Mrs. Sheffield

Miss Fine has a much better way of getting even with Mr. Sheffield after his phony proposal.


I know that there is something going on between you and this nanny person and I will not allow it." Maxwell Sheffield's mother Elizabeth tells him haughtily. She has come to visit her son and has met his nanny Fran for the first time. Elizabeth was appalled that the woman who bought the last bouquet of tulips from right under her aristocratic nose at the flower shop this morning was her son's nanny. Elizabeth had taken an instant disliking to Fran.


"Mother, there is nothing going on...Wait a minute, what do you mean you won't allow it?" Max suddenly realizes that he doesn't have to answer to this woman anymore. She had never been a real mother to him anyway. Elizabeth had shipped him off to private boarding school the second he was old enough to start his education. 

"You are a Sheffield dear. This woman is not of our class," Elizabeth says literally turning her nose up.  

"Not of our class! Oh, mother, how in this day and age can you be such a blasted snob?" Max says in disgust. Maxwell Sheffield is handsome, rich, talented, smart and inherently nice. With all he's got he would have every right to be a snob. But there is no elitist at all in him. He thanks the Lord regularly that his parents didn't really raise him. He was influenced by his nanny, his teachers and by his own butler, Niles father, who took all three of the Sheffield children under his wing. Niles father knew exactly what kind of people Max's parents were and had been happy that they had let him have so much influence over their children's lives.  

"Really mother you have no business telling me how to run my household," he says impatiently. 

Fran bursts into the office with some ridiculous revelation. Before she can say anything Max grabs her hand. "Miss Fine, will you marry me?" He practically shouts his proposal to her. He is so furious with his mother and has a sudden need to get back at her. 

Fran stops in her tracks. She looks at his angry demeanor and quickly analyzes the situation. She is well aware that Max is just proposing to get his mother riled up. There has never been anything between Mr. Sheffield and herself. That old bat hates me anyway. I'll just play along with Mr. Sheffield. She hugs him close to her. "Of course I'll marry you darling!" she says softly. Fran smiles lovingly into his eyes. She moves her body into him and lets her hips press into him seductively. Might as well give the old girl a good show. She is enjoying this little play she has suddenly been thrust into. Fran is having a marvelous time. 

Max looks at her and his heart skips a beat. He has never really had her body pressed up against his in such a seductive way. The pleasurable feelings in his lower regions surprise and delight him. She is lovely. Suddenly he is pulled back into reality by his mother's voice. 

"Maxwell, stop making a spectacle of yourself. I'll disinherit you if you go through with this wedding." Elizabeth threatens. She is so angry that he is obviously proposing just to rile her that she is shaking slightly. 

"Oh, you think that was a spectacle? Oh no, Mother. This is!" He grabs Fran takes her into his arms and kisses her passionately. All the pleasurable thoughts he had earlier have fled. This kiss is an act of vengeance. "I don't need your money Mother, or your approval and I'll do whatever the bloody hell I like!" He releases Fran and gives his mother a satisfied look. 

Miss Fine is surprised that her knees are trembling slightly from his passionate kiss. Wow! Fran thinks happily. I know this is just an act, but can he kiss! Suddenly she's feeling a little sad that this is just a game and she wasn't going to marry him.  

"Well darling," Fran says smoothing down her skirt. "I'm off to ma's to tell her the wonderful news!" Fran winks conspiratorially at him. Max has no idea that she knows this is a just game to irritate his mother. As far as he is concerned, he thinks she has actually accepted his marriage proposal. 

Elizabeth leaves the office in a huff. Her anger pleases Maxwell very much. It's not very often that he gets the last word in over his mother. He sits down behind his desk with a satisfied smile on his face. Slowly that smile turns to a grimace of horror. Oh dear god! What have I done! Miss Fine thinks I was serious about marrying her! Niles walks in and sees Max's head in his hands. 

"Oh sir, is your mother giving you a headache again?" Niles says shaking his head. He loathes Elizabeth. He has his whole life. He grew up on the Sheffield estate and remembers what a bitch she always was. Niles has always felt sorry that such a wonderful person as Maxwell Sheffield was saddled with such a horrible mother. He certainly doesn't deserve her. Niles thinks sadly. 

