The Engagement

Mr. Sheffield is engaged...and it's not to Miss Fine. R 


Mary Ann 



Niles and Fran had been discussing the recent turn of events in Maxwell Sheffield's life. He actually has been dating the same woman for several weeks now. They notice that he frequently comes home whistling Georgy Girl and are puzzled at that. Actually Fran isn't all that puzzled. She is depressed because she remembers his confession several months ago after she had awakened in his bed. She had been quite inebriated and had accidentally ended up in Max's bed after a party. The next day, he had admitted to her that the day after he had relations with a woman he would sing that very song from the famous 1966 British film. Niles was especially unhappy about Max's dating. He has hoped for two and a half years that his boss would see that the woman for him was right under his nose...his children's nanny. 

Niles was well aware that if Miss Fine hadn't entered their lives over two years ago, they would all be completely different. Before she came, the children were withdrawn and morose, Mr. Sheffield was short-tempered and humorless, and Niles was overworked and miserable. Fran had single-handedly turned everyone around. Her wit and charm had them all completely in love with her. He simply couldn't imagine her out of their lives. This thought more than any other paralyzed Niles with fear. What would a new woman in Mr. Sheffield's life think about a beautiful nanny living in his home? 

Fran also was having surprisingly unhappy thoughts at seeing Mr. Sheffield so seemingly blissful with another woman. She hadn't realized it until recently, but she has had a secret crush on him for several months now. The night he came to her rescue at her camp reunion replays in her head quite often as she is going to sleep nights. He had simply taken her breath away that evening when he came up behind her wrapping his arms around her and calling her darling, all for the benefit of making Fran's rival from her teenage years, Judy Silverman jealous, and boy, did he. Fran and Val still talk about how incredibly gorgeous he had looked that evening in that navy blue suit. And how Max had effortlessly glided Fran across the dance floor. 

How could I have not fallen for him? Fran thought a little dejectedly. She and Niles were in the Sheffield kitchen "I mean, it's not as if he isn't perfect," she says sarcastically. He's only rich, handsome, brilliant, creative, and a good person! How can anyone fall for that?" She confides to Niles one day after Max came home particularly late. "Oh, well Niles. It's not like I had any shot at him anyway. He's only dating one of the highest of society women in New York...Elizabeth Garner. They're from the same worlds. They'll make each other happy." She sadly walked up to her bedroom. 

Niles shook his head sadly. The woman Max is so enraptured with was the typical high society New York snob. Not at all someone who could make him happy. Max was completely opposite of the stereotype of the big Broadway producer. He had been raised by a nanny and by Niles own father, Max's butler. Thank god, because Max's own parents were horrible. He turned out nothing like them. His heart and values were more working class and there wasn't a snobbish bone in his body. He has one of the kindest hearts of anyone Niles has ever known, except perhaps for Miss Fine.  


Max was having dinner at The Four Seasons with Elizabeth. For weeks now he had been enchanted by her elegance. She is well educated, well read and he could discuss affairs of the world, literature, art and finance with her easily. He had never really dated many society women in the past. Max spent most of his time at the theatre. After Sara had died, he didn't date much at all. Of course, being a normal healthy male, he wasn't adverse to the occasional one night liaison with a beautiful actress or showgirl. But even then, he was always the gentleman. He was always completely up front about his complete aversion to a relationship. They had never seemed to mind going to bed for one night with a gorgeous man, and he was very skillful at showing them a good time. 


Max takes Elizabeth's hand. He was completely infatuated with her. Her cultured high society accent, petite frame and huge blue eyes and blonde hair makes his heart beat faster. If he had taken the time to analyze the situation, he would realize that it was just infatuation. While Elizabeth seems like the perfect woman for him, she actually lacks the things he needs most. The self-assurance and wit that he himself somewhat lacks.  

While Maxwell Sheffield has many incredible traits, a keen sense of humor is not one of them. Without knowing it, Fran Fine's wonderful sense of humor brings out what he is inherently lacking. It is what had made him happy again.  

But at this time, he was only aware of Elizabeth Garner. Of course, sex with her could be better. She didn't really posses the fire and passion that he preferred. But he is a forty-three year old man and sex with her was pleasant enough. Yes, she makes me truly happy. He thinks, but something is nagging at the back of his mind. One of the reasons that he is relieved to be with her is that he has convinced himself that she is exactly the type of woman he is supposed to be with. Someone with equal education, wealth and social status as himself. 

Max made a decision. He has been alone long enough. He took a small box out of his pocket and presents the ring to her. "Elizabeth would you do me the honor of becoming my wife?" he says looking into her eyes. He ignored a shiver that suddenly shoots through him as the words leave him. 

"Oh, Maxwell, of course I will," Elizabeth said taking his hand and giving him a quick kiss. After all, they are in public and she is too well brought up for public displays of affection. 

Max was relieved but just can't fight the feeling that something is just not right. Something is missing. Oh, well, it's been over six years since Sara died. I have nothing to feel culpable about. He convinced himself. He isn't aware of it, but memories of Sara have nothing to do with his present guilty feelings. 

"Maxwell, there is something important that I have to discuss with you, now that we are to be married." She took his hand and gives him her most charming smile. "I really can't have your nanny living in the same house with us. It just doesn't seem right having a beautiful young woman living right under your nose. Besides your children are grown up enough now that they don't need a nanny." She looked at him tenderly. 

Max's mouth drops open at the mention of Miss Fine. Suddenly that guilty feeling that has been lurking at the back of his mind returns. "You want me to fire her?" he gasps. He had never thought of Miss Fine not being in his family's life. "I don't think I could do that," he muttered helplessly. She's done so much for my family. How can I let her go?"  

"Well, then I will. After all, your children will have me as their new mother." She says gently. "I think you should do it sooner rather than later. Give her time to find a new position before our wedding." Elizabeth took his hand. Elizabeth is secretly jealous of Fran. Max mentions her often and always quite affectionately. She always knew that the first thing to go when he proposed would be his nanny. "Come darling. Let's go celebrate our engagement." She gave him a seductive look. They walked arm and arm out of the restaurant and took the limo to her plush Fifth Avenue apartment. 


"Good morning everyone!" Fran cried greeting the family in her usual cheery manner. She had decided last night to just get all those insane thoughts of Mr. Sheffield and her ever getting together out of her mind. Like she could ever be that lucky. I'm just happy that I have this family to love and care for. She thought gratefully. 

Niles and Maxwell greeted her. Fran had been late coming down to breakfast since she had tossed and turned most of the night before making her decision. The children had gone out to their Saturday activities. Maxwell looks at her sadly. He has realized that Elizabeth was probably right. A nanny wasn't going to be needed in his home once she moved in. "Miss Fine. When you are finished with breakfast, can I speak with you in my office?" He said getting up from the table. He has a hard time looking her in the eyes. 

"Sure Mr. Sheffield." She said a little worriedly. "Um...did I do something wrong?" She looked up at him nervously. 

"No, No! Of course not!" he said quickly, his heart starting to race. Oh, god, look how sweet she is. I can't believe what I'm about to do to her. He thought dejectedly walking to his office. 


Fran knocks on the office door as she entered. "Come in Miss Fine." Maxwell said rushing over to the door to lock it. He had earlier turned off the intercom so they would have complete privacy. "Um...please sit down." He motioned to the loveseat and rubbed his hands together nervously. 

Max sat down next to her and took her hands in his. He looked sadly into her eyes. His heart was pounding now and he was trying to draw on his strengths. He's fired dozens of people in his life, but that was nothing like this. This woman was almost a part of the family. He is well aware how much he owes her. 

