Cleveland Rocks

"Oh, Val. I think I'm in trouble!" Fran Fine confides in her best friend. "You know that I'm never late! I'm like clockwork every month! Val, I'm three weeks late!" She cries a puzzled look in her eyes.  

"Oh, Fran...I didn't even know that you had been with anyone recently! Who was it?" Val asks scared for her friend, but definitely intrigued. 

"That's just the thing! I haven't been with anyone. Since I came to work for Mr. Sheffield two years ago, I've been completely celibate. Pathetic, huh?" She looks sheepishly at her life-long friend. She suddenly relaxes at the fact that it would be impossible for her to be pregnant. "Well, god knows that twenty-nine is too young to be going through the change, so I better get to a doctor for a check-up. I mean, how could I possibly be pregnant when I haven't slept with anyone since..." Suddenly a horrible thought creeps into her head. She shakes her head a little to clear her brain. She knows it couldn't be true, but a horrifying thought takes over her mind. "Oh VAL! Oh my god...that night! Oh, Val, that night just over a month ago when I was drunk and ended up in Mr. Sheffield's bed! He was zonked on cold medicine, and neither of us remembers anything that may have happened. Do you think...?" She cries clutching Val's arms looking worriedly into her eyes. 

"Oh, it couldn't couldn't forget something like that! Mister Sheffield is so gorgeous." Val sighs. "But, wait, you did say you're ears were itching the next day." Val remembers. She looks at Fran alarmed. Fran had told Val that the day after she had relations with a man, her ears always itched. 

"No, you're right. There isn't enough alcohol in the world to make me forget making love to Mr. Sheffield. He is gorgeous, isn't he? I try to never let my mind go there, though. He is way out of my class. Can you imagine a successful, powerful millionaire Broadway producer ever falling for a simple girl like me from Queens? It ain't gonna happen, this is real life not a movie," she says a little sadly. For all her bravado, she had a secret crush on Max ever since he showed up at her camp reunion a couple months ago and rescued her from a potentially embarrassing situation. When he took her in his arms to dance with her, it took her breath away. Everyone at the reunion stopped to watch the spectacular looking couple effortlessly glide across the floor. 

"Well, make an appointment with your doctor. I can drive you there whenever. I'm between jobs now," Val says. 

"Thanks, Val." Fran is little more relaxed. "It's probably nothing. I'll call Dr. Berger and set up something for tomorrow," she says as Val walks out the front door. 




"Good evening everyone!" Fran cheerily enters the Sheffield dining room in her black and white mini skirt and red blouse. 

"Hello Miss Fine." Niles and Max say brightly. Niles pulls out her chair and prepares a plate for her. "The children are all dining at friends homes, so it's just you and me tonight. My you look fetching in that outfit." Max exclaims, his heart skipping a beat at the sight of that skirt. For some time now, he has been having feelings that extended far beyond boss and nanny. If he had been fully aware of his true feelings, he would have denied them.  

Niles, on the other hand harbors no such illusions. He had been aware that Max was smitten with Miss Fine for over a year now. He was the one that had to put up with his boss's moodiness whenever Miss Fine had a date. He's so repressed. He's never going to get it through his head how he feels about her. Niles thinks shaking his head. Too bad, she's the best thing that has ever happened to this family. 

"Did you have a good day, Miss Fine?" Max asks her affectionately. He is finding it harder and harder to concentrate lately when she is around. What's wrong with me? Lately, whenever I see her, my heart melts. She's just so lovely...and those lips! He remembers the first time he felt those lips. He was skeptical of her kissing prowess after she won a kissing contest with Billy Ray Cyrus. Well, did she prove him wrong. A small jolt shot through his body at the thought of that kiss. Well, he thinks. Don't tread down that slippery slope. She's your nanny, nothing more. 

"Oh, not bad," she says thinking back to what she confided earlier with Val. "I made a doctor's appointment for tomorrow." She immediately regrets saying that. Oh! Now they're going to want to know what's wrong. THAT wouldn't be too embarrassing to explain! She is already plotting a lie. 

"What's wrong, Miss Fine?" Max asks a slight look of worry in his eyes. 

