The Donor

The Donor


Mary Ann

The recent birth of Fran's ex-fiancé Danny Imperiali's baby makes Fran examine her own longing to start a family. She is suddenly terrified that her biological clock is ticking; since she actually knows the truth about her age...and it ain't twenty-nine!

"Oh, Val...I so want to have a baby!" She says looking sadly at her friend.

"But Fran, you have to have a man for that...and you don't." Val says looking like she just spread some real sage pearls of wisdom to her best friend. "I'm mean...don't you?" She says now doubting that she is correct since she usually isn't.

"Wait! Val...No you don't! I read in Cosmo about those sperm banks! You can just go in and pick out the guy you want, and never even have to meet them. C'mon! There's one on 79th Street! Let's go check it out." She says getting her purse. They trot out the door to Val's car.


Ohhh...Val, look at this one! Fran cries tuning the page of the donor book. Number forty-one. Six foot, thick black hair and green eyes. He gorgeous! You see, you just can't meet men like this in real life!" She says exasperated. Val nods in agreement looking disgusted. "Yes, this is definitely the one!" Fran says happily.

Val drops Fran off at the Sheffield Mansion. She is now very excited at the thought that he was going to be a mommy. I think I'll go talk to Mr. Sheffield about this...he's the smartest man I know. He'll give me good advice. She thinks heading for his office.

"Um, Mr. Sheffield?" Fran says walking into his office. "Can I talk to you in private?" She says looking at Niles and C.C..

"Well, we get the hint." C.C. says insuted as she and Niles leave the office. Soon Max and Fran hear their voices over the intercom. "If we push this button, we can hear them, but they can't hear us!" Niles says conspiratorially to C.C. "Maybe it's this one." "No it's that one, you jackass!"

"It' s the red one!" Fran yells into the intercom. Max disgustedly pulls the cord out.

"Mr. Sheffield." Fran begins a little shyly. "I always think of you as more a friend than an employer. What would you say if I told you I wanted to have a baby?" She smiles and looks him deeply in his eyes.

Max's mouth drops open and his heart starts pounding in his chest. "Miss Fine...How can you have a baby without a man?" He looks at her nervously. Is she seeing someone I don't know about. He thinks worriedly. No, she's been home every night for months.

"All I need is a donor! I picked the perfect guy. Forty-one. Tall, handsome, creative, with a big head of hair! What'd 'ya think?" She looks at him expectantly.

Oh, my god! She's talking about me! She wants to have my baby!? Max thinks starting to panic a little. They sit on the loveseat and Fran unconsciously places her hand on Max's leg. He looks nervously down at it. Even though he is stunned and terrified by her news, he feels a pleasant little jolt in his groin at her touch.

"Um...this is a big decision, Miss Fine. I'm going to have to give it some thought!" He says anxiously.

Fran pats his leg. "Please take it seriously because you know, I really value your input!" She gently squeezes his thigh and leaves.

"Oh my god!...What am I going to do?! He cries jumping up from the loveseat. He starts pacing his office. He realizes that the yenta is probably on the patio eavesdropping. "What do you think Niles?" He turns to the veranda door.

"What makes you so sure she want you?" Niles says skeptically.

"Oh, come on old man...she practically spelled it out! She wants someone tall, creative, handsome. Who else could she mean? I'm going to have to call her mother...I can't handle this alone!" He says dialing the phone.

At first Sylvia was horrified by her daughter's plans. But, after Mr. Sheffield told her that Fran wanted him as the donor, she suddenly warmed to Fran's plans. She wasn't much help to Max after all. "I'm sorry, ma." Fran had said to her. "I can't plan my life around a husband. It may never happen!" Sylvia had just shrugged and went to get something to eat.


That evening after dinner, Max asks to see Fran in his office. He is determined to talk her out of this odious plan. But, even if he can't, he has to inform her that he can't possibly be the father.

Fran is standing in front of his desk. He is sitting down holding his pencil. "Miss Fine..." He begins nervously. "Are you really serious about all this. I mean, have you thought of the future? Would you still want to stay here with your baby? Would you be able to be the nanny and a mother at the same time?"