"No, not my mother! Miss Fine! Oh Niles, I proposed to Miss Fine to make my mother angry!" he says looking up at his butler. 

"OH, how wonderful sir! I must say, it's about time! I know you've been smitten with Miss Fine for two years now!" Niles cries happily. Niles remembers Max's face the night Miss Fine went on a date with the soap opera star Brock Storm. That's the night Max first showed signs of concern and jealously towards his nanny. She had only worked here for two months, but Niles was aware that she had captured Mr. Sheffield's heart almost immediately. 

Max looks at Niles in shock. "What the bloody hell are you talking about Niles! I am not 'smitten' with Miss Fine. She's my children's nanny for god's sake!" he exclaims a little angrily. Suddenly his _expression softens. "You know she has a crush on me, I don't want to hurt her, the poor little thing. Well who can blame her?" he says immodestly. Max is in denial. He has a massive crush on Fran. In fact he is madly in love with her but refuses to admit it even to himself. He has contained his emotions for so long that he is truly unaware they exist. 

Niles rolls his eyes and shakes his head. He knows the truth. Maxwell Sheffield could never keep anything from him. The fact was that in the two and a half years she has been employed here, it is Miss Fine that never gave any indication of having feelings for Mr. Sheffield. Well, that's not quite true. Niles remembers a few weeks ago when his boss had a huge crush on his publicist Sydney Mercer. That was the only time that he had noticed Miss Fine acting a little jealous. Of course, it might not have been jealously. Fran was a little worried that if Max married Sydney, her position as his nanny could be jeopardized. She was greatly relieved that Sydney turned out to be gay. 



Fran has gone to her best friend Val's apartment to tell her about her hilarious encounter with Max's mother. And how Mr. Sheffield proposed to her to infuriate Elizabeth. 

"Gee, Fran. You're not insulted? I mean he used you. What if you had a crush on him or something? That would be a really hurtful thing to do to a person." Val says wisely. "It's a good thing you're not in love with him or anything." She shakes her head. "I didn't think Mr. Sheffield would stoop so low." 

Fran thinks it over. " Val, your right! That's not like him at all. Mr. Sheffield is usually so considerate." Suddenly an idea comes to her. "I think he needs to be taught a little lesson. He did use me without considering my feelings. He doesn't know that I was just playing along with him. He thinks I think that we are engaged." A small smile comes to her lips. "I'm going to have some fun." She says excitedly. A plan starts to form in her mind. "Bye Val. I gotta go...and thanks!" Fran smiles. She's grateful, and slightly stunned, that Val had given her such insight. 


Mrs. Sheffield has, thankfully for everybody, gone back to England on the afternoon Concorde. Max hasn't had a moment alone with Miss Fine to explain what happened earlier. During dinner Max leans and whispers to Fran. "Um, Miss Fine. Could I have a word in private this evening?" he says a little embarrassed. 

"Of course, darling, but why so formal? Call me Fran." She winks at him causing his heart to beat faster out of abject fear. "I've got to do something after dinner. Why don't I meet you in your room later tonight? We have so much to discuss in private," she says innocently. 

Max nods. He's a little nervous by the idea of the two of them in his bedroom, but he knows that it is for the best. The intercom is broken there and yenta Niles won't be able to listen in. Oh god, I'm going to break the poor little things heart! He thinks sadly. She was so excited when I asked her to marry me! The way her eyes lit up when I proposed. He suddenly remembers feeling her body against his this afternoon and the feelings of pleasure that accompanied it. Maxwell shivers slightly. 


After dinner Fran retires to her bedroom. She takes a leisurely bath to relax and complete her plan. She's very excited that she is going to torture Mr. Sheffield just a little. He has to learn he can't just play with my emotions. She lies back in the tub. It's a good thing I'm not in love with him. I'd really be hurt if I was. 

Maxwell changes into his black silk pajamas and matching robe. He decides he could use a drink and pours himself a glass of the champagne that Niles had chilling next to the fireplace. Niles had 'overheard' their plans to meet in Mr. Sheffield's room. On his own Niles had subtly prepared Maxwell's bedroom more seductively. Wine, a fire, soft music. Max is so nervous he hasn't even noticed the seduction scene his butler had prepared earlier. 