"Oh, nothing. Just a routine checkup." She smiles touched by his look. He really is gorgeous. Sometimes, when he looks at me I just want to hug and kiss him. Stop that, you idiot...don't go there. You know you could never have a future with someone like him. "Um, Mr. Sheffield. I would like to take week off, if you don't mind. My cousin Mindy in Cleveland has asked me to visit her. She lives in a huge mansion in Shaker Heights and is recently divorced. She has the whole place to herself and is lonely. I've always wanted to visit the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. They have a John Lennon exhibit there now that is supposed to be fabulous! 

Max is a huge Beatles fan and is intrigued by her plans. "Of course, Miss Fine. I've been to Cleveland several times. It's a lovely city! I've opened some of my plays there. It's a great test market before we open them on Broadway. The Playhouse Square Theatre Complex there is second largest in the world. All the theaters are nearly one hundred years old and were just days away from the wrecking ball. The city got together and restored them just before they were demolished. There are five theatres that are just breathtaking. The finest European artisans built them. You could never find workmanship like that in this day and age. You should really tour them while you're there! Also, if you get a chance, you must take in the Cleveland Orchestra! You know they are the number one orchestra in the world. And their art museum is second in the United States perhaps only to the Met here in New York," he says excited that she could really expand her horizons. 

"Yes, we'll do that. Thanks for the time off." Fran smiles at him gratefully and touches his hand. He's so sweet. Thank god I came knocking on this door two years ago! What would my life be without him? I mean this family? She shudders at the thought of what her life would be if she hadn't knocked on his door two years ago. 

That smile makes his heart pound faster and her touch causes goose bumps all over his body. "I...We will miss you. Max says hoping she didn't catch his little slip. You idiot! You are falling for her! Get a grip, old boy. No good can come of it! He tries to convince himself. He looks at her with a nervous smile. 

Fran looks at him a little surprised. Would he really miss me? Hmm...Well, I guess I'll miss him too. She looks in his eyes then shyly looks down at her plate. "I'll miss all of you too," she says sincerely. She's genuinely touched and her affectionate feelings for him have suddenly become stronger, despite her attempts to suppress them. Oh, why couldn't I have been born into his world? I'm not good enough for him. He's way out of my league. She thinks suddenly depressed. She looks at him and realizes that despite her valiant efforts, she is falling in love with him. He's so kind...and truly nice. I mean, with all he's got, you'd think he'd be snob. I've never known anyone less of a snob, though he is a bit repressed. Well, I guess that's just the British way. 

"So, Miss Fine, do you have a date this evening?" he says looking up hesitantly. He hated it when she had a date. He couldn't sleep until she got home. And the thought of her in another man's arms upset him terribly lately. 

"No, not tonight. Hey! Do you want to watch television with me? She says suddenly wanting to be with him tonight. Funny Girl is on! I'll make popcorn!" she says enticingly. I can't believe I asked him that. You moron, like he's got nothing better to do! She thinks slightly embarrassed. 

"I'd like that very much." He smiles, suddenly quite happy. She's so adorable when she watches Barbra's movies! It's as much fun to watch her expressions as it is the movie. He thinks suddenly looking forward to the evening. "You make the popcorn and I'll chill the champagne. A great combination," he says with a twinkle in his eyes to a very surprised and relieved Miss Fine. I can't believe how being with her always makes me feel so wonderful. Two years ago I never thought I would feel good again. She's just like nobody I've ever known. Well, there's no harm in being friends...she really is more than just a nanny. She's become part of the family. He happily realizes. 


Max and Fran are having a wonderful time watching the movie. The lights were dim and there was a cozy fire crackling in the fireplace. The kids decided to sleep over at their respective friend's homes and Niles had conveniently retired early. After a few glasses of wine they were playfully throwing popcorn at each other. After one particularly vicious attack by Miss Fine that had caught Max right on the nose with a piece of popcorn, he gently tackles her on the couch. He lies tenderly on top of her and their eyes lock for a second. Both their hearts were pounding madly, feeling their bodies pressed up against each other for the first time. Max can't resist any longer and kisses her tenderly on the lips. His arousal was immediate. He was almost ready to just give in to his passion. 

Oh my god! Fran thinks. That was incredible, but what's going on? As she felt his arousal against her body a million jolts of electricity shoots to her lower regions. Oy, this can't be good! But she couldn't bring herself to resist his kiss. Max lets his tongue explore her mouth. She is dizzy feeling it for the first time. She just gives herself to him. 