She looks at him rather hurt. "You wouldn't let me stay here?" She asks slightly worried.

"Of course I would." He says quickly seeing the hurt look. "I just mean, well, do you really...Oh, Miss Fine! I'm so sorry, I just can't be the donor! It would be so wrong!" He blurts out.

Fran looks at him surprised. "Mr. Sheffield...did you think I was going to ask you to be the father?!" She lets out one of her unique raspy laughs.

Max is suddenly quite embarrassed...and slightly insulted. "No." He says looking down playing with his pencil.

Fran moves over to sit on his desk. She touches his shoulder tenderly. "Oh, Mr. Sheffield, are you disappointed that I wasn't going to ask you?" She is stunned and quite touched that he could even consider that.

"You could do worse." He pouts. What are you saying, you blithering idiot. You're off the hook! Suddenly he brightens slightly. He doesn't have to worry about that anymore. "Well, Miss Fine...if you're really determined I support your decision." He smiles tenderly at her, but something is nagging him in the back of his mind. He is slightly confused at what it could be.

"Oh, thank you Mr. Sheffield!" She cries hugging him gratefully. He holds on to her for a second longer than was proper for a friendly hug. Lately he had been having thoughts of just how good it felt when they hugged. That kiss a few weeks ago in that New Jersey department store suddenly popped into his head. That was the first passionate kiss they had shared. Fortunately for him, Fran fainted and had no recollection of it.

"Well, I have to wait a few days." She confides to him. "You know, my cycle has to be at the perfect stage before I can be artificially inseminated." Max blushes slightly as Fran leaves him to his thoughts.

Well, I did all I can do. He thinks, but he's not all that satisfied how this has ended.. Out of the blue, a wave of depression rushes through him. He has no clue what has caused it. Suddenly he realizes something. I wonder why I didn't come to her mind as a possible donor? I mean, I match her description. Why in the world is this bothering me so? It comes to him. "I really don't want her carrying another blokes child!" He whispers the thought unexpectantly paralyzing him. He suddenly realizes. "Oh, she'll change her mind in a few days! This is just another of her hair-brained ideas." Relieved at this thought he leaves the office and heads up to his bedroom to finish his book.



The big day has arrived and Fran is excitedly getting ready to go to the clinic. Max is beside himself. He had been positive that she was going to change her mind. He summoned her to his office an hour before her appointment.

"You wanted to see me Mr. Sheffield?" Fran asks curiously knocking on his door.

"Yes, please sit down Miss Fine." Max says motioning to the love seat. He rubs his hands together nervously. He is perspiring slightly and his heart is pounding madly. "Miss Fine...are you absolutely determined that you want a child this way?" He asks hoping against hope that she has changed her mind.

Fran looks at him confused. "Of course, Mr. Sheffield. I was just getting ready to go to the clinic. Why?"

He sits down next to her and takes her hands into his. Max looks her straight in her eyes. "Miss Fine, I just can't let you do deserve more than to carry a total stranger's baby. At least you should have a child with someone you know and are...fond of." He says looking shyly at her.

"I'd adore that, Mr. Sheffield, but unfortunately, I have nobody in my life like that." She looks him deeply in his eyes her heart starts pounding a little harder. Could it be? She thinks starting to get excited as a crazy idea creeps into her brain.

He looks deeply into her eyes and says. "Yes you do...if you're so bloody determined to do this, would you allow me to help you out?" He looks down shyly at his hands, his body shivering slightly from nerves and what her answer will be.

Fran's mouth drops open. "Oh, Mr. Sheffield...are you saying that you want to be my donor?" She swallows and squeezes his hand. Her head is swimming at this totally unexpected turn of events.

He looks up at her. "If you are absolutely determined to go through with this, I just have to be...I couldn't live with myself if you got pregnant by someone you didn't even know!" He was feeling a little stronger now and looks her straight in the eyes.

"Oh, Mr. Sheffield!" She cries hugging him. "You don't know how much this means to me! Thank you! In a million years I would never have had to nerve to ask you, but there is nobody I would want more to be the father of my child!"