Maxwell practices what he is going to say to Miss Fine. "No matter how you explain it, you are going to come off as a bloody cad!" He mutters guiltily. He throws back his wine in one gulp and reaches for a second. 


Fran gets out of the tub and dries off. She changes into pajamas that are the color of antique pearls. She decides against a bathrobe. I don't want too many clothes separating our bodies tonight. She thinks excitedly. She puts on her matching slippers and heads down the hall to Mr. Sheffield's room. 

Max sets his wine glass on the coffee table and walks over to answer the soft knock on his door. "Miss Fi...Fran, do come in," he says taking her hand thinking how delightful she looks. His heart skips a beat at her loveliness. Stop it Max. Don't go there! he admonishes himself. "Um, Fran, we have to talk." He nervously leads her over to the huge couch in front of the fireplace. How am I going to tell her I can't marry her? He is starting to panic. 

They are standing face to face. Suddenly Fran puts her arms around his neck. She kisses him with a passion that leaves him breathless. She can't believe that she was being to bold. She has no idea what prompted her sudden familiarity. Fran let's her tongue part his lips and presses her body firmly into him. Max lets out a low moan at this unexpected assault. He feels himself becoming very excited and kisses her back. She presses herself into his now very hard arousal.  

Max's heart is pounding madly. "Oh, god," he whispers as he holds her tightly. They fall onto the sofa in each other's embrace. All thoughts of why she is here have completely left his mind. He gets on top of her and lets his hard length press between her thighs.  

"Oh Max," she whispers instinctively thrusting her hips to meet it. For a brief second Fran has forgotten that this isn't supposed to go too far. She wasn't prepared. She hadn't realized that he would feel so fantastic against her. In fact, she is loath to stop. Well maybe just a little longer. Her heart is starting to pound rapidly. 

"Fran, oh Fran. You feel so good." Max murmurs kissing down her throat. He let's his hands caress her body. When his hand finds her breast for the first time he let's out a small involuntary groan and pushes himself more fervently into her. Only their pajama bottoms are separating them. 

At the feeling of his hand on her breast, Fran comes back to her senses. She knows that Mr. Sheffield would have sex with her tonight if she doesn't stop him. He is almost past the point of no return. She also knows that that he will regret it afterward, since they aren't really engaged, or even in love. "Mr. Sheffield, we can't do this," she says gently. She starts to sit up. 

Max's eyes go wide. "What?" he gasps. He is breathing very heavily and his heart is pounding wildly. He takes her in his arms and tries to control his breathing. What the bloody hell was I doing? He suddenly realizes. How did this happen? He is trying to regain his senses. Oh yes, she started it. "Miss Fine do forgive me," he says slightly embarrassed. Oh, I want to make love to her so badly! She felt so incredible just now. He is surprised how badly he wants her. 

Fran is trying to catch her breath also. She is just now realizing how incredible he is and she's feeling a little guilty. "Mr. Sheffield. I apologize for molesting you. I was just torturing you to get even for using me this afternoon. I didn't expect it to go this far." She blushes slightly. "I knew you were just proposing to make your mother mad." She looks down a little shyly. She hadn't expected it to feel so damn wonderful making out with him. 

Max's mouth drops open and his heart starts racing again. He stares at her uncomprehendingly. "You knew? All this was just to get back at me? Well I must say, it certainly worked." He runs his hand through his hair. His breathing was coming under control, but he kept his robe covering his lap. Not everything was quite under control yet. "I'm sorry Miss Fine. I shouldn't have played with your emotions that way," he rubs her cheek softly with the back of his hand. "Are you terribly hurt?" He asks tenderly. He is suddenly terrified that he may have really injured her. God I just want to ravage her right now. HUH? Where did that come from? Easy old boy or that's exactly what you will do! He thinks. Max looks deeply into her eyes and is slowly realizing the truth. He is absolutely crazy about her. 

Fran looks at him a little surprised. "Oh Mr. Sheffield, I'm not hurt at all! I actually thought it was kind of funny. The look on your mother's face when you proposed was priceless," she says giggling. "Of course if I would have had or crush on you I would have been hurt." She smiles. "I guess it's a good thing I don't love you, huh?" Boy did he feel good on top of me just now. She thinks as little jolts of pleasure tingle her as the memory returns. She is suddenly starting to think that maybe she does have tender feelings for him. 