"Miss Fine," he started. "Do you remember several month ago when I said that after you retired from here that I was going to purchase you a condominium?" He looks at her hesitantly. He remembers how he had promised to buy her a condo after she retired. That was the day after the night she got drunk because she was worried about her future. She had mistaken her room for his and had ended up in his bed.  

She looks a little confused. "Yes, that's so generous of you." She wondered why he's bringing that up now. She's years away from retirement. 

"Well, I've been doing some thinking, and I have decided that just a condo is not nearly good enough for you. I am going to give you full salary also as severance pay. You will never have to worry about anything." He said looking deep in her eyes trying to gage her reaction. 

Fran was stunned. "Oh, Mr. Sheffield! That's more than I deserve!" She cried putting her hand on her chest. She suddenly reached over and hugged him gratefully. 

Oh god!. Now I have to tell her the bad news. He felt awful that she was hugging him so gratefully without knowing the whole truth. 

"Miss Fine," he said gently taking her hands in his again. "I have to tell you the rest. I have asked Elizabeth to marry me, and she has accepted." He stopped to let that sink in. Her eyes went wide at the news with shock and... What's that...betrayal? He thought slightly confused.  

Oh, no! Married! Oh god! I just want to get away from here! She thought suddenly. I can't believe I feel so awful. I guess I love him more than I admitted to myself. She valiantly fought back tears. She tried to compose herself. "Oh, that's wonderful Mr. Sheffield...I'm so happy for you." She managed, trying to sound cheerful. She couldn't bring herself to look in his eyes for fear those tears that are precariously close to surfacing will indeed flow. 

Max was quite taken aback at her reaction to his engagement. She is definitely not happy. Why? She doesn't harbor tender feeling for me, does she? He thought. He tried to remember if she ever gave him any indication of having those feelings for him. He can't think of any. "Um, Miss Fine. I'm afraid there is more. It is not good news." He was trying to prepare her for something for which it is impossible to prepare. "You see, Elizabeth doesn't want to keep a nanny on after we are married." He stopped again as he witnessed the slow look of horror that formed in her eyes as she digested his last statement. 

"Mr.'re firing me!" She cried suddenly realizing the truth. Fran's hearts started pounding madly and she felt faint. The tears that she had fought so valiantly were now streaming down her face. She tried to stand up but her trembling knees fail her and Max had to catch her before she falls. He was horrified at her reaction and held her tightly on the loveseat. 

"Miss Fine. I'm so dreadfully sorry about this. I simply have no choice. I don't want you to leave, but Elizabeth simply won't hear of you staying on with us." He murmured rocking her gently. Suddenly he was stunned to feel soft tears fall from his own eyes.  

"OH, Mr. Sheffield!" Fran sobs now racking her body. "I'm so sorry to be crying like this. I just love you all so much! You've become my family!" She buried her head into his chest and started shivering madly. She was in a slight state of shock. Feeling her tremble in his arms broke Max's heart. He held her more protectively. 

"Oh, Miss Fine. We'll get you a flat near here. You'll be able to see the children all the time. They can visit you whenever they want. I would never deprive them of you. Why, you're almost like their mother! Don't think I won't be forever grateful for all you've done for them...well, all of us." With the exception of his wife's passing, Max had never felt more miserable in his life. He was feeling guilty as hell know that he is breaking the heart of someone he owes so much to, and is very fond of.  

Suddenly having her in his arms is dredging up feelings that he has repressed for over two years. The thought that she was going to be leaving him permanently was starting to paralyze him. Do I have feelings for her? He thought very confused. No, I love Elizabeth. I'm just feeling bad and guilty about having to let her go. He tried to convince himself. That little nagging empty feeling at the back of his mind suddenly surfaces again. Once again, he fights it off. "Miss Fine. I will take care of you for the rest of your life. You will never have to work again if you don't want to," he said taking his fingers under her chin bringing her up to look at him. The look of despair and what's In her eyes shook him to his core. 

"That's very good of you, Mr. Sheffield," she sniffled as she is starting to settle down somewhat. "If you'll excuse me, I would like to go to my room now. I have a lot of packing and stuff to do." She said moving out of his hug. She stood up and settled her now sturdy legs. 

"Wait, Miss Fine! You don't have to leave immediately. I won't be getting married for a month. Please stay as long as you like. Go hunting for a condo near here!" he cried not wanting to let her go. 

Fran looked sadly at him. "Mr. Sheffield, I really can't stay here any longer. It would just be too hard, seeing you...I mean the children, everyday knowing how temporary it now is," she said as tears well up again. She quickly left his office before he tried to stop her again. She only knows one thing, that she has to get out of here as soon as possible. 

Max had caught her slip of the tongue. She said it would be hard to live here with me. His heart is starting to pound faster again. She does have feelings for me. The poor little thing. She just breaks my heart. How could I have done it? Am I making the right decision? He thinks sitting on the loveseat. He puts his head in his hands and runs it through his thick hair. 


Fran ran to her room. The shock has finally worn off and the realization that her future here is non-existent takes over her body and mind. She collapses on the bed clutching her pillow. She sobbed uncontrollably into it. Oh, god! I love him so much. How could I have not have realized it sooner? Maybe if I had he would have found another woman. She thinks despairingly. But, what I am thinking? I'm a nobody. She's from the exact same world he is, though she's nothing like him. She's such a snob. She won't make him happy. He's too good for her. Finally she realized the truth. Well, it's for the best. I couldn't live here with them in the bedroom down the hall every night. She shuddered at the thought of Mr. Sheffield making love to Elizabeth.  

"Well, he's hers now," she whispered resignedly getting out of bed. Fran draws a deep breath and resolutely tackles what she has to do. She starts taking her suitcases out of the closet. She'll move in with Val until she finds an apartment. She has no intention of taking Mr. Sheffield up on his very generous offer of lifetime severance pay. I'll get by. I don't need his pity money. Her pride won't let her. Her cousin the famous fashion designer Todd Oldham had offered her a good job with him a few weeks ago, right after that fashion show benefit he helped her with. She could live quite nicely with the salary Toddy had offered her.  

By the end of the day she was packed and ready to move on. She had completely convinced herself it was for the best in the long run. Now that she realizes the depths of her feelings for Mr. Sheffield, she knows that if she stays here any longer it would just make it more difficult to leave later. 


Maxwell has explained to Niles and the children the situation. Maggie and Brighton are furious with their father. They loathe Elizabeth. She is the exact opposite of their beloved Fran, and they knew that she would eventually make their father miserable. Gracie had burst into tears at the news. She ran into Maggie's arms. Fran had become the only mother she had ever known. Max's heart nearly broke for the second time today at Gracie's reaction. Niles had given him a withering look. "You're making the biggest mistake of your life, sir. She's not the one you need." Were Niles last words to a puzzled Maxwell as he left the room. 




Max passed by Miss Fine's room. The door was open. He peeks in and gasps as he sees all her belongings packed up and ready to go. The permanence of her departure has suddenly hit him like a ton of bricks. Fran is sitting on the edge of her bed, her back to the door. "Miss Fine," Max says approaching her. He notices her quickly wiping her eyes. Knowing that she is crying because of his decision causes a wave of sadness to flood through him. 

"Hello, Mr. Sheffield. Um, I'll be leaving in an hour. Val is coming to pick me up then. I'd like to say goodbye to you privately," She said motioning him to sit next to her. He sat and they faced each other. Fran and Maxwell look sadly into each other's eyes. Fran swallowed and began slowly. "Mr. Sheffield. I just wanted to thank you for all you've done for me. I'm a completely different person than I was two and a half years ago. You and your family have given me so much. I think I've grown. I know I will never settle for second best now that I have experienced perfection the last couple of years," she said to a very touched Maxwell. "By the way, I won't be taking the money you so generously offered. My cousin remember, I introduced him to you at the benefit, Todd Oldham has offered me a fabulous job in the fashion industry. I'll be quite comfortable financially." 

