’s about time that my efforts start to pay off. Just make sure that you pack something really sexy, so he won’t be able to resist you.” Like she even owns anything that isn't sexy. Niles smirks. 

“Well you know he gave me his credit card to buy something special. I can assure you, as soon as he sees me in what I bought at Victoria’s Secret, he won’t even think of pushing me away if his memory returns.” She winked. “Good thing he chose some warm place to go to, at least he told me to pack for a warm and sunny climate.”  

Niles smiled in agreement and left the kitchen. At the same time Maxwell came in through the backdoor. 

“Ah darling, there you are. Are you packed? Since we leave early tomorrow, we have to finish packing today.” Max said slipping his arms around her waist and pulling her towards him. She kissed him softly. To her chagrin, he immediately deepened the kiss. Fran had decided not to feel bad about kissing him. After all they had kissed before he lost his memory. She returned his kiss wholeheartedly, wrapping her arms tightly around his neck. After a while they broke apart, both breathing heavily. Fran decided to give it one more try. “So tell me already, where are we going?” 

Maxwell grinned teasingly. “Wouldn’t you like to know?" He was delighted that he was torturing her just a little. As I told you numerous times before, I’m not going to tell you until we are at our final destination. Trust me, you’ll love it. Imagine, within two days we’ll be walking around where the mighty king Minos lived.” he said mysteriously.  

Fran looked at him uncomprehendingly. Max loved the fact that she obviously was so curious. He was pleased that, for the first time ever, he’d been able to keep something secret for Niles. He’d done his very best. He knew that Fran would find out in no time as soon as Niles had found out. Max was quite excited himself about their vacation. It had cost him quite some effort because he had to get everything organized within just two weeks. He was happy that everything had worked out fine. He was planning on showering Fran with his love.  

The two of them went upstairs to pack the last few things. 


The next morning they hugged the kids goodbye and left in the limo for the airport. Max put his arm around Fran and held her close. She closed her eyes and put his head on his shoulder. 

The limo dropped them off at the Newark Airport Continental Airlines Terminal. As Max walked over to the First Class ticket agent, Fran looked at the display above the counter. Well, at least now the options are narrowed down quite a bit. We can go to Moscow gate 6, Athens gate 14 and Dubai gate 16, Baghdad gate 19, or Kandahar gate 21. Let’s just hope it’s going to be Athens. She thought a little nervously as she viewed the options.  

“Now darling, why don’t you just wait here with our luggage, then I’ll go and check us in for our first flight,” Max said kissing her tenderly. 

Damn. I was already hoping that I would be able to get a glimpse of the tickets, and maybe even of our destination. Oh well, I guess I’ll just have to let him surprise me, ‘cause I really don’t see him revealing his hand prematurely. “Sure honey. I’ll wait right here for you.” Just make sure to remember which gate number belongs to which flight.  

“Let’s see, where can we find gate 14. Ah, we have to go into that corridor over there.” Fran followed Maxwell, and was relieved that he was looking for gate 14...Athens. For some reason, Baghdad and Kandahar were not high on her list of holiday destinations. 


After the nine-hour flight to Athens and another half-hour flight to Crete, Fran and Maxwell had finally reached their limo. Maxwell decided to finally tell Fran about his plans. “Well, sweetheart, what do you think of two weeks on a cruise ship, starting here on Crete and visiting several Greek islands?” 

Fran was overwhelmed. Of course she had expected something really great, but this was definitely not the first honeymoon destination that she, or Maxwell for that matter, would think of. She shivered a little as she once more realized how deeply she was in love with this wonderful man. She just prayed that everything would work out the way she was hoping for. 

Max and Fran checked in at the VIP line for suite passengers. They left their bags to the butler's care. He had assured them that he would unpack for them; it was after all, part of his job. They disembarked and had the limo take them to the famous ancient Knossos, the leftovers of the palace of king Minos. As they were looking at what was still intact of the famous labyrinth, Max told Fran about the myth that belonged to it. 

“In ancient times, Minos, a very rich and powerful king, had a beautiful daughter, Ariadne. Everyone wanted to marry her, but her father decided that only the one who was able to kill the monster that lived far away in the labyrinth would be given that privilege. So far, no one had been able to do so. Every single prince who had tried, was killed by the creature or got lost in the labyrinth and died because of hunger and thirst. Every year, the lives of seven young virgins had to be sacrificed, to feed the monster. This was to make sure that it would stay within the labyrinth. 