Max looks at her in utter disbelief. She doesn't have feelings for me? Oh well, that's good. I didn't cause her any grief. He is actually surprised that he isn't at all relieved. He is realizing that he's very unhappy and disappointed that she doesn't harbor tender feelings towards him. He had really thought she had a crush on him and is suddenly very disillusioned that she doesn't. He is also realizing that he has feelings for her...strong feelings. 

"Um, may I offer you a glass of wine?" Max says already pouring it into the crystal glass. He doesn't want her to leave his room just yet. He is starting to settle down from their encounter. Fran takes the wine and cuddles next to him in front of the fireplace. 

"This is so pleasant, Mr. Sheffield. Can I stay here a little while longer? I love watching the fire," she says sipping the wine. 

Max looks down tenderly at her. "Of course Miss Fine." He's surprised at how happy he is that she wants to stay. He puts his arm around her and she snuggles up to his chest. 

"This feels good Mr. Sheffield." She says unconsciously rubbing her cheek to his chest. "By the way, you are a really good kisser." She smiles up at him with a twinkle in her eyes. 

"Um, thank you." Oh god, why did she have to say that? I want to make love to her so badly, but she just admitted that she doesn't have feelings for me. She driving me bloody mad snuggling against me! But she does feel so good! He instinctively tightens his arm around her without even realizing it. 

The wine is starting to make Fran sleepy. She sets the glass down on the coffee table. She feels quite drowsy and drifts to sleep with her head resting on Maxwell's chest. "Miss Fine?" He whispers. Oh no, she's asleep. He looks down affectionately at her. Suddenly Max sits up and lifts her to his bed. I can't very well have her sleep on the couch. She'll be so much more comfortable in my bed. He convinces himself that is the real reason he is putting her in his bed and not her own. As he lays her down he notices tears flowing from her eyes. Why is she weeping? he thinks panicking. "Miss Fine, please wake up. You're having a bad dream." 

Max lies down next to her. Fran opens her eyes and sees him looking at her worriedly. "Oh Mr. Sheffield!" She throws her arms around him and hugs him tightly. 

"Why were you crying?" he asks hugging her back. He can feel her salty tears on his cheek and feels very protective towards her. 

"I honestly don't know!" She ponders looking at him. "But it had to do with you." She studies his face. Suddenly it comes to her. "Mr. Sheffield, I think I was wrong before. I think I do have feelings for you." She looks demurely down. He long lashes veiling her brown eyes. 

Max's heart bursts with joy. He is stunned at how pleased he is. He hadn't realized the depths of his feelings for her until this very moment. "Oh, Fran." He whispers tilting her head up. He covers her mouth with his. He is very pleased that she is kissing him back with the same fervor that her is feeling. Max let's his tongue wander her mouth. He gets gently on top of her. All those wonderful feelings from an hour ago have returned with a vengeance. 

"Fran, I want to make love to you so badly," he confesses, his heart racing. "I truly think I will die if I cannot have you," he whispers really meaning it. He looks imploringly into her eyes. He doesn't realize that he is unconsciously gently pressing his very hard erection between her thighs. Fran on the other hand, can think of nothing else. She kisses him harder. Maxwell takes that as a yes. 

Max gratefully rips off his pajama tops and kicks off the bottoms. He frantically unbuttons hers and his lips and hand find her nipples. He lets out a low moan as he feels them harden at his touch. She's so lovely! His breathing is starting to come in spurts and his heart is racing. Max comes back to her face and kisses her as his hand tentatively finds its way south. He reaches between her legs and gently caresses the outside crotch of her pajamas.  

Oh god! Fran let's out little noises of pleasure. She instinctively arches her hips up to meet his hand. Her actions makes his inhibitions flee and he slowly, seductively lets his hand slide into her bottoms. "Oh Fran, darling, you're so wet," he murmurs. His heart starts pounding madly at how he is obviously pleasing her. His finger softly, purposefully slides into her.  