Maxwell smiles at her reaction. He hadn't realized how highly she thought of him. He is also very confused by the tender feelings for her that have now taken over his thoughts.

"Mr. Sheffield." She says excitedly. "Do you want to come to the clinic with me today? You make a...deposit." Realizing what that entails, she looks bashfully down at her hands. She can't even imagine the prim and proper Mr. Sheffield doing something like that. Her cheeks turn bright pink.

"Umm...yes, and there's the problem that we have to discuss Miss Fine. He says rubbing his hands together nervously. You see, there is no way I could go to a sperm bank. I mean, you know who I am...if word ever got out that Maxwell Sheffield was a sperm donor, I would be the joke of Broadway." He looks uneasily at her biting his lower lip, letting her digest what the circumstances really were.

She looks confused. "Well if you can't go to the clinic, then how...OH!" She looks at him wide-eyed, her heart was now threatening to burst out of her chest, it was pounding so hard. "Oh, Mr. Sheffield...OY!" She sits down hard on the loveseat.

Max gives her an uneasy look. He shrugs his shoulders very embarrassed now. "Yes, that's the situation. I'm afraid, Miss Fine, that if you want my baby it's going to have to be conceived the old-fashioned way." His cheeks are now as bright red as hers have become. He is having a hard time looking her in the eyes.

"Oh, Mr. Sheffield." She says putting her hand on her forehead looking up at him. "I don't know." She starts to shiver slightly. Oh, how can I have sex with him? I would be a nervous wreck! He's my boss! I've always suppressed my feelings for him! How would I do that after we made love? She worries, her mind reeling.

Max notices her discomfort and sits next to her putting his arms around her. "Miss will be alright. I mean, we are both adults...we know that it will be a 'no strings attached' type act with a common goal." He says trying to reassure himself as much as her. He suddenly realizes that he is actually slightly charmed at her reaction. She really is so naive. He thinks affectionately. Most women would jump at the chance. I never realized how she was so innocent sexually. For some reason, this makes him happy. Though he won't admit it, he doesn't exactly hate the idea of making love to her.

Fran puts her head on his shoulder and thinks. There's nobody's baby I would rather have! I can't let this opportunity pass me by. But, oh my with Mr. Sheffield! She suddenly makes a decision. "OK Mr. Sheffield. You're right. She says softly looking up at him. We can keep this almost business-like." She offers him her hand and they shake. She swallows and says shyly. "So, where and when? The next two days are my best time."

"Well me in my room at say, nine o'clock tonight. I'll be sure that the children and Niles are out of the house for the evening." He gently takes her shoulder and looks deep into her eyes. "Now, you're sure about all of this?" He asks seriously.

Fran lifts her head up and smiles at him. "Absolutely. I'll see you tonight." She hugs him gratefully and leaves his office. She runs up the stairs and calls Val. "Val! Get right over are NOT going to believe this!"


Max sits down behind his desk wondering if he has done the right thing. He is actually more worried about the short term...tonight, than the fact that Fran will have his child. Well, I won't think of that now...but what's going to happen tonight? He is now getting more and more nervous. Stop it old boy, or you won't be able to meet your part of the bargain. He thinks trying to put it out of his mind.


Val and Fran are sitting on Fran's bed. Val's mouth drops open as Fran tells her the incredible news. "Oh, god! are so lucky! He is so gorgeous!" She sighs. "Aren't you nervous?"

"Oh, Val! I'm terrified! I mean, he's Mister Sheffield! He's so out of my league! I've never been with a man like him! He's so rich and powerful...Val, I don't think I can go through with this! I think the shock at the mere thought of being with him has knocked some sense back into my head. I don't want to have a baby like this!" She suddenly realizes. "I want to do it right. What am I going to do? After his generous offer, it would be too humiliating to tell him I changed my mind! Oh, how do I get myself into these things?" She cries taking Val's hands.

Val shakes her head. "Just tell him...he'll understand!"

"No, he'll just think I'm some kind of nut!" She says dejectedly. "Oh, Val! Wait a minute! I just realized something. Every time Mr. Sheffield and I have shared intimate moments, you know kisses or hugs, he always pulls away. Just last month he kissed me and I fainted! I had to pretend that I didn't remember the kiss because I knew how uncomfortable he was about it! He is kind of repressed you know. There is no way he is going to be able to go through with this!" She cries very relieved.