Max is quite touched and impressed that she is refusing his severance pay offer. She really has an abundance of character. Not many people would turn down a lifetime salary. She's certainly no gold digger, as Elizabeth had once alluded upon meeting Fran for the first time. Max remembers how he had been a little perturbed at Elizabeth's catty remark and had felt a little protective towards his nanny. He had gushed to Elizabeth about Fran's many fine qualities. Thinking back, he realizes his passionate defense of her probably made Elizabeth jealous and is why she is so eager to let Fran go. 

"Mr. Sheffield," Fran says looking shyly down at her hands. She had agonized over confessing to him, but had decided that since wasn't going to be seeing him again that she had to confess. She had to purge her soul. "Um, I have a confession to make. I kind of always fantasized that you and I would some day be a couple." She smiled sadly at him. "Isn't that silly. A man like you with a girl from Flushing!" 

Max was touched by her little confession. "Why is that so silly?" he said tenderly rubbing her cheek with the back of his hand. He suddenly remembered a time not so long ago when he had similar feelings towards her. Meeting Elizabeth had wiped them out of his head. Suddenly he was aware that they might just be creeping back in. He takes her hand and looks at it. An incredible wave of depression permeated throughout his body. His heart started racing and he was afraid that he is going to cry. He looked sadly at her and in a choked voice says. "You'll never know how dreadfully sorry I am about this. I am so grateful that you arrived on my doorstep when you did. You have brought so much happiness to my home. You've changed all of us for the better," he said kissing her hand.  

"Mr. Sheffield, it's for the best. It really is. Please don't feel sad or guilty. You see, I wasn't really telling you the whole truth before." She stops herself before she admits it to him. Should I tell him? Oh, I might as well since I'm never going to see him again. She thinks. "Mr. Sheffield. I didn't just fantasize about ending up with you. I'm afraid that that I really did fall in love with you. I would have had to leave soon even if you hadn't let me go." She looks down at her hands. "It would have been sheer torture knowing you were down the hall in Elizabeth's arms every night. So, it really is for the best that I leave now." She blinks rapidly as fresh tears fall on her hands. 

Stunned by her confession, Max took her in his arms. His heart is now pounding madly at her confession. "Oh god! Miss Fine. Don't say that. Please don't say that you're in love with me. I just can't take it." He cried holding her tightly. She's in love with me? Oh, god! 

"I'm so sorry. I tried not to fall for you, I just couldn't help it, Mr. Sheffield," she whispered through tears. 

Suddenly Max kissed her on the lips...passionately. What are you doing you bloody cad? You're engaged to Elizabeth! He thinks ending the kiss. "I am so sorry Miss Fine. I don't know what came over me!" He is still holding her to him. He can't seem to let go. Max started trembling with emotion. Oh, god. I am so miserable. He thought burying his head in her neck. 

"That's all right Mr. Sheffield. I have to leave now. I just want you to know that I'll never forget you. You are the most magnificent person I have ever met." They stood up and she hugged him one last time as she gives him a lingering kiss on the cheek. "Please remember me affectionately. I know I will remember you that way," she whispered in his ear. "Goodbye, Mr. Sheffield." 


Maxwell walked numbly to his bedroom. He sat on the sofa in front of the fireplace. Oh dear god! I never thought I would feel this blasted lousy again. Why aren't I happy? I'm getting married to a wonderful woman, Miss Fine will be living close enough to see the children often and she has a marvelous new job in the fashion industry, which is perfect for her. He suddenly remembers how she refused his severance pay and is truly realizing how wonderful this woman really is. 

Max got up and decides he has to see her one last time before she leaves. He was inexplicably drawn to her. He walked out the door to the top of the stairs and heads down to the living room. He was stunned at the sight of Fran and C.C. in each other's arms tearfully saying goodbye. Since Max had taken up with Elizabeth, C.C. had no reason to be jealous of Nanny Fine. The fact was that C.C. felt quite badly for Fran. She was actually going to miss her. C.C. wasn't looking forward to this marriage. She has known Elizabeth for years, and despises her. Like Maxwell, C.C. was really good hearted, though it was buried very deeply. C.C. knows the same can't be said for Elizabeth. "Goodbye, Fran. I'll visit you often when you move closer to us." She says helping Val take Fran's belongings to the car. C.C. suddenly remembers how Fran had given up Barbra tickets just so C.C. could go to the concert with her father.  

The children have now converged on Fran all at once. They are clutching her tightly and sobbing uncontrollably. Gracie is nearly hysterical, begging her not to go. They are clinging to her as if for dear life. Fran collapsed to her knees and took all three in her arms at once, sobbing desperately. Niles wasn't faring much better. He is standing next to the sad group dabbing his eyes with his handkerchief.  

Max is horrified as he witnesses the abject sorrow that he has caused his family. Oh my god! I can't put them through this! He put his hand on the banister to steady himself. His heart was pounding through his chest and he was actually having trouble breathing. The sight of his dear children and nanny in so much pain was making him physically nauseous.  

Niles spotted him. He was stunned to see the sick _expression on Max's face. He rushed up the stairs to assist Mr. Sheffield down. Niles was truly afraid that Max is about to faint. He managed to lead him to the landing. 

"Miss Fine. I can't let you leave. I've changed my mind. You can't leave. I'll talk to Elizabeth," Max cried rushing over to her. The children couldn't believe their ears and let out a yelp. 

Fran just looked sadly down at them. "I'm sorry my loves...I have to go." She looked at Max and he suddenly remembered her confession. How could he have forgotten? Of course she wouldn't be able to live with him and Elizabeth day after day if she was in love with him.  

Max looked at Fran and their eyes lock. Niles isn't unaware of the look they give each other. A blind man could see that they loved each other. Fran gives Max one last sad smile and turned around. She walked out the door and out of their lives as suddenly as she had walked into it. 

At her departure Maggie and Brighton race upstairs to their room. They have begun sobbing uncontrollably again. C.C. actually has to carry Gracie as she has collapsed in a heap at C.C.'s feet. She was suddenly harboring tender feelings for the kids. Seeing their tremendous grief has shocked and saddened C.C. Perhaps because she knew somewhat how they were feeling. Niles watches her ascend the staircase with Gracie in her arms in amazement before he turns his full attention to his boss. 

Maxwell had dragged himself over to the couch. He was sitting up with is head resting on the back looking straight up, not seeing a thing. Niles sits next to him. "You know she loves you, don't you?" Max nodded, almost imperceptivity "You know that you love her...don't you?" Max's heart skipped a beat as he hears it said out loud for the first time. He doesn't move an inch but as Niles watched him he was stunned to witness a stream of tears appear and run down the side of Max's face. 

"Niles, what am I going to do? I'm engaged to Elizabeth. I bloody promised her. How can I go back on my proposal?" He sits up and wipes his eyes with his handkerchief. He looks hopelessly at Niles. "What do I do?" He said desperately. 

"Oh sir, it's your life! You can't live the rest of it with a woman you're not really in love with. You have to tell Elizabeth. It wouldn't be fair to either of you." Niles said a glimmer of hope forming that they haven't seen the last of their nanny. 

