No Strings Attached

A night of passion... and no-strings-attached? R  


Fran's psychiatrist had convinced her that she didn't need a man to complete herself. He felt that she should be more independent. His advice, helped by Nile's reinforcement, has caused her to join Val and C.C. on their dates. She was somewhat of a fifth-wheel at the Italian Restaurant with the two couples who were very into each other. She had a horrible time and was headed home early on this Saturday evening.  

She didn't know it, but Maxwell Sheffield also had a miserable time. He hated when she was out and was disappointed that she hadn't stayed home with him. Though, he wouldn't completely admit it. He, Niles and Brighton were playing Gin in the Sheffield kitchen. Brighton looks warily at his dad and butler who are not paying attention to the game. Brighton was cheating unabashedly. They are depressed that their women are out without them. They were, however, quite impressed by Brighton's Gin skills.  

"Where did that psychiatrist get his degree, that's what I want to know?" Max says angrily throwing in his hand as Brighton collects his ill-gotten gains. "What kind of imbecile encourages a single woman to go out with two couples?" Niles looks at him sheepishly, but doesn't confess that he was the one to encourage Miss Fine to go out. Niles is confused by his own feelings of jealousy at the thought of C.C.'s new boyfriend, Chandler. "What does she know of him?" he says. Neither are paying attention to what the other is saying, they are both lost in their own thoughts. They are also losing money to Brighton. 

"I thought when she stopped dating, she would be staying home with, I mean the children." Max says recovering. The game ended with them owing Brighton quite a sum of money. Niles and Brighton leave Max to his game of solitaire. 

Fran had decided to sneak away from her friends and headed home. She enters the kitchen. Max is surprised but very pleased that she's home so early. Fran pretends that she had a great time, but soon she admits that she really had a terrible time and goes into his arms for comfort. "Mr. Sheffield, I had a horrible time!" she cries seeking his strong arms for comfort. 

Mr. Sheffield draws her to him. "Miss Fine, this independence takes time." He unconsciously snuggled her closer to him. Suddenly he gets a brilliant idea. "I tell you what, just for now, why don't we practice being on our own, together!" He looks at her sympathetically, but is beyond thrilled that she is home so early and is now in his arms where she belongs. 

"On our own together?" she says dubiously. Fran sniffles and looks up at him with big brown eyes. She swallows as she digests his suggestion. "I guess that could work," she says slightly hesitantly. Suddenly she gets an idea. " Mr. Sheffield!" She looks excitedly at him. "It's only eight thirty! Let's go out and have some fun! I know a great club that plays 70's disco music!" All of a sudden she is like an excited teenager. 

Her guileless _expression makes his heart melt. He couldn't refuse her anything. "Yes, that does sound like fun. I'll go get dressed. It's Saturday night, after all...what are we doing home like a couple of old fogies?" He suddenly realizes how good she always makes him feel. He had been dreadfully miserable all evening, then she comes home and he's the exact opposite. 

She jumps up happily. "I'm going to change too! I have the perfect dress to wear for this club!" She trots up the back stairs. She changes into her '70's style Danskin disco mini dress and stylish platform shoes. Max dons his black turtleneck and trousers. Niles is excited that Max and Fran seem to be going on an actual date and happily waves goodbye from the front door. He retreats back into the house. He is happy that he has some special preparations to make. 




Max and Fran are having a spectacular time at the disco. They are dancing to a medley of Bee Gees music. Fran is awestruck at how Max knows all the disco dance moves. "Mr. Sheffield! Where did you learn to dance like this?" she asks brightly as he twirls her into his arms. 

"Well, Miss Fine, in my youth after I had just moved here from London, I hung out at Studio 54, Tramps and all the hip New York discos of the day. You know one of the beautiful people as the press back then referred to us." He chuckles a little at his own immodesty. Fran is flabbergasted that he is such a marvelous dancer. He's thrilled that he has impressed her. As the song changes to More Than a Woman, Max sweeps her in his arms and holds her close. They look in each other's eyes and their hearts start pounding madly in unison. 

Max in particular is having a little trouble controlling himself. He has rarely held her this close to him for so long. She put her head on his shoulder as they danced. He had to hold her away from him slightly so she wouldn't feel his now obvious arousal. After the dance he leads her to the bar and orders two drinks. "Oh, Mr. Sheffield, it's so nice being here with you! I had such a horrible time earlier. I never thought the evening would turn around so abruptly. I didn't know you could be so much fun!" she says a little shyly. " Could we do this more often?" 

