Mary Ann's Nanny Fanfiction

Mary Ann's Nanny Fanfiction
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has penned several award winning Nanny fanfictions. With her amazing talent and imagination she has been able to write some of the most original Nanny stories on the web. From 1978 - Favourite Fran/Max story - which connects Fran & Max as soul mates and lovers back in the 70's, to Ship of Frans - Funniest story - a new twist on a classic Nanny episode, she has allowed Nanny fanatics to keep the show alive!
With 34 stories under her belt, Mary Ann has developed a stunning anthology of sensuous short fanfictions -- based on the hit 90's classic the Nanny -- she has the power to draw us into a wonderful zone of fantasy. So sit back and relax by reading one of Mary Ann's wonderful Nanny fanfics!

*Written by Jenn webmaster*

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