Fran smiles at Val. "When he backs off, I'll just be so gracious and say that I'm going to wait on having a baby. That way, he'll be the one who stops and I won't look so foolish." Fran is suddenly very calm about this evening.


Unbeknownst to both Fran and Max, Niles had been listening in to all their conversations the last few days. He was now horrified at Miss Fine's plan for this evening. He knew she was right and it would kill any chance of them finally finding each other. Niles had been thrilled when Mr. Sheffield and Miss Fine had decided to make a baby, now Miss Fine was going to ruin everything! Now what was he going to do?!

Max walks into the kitchen. "Oh Niles...I have to confide in someone." He tells Niles the whole story, ending with his plans for tonight. "Niles, I don't think I can go through with this! I mean it is Miss Fine! How can I get out of this without breaking her heart?" He says. Suddenly he remembers the reason he was doing it in the first place. "But, on the other hand, I couldn't stand it if she were to have some other blokes child! Blast! What am I going to do?" He says sitting at the table and putting his head in his hands dejectedly.

Niles looks heavenward and mouths a 'thank you'. "Mr. Sheffield, we need to talk I know something that I think you are absolutely going to love to hear!" He says excitedly.

Max sits wide-eyed as Niles reveals Miss Fine's plans. "...So she told Miss Toriello that you were repressed and that there was no way you would be able to make love to her. That you would back out! Then she wouldn't have to tell you she changed her mind and look foolish!" Niles is quite pleased with himself.

"Why that little..." Max says already plotting his next move. "Repressed, huh? Well, we'll see who backs down first! Niles, make sure you and the children are out of the house this evening." He says walking out the door. He has some preparations to make.

"Don't worry, sir. The children are sleeping at their respective friends house for the weekend and I have plans." To sit my tukas in front of my bedroom intercom, like I would miss this! Niles smiles from ear to ear. If this doesn't get them together, than I give up! He thinks happily.


Fran is deciding what to wear for their rendezvous. I don't want to be too sexy, he is a man after all...repressed or not. She decides on her cute cream colored silk pajamas. She puts them on a looks at herself in the mirror, satisfied. Cute--not sexy. She is wrong, of course. She isn't aware that Max loves women in pajamas more than sexy negligees.


Meanwhile, Max has prepared his bedroom for the evenings entertainment. There is romantic music emanating from the speakers, a huge fire crackling in the fireplace and champagne chilling in the silver ice bucket next to the sofa. This should scare her. We'll see who backs down first! He thinks wondering how she always seems to drag him into such ridiculous situations. He is a little nervous but surprisingly excited about the little game that was about to unfold between them.

Of course, he has the advantage of knowing both their plans. Still, he was going to be alone with her in his bedroom for the first time since she was drunk and climbed into his bed a year ago. Max looks in the mirror and checks his appearance. He is wearing his expensive black silk robe and pajamas. He remembers one more thing. He walks over and turns his bed down invitingly.


Fran checks herself one last time. Suddenly a horrifying thought comes to her mind. What if he doesn't back down? Oh, god...what if I'm wrong about him. She thinks panicking slightly. Her stomach starts to get butterflies. No, don't be were right earlier. It's Mr. Sheffield we're talking about! No way will he be able to handle it. She's calms herself down and is now more relaxed. "Ok, here goes." She takes a deep breath, opens her bedroom door and walks slowly down the hall to Maxwell's bedroom.


Fran swallows and softly knocks on Max's door. As he opens the door, she gasps as her eyes take in the room. She smiles nervously at Mr. Sheffield. He is thrilled at her slightly scared expression. "Hello, Miss you look charming in those pajamas!" He says gallantly taking her hand and leading her over to the sofa in front of the fireplace. She really does look delightful! He thinks as he uncorks the champagne. He doesn't notice that his heart starts to beat slightly faster at the sight of her.