"Anytime you feel like boogying again, just say it!" He realizes that he is having marvelous time also. Suddenly he reaches over and kisses her quickly on the lips. He smiles and is glad that she smiles back. They sit for hours talking, drinking and laughing. 


By the time they got home, both were quite tipsy. Max leads Fran over to the sofa in the living room where yenta Niles conveniently had a large fire in the fireplace. He had also left a bottle of champagne chilling and romantic music coming from the CD player. Niles had been thrilled when he had witnessed his boss and Miss Fine leave earlier. Max would soon discover that Niles had prepared Max's bedroom similarly. 

For some reason, in their present state neither even wondered about the beautifully prepared room. They just took it for granted...the end to a marvelous evening. "Would you like a glass of champagne, Miss Fine?" He says offering her the crystal glass. 

"Well, maybe just one more. I'm not used to all the alcohol I had already." She smiles up at him. He's so gorgeous. I would just love to be with him. Stop it Fran It ain't gonna happen. He's your boss, nothing more. Suddenly even the thought of being in bed with him suddenly makes her a little nervous. He's so sophisticated, and she wasn't all that experienced. Especially with men like him. Fran had basically only been with two men in her life, one being her longtime fiancé Danny. It's a good thing this night isn't going there. She thinks calming down at the thought. 

Max smiles charmingly at her. He suddenly remembers a line from one of his favorite old television shows, WKRP in Cincinnati. She's so lovely, I just want to take her in my arms and kiss her all over in the dark. He thinks remembering how Dr. Johnny Fever had said that to Bailey in one of the episodes. That's exactly how he feels right now. He has been suppressing his true feeling for Fran for three years now. Truth be told, he had been smitten with her the second he laid eyes on her. He had just never met anyone like her in his life. Stop that Maxwell! Don't let your thoughts go there. She's your nanny...nothing more! He sits next to her and takes a sip of wine. 

"Oh, Mr. Sheffield, I had a wonderful time this evening. I didn't know you could be so much fun!" She smiles again softly at him. The sparkle in her eyes takes his breath away. His inhibitions have been lowered by the amount of alcohol he had consumed earlier. Before he can stop himself he reaches over and kisses her tenderly on the lips. A stunned but quite pleased Fran let's out an involuntary sigh. The sound causes him to deepen his kiss. She lies back on the couch and puts her arms around him. He gets gently on top of her. 

He stops briefly. "Oh, Miss Fine! Do forgive me. I don't know what came over me." he whispers breathing heavily, his heart is pounding madly. He looks in her eyes and realizes that on this night, he just can't stop. He is only slightly aware that even as he is apologizing, he is pressing himself seductively into her. She is more than slightly aware of this. The feeling of his arousal against her body is causing wonderful feelings throughout her entire body. 

"Mr. Sheffield," she whispers putting her cheek on his, her voice even more husky than normal. She hugs him tightly and softly kisses his neck. At her response, all his inhibitions have fled. He can't resist and kisses her again, this time more ferociously. 

Fran and Max are lost in each other, necking on the couch like two love-struck teenagers. Max tentively lets his hands wander her body slowly. He can't stand it anymore and finally works up his courage to caress her breast. A small moan escapes her lips at his touch, which only serves to drive him into a slight frenzy. 

"Miss Fine. Could we please continue this in my bedroom?" he murmurs, his voice husky with passion. Fran looks at him a little nervously but nods her head slightly. They get up and he takes her hand, leading her up the back stairs. Oh, no...I can't believe this! She thinks starting to panic a little. Should we be doing this? He's a great kisser, but he is Mister Sheffield! I've never been with a man like him. Oh, I don't think this is a good idea! 

Max smiles and leads her into his room. Again, they don't notice the seduction scene that Niles had arranged there. Max takes her into his arms. His heart is pounding madly in anticipation of taking this breathtaking creature to his bed for the very first time. He looks deeply in her eyes and kisses her passionately. 

Oy! Fran thinks. How can I resist him? He's just incredible, and I have had a secret crush on him for months! She's getting very aroused as his tongue is exploring her mouth. Out of the blue, she is no longer nervous; in fact she physically yearns for him. All of a sudden she stops him. She is beginning to regain her senses and is now afraid of the repercussions. What happens tomorrow? She thinks starting to realize that this will change everything. 