Maxwell realized of course that Niles is right. He suddenly has no feelings for Elizabeth. He knows that her jealously has caused incredible grief for his family...and him. He is also starting to see that she wasn't what he needs. Miss Fine is twice the person that she is! What the bloody hell was I thinking? How could I have gotten engaged to her? I've never been attracted to that type of woman? Was I insane? He looked at Niles. "I'm going to break my engagement, Niles. I'll be back soon," he said as he headed out the door for Elizabeth's apartment. 


Elizabeth took it with her usual reserve. She graciously let Max off the hook rather easily. She wasn't really in love with him; she had thought they made a pleasant match, though. He insisted she keep the ring. Max was greatly relieved; it felt like a huge weight was lifted off his shoulders. 


How he got here, he has no recollection. He has found himself parked in front of Val's apartment. He had driven to Queens right after he left Elizabeth's. He is working up the courage to knock on the door. His heart is in his throat. What if she won't come back? She will be perfect working for her cousin's a much better job than a nanny! He thinks slightly scared that she might be mad at him for letting her go in the first place. 

Val answers the door. "Mr. Sheffield!" She gasped. "What are you doing her? Come in." Val said stepping aside for him to enter. 

"Hello, Miss Toriello. "Um, is Miss Fine here?" he asked rubbing his hands together nervously. 

Val's heart leaps. Oh, he's come to take her back! I just know it! Val thought excitedly. She happily pointed to the door down the hall. "Go to her, Mr. Sheffield. She's been so miserable, I was starting to get really worried about her!" Val said soft tears in her eyes. 

"Thank you...Val. You are a good friend to her." He said gratefully giving her a small kiss on the cheek. A surprised Val touches her cheek where he kissed her. Wow! God is he cute! Fran is so lucky! She thought watching him walk down the hall to Fran's room. 


Max took a deep breath and knocked on the door. "It's open Val." Fran called out. She has her back to the door. Max's heart starts racing as he witnesses her sitting dejectedly on the bed dabbing her eyes with a tissue. He quietly sat down next to her and put his arm around her.  

"Mr. Sheffield!" she gasped. "What are you doing here?" Fran's heart started pounding madly at the sight of him, and the look in his eyes. Oh my god. He looks like he's in love with me or something! She thought wildly. 

"I've come to bring you home where you belong." He kissed her tenderly on the lips. "Can you ever forgive me? I was bloody insane. You can't fire a member of your family," he murmured still applying soft kisses to her. 

"Oh, Mr. Sheffield! What about Elizabeth?" She was now totally confused. 

"Who?" He gently pushed her back on the bed. "Oh, her...I just broke our engagement. I've come to realize that she's not the one I love"  

New tears form in Fran's eyes. I can't believe this is happening! She thought happily. 

"I nearly suffered a heart attack when I watched you walk out my door," Max said as they were lying face to face on the bed. He was holding her tightly, afraid to ever let go again. "Please, please forgive me for putting you through that!" He cries kissing her. Max brings her even closer to him. Their bodies are now touching and they smile at each other feeling the pleasant unfamiliarity at being so close.  

"Of course I forgive you Mr. Sheffield," she said rubbing her cheek to his.  

Max propped himself over her and kisses her again letting his tongue slip into her mouth. They tighten their grip on each other as pleasant little jolts sizzle their groins. Max knows it is too soon in their newfound relationship to do much more than a little heavy making out. He rolled her on her back and got gently on top of her. He kisses down her throat, which causes her to softly moan. Oh, god. This feels so good! But, I think it's too soon to do anything more than neck a little. Fran thought. 

"Oh, Miss Fi...Fran." He said looking down into her eyes. "I'm in love with you. This all just feels so right." He realized that he is more excited by just simply making out with her than all the times he had sex with Elizabeth.  

"Mr. Sheffield...Max, you know how I feel about you." She was breathing a little heavily as she felt his now very hard arousal against the crotch of her pajamas. Fran kissed him and instinctively pressed herself into it causing him to groan. 

"Fran...if you continue doing that, darling I am not going to be able to control myself," he says his heart pounding wildly. I love her so much. I want her so badly! He looked down at her desperately. She looked up at him and hugged him tightly as she pressed herself into him again. She moaned and closed her eyes feeling his hardness against her. 

Her reaction put him in frenzy. "Oh Fran!" he gasped. "Please let me make love to you. I want I need you so badly." He whispers desperately. I haven't felt this turned on in years...if ever. She just kissed him more passionately. That's all the answer he needs. He quickly took his clothes off and gathered her in his arms again. He started unbuttoning her pajamas and lets his lips lightly nip her breasts. "Oh Mr. Sheffield...." She groaned. He was pleased at how passionate she is. She responded to every little touch. He slowly slipped off her pajama bottoms and felt her heart pounding against his chest.  

Fortunately for Max he hasn't been deprived of sex the last couple of months. He was able to control himself quite easily. Fran, on the other hand was almost in frenzy. It's been quite a while since a man has satisfied her. And, she's never been with a man like this. 

Max slowly, tentatively glides his fingers from her collarbone slowly to her thighs. He was kissing her passionately. He let his tongue slip out of her mouth and kissed down her throat. Fran arched her head back and let out an involuntary moan as Max ran his fingers slowly up the inside of her thighs. When they reach their final destination he doesn't crudely probe or poke. His fingers gently, slowly stroke, applying no more pressure than a butterfly's wings. Maxwell Sheffield is quite well endowed and he is well aware that he has to make her very ready for him. The last thing he wanted to do is cause her any discomfort. 

Oh, my god! Fran thought happily. She had been a little shy at the first introduction to his fingers, but now she inched her knees further apart. She instinctively pressed herself into his hand. 

"That's it." He whispered. "My god, you're wet," he moans. "Silky wet," he murmured. His fingers suddenly entered her.  

"Oh!" She cried out softly. Fran was now near climax and reached down to press his hand down to her. "Oh, Mr. Sheffield!" She cried as the waves of sheer bliss shot through her. She was now grinding herself into his hand desperately. 

Max was enormously please at her orgasm and by the fact that there is no doubt that she is more than ready for him. Her reaction has caused his arousal to be almost painful. I have to have!  

Fran looked up at him gratefully. "Mr. Sheffield, that's never happened to me before." She said a little shyly, hugging him tightly. Her little confession thrills him. He kissed her and guided her hand down to him. Fran gasped in surprise and excitement. "Oh, Mr. Sheffield. I want you so badly," she whispered getting very turned on again. Wow! Way better than I remember in that shower! "Make love to me," she whispered as she guides him into her. 

Max groaned as his manhood touched her for the first time. He tried to slowly guide himself in, but she was having none of that. She grabbed his bottom and pressed him down...deep. They cry out in unison. Max had now pretty much lost it. He thrust himself in more savagely. Fran was starting to bring out the beast in him, and he liked it. 

Meanwhile, Fran was writhing herself urgently into him. She is stunned as she felt a second round of those wonderful waves permeate her body. "Mr. Sheffield. It going to happen again," she whispered. She suddenly throws her head back on the pillow.  

At the sound of her obvious second orgasm, Max could hold out no longer. He exploded into her. "OH, GOD!" He cried. "Fran...Fran!" He collapsed on top of her and buried his face in her neck. He was trying to catch his breath. I've never been with a woman like this. I've never experienced anything close to this in my life. Her responsiveness and passion nearly drove me bloody mad! He thought excitedly. Max looked down at Fran. He was grateful that she was able to forgive him and that she still loved him. They smiled at each other knowing that this is just the more ways than one. 

Fran looked tenderly up at Maxwell. Her eyes were twinkling a little. "So, Mr. Sheffield. Does this mean you're not going to buy me that condo?" 