"Oh, Max," she moans hugging him tightly to her. His fingers feel her inner muscles spasming around wildly around them. She thrust herself up into them as the waves up pleasure rush through her. She calls out his name and holds onto him for dear life.  

Between the sound and feel of her orgasm, Max was ready to come right now. "Fran, I have to have you now," he whispers desperately. He gets on top of her. She is slippery wet and he slides easily into her. Fran is just discovering for the first time what a multiple orgasm is. Max whispers a profanity as he enters her. He can't believe how good she feels. Fran's body responds instantly. Her inner muscles again flex tightly squeezing his long hard length, milking his essence out of him. He has been without her for so long, he has no chance.  

"Fran, I can't hold on any longer" Max cries. He lets out a long low moan as he releases inside of her. Fran arches herself into him at the same time, wrapping her legs tightly around his back. The waves of pleasure again wash through her body. 

Max and Fran lay wrapped in each other for a full five minutes in silence...except for the sound of their heavy breathing. It's been quite a while since Max has had sex. Especially the incredible sex he has just experienced. "Mr. Sheffield...I love you," she murmurs. Max hugs her to him. He is exhausted and falls to sleep with his arms around her. 

Fran is at a total loss. Oh no! What did we just do? Did I just tell him I loved him? Where did that come from? I had sex with Mr. Sheffield! God is he an incredible lover! I would never have believed it. Beneath that British reserve beats the heart of a tiger. She thinks. Suddenly a horrifying thought comes to her mind. We're going to be so embarrassed in the morning! What if he is so uncomfortable that he doesn't want me to work for him? Then she realizes the worst part. Oh, no! I think I am falling in love with him. Now what do I do? Oh, how do I get myself into these things? Fran gently lifts Max's arm off of her and glides out of bed. She gathers her pajamas and puts them on quietly. She finds her slippers and pads out the door to her room and a warm bath. 

"Oy! Was that wonderful!" she whispers to herself. "I just can't believe how fantastic he is in bed! I've never had a multiple orgasm in my life. Heck, I'm not even sure I've ever had one before tonight. Well now I've definitely got a crush on him. I just hope he doesn't fire me." She makes some life-altering decisions. Fran gets out of bed and dries off. She gets into bed and surprisingly falls right to sleep. 

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 

Maxwell wakes up with a start. "Miss Fine!" he cries. 

"No, Niles." His butler says dryly. He is carrying Mr. Sheffield's tray of coffee. Niles looks around the room and notices the two glasses of wine on the coffee table. One just happens to have Cadillac Red lipstick on the rim. He also notices how the entire bed is in total disarray. Mr. Sheffield is a very heavy sleeper and barely even messes up his own side of the bed. To top it off, Maxwell appears to be naked under those covers. Max always wears his pajamas to bed. What happened in here last night? Niles thinks. He is dying to know. He looks expectantly at Max under arched eyebrows. 

"Niles. What are you doing here? Where's Miss Fine?" He is still disoriented and stops as he realizes what he is saying. "Um, I mean...uh. Oh, good coffee," he says taking the cup slightly embarrassed. 

Niles sets the tray down on the nightstand. He bends down and picks them up. "Your pajamas sir." He smirks handing them to Max. Niles is enjoying this immensely. Max's face turns bright red as he grabs the offending garments from him. Oh god, he knows. Max thinks dejectedly. Why did Fran leave my bed? What's she thinking now? Max is suddenly very worried about what happened last night and what happens next. He is starting to think the whole thing was a mistake. He doesn't want to hurt her though. Did she say it? He thinks starting to panic. Oh no! She told me she loved me right before I fell asleep, he thinks. The poor little thing, I don't want to hurt her. Now what do I do?  

I knew I should have had his damn intercom repaired weeks ago! How could I have missed this? Niles thinks sadly. Niles leaves Max alone to shower. I'll get the dirt from Miss Fine soon enough, he thinks brightening. 


"Good morning everyone!" Fran says cheerfully as she enters the dining room. "Hi Fran." The kids say. They have noticed how uncomfortable their father has been all morning. Niles notices that he now seems even more uneasy now that Miss Fine has arrived. This worries him. Niles is hoping that Mr. Sheffield isn't regretting what Niles is positive happened last night. He knows how repressed his boss is and hopes Max doesn't do something stupid. 