"Mr. Sheffield, I don't think this is a good idea." She says gently pushing him away. Max is stunned. I thought she wanted me. Why did stop me. He thinks worriedly. His chest is now heaving slightly and he's very turned on, causing him to breath heavily. 

"Mr. Sheffield this is going to change our relationship. I're my boss. I'm the nanny! What will happen after tonight?" she asks worriedly. 

In his ardor, he hadn't thought of that. He only knew that he physically needs "Oh, Miss Fine! I want you so badly! Don't you feel the same?" He cries urgently taking her back in his arms. I don't care about tomorrow. I only care about tonight. I need this, that's all I know. I've never wanted anyone this desperately! He suddenly realizes. 


"I do, Mr. Sheffield," she whispers holding him tightly. She desperately wants and needs him too, but is terrified what tomorrow will bring. Suddenly she has an idea. "If we are going to do this, we have to forget it ever happened tomorrow. I don't want it to ruin everything between us. I don't want you to regret it and be uncomfortable having me work for you," she says softly. 

Overjoyed with her little plan, Max lifts her and carries her to his bed gently depositing her under the covers that Niles had turned down earlier. "Whatever you say, Miss Fine. A no-stings attached type liaison. That's the perfect solution! Tomorrow it will be as if it didn't happen but tonight, I just want to make you feel spectacular." He says taking his clothes off quickly and getting into bed with her before she changes her mind.  

Wow! She thinks viewing his naked body for the second time. The first time she accidentally saw him in the shower didn't really count. 

Max lies gently on top of her kissing her with a passion that surprises her. She hadn't ever seen this side of him, the passion, except of course when he was angry with her. He slips her dress over her head and unfastens her bra. He frantically takes her breast in his mouth lightly biting and licking it. His other hand is caressing her other breast. Fran's heart is now racing. He has always seemed so staid and uptight. She is stunned at his fierce passion, but what he does next really excites her. "Miss Fine," he says his voice now hoarse, is there anything at all that you don't want me to do? I want to make you very ready for me," he whispers seductively. 

"Mr. Sheffield. You are so much more experienced than me. Whatever pleases you pleases me." She whispers. She is already experiencing the greatest sex of her life just being with him. Max kisses slowly down her body and finds the most important area. He gently spreads her knees apart and with his heart pounding madly at finally realizing his fantasy, he lowers his face down. Fran gasps in surprise and rapture as she feels his tongue doing incredible things to her. He is quite the skilled lover. Her body instinctively arches into him. He knows where to touch and finally stops only after Fran's cries out. "OH, Mr. Sheffield!" Her entire body is shuddering in ecstasy. As he comes back up to her, she hugs him tightly. Please make love to me now. I need you," she pleads her breath now coming in short spurts.  

Max is enormously pleased at her reaction to him. He had wanted to please her like that for a very long time. He has to have her too and is ecstatic that she is now ready for him. He gently lowers himself to her. As they touch for the first time he lets out a small groan. His heart is threating to burst through his chest and his arousal is almost painful.  

Fran moans softly at the first introduction to his hard length. He is slowly entering her so as not to cause her any discomfort, but she is more than ready for him. She literally needs him. She grabs his bottom and pushes him in all the way. Her surprising move makes Max cry out in ecstasy. He thrusts himself in savagely, his mind is now not entirely his own. It's gone to a more primitive place and he has pretty much has lost all control. Finally, he can stand it no longer as she desperately grinds her body up into him.  

"Oh, Miss Fine! I just can't hold on any longer!" He is relieved that at just that moment, her head snaps back onto the pillow and her body shudders beneath him. "Oh, Mr. Sheffield," she whispers. "Mr. Sheffield!" She hugs him tightly, her whole body trembling. Thrusting up into him one last time as the final wave of ecstasy surges through her. 

Witnessing her obvious orgasm was all it took. He cried out her name as he explodes into her. His entire body is quivering and he collapses on top of her, trying to catch his breath. Max holds her tightly to him, neither quite believing what they had just experienced. "Miss Fine. Oh, Miss Fine," he whispers clutching her face to his. Her body is trembling in his arms and he holds her protectively. His heart is still pounding madly. 

As she starts coming to her senses, Fran suddenly remembers their agreement, 'no-strings-attached'. She is grateful beyond belief at how he made her feel. She hadn't realized how her body had needed this. It's been a long time since she was with a man. And, she's never been with a man like this. Certainly no man has introduced her to this much pleasure. But, she knows that she can't stay, much as she wants to. Her breathing is coming under control and she swallows bravely. To Max's surprise, she untangles herself from his arms and sits up. She begins putting her dress on.  