The End 

Mr. Sheffield is engaged...and it's not to Miss Fine. R 

The Engagement 


Mary Ann 



Niles and Fran had been discussing the recent turn of events in Maxwell Sheffield's life. He actually has been dating the same woman for several weeks now. They notice that he frequently comes home whistling Georgy Girl and are puzzled at that. Actually Fran isn't all that puzzled. She is depressed because she remembers his confession several months ago after she had awakened in his bed. She had been quite inebriated and had accidentally ended up in Max's bed after a party. The next day, he had admitted to her that the day after he had relations with a woman he would sing that very song from the famous 1966 British film. Niles was especially unhappy about Max's dating. He has hoped for two and a half years that his boss would see that the woman for him was right under his nose...his children's nanny. 

Niles was well aware that if Miss Fine hadn't entered their lives over two years ago, they would all be completely different. Before she came, the children were withdrawn and morose, Mr. Sheffield was short-tempered and humorless, and Niles was overworked and miserable. Fran had single-handedly turned everyone around. Her wit and charm had them all completely in love with her. He simply couldn't imagine her out of their lives. This thought more than any other paralyzed Niles with fear. What would a new woman in Mr. Sheffield's life think about a beautiful nanny living in his home? 

Fran also was having surprisingly unhappy thoughts at seeing Mr. Sheffield so seemingly blissful with another woman. She hadn't realized it until recently, but she has had a secret crush on him for several months now. The night he came to her rescue at her camp reunion replays in her head quite often as she is going to sleep nights. He had simply taken her breath away that evening when he came up behind her wrapping his arms around her and calling her darling, all for the benefit of making Fran's rival from her teenage years, Judy Silverman jealous, and boy, did he. Fran and Val still talk about how incredibly gorgeous he had looked that evening in that navy blue suit. And how Max had effortlessly glided Fran across the dance floor. 

How could I have not fallen for him? Fran thought a little dejectedly. She and Niles were in the Sheffield kitchen "I mean, it's not as if he isn't perfect," she says sarcastically. He's only rich, handsome, brilliant, creative, and a good person! How can anyone fall for that?" She confides to Niles one day after Max came home particularly late. "Oh, well Niles. It's not like I had any shot at him anyway. He's only dating one of the highest of society women in New York...Elizabeth Garner. They're from the same worlds. They'll make each other happy." She sadly walked up to her bedroom. 

Niles shook his head sadly. The woman Max is so enraptured with was the typical high society New York snob. Not at all someone who could make him happy. Max was completely opposite of the stereotype of the big Broadway producer. He had been raised by a nanny and by Niles own father, Max's butler. Thank god, because Max's own parents were horrible. He turned out nothing like them. His heart and values were more working class and there wasn't a snobbish bone in his body. He has one of the kindest hearts of anyone Niles has ever known, except perhaps for Miss Fine.  


Max was having dinner at The Four Seasons with Elizabeth. For weeks now he had been enchanted by her elegance. She is well educated, well read and he could discuss affairs of the world, literature, art and finance with her easily. He had never really dated many society women in the past. Max spent most of his time at the theatre. After Sara had died, he didn't date much at all. Of course, being a normal healthy male, he wasn't adverse to the occasional one night liaison with a beautiful actress or showgirl. But even then, he was always the gentleman. He was always completely up front about his complete aversion to a relationship. They had never seemed to mind going to bed for one night with a gorgeous man, and he was very skillful at showing them a good time. 


Max takes Elizabeth's hand. He was completely infatuated with her. Her cultured high society accent, petite frame and huge blue eyes and blonde hair makes his heart beat faster. If he had taken the time to analyze the situation, he would realize that it was just infatuation. While Elizabeth seems like the perfect woman for him, she actually lacks the things he needs most. The self-assurance and wit that he himself somewhat lacks.  

While Maxwell Sheffield has many incredible traits, a keen sense of humor is not one of them. Without knowing it, Fran Fine's wonderful sense of humor brings out what he is inherently lacking. It is what had made him happy again.  

But at this time, he was only aware of Elizabeth Garner. Of course, sex with her could be better. She didn't really posses the fire and passion that he preferred. But he is a forty-three year old man and sex with her was pleasant enough. Yes, she makes me truly happy. He thinks, but something is nagging at the back of his mind. One of the reasons that he is relieved to be with her is that he has convinced himself that she is exactly the type of woman he is supposed to be with. Someone with equal education, wealth and social status as himself. 

Max made a decision. He has been alone long enough. He took a small box out of his pocket and presents the ring to her. "Elizabeth would you do me the honor of becoming my wife?" he says looking into her eyes. He ignored a shiver that suddenly shoots through him as the words leave him. 

"Oh, Maxwell, of course I will," Elizabeth said taking his hand and giving him a quick kiss. After all, they are in public and she is too well brought up for public displays of affection. 

Max was relieved but just can't fight the feeling that something is just not right. Something is missing. Oh, well, it's been over six years since Sara died. I have nothing to feel culpable about. He convinced himself. He isn't aware of it, but memories of Sara have nothing to do with his present guilty feelings. 

"Maxwell, there is something important that I have to discuss with you, now that we are to be married." She took his hand and gives him her most charming smile. "I really can't have your nanny living in the same house with us. It just doesn't seem right having a beautiful young woman living right under your nose. Besides your children are grown up enough now that they don't need a nanny." She looked at him tenderly. 

Max's mouth drops open at the mention of Miss Fine. Suddenly that guilty feeling that has been lurking at the back of his mind returns. "You want me to fire her?" he gasps. He had never thought of Miss Fine not being in his family's life. "I don't think I could do that," he muttered helplessly. She's done so much for my family. How can I let her go?"  

"Well, then I will. After all, your children will have me as their new mother." She says gently. "I think you should do it sooner rather than later. Give her time to find a new position before our wedding." Elizabeth took his hand. Elizabeth is secretly jealous of Fran. Max mentions her often and always quite affectionately. She always knew that the first thing to go when he proposed would be his nanny. "Come darling. Let's go celebrate our engagement." She gave him a seductive look. They walked arm and arm out of the restaurant and took the limo to her plush Fifth Avenue apartment. 


"Good morning everyone!" Fran cried greeting the family in her usual cheery manner. She had decided last night to just get all those insane thoughts of Mr. Sheffield and her ever getting together out of her mind. Like she could ever be that lucky. I'm just happy that I have this family to love and care for. She thought gratefully. 

Niles and Maxwell greeted her. Fran had been late coming down to breakfast since she had tossed and turned most of the night before making her decision. The children had gone out to their Saturday activities. Maxwell looks at her sadly. He has realized that Elizabeth was probably right. A nanny wasn't going to be needed in his home once she moved in. "Miss Fine. When you are finished with breakfast, can I speak with you in my office?" He said getting up from the table. He has a hard time looking her in the eyes. 

"Sure Mr. Sheffield." She said a little worriedly. "Um...did I do something wrong?" She looked up at him nervously. 

"No, No! Of course not!" he said quickly, his heart starting to race. Oh, god, look how sweet she is. I can't believe what I'm about to do to her. He thought dejectedly walking to his office. 


Fran knocks on the office door as she entered. "Come in Miss Fine." Maxwell said rushing over to the door to lock it. He had earlier turned off the intercom so they would have complete privacy. "Um...please sit down." He motioned to the loveseat and rubbed his hands together nervously. 

Max sat down next to her and took her hands in his. He looked sadly into her eyes. His heart was pounding now and he was trying to draw on his strengths. He's fired dozens of people in his life, but that was nothing like this. This woman was almost a part of the family. He is well aware how much he owes her. 