"Oh, Mr. Sheffield." She says shyly looking around the room. I can't believe how he has prepared it so romantically. Her eyes go wide as she spots his turned down bed. Max notices her reaction to it and smiles to himself. She really is so adorable and innocent! Sometimes it's all I can do to take her in my arms and hold her tightly. Stop with that you idiot! You're going to ruin everything. "Have a glass of champagne, Miss Fine." He says offering her the crystal-fluted glass.

Not a big drinker, Fran decides that she really needs one now. She takes it and swallows it in one gulp. Max almost burst out laughing at the sight. He was having a wonderful time, so far. He is now completely at ease knowing that that no sex will be taking place between them this evening. He has no worries or trepidations. He can just relax and enjoy himself. He refills her glass and has one himself. Max sits on the couch next to her. He notices that she is trembling a little and suddenly feels very protective towards her. He is surprised that he is also feeling slightly aroused at her naive demeanor. He is realizing that she really is sweetly inexperienced, being so nervous at being alone with him. This thought was really beginning to turn him on, and he tries to purge it from his mind.

Fran takes a sip of her wine. The first glass served to calm her down a little. Wow, is he handsome! He's just every bit the big Broadway producer! He's so suave and sophisticated and he doesn't seem the least bit uncomfortable in this embarrassing situation! This starts to worry her. I, on the other hand am plotzing! She thinks looking at him bashfully. I wish I could make love to him, but I know that he is way out of my reach! I would have a heart attack if we really were going to bed. She casts her eyes down as he looks deep into them. Her cheeks turn pink and she wonders what he is thinking. She starts to shiver again slightly at being so close to him in such an intimate situation. It's all Max can do from taking her in his arms and holding her tightly against his body.

He takes both their glasses and sets them on the coffee table. "Miss look lovely tonight." He whispers stroking her cheek with the back of his hand. He reaches over and kisses her softly on her lips. Fran gasps as his tongue glides in. Suddenly he takes her in his arms and deepens the kiss. Fran is conflicted, on the one hand her body is on fire as he is now kissing down her throat, on the other...why isn't he backing down?! She can't believe that he's gone this far!

Max's plan isn't quite going the way he had expected either. He didn't know that he was going to react this passionately. He thought that she would have stopped him by now. He realizes that when she does finally back down, he is going to have a very difficult time stopping. He was aroused beyond belief. His hands start to have a mind of their own and he slowly starts to unbutton her pajama tops. "Oh, Miss Fine." He whispers. His lips find her breast and Fran let's out an involuntary moan. The sound drives Max into a slight frenzy and he completely forgets his plans.

Max gently pushes Fran down on the huge couch and gets on top of her. He gazes into her eyes, pure animal lust in his own. She looks at her eyes he sees excitement, nervousness, and what looks a little He kisses her a little more savagely this time, his hand rubbing her breast. She returns his kiss with almost as much passion He is fully aroused and presses himself into her desperately. He realizes that he is past the point of no return. Max suddenly stops and lifts Fran in his arms. He carries her to his bed and deposits her under the covers. He gets in with her and takes her in his arms. He begins slowly undressing her his tongue flicking down her body making her whimper with pleasure, her sounds only making him more excited. His plan comes briefly to his mind, but in the state he's in now, there is no way he can follow through with it. I have to have her...soon!

Oh, my god! Fran thinks. I have to stop him! We can't do this...I can't get pregnant like this! And what will happen after! OH, no good can come of this. She thinks panicking. "Um...Mr. Sheffield." She says softly. "I'm sorry...we have to stop." She says gently pushing him away. She puts some distance between their bodies. Her breath is coming in short spurts and both their hearts and beating madly in unison.

Max is horrified that she stopped him. Then he remembers. Oh, god! That's right! This wasn't ever supposed to get this far! I forgot that one of us was going to back down before it got to this point! How can I stop...look at her! She's my sweet baby! Huh? Where did that come from? Oh...I think I'm in love with her! He suddenly realizes! Oh, god! Now what do I do?! He was trembling with emotion and lust. His body physically ached for her. He tries to catch his breath. Three years of living together he had repressed his sexual they were upon him all at once, with a vengeance.