Max is just coming to his senses and is incredulous that she is getting ready to leave. "Miss Fine." He says gently grabbing her wrist as she starts to leave his bed. "Where are you going?" He asks slightly worried. Didn't she have as incredible time as I did? Why is she leaving? "Didn't you have a ...good time?" he asks slightly embarrassed. Oh, god. I hope I didn't hurt her! She seemed more than ready for me. 

Fran looks at him a little surprised at his reaction to her leaving. "I'm going back to my room of course." She all of a sudden is feeling sad. "Mr. Sheffield, I just want you to know that nobody has ever made me feel like you did. This has turned into the most wonderful night of my life." She smiles slightly shyly at him. 

He pulls her back to him and holds her tightly. "Then why do you want to leave me?" he whispers rubbing his cheek to hers. 

"Well," she says looking into his green eyes. "We made a deal, remember? This never happened...'no-strings-attached'?" For some reason not being able to resist she says. "Also I have a confession to make. If I stay here any longer, I'm afraid that I am going to fall in love with you." She looks down shyly. I can't believe I just admitted that to him. Oh, no! You idiot! Now you've ruined everything! She thinks horrified at her stupidity. 

Max was startled at her confession. Incredibly he had been thinking similar thoughts. Should the two of them fall in love? That would really be complicated, wouldn't it? He thinks and is surprised how a sudden feeling of peace and happiness envelops him. Suddenly he throws caution to the wind. "Would falling love with me be so terrible?" he asks shyly putting his forehead on hers. 

Fran looks at him wide-eyed. "Mr. would be horrible!" He is stunned at that and looks a little hurt. She sees his _expression and quickly explains. "I'm not stupid! We come from completely different worlds. I harbor no illusions about my future, and it isn't with a rich Broadway producer!" She smiles sadly. She is just realizing that it is already too late; she is in love with him. "I think it's best I just go back to my room and we keep our deal." Fran says softly getting out of bed. "By the way nobody's ever made me feel like that before. You were...wonderful." 

Max is thrilled at her confession. He gently grabs her wrist again. "Oh, no you don't! I have you till the morning. We have all night before this never happened!" He pushes her back on the pillow and gets on top of her. Oh god! I think it's too late. I've fallen in love with her. I really don't want her leaving my bed...ever. 

Considering his forty-something body had consumed mass quantities of alcohol this evening, not to mention extensive dancing, they actually enjoyed the second round of lovemaking better. They went slower and got to know each other more intimately. When they both experienced their second climax, Max could stand it no longer and falls into a deep sleep.  

Fran was so exhausted it was all she could to drag herself out of his bed and sneak down the hall to her room. She immediately falls into a deep sleep filled with marvelous dreams. 




Sunlight floods Fran's room. She wakes up and has never felt better, or more satisfied. She relives the astounding events that took place last night. It was all so wonderful she was beginning to think maybe she dreamed it. How am I going to live here from now on knowing what a marvelous lover he is .and not being able to experience it again? Oh, well, at least I'll have the memories of last night for the rest of my life! she thinks bitter sweetly. Since it's Sunday and she's late, she decides to dress for breakfast. 


Max wakes up and reaches over to the other side of the bed. Was it a dream? I had a lot of alcohol. He thinks slightly confused. He puts his head in the pillow and smells her delightful perfume. It was no dream. It was fantastic! He remembers and was beginning to feel very sorry that she wasn't here. Suddenly he thinks back to something she said about not wanting to fall in love with him. In the haze of the alcoholic state he had been in, he remembers something about 'two different worlds'. He was a little worried about something...but what?  

Well, I hope she's not too embarrassed this morning. He thinks blushing slightly at the thought of facing her for the first time. He steps into his shower and prepares for the day. 


"Good morning, everyone!" Fran says breezing into the dining room. 

"Good morning Miss Fine." Max gives her an uneasy smile. 

"The children have finished their breakfast and have gone to Mass and to their friends homes. It looks like you and Mr. Sheffield overslept." Niles gives them a knowing smirk and saunters into the kitchen delighted. 

"So, Miss Fine, how did you sleep?" Max says a little shyly, noticing Niles _expression and grateful that he left them alone. 

"Fabulously!" she exclaims putting a huge piece of waffle in her mouth. "I had the most pleasant dream!" She smiles at him. 