"Miss Fine," he started. "Do you remember several month ago when I said that after you retired from here that I was going to purchase you a condominium?" He looks at her hesitantly. He remembers how he had promised to buy her a condo after she retired. That was the day after the night she got drunk because she was worried about her future. She had mistaken her room for his and had ended up in his bed.  

She looks a little confused. "Yes, that's so generous of you." She wondered why he's bringing that up now. She's years away from retirement. 

"Well, I've been doing some thinking, and I have decided that just a condo is not nearly good enough for you. I am going to give you full salary also as severance pay. You will never have to worry about anything." He said looking deep in her eyes trying to gage her reaction. 

Fran was stunned. "Oh, Mr. Sheffield! That's more than I deserve!" She cried putting her hand on her chest. She suddenly reached over and hugged him gratefully. 

Oh god!. Now I have to tell her the bad news. He felt awful that she was hugging him so gratefully without knowing the whole truth. 

"Miss Fine," he said gently taking her hands in his again. "I have to tell you the rest. I have asked Elizabeth to marry me, and she has accepted." He stopped to let that sink in. Her eyes went wide at the news with shock and... What's that...betrayal? He thought slightly confused.  

Oh, no! Married! Oh god! I just want to get away from here! She thought suddenly. I can't believe I feel so awful. I guess I love him more than I admitted to myself. She valiantly fought back tears. She tried to compose herself. "Oh, that's wonderful Mr. Sheffield...I'm so happy for you." She managed, trying to sound cheerful. She couldn't bring herself to look in his eyes for fear those tears that are precariously close to surfacing will indeed flow. 

Max was quite taken aback at her reaction to his engagement. She is definitely not happy. Why? She doesn't harbor tender feeling for me, does she? He thought. He tried to remember if she ever gave him any indication of having those feelings for him. He can't think of any. "Um, Miss Fine. I'm afraid there is more. It is not good news." He was trying to prepare her for something for which it is impossible to prepare. "You see, Elizabeth doesn't want to keep a nanny on after we are married." He stopped again as he witnessed the slow look of horror that formed in her eyes as she digested his last statement. 

"Mr.'re firing me!" She cried suddenly realizing the truth. Fran's hearts started pounding madly and she felt faint. The tears that she had fought so valiantly were now streaming down her face. She tried to stand up but her trembling knees fail her and Max had to catch her before she falls. He was horrified at her reaction and held her tightly on the loveseat. 

"Miss Fine. I'm so dreadfully sorry about this. I simply have no choice. I don't want you to leave, but Elizabeth simply won't hear of you staying on with us." He murmured rocking her gently. Suddenly he was stunned to feel soft tears fall from his own eyes.  

"OH, Mr. Sheffield!" Fran sobs now racking her body. "I'm so sorry to be crying like this. I just love you all so much! You've become my family!" She buried her head into his chest and started shivering madly. She was in a slight state of shock. Feeling her tremble in his arms broke Max's heart. He held her more protectively. 

"Oh, Miss Fine. We'll get you a flat near here. You'll be able to see the children all the time. They can visit you whenever they want. I would never deprive them of you. Why, you're almost like their mother! Don't think I won't be forever grateful for all you've done for them...well, all of us." With the exception of his wife's passing, Max had never felt more miserable in his life. He was feeling guilty as hell know that he is breaking the heart of someone he owes so much to, and is very fond of.  

Suddenly having her in his arms is dredging up feelings that he has repressed for over two years. The thought that she was going to be leaving him permanently was starting to paralyze him. Do I have feelings for her? He thought very confused. No, I love Elizabeth. I'm just feeling bad and guilty about having to let her go. He tried to convince himself. That little nagging empty feeling at the back of his mind suddenly surfaces again. Once again, he fights it off. "Miss Fine. I will take care of you for the rest of your life. You will never have to work again if you don't want to," he said taking his fingers under her chin bringing her up to look at him. The look of despair and what's In her eyes shook him to his core. 

"That's very good of you, Mr. Sheffield," she sniffled as she is starting to settle down somewhat. "If you'll excuse me, I would like to go to my room now. I have a lot of packing and stuff to do." She said moving out of his hug. She stood up and settled her now sturdy legs. 

"Wait, Miss Fine! You don't have to leave immediately. I won't be getting married for a month. Please stay as long as you like. Go hunting for a condo near here!" he cried not wanting to let her go. 

Fran looked sadly at him. "Mr. Sheffield, I really can't stay here any longer. It would just be too hard, seeing you...I mean the children, everyday knowing how temporary it now is," she said as tears well up again. She quickly left his office before he tried to stop her again. She only knows one thing, that she has to get out of here as soon as possible. 

Max had caught her slip of the tongue. She said it would be hard to live here with me. His heart is starting to pound faster again. She does have feelings for me. The poor little thing. She just breaks my heart. How could I have done it? Am I making the right decision? He thinks sitting on the loveseat. He puts his head in his hands and runs it through his thick hair. 


Fran ran to her room. The shock has finally worn off and the realization that her future here is non-existent takes over her body and mind. She collapses on the bed clutching her pillow. She sobbed uncontrollably into it. Oh, god! I love him so much. How could I have not have realized it sooner? Maybe if I had he would have found another woman. She thinks despairingly. But, what I am thinking? I'm a nobody. She's from the exact same world he is, though she's nothing like him. She's such a snob. She won't make him happy. He's too good for her. Finally she realized the truth. Well, it's for the best. I couldn't live here with them in the bedroom down the hall every night. She shuddered at the thought of Mr. Sheffield making love to Elizabeth.  

"Well, he's hers now," she whispered resignedly getting out of bed. Fran draws a deep breath and resolutely tackles what she has to do. She starts taking her suitcases out of the closet. She'll move in with Val until she finds an apartment. She has no intention of taking Mr. Sheffield up on his very generous offer of lifetime severance pay. I'll get by. I don't need his pity money. Her pride won't let her. Her cousin the famous fashion designer Todd Oldham had offered her a good job with him a few weeks ago, right after that fashion show benefit he helped her with. She could live quite nicely with the salary Toddy had offered her.  

By the end of the day she was packed and ready to move on. She had completely convinced herself it was for the best in the long run. Now that she realizes the depths of her feelings for Mr. Sheffield, she knows that if she stays here any longer it would just make it more difficult to leave later. 


Maxwell has explained to Niles and the children the situation. Maggie and Brighton are furious with their father. They loathe Elizabeth. She is the exact opposite of their beloved Fran, and they knew that she would eventually make their father miserable. Gracie had burst into tears at the news. She ran into Maggie's arms. Fran had become the only mother she had ever known. Max's heart nearly broke for the second time today at Gracie's reaction. Niles had given him a withering look. "You're making the biggest mistake of your life, sir. She's not the one you need." Were Niles last words to a puzzled Maxwell as he left the room. 




Max passed by Miss Fine's room. The door was open. He peeks in and gasps as he sees all her belongings packed up and ready to go. The permanence of her departure has suddenly hit him like a ton of bricks. Fran is sitting on the edge of her bed, her back to the door. "Miss Fine," Max says approaching her. He notices her quickly wiping her eyes. Knowing that she is crying because of his decision causes a wave of sadness to flood through him. 

"Hello, Mr. Sheffield. Um, I'll be leaving in an hour. Val is coming to pick me up then. I'd like to say goodbye to you privately," She said motioning him to sit next to her. He sat and they faced each other. Fran and Maxwell look sadly into each other's eyes. Fran swallowed and began slowly. "Mr. Sheffield. I just wanted to thank you for all you've done for me. I'm a completely different person than I was two and a half years ago. You and your family have given me so much. I think I've grown. I know I will never settle for second best now that I have experienced perfection the last couple of years," she said to a very touched Maxwell. "By the way, I won't be taking the money you so generously offered. My cousin remember, I introduced him to you at the benefit, Todd Oldham has offered me a fabulous job in the fashion industry. I'll be quite comfortable financially." 