One day a brave prince arrived. Ariadne loved him as soon as she met him. She gave him a special knife and many meters of wool. She told him that only with this knife would he be able to kill the monster, and if he would take one end of the wool with him, he would be able to find the exit again. He did as she told him, and in the end they lived happily ever after, ruling the big kingdom.” 

Fran sighed. “And that’s why I wouldn’t want to live in Greece! All those monsters and other meshugganas!” she declared. 

Maxwell smiled down at her. “Darling, what do you say we go back to the ship now. That way we can settle in a bit. I’m sure you wouldn't mind a wonderful dinner in the 5-star restaurant on board.” He put his arm around her. 

“Mmm, you know me too well. That ain’t good, honey!" she said pushing him playfully. So, what are we waiting for?” Max snuggled her ear as he helped her into the limo. 


After changing clothes in their fabulous suite, Max escorted Fran to the restaurant where they feasted on a wonderful dinner. Afterwards Max decided to dazzle her a little in the casino. "Let's do some gambling darling," he said taking her hand and leading her into the ship's casino. 

That sounded good to her. She was starting to get a little nervous as bedtime loomed. She was willing to put it off as long as possible. She still had no idea how she was going to handle the whole dire situation. "Oh Max...look! There's two seats open at the five dollar blackjack table." She said pulling him over there. She is surprised that he pulls her in the opposite direction. Max leads her to the High Rollers area. He sits her down at the two hundred dollar minimum table. The pit boss hurries over to them. "I'd like a line of credit and markers please." Max says taking out his wallet. 

"Certainement monsieur!" Pierre said. "For how much?" He took the ship ID card that Max handed him. 

"Twenty thousand dollars." Fran and Pierre gasp. Fran looked at her boss in total disbelief. Oh god! Pierre quickly recovered and scurried to the casino cage to run a credit check on Maxwell Sheffield. 

"Um, darling, we're only on this ship for a couple weeks. Do you really need that much in markers?" Fran heart started to beat faster. Max just looked at her nonchalantly and gives her a small dismissive smile. 

"You said you played Twenty One all the time in Atlantic City. I want to see how good you really are."  

Fran's mouth dropped open. "I played at the two dollar tables. If I lost one hundred dollars a trip, that was a lot!" She cried gazing nervously at the little brass sign that indicates that this table was a minimum of two hundred dollars a hand! 

"Fran darling. You're a very wealthy woman now." He smiled rubbing her nose to his. He is delighted that his showboating had the desired effect on her. Twenty thousand dollars is nothing to Maxwell Sheffield. Even if she lost it all, he wouldn't blink an eye. 

Pierre returns breathlessly with the paperwork. His supervisor, had told him in no uncertain terms, that however much Mr. Sheffield wanted, give it to him. "Mr. Sheffield, how much would you like in chips?" You have been given an unlimited line of credit." Pierre is perspiring slightly. 

"Oh, I'll just take the twenty thousand for now." He looked at Fran. "My bride is a skilled player," he said looking affectionately at her. Fran just smiled weakly at him. She knew that he wouldn't be so generous with her if he didn't think they were married. Oh god, if I lose all this money he's going to go ballistic after he realizes we're not married. 

Pierre is a little disappointed that Mr. Sheffield doesn't want more. He signaled the dealer who immediately started counting out the black hundred dollar chips.  

"No," Max said. 

The dealer looked up. "Sir?" 

"All white please." 

Fran gasped again as the dealer put the black chips back in the tray and counted out twenty white thousand-dollar chips. "Mr., I mean Max. I can't possibly play one thousand dollars a hand!" Her stomach is starting to turn over as she stared in horror at the white chips. 

Max just chuckled and slid them over to her. "You can and you will. I can't wait to see you play," he whispered a little suggestively.  

Fran shivered a little getting the double entendre. She swallowed and tentatively put one white chip on the spot in front of her. The dealer and Pierre were slightly nervous also. Players on cruise ships rarely bet this big. This wasn't Atlantic City or Las Vegas after all. Fran's heart was beating through her chest as the dealer slid her first card out of the shoe.  

Max watched her in secret amusement. The _expression on her face was priceless. He chuckled silently to himself. The dealer dealt her a blackjack. She let out a yelp.  

"Player wins." He paid her a thousand dollars plus another five hundred due to the blackjack. 

"Okay. Let's go." She started to get up but Max just grinned and sat her back down. 

"We're not going anywhere until I say so." He smiled at her "I noticed you don't have a beautiful engagement ring on your finger. You're going to win yourself a fabulous one right now." Fran resigned herself to the inevitable and just prayed that the cards fall her way. After an hour of some of the greatest cards she had ever been dealt, Fran had doubled the twenty thousand dollars. She was completely spent. "I can't take this anymore."  