What the bloody hell does that mean? Does she think that what happened last night was a dream? She doesn't seem the least bit embarrassed. I on the other hand am plotzing! "Um, Miss Fine. I just want you to know that I had an incredible time last night." He whispers, knowing full well that Niles has his ear to the door. 

"Oh, so did I! I had so much fun with you at the disco! You are the best dancer! You said we could do it again sometimes. I'm going to go out this week and buy a new outfit for the next time!" She says excitedly.  

"Yes, I had a fantastic time there too. Um, but that's not exactly what I'm talking about." He lowers his voice even more. "I mean after," he says looking deeply into her eyes.  

She thinks it over. "Oh, yes!" She nods. 

Max is very relieved that she finally gets what he means. 

"Oh, you mean when we were necking on the couch! Oh, don't be embarrassed by that Mr. Sheffield. We just got a little carried away. I was pretty drunk. I'm not a very good drinker, you know!" she says looking at him sweetly. Fran takes the last bite of her waffle and gets up. "Well, today's my day off, I wonder what I'll do." She ponders to herself seemingly forgetting that he was there. 

Max is flabbergasted at her demeanor. He sits there with his mouth wide opened and his heart racing. Did she completely forget about last night? Oh, no! Was she so drunk that she has no recollection of it? Did she think it was a dream? He was beginning to again question to himself if it really did happen, or was it an alcohol-induced illusion. NO, it happened, and it was wonderful She had said so! he thinks stubbornly. I have to find out what the bloody hell is going on! 

Suddenly he stands up and takes her hand. "Come with me!" He takes Miss Fine's hand. She is surprised as he practically drags her into his office. "Mr. Sheffield, what's wrong? Where are we going?" she says. "Did I do something wrong?" 

He locks the office door and shuts off the intercom. All his embarrassment is now gone. "Please sit down, Miss Fine." He says motioning to the loveseat. God, she looks so lovely this morning in that short pleated skirt. His heart starts to beat faster as he remembers last night, and what was under that skirt. 

Fran looks up innocently at him. "Is something wrong, Mr. Sheffield?" 

"Um, Miss Fine. I wanted to discuss last night with you." He says slightly embarrassed. He rubs his hands nervously together and sits down next to her. He takes her hands in his and looks deeply into her eyes. This causes her to finally blush slightly. 

"Mr. Sheffield, we already discussed it in the dining room. I told you not to worry about us necking! It was just the alcohol. No big deal!" She says a little nervously. 

"Miss Fine, that's not what I'm talking about, and you know it," he says not breaking their gaze. 

Oh, why is he so determined to go there so relentlessly? We made a deal, why is he backing out? She thinks desperately. He's testing me! She suddenly realizes. He wants to see if I'll hold it over his head. Well, I keep my promises. He won't crack me! She thinks determinedly. "I don't know what you mean. I told you I had a wonderful time...didn't you?" 

Max was starting to get a little annoyed and more confused at her stubbornness in not discussing their incredible lovemaking. He thinks again to himself. Could it have been a dream? No, it was real! 

"Mr. Sheffield, can I go now? It's my day off," she says starting to get off the loveseat. Before she can leave him he pulls her back down and she lands on his lap. "Miss Fine." He says kissing her softly. "I'm afraid you didn't leave my room in time last night," he whispers. His heart starts pounding madly as she is sitting on his lap in her shortest skirt. He rubs his cheek to hers and holds her close to him. "You stayed just long enough for me to fall in love with you." 

Fran is stunned and pulls slightly back to look him in the eyes. "Mr. love me? This isn't a trick into getting me to break our deal...ooops!" She puts her hand over her mouth and grimaces. 

Her _expression makes him laugh out loud. "I knew you remembered last night!" He tenderly holds her closer to him, very relieved. He couldn't stand it if he thought she had forgotten. All of a sudden, feeling her on his lap was starting to have a drastic effect on his lower region. 

"No, I really love trick," he says seductively kissing her. 

"Well, it was too late for me too." Mr. Sheffield. "I fooled around and fell in love. Hey! Didn't we dance to that last night?" she says happily. 

Max kisses her again. "Darling, if you are going to stay on my lap, I cannot be held responsible for my actions." He groans as she shifts position, his hands traveling slowly up her thighs. His heart starts beating madly again. Suddenly, he lifts her and takes her in his arms. "Miss Fine, could we please continue this in my bedroom?" 

"Now where have I heard that before?" She ponders, looking lovingly in his eyes as she slowly nods her head. 


The End