Max is quite touched and impressed that she is refusing his severance pay offer. She really has an abundance of character. Not many people would turn down a lifetime salary. She's certainly no gold digger, as Elizabeth had once alluded upon meeting Fran for the first time. Max remembers how he had been a little perturbed at Elizabeth's catty remark and had felt a little protective towards his nanny. He had gushed to Elizabeth about Fran's many fine qualities. Thinking back, he realizes his passionate defense of her probably made Elizabeth jealous and is why she is so eager to let Fran go. 

"Mr. Sheffield," Fran says looking shyly down at her hands. She had agonized over confessing to him, but had decided that since wasn't going to be seeing him again that she had to confess. She had to purge her soul. "Um, I have a confession to make. I kind of always fantasized that you and I would some day be a couple." She smiled sadly at him. "Isn't that silly. A man like you with a girl from Flushing!" 

Max was touched by her little confession. "Why is that so silly?" he said tenderly rubbing her cheek with the back of his hand. He suddenly remembered a time not so long ago when he had similar feelings towards her. Meeting Elizabeth had wiped them out of his head. Suddenly he was aware that they might just be creeping back in. He takes her hand and looks at it. An incredible wave of depression permeated throughout his body. His heart started racing and he was afraid that he is going to cry. He looked sadly at her and in a choked voice says. "You'll never know how dreadfully sorry I am about this. I am so grateful that you arrived on my doorstep when you did. You have brought so much happiness to my home. You've changed all of us for the better," he said kissing her hand.  

"Mr. Sheffield, it's for the best. It really is. Please don't feel sad or guilty. You see, I wasn't really telling you the whole truth before." She stops herself before she admits it to him. Should I tell him? Oh, I might as well since I'm never going to see him again. She thinks. "Mr. Sheffield. I didn't just fantasize about ending up with you. I'm afraid that that I really did fall in love with you. I would have had to leave soon even if you hadn't let me go." She looks down at her hands. "It would have been sheer torture knowing you were down the hall in Elizabeth's arms every night. So, it really is for the best that I leave now." She blinks rapidly as fresh tears fall on her hands. 

Stunned by her confession, Max took her in his arms. His heart is now pounding madly at her confession. "Oh god! Miss Fine. Don't say that. Please don't say that you're in love with me. I just can't take it." He cried holding her tightly. She's in love with me? Oh, god! 

"I'm so sorry. I tried not to fall for you, I just couldn't help it, Mr. Sheffield," she whispered through tears. 

Suddenly Max kissed her on the lips...passionately. What are you doing you bloody cad? You're engaged to Elizabeth! He thinks ending the kiss. "I am so sorry Miss Fine. I don't know what came over me!" He is still holding her to him. He can't seem to let go. Max started trembling with emotion. Oh, god. I am so miserable. He thought burying his head in her neck. 

"That's all right Mr. Sheffield. I have to leave now. I just want you to know that I'll never forget you. You are the most magnificent person I have ever met." They stood up and she hugged him one last time as she gives him a lingering kiss on the cheek. "Please remember me affectionately. I know I will remember you that way," she whispered in his ear. "Goodbye, Mr. Sheffield." 


Maxwell walked numbly to his bedroom. He sat on the sofa in front of the fireplace. Oh dear god! I never thought I would feel this blasted lousy again. Why aren't I happy? I'm getting married to a wonderful woman, Miss Fine will be living close enough to see the children often and she has a marvelous new job in the fashion industry, which is perfect for her. He suddenly remembers how she refused his severance pay and is truly realizing how wonderful this woman really is. 

Max got up and decides he has to see her one last time before she leaves. He was inexplicably drawn to her. He walked out the door to the top of the stairs and heads down to the living room. He was stunned at the sight of Fran and C.C. in each other's arms tearfully saying goodbye. Since Max had taken up with Elizabeth, C.C. had no reason to be jealous of Nanny Fine. The fact was that C.C. felt quite badly for Fran. She was actually going to miss her. C.C. wasn't looking forward to this marriage. She has known Elizabeth for years, and despises her. Like Maxwell, C.C. was really good hearted, though it was buried very deeply. C.C. knows the same can't be said for Elizabeth. "Goodbye, Fran. I'll visit you often when you move closer to us." She says helping Val take Fran's belongings to the car. C.C. suddenly remembers how Fran had given up Barbra tickets just so C.C. could go to the concert with her father.  

The children have now converged on Fran all at once. They are clutching her tightly and sobbing uncontrollably. Gracie is nearly hysterical, begging her not to go. They are clinging to her as if for dear life. Fran collapsed to her knees and took all three in her arms at once, sobbing desperately. Niles wasn't faring much better. He is standing next to the sad group dabbing his eyes with his handkerchief.  

Max is horrified as he witnesses the abject sorrow that he has caused his family. Oh my god! I can't put them through this! He put his hand on the banister to steady himself. His heart was pounding through his chest and he was actually having trouble breathing. The sight of his dear children and nanny in so much pain was making him physically nauseous.  

Niles spotted him. He was stunned to see the sick _expression on Max's face. He rushed up the stairs to assist Mr. Sheffield down. Niles was truly afraid that Max is about to faint. He managed to lead him to the landing. 

"Miss Fine. I can't let you leave. I've changed my mind. You can't leave. I'll talk to Elizabeth," Max cried rushing over to her. The children couldn't believe their ears and let out a yelp. 

Fran just looked sadly down at them. "I'm sorry my loves...I have to go." She looked at Max and he suddenly remembered her confession. How could he have forgotten? Of course she wouldn't be able to live with him and Elizabeth day after day if she was in love with him.  

Max looked at Fran and their eyes lock. Niles isn't unaware of the look they give each other. A blind man could see that they loved each other. Fran gives Max one last sad smile and turned around. She walked out the door and out of their lives as suddenly as she had walked into it. 

At her departure Maggie and Brighton race upstairs to their room. They have begun sobbing uncontrollably again. C.C. actually has to carry Gracie as she has collapsed in a heap at C.C.'s feet. She was suddenly harboring tender feelings for the kids. Seeing their tremendous grief has shocked and saddened C.C. Perhaps because she knew somewhat how they were feeling. Niles watches her ascend the staircase with Gracie in her arms in amazement before he turns his full attention to his boss. 

Maxwell had dragged himself over to the couch. He was sitting up with is head resting on the back looking straight up, not seeing a thing. Niles sits next to him. "You know she loves you, don't you?" Max nodded, almost imperceptivity "You know that you love her...don't you?" Max's heart skipped a beat as he hears it said out loud for the first time. He doesn't move an inch but as Niles watched him he was stunned to witness a stream of tears appear and run down the side of Max's face. 

"Niles, what am I going to do? I'm engaged to Elizabeth. I bloody promised her. How can I go back on my proposal?" He sits up and wipes his eyes with his handkerchief. He looks hopelessly at Niles. "What do I do?" He said desperately. 

"Oh sir, it's your life! You can't live the rest of it with a woman you're not really in love with. You have to tell Elizabeth. It wouldn't be fair to either of you." Niles said a glimmer of hope forming that they haven't seen the last of their nanny. 