Max was delighted at how his little plan has transpired. Fran's winning was just the icing on the cake. He had a marvelous time. "I think you can quit now." Max takes two of the white chips and pushes them to the dealer. "A tip for you young man."  

"Thank you sir!" The grateful dealer gasped. 

Pierre just shook his head. He knew that the cruise line just took a big financial hit. Well it's not my fault. They told me to raise the table limit for him. This thought doesn't stop the perspiration that is now flowing freely. Max looked at Pierre. "Have my winnings wired to my bank in New York please."  

"Certainement monsieur! Immediately."  

Max helped Fran off her chair and led her out of the casino. Fran's knees were shaking and her cheeks were flush, but she was beyond excited. "Did you see those cards? I couldn't do anything wrong!" she cried excitedly. "I can't believe I just won twenty thousand dollars! Oh god, that was freaking awesome!" She looked at Max with big brown eyes. He is thrilled that he had indeed dazzled her. He suddenly realized that she had dazzled him also.  

"Fran you were unbelievable! You didn't make a wrong move. I may just retire from Broadway and bankroll you from now on," he joked. The look on her face touched him. Suddenly he reached down and kissed her tenderly. "Let's go to our suite darling." He murmured hugging her close. Fran took his hand and let him lead her to the Penthouse Deck. 


Max followed Fran into the suite. "Why don't you take the master bath to change, darling. I'll take the smaller one." He kissed her tenderly, holding her tightly to his body. Fran could feel against her lower body the enormous trouble she was in. Oy! He feels wonderful. How am I going to be able to resist? The feeling of his hardness made her knees week. She walked wobbly to the bathroom to change. As she was freshing up, she tried to devise a plan to keep from taking advantage of him. Nothing. Fran changed into the most conservative item in her trousseau. A long white negligee with a matching sheer robe with soft white ostrich feathers as trim. Damn, I look too good. She thought desperately. "I'm in big trouble. Well, here goes." Fran took a deep breath and walked slowly into the master bedroom.  

Max is standing by the fireplace and pours her a glass of champagne. Her negligee caused him to gasp. "Oh darling, you take my breath away!" His heart starts pounding madly. She's just lovely. How have I controlled myself this past week? 

Fran smiled nervously and took the wine. 

"To us." Max declared. He took her in his arms and said surprisingly seriously. "Fran, I love you." He looked directly into her eyes when he said it.  

Something about the way he said it made her shiver a little. She couldn't put her finger on it, but something just wasn't completely kosher here. She shook the feeling off. She had much bigger problems at the moment. They finished their wine and set the glasses on the coffee table. Max took her hand tenderly and led her to the bed. "I know you're a little nervous darling. That is so sweet," he murmured as they got under the covers. "You know I'd never do anything to hurt you, don't you?" He looked directly into her eyes again. 

That shiver came back to her. It was the way he said it. "Yes," she said hesitantly. 

"Oh, Fran. You're so beautiful." He kissed her and gently pushed her back on the pillows. He got gently on top of her. He nuzzled her ears and neck whispering endearing words. His erection pressed softly into her. Fran couldn't help make little pleasure sounds at the feeling of his arousal. All of a sudden Max stopped and slid off of her. Fran was surprisingly disappointed at that. 

Easy Maxwell. "Fran," he whispered as his hand traveled down the silk negligee and lifted it up. He let his hand softly stroked her bare tummy lightly with the backs of his fingers. They tentatively traveled to her satin panties. Fran's heart started to beat madly. Her breathing became very heavy at his erotic stroking and the fact that he was so near to touching her there. 

"Fran darling, I've waited for this for so long," he whispered. As his hand started to enter her panties he hesitated and looked deeply into her eyes again. Fran's eyes go wide realizing what he is about to do. She was a little confused again. That nagging feeling that something wasn't quite as it appears was crowding her mind. 

"Mr. Sheffield...No! We can't do this!" she cried, holding his hand before it reached its destination. She looked him in the eye. "I'm sorry, it's not right. You think we're married and we're not," she said sadly. 

"I was wondering how long it would take before you stopped me." He said with a twinkle in his eyes. He didn't realize that he was holding his breath until he released it. Max took her in his arms. "You're really something, do you know that?" He said admiringly. 

Fran's mouth dropped wide open and she stared at him almost uncomprehendingly. "MR. SHEFFIELD! You were faking?" Fran cried, getting out of his embrace. "When...why..." She sputtered.  