Fran sits down at her place next to Mr. Sheffield. "Good morning Mr. Sheffield," she says brightly. Fran smiles at him guilelessly. 

Max looks embarrassed and is absolutely stunned that she is so composed. "Um, good morning Miss Fine. Did you sleep well?" he says a little shyly. He is mortified that he can feel his cheeks turn pink as he is looking in her eyes. He is also terrified that he is really going to hurt her this time. 

"Wonderfully!" She says looking happily around the table. She takes a huge bite out of her waffle. "Oh Niles! This is absolutely delicious. I'm just famished!" she exclaims digging into her breakfast with relish.  

Max looks at her in shock. Niles is delighted that she is reacting the exact opposite of their boss. She seems completely at ease. Niles is well aware that Miss Fine didn't harbor tender feelings for Max, well none that he was aware of anyway, before last evening. Why isn't she uncomfortable facing him for the first time, Mr. Sheffield certainly is. Maybe nothing happened between them last night. Could I be so wrong? Niles thinks getting disappointed. He looks at Max and witnesses the surprised _expression on his face. He is relieved and now knows that he has been right all along. 

The kids leave for school. Niles leaves Mr. Sheffield and Miss Fine alone. The intercoms in the kitchen and dining room are working fine. He won't miss a thing this time. Max knows that he is listening so he leads Fran to his bedroom. 

"Um, Miss Fine...about last night," Max begins nervously. He clears his throat and blushes a little again. 

"Oh, Mr. Sheffield," she says patting his hand. "Don't worry about it. We just got carried away. I don't expect anything from you." She smiles sweetly. Fran had decided last night in the tub that it was unfair to him. She had in a way seduced him. Being a man, he really had no chance when she went to his room last night. She was also in denial about her strong feelings for him. She has decided that it is just a harmless crush. Fran values her job here too much to run the risk of a failed relationship with her boss Maxwell Sheffield. 

Max's mouth drops open and he stares at her in stunned silence.  

Fran continues. "You know we were drinking and there was a romantic fire. We didn't stand a chance. But Mr. Sheffield, I'm afraid I'm going to have to take it back," she says looking tenderly in his eyes. "I said it in the troughs of passion. You understand, don't you?" she says apologetically. 

Max stares at her in utter disbelief as her words register in his stunned mind. "You're taking back saying you love me?" he exclaims. He is shocked at how hurt he suddenly is. He thought he would be relieved that he doesn't have to cause her pain. Max just can't understand the wave of depression that is surging through him. All of a sudden, as the shock wears off he realizes that he is outraged. He holds her upper arms and looks into her eyes. "You can't take back saying you love a person!" he says angrily to a very surprised Fran. "It doesn't work that way. Who would do something like that? You said you loved me last night, you can't take it back." He hugs him to her. 

Fran can't believe this is happening. His actions make her realize that she was kidding herself. She had convinced herself that it was a crush as a defense mechanism. She subconsciously wanted to protect herself in case he was sorry it happened. She doesn't realize that if she would not have reacted precisely as she did, he would have been the one backing out.  

Oh, god, he thinks. Suddenly he remembers that she had declared her love to him but he hadn't responded. You idiot, you just fell asleep after it. What the hell did you expect her to do this morning? He holds her at arms length. "Miss Fi...Fran. I was so stupid last night. I fell asleep before I told you how I feel." Max swallows and silently composes himself. He knows now that this is the turning point for the rest of their lives. He looks deeply into her eyes. He surprisingly has no trepidations. 

"Fran, I love you." He looks at her and is thrilled as she smiles. There is no doubt of that look of love in her eyes. He smiles back at her as the fine lines around his eyes crinkle. He relaxes. 

"Oh, all right then. I guess I love you too," she says with a twinkle in her eyes. She hugs him. "I don't believe this. We have your mother to thank for this. So, what do we do now?" 

The irony doesn't escape Max either. He looks at her under heavily lidded eyes. Last night's delicious arousal has suddenly visited again. The look he gives her makes her heart skip a beat. She looks over to his bed. 

"Exactly," he says lifting her into his arms. 


The End