Maxwell realized of course that Niles is right. He suddenly has no feelings for Elizabeth. He knows that her jealously has caused incredible grief for his family...and him. He is also starting to see that she wasn't what he needs. Miss Fine is twice the person that she is! What the bloody hell was I thinking? How could I have gotten engaged to her? I've never been attracted to that type of woman? Was I insane? He looked at Niles. "I'm going to break my engagement, Niles. I'll be back soon," he said as he headed out the door for Elizabeth's apartment. 


Elizabeth took it with her usual reserve. She graciously let Max off the hook rather easily. She wasn't really in love with him; she had thought they made a pleasant match, though. He insisted she keep the ring. Max was greatly relieved; it felt like a huge weight was lifted off his shoulders. 


How he got here, he has no recollection. He has found himself parked in front of Val's apartment. He had driven to Queens right after he left Elizabeth's. He is working up the courage to knock on the door. His heart is in his throat. What if she won't come back? She will be perfect working for her cousin's a much better job than a nanny! He thinks slightly scared that she might be mad at him for letting her go in the first place. 

Val answers the door. "Mr. Sheffield!" She gasped. "What are you doing her? Come in." Val said stepping aside for him to enter. 

"Hello, Miss Toriello. "Um, is Miss Fine here?" he asked rubbing his hands together nervously. 

Val's heart leaps. Oh, he's come to take her back! I just know it! Val thought excitedly. She happily pointed to the door down the hall. "Go to her, Mr. Sheffield. She's been so miserable, I was starting to get really worried about her!" Val said soft tears in her eyes. 

"Thank you...Val. You are a good friend to her." He said gratefully giving her a small kiss on the cheek. A surprised Val touches her cheek where he kissed her. Wow! God is he cute! Fran is so lucky! She thought watching him walk down the hall to Fran's room. 


Max took a deep breath and knocked on the door. "It's open Val." Fran called out. She has her back to the door. Max's heart starts racing as he witnesses her sitting dejectedly on the bed dabbing her eyes with a tissue. He quietly sat down next to her and put his arm around her.  

"Mr. Sheffield!" she gasped. "What are you doing here?" Fran's heart started pounding madly at the sight of him, and the look in his eyes. Oh my god. He looks like he's in love with me or something! She thought wildly. 

"I've come to bring you home where you belong." He kissed her tenderly on the lips. "Can you ever forgive me? I was bloody insane. You can't fire a member of your family," he murmured still applying soft kisses to her. 

"Oh, Mr. Sheffield! What about Elizabeth?" She was now totally confused. 

"Who?" He gently pushed her back on the bed. "Oh, her...I just broke our engagement. I've come to realize that she's not the one I love"  

New tears form in Fran's eyes. I can't believe this is happening! She thought happily. 

"I nearly suffered a heart attack when I watched you walk out my door," Max said as they were lying face to face on the bed. He was holding her tightly, afraid to ever let go again. "Please, please forgive me for putting you through that!" He cries kissing her. Max brings her even closer to him. Their bodies are now touching and they smile at each other feeling the pleasant unfamiliarity at being so close.  

"Of course I forgive you Mr. Sheffield," she said rubbing her cheek to his.  

Max propped himself over her and kisses her again letting his tongue slip into her mouth. They tighten their grip on each other as pleasant little jolts sizzle their groins. Max knows it is too soon in their newfound relationship to do much more than a little heavy making out. He rolled her on her back and got gently on top of her. He kisses down her throat, which causes her to softly moan. Oh, god. This feels so good! But, I think it's too soon to do anything more than neck a little. Fran thought. 

"Oh, Miss Fi...Fran." He said looking down into her eyes. "I'm in love with you. This all just feels so right." He realized that he is more excited by just simply making out with her than all the times he had sex with Elizabeth.  

"Mr. Sheffield...Max, you know how I feel about you." She was breathing a little heavily as she felt his now very hard arousal against the crotch of her pajamas. Fran kissed him and instinctively pressed herself into it causing him to groan. 

"Fran...if you continue doing that, darling I am not going to be able to control myself," he says his heart pounding wildly. I love her so much. I want her so badly! He looked down at her desperately. She looked up at him and hugged him tightly as she pressed herself into him again. She moaned and closed her eyes feeling his hardness against her. 

Her reaction put him in frenzy. "Oh Fran!" he gasped. "Please let me make love to you. I want I need you so badly." He whispers desperately. I haven't felt this turned on in years...if ever. She just kissed him more passionately. That's all the answer he needs. He quickly took his clothes off and gathered her in his arms again. He started unbuttoning her pajamas and lets his lips lightly nip her breasts. "Oh Mr. Sheffield...." She groaned. He was pleased at how passionate she is. She responded to every little touch. He slowly slipped off her pajama bottoms and felt her heart pounding against his chest.  

Fortunately for Max he hasn't been deprived of sex the last couple of months. He was able to control himself quite easily. Fran, on the other hand was almost in frenzy. It's been quite a while since a man has satisfied her. And, she's never been with a man like this. 

Max slowly, tentatively glides his fingers from her collarbone slowly to her thighs. He was kissing her passionately. He let his tongue slip out of her mouth and kissed down her throat. Fran arched her head back and let out an involuntary moan as Max ran his fingers slowly up the inside of her thighs. When they reach their final destination he doesn't crudely probe or poke. His fingers gently, slowly stroke, applying no more pressure than a butterfly's wings. Maxwell Sheffield is quite well endowed and he is well aware that he has to make her very ready for him. The last thing he wanted to do is cause her any discomfort. 

Oh, my god! Fran thought happily. She had been a little shy at the first introduction to his fingers, but now she inched her knees further apart. She instinctively pressed herself into his hand. 

"That's it." He whispered. "My god, you're wet," he moans. "Silky wet," he murmured. His fingers suddenly entered her.  

"Oh!" She cried out softly. Fran was now near climax and reached down to press his hand down to her. "Oh, Mr. Sheffield!" She cried as the waves of sheer bliss shot through her. She was now grinding herself into his hand desperately. 

Max was enormously please at her orgasm and by the fact that there is no doubt that she is more than ready for him. Her reaction has caused his arousal to be almost painful. I have to have!  

Fran looked up at him gratefully. "Mr. Sheffield, that's never happened to me before." She said a little shyly, hugging him tightly. Her little confession thrills him. He kissed her and guided her hand down to him. Fran gasped in surprise and excitement. "Oh, Mr. Sheffield. I want you so badly," she whispered getting very turned on again. Wow! Way better than I remember in that shower! "Make love to me," she whispered as she guides him into her. 

Max groaned as his manhood touched her for the first time. He tried to slowly guide himself in, but she was having none of that. She grabbed his bottom and pressed him down...deep. They cry out in unison. Max had now pretty much lost it. He thrust himself in more savagely. Fran was starting to bring out the beast in him, and he liked it. 

Meanwhile, Fran was writhing herself urgently into him. She is stunned as she felt a second round of those wonderful waves permeate her body. "Mr. Sheffield. It going to happen again," she whispered. She suddenly throws her head back on the pillow.  

At the sound of her obvious second orgasm, Max could hold out no longer. He exploded into her. "OH, GOD!" He cried. "Fran...Fran!" He collapsed on top of her and buried his face in her neck. He was trying to catch his breath. I've never been with a woman like this. I've never experienced anything close to this in my life. Her responsiveness and passion nearly drove me bloody mad! He thought excitedly. Max looked down at Fran. He was grateful that she was able to forgive him and that she still loved him. They smiled at each other knowing that this is just the more ways than one. 

Fran looked tenderly up at Maxwell. Her eyes were twinkling a little. "So, Mr. Sheffield. Does this mean you're not going to buy me that condo?" 


The End