"Well," he said rather sheepishly. "Um, well my memory returned after my nap last week." He took her in his arms again. He was slightly embarrassed about being so busted. "Well, I thought I would have a little fun with you. I wanted to get you back for pretending that you had amnesia a couple months ago." He looked hesitantly down at her. Max was, in a perverted way, very pleased at the stunned look she gave him. Her mouth was wide open and she was blinking rapidly in surprise. 

"Mr. Sheffield. Do you know what you put me through this week? Don't you know it took all my will power not to make love to you? I...I didn't want to take advantage of you while you weren't of your right mind," she said a little shyly pulling out of his embrace again. She cast her eyes down, as she was a little embarrassed at admitting that she wanted to have sex with him. 

He smiled tenderly at her. "Yes." He took her gently back into his arms. "Your absolutely sterling character made me realize once and for all how incredibly much I am in love with you." He whispered as he nuzzled her neck softly. "I knew then and there that I love you more than I could ever believe possible. Do you know how devastated I was that you weren't in my bed when I woke up that morning?" He confessed as he cuddled her closer to him. "I've never wanted to make love to a woman more than I did that morning...more than I do now." He said as he kissed her passionately. "I'm sorry I played with you. I just couldn't resist getting back at you a little." He whispered. "Please don't be angry with me." He pleaded as he kissed down her neck. You don't know how hard it was for me to sleep with you this last week either. There were several nights that I almost gave in and told you the truth. I think this way was more fun though. 

Yeah, right. Like I could be mad when he's doing that, she thought happily. Fran kissed him suddenly. For the first time in a week she doesn't feel guilty as the awesome feelings surge through her lower regions. Max groans and pushes her gently on her back. He gets on top of her pressing himself into. Fran cries out softly which only makes him kiss her more frantically.  

"Fran darling, before this goes any further, will you make me the happiest man on earth and marry me?" he whispered looking deeply into her eyes.  

"Well, I'll have to think about it." She smiled as his eyes opened wide. "Gotcha." She batted her eyes at him. "Of course I'll marry you Maxwell," she murmured kissing him. 

Max raised his eyebrows. "Oh, 'gotcha'...huh? Well, Miss Fine, we'll see who says 'gotcha.' He turned her over and kissed her passionately. "I'm going to be the one who says gotcha last he whispered. In fact woman, spread your legs," he said a little playfully. 

Fran looked at him in complete astonishment. "What?" she whispered not believing what he said.  

He smiled at her, a twinkle in his eyes. Max purposefully spread her legs apart which caused her to gasp. "Oh Mr. Sheffield," she whispered. 

Max got on top of her and kissed her ears and neck. He worked his way to her breast where he lingered for a while. Slowly, methodically he worked his way down her body, which caused Fran to moan. This encouraged him to continue. Since the moment he met her, Max had wanted to do one thing. He was ecstatic that the time was finally here. His tongue found that very receptive spot between her thighs. Fran whispered his name in ecstasy. Her hips frantically pressed up into his torturing maneuvering. Her hands found his thick head of hair and grasped it desperately. She begged him to stop, terrified that he would. She didn't want to come without him. He continued relentlessly. His goal was for her to climax, since he didn't know how long he would be able to control himself after he entered her. It had been quite a while since he'd been with a woman, and he wanted to make sure that this woman was satisfied.  

Finally Fran cried out his name her body shuddering uncontrollably. Max kissed his way back up her body. He perched over her looking into her face lovingly. Her eyes were still tightly closed as the spasms were dissipating. When he saw the sublime _expression on her face, there was no doubt in Maxwell's mind that he had satisfied her. Suddenly he couldn't wait any longer; he had to have her now. He got on top of her and glided easily into her wet silkiness.  

Fran opened her eyes in rapture. She was a little surprised to see he green eyes staring into her hers. She mumbled his name as he pressed himself in all the way. He cried out softly as he felt her muscles involuntarily convulsing around him. He tried to control his ejaculation, but the feeling of her massaging relentlessly pulled his essence out of him. "Oh god!" he moaned as he released explosively in her. He whispered her first name over and over. 

Fran wrapped her legs tightly around him thrusting up into him one last time. She was incredulous that she was experiencing what she had only read about...multiple orgasms. 

Max rolled over and pulled her on top of him. He was overjoyed that he satisfied her so stupendously. He gathered her into his arms and held her tightly. They were both trying to regain some semblance of normal breathing. After several minutes Max looked tenderly at her and was able to gasp..."gotcha." 


The End 

I hope you enjoyed my joint effort with Céline and Sara. We had a blast writing it!