Fran wasn't having much better of a time. She had never felt the pleasure that he had implemented on her just now. Oh, Mr. Sheffield, I am so humiliated. I was too scared to tell you that I changed my mine. I figured that you would back out before anything happened!" She confesses looking at him wide-eyed. I never thought you would go through with it, Mr. Sheffield! Whenever we had moments in the past, you always backed away. I'm so sorry." She says tears of embarrassment beginning to well up in her eyes.


At the sight of her tears Max quickly reaches over and takes her in his arms. "Oh please don't cry...I can't stand it when you cry Miss Fine! I have to tell you the truth. Niles told me of your plans! He's been eavesdropping on us all week! I was just waiting for you to back off. Your loveliness carried me away. I am such a bloody cad to have played this game with you!"

She looks up surprised at his confession. Max's body is still fully aroused and he is beginning to breath harder again having her in his arms. "Miss Fine. He whispers as he lays her back on the bed. I so want to make love to you. I need you!" He starts slowly kissing down her throat. Fran can't resist any longer and let's her hands explore his body. She has always dreamed of this and figures this might be her last and only shot at making love to the man of her dreams.

Max is so grateful that she is not pushing him away. He really physically needs her tonight. In the back of his mind he is slightly afraid that he is taking advantage of her innocence, but unfortunately that turns him on even more. He takes comfort in the fact that he also knows that no matter what happens; he would never do anything to hurt her. Max kisses her passionately. He looks deeply in her eyes as he gently slides her pajama bottoms down her thighs. The look of pure trust in her eyes makes his heart pound through his chest. "Oh Miss Fine...I love you" He whispers it so softly that she wasn't even sure she heard it. She did, however read his lips.

"I love you too, Mr. Sheffield." She whisperes just as softly.

Max kisses her even more fiercely. He tears his pajamas off and their naked bodies were pressed against each other for the first time. He was once again losing control of his primal lusts. Now that he was positively aware of their true feelings for each other, he lost all inhibitions.

"Miss there anything at all that you don't want me to do?" He whispers passionately in her ear. His breathing is becoming slightly labored. He knew what he wanted to do to her...since the first day he met her.

"Oh, Mr. Sheffield." She moans, her voice husky with passion. "I trust you...anything that pleases you. You are so much more experienced than me." She looks trustfully in his eyes.

Max's heart leaps. "I just want to make you feel wonderful." He whispers. His lips start traveling slowly down her neck. They stop briefly at her chest. He tenderly takes her breast in his mouth suckling it. He lets his hand gently pinch and stoke the other one. His actions are having a drastic effect on her and she is making little noises of ecstasy, which pleases Max enormously.

His lips slowly travel down her stomach and continue downward. Placing his hands on each of her knees, he slowly pushes them apart. When he lowers her face into her, Fran's initial cry of passion dissolves into a moan of pure animal pleasure. The sound of her moan only makes Max more excited and his tongue goes into overdrive. He wasn't the least bit repressed or shy about sliding his hands beneath her hips and tilting them up to him.

Her orgasm hit her at once. "OH, MR. SHEFFIELD!" She cries. He rises up to her and she grabs him around this neck holding on as if for dear life, her body grinding into his. Max could not have been more thrilled at her reaction. He had been determined to please her and that's exactly what he spades!

Fran finally relaxes her grip on him and melts into his sheets. He was lying on top of her smiling down at her beautiful face. She opens her eyes and gives him a look of pure love, which makes his heart soar. Max knows that this is just the beginning. They were both ready to become one.

"Miss Fi...Fran." He says smiling down at her. He reaches over into his nightstand and takes out a small item wrapped in foil. He hands it to her. "On or off...your choice. It makes no difference to me. I will eventually want you to carry by baby anyway." For some reason still not clear to him, the last preparation he made this afternoon was putting a box of them in his nightstand. At the time he had no idea why he did it...or did he? He kisses her softly and gently rubs his now very ready arousal against her body.

Fran finally was breathing normally. "Max...I want to have a baby, but you were right before. I want to do it the proper way." She smiles shyly at him. "Do you want to put it on, or shall I?"

The End