Max has pretty much forgotten who is now under him. He starts kissing down her neck and incredibly lets his hand discover her breast. Fran gasps as his fingers find her nipple and caress it unabashedly. The feeling of it hardening drives his crazy. He lets his tongue finish the job. 

Fran lets out a gently moan as his gently assault. Hearing it Max suddenly comes to his senses. He is slightly horrified that he has taken advantage of his beautiful employee. With all the will power he could muster, Max pulls himself off of her. He is breathing heavily. "Oh, do forgive me, Miss Fine!" he gasps. "I...I don't know what came over me. I'm terribly sorry!" Embarrassed, he sits up and runs his hands through his hair. 

She looks at him shyly and says. "Oh, that's alright, Mr. Sheffield...too much champagne, we just got a little carried away. Blame Barbra. Her movies always have that effect on me." She looks at him tenderly, knowing how embarrassed he was. She wants to put him at ease. Fran has discovered over the past couple years that he just isn't very good at moments. She was surprisingly trying to control her breathing, as was he. 

Max looks at her shyly. "Yes, it's the champagne. It always has an amorous effect on me." He's grateful that she wasn't shocked at his sudden familiarity. Of course the marvelous hard on he is experiencing denies his words. He is able to put a pillow on his lap without her noticing. Too late...she felt if pressed against her hip earlier. It was quite pleasant. 

"Well, Then, tomorrow, I'll order a case!" She smiles and winks at him playfully. "Oh, it's late and I have a doctor's appointment in the morning. I better get to bed. Good night Mr. Sheffield. I had a good time," she says getting off the couch and giving him a peck on the cheek. Fran files that incredible make-out session away in the back of her mind. She knows that if she dwells on it, she'll give it more meaning than he had meant it. Too much wine...that was all it was. She convinces herself as she climbs into bed and falls asleep. 


Max, on the other hand was under no such illusions. He is sitting on the couch staring into the fire. His body shudders slightly as his mind revisits the moment he kissed her. He remembers the pleasant feeling in his lower regions as they rubbed against her body. "Oh, god, what's happening to me? I-I think I am in love with her," he whispers desperately. "No, it can't's just that I haven't been with a woman in so long. Yes, that's it--I'm projecting my loneliness on Miss Fine. That's what Gracie would tell me anyway." He convinces himself. He heads for the stairs and bed. Unlike Miss Fine, though, he tosses and turns for hours before he finally falls to sleep. 


"Good morning, Mr. Sheffield, Niles!" Miss Fine says brightly as she breezes into the dining room in her tight jeans. "Oh, Niles. I'm famished! Fill me up!" She smiles at him, bringing her plate over to him. 

"You look like you slept well, Miss Fine," Niles says as he puts a Belgium Waffle on her plate noting that he can't say the same for his boss. 

"Never better!" She looks at Mr. Sheffield and gives him a wink. 

Max smiles a little uncomfortably back at her at first. But, after several minutes her innocuous manner puts him completely at ease. He's relieved that she didn't read more into their intimate moment last evening, he would really be embarrassed if she thought he had fallen for her. It's just a mild crush. He tells himself. But, my, she does look attractive in those tight slacks. He looks at her appreciatively.  

"Well, I'm off to my doctor's appointment. I should be back in a about an hour or so. Val's picking me up in a few minutes," she says as she gets up to answer the door. "That must be her now! Bye!" She grabs her purse and meets Val at the door. They get in Val's car and drive to Fran's doctor's office. 


"There's no doubt about. The test is positive. You're about five weeks along, Fran." Dr. Berger informs her. "I know you're not married, but, in this day and age nobody really stigmatizes single motherhood anymore," he says reassuringly. 

"Oh, Doctor! Are you sure there can't be a mistake!" Fran is near tears. "It's not that I don't want a baby, it's just that..." She can't bring herself to tell him her dire circumstances. Oh, god, now what am I going to do? This is Mr. Sheffield's baby...he'll never believe it, though. He'll think I'm some kind of tramp who is trying to pass another man's child off as his just because he's rich enough to take care of it! She thinks desperately. 

"I'm sorry, Fran. There's no mistake. You know, you have options if you really can't have it," he says sadly giving her some brochures. 

"NO! I could never do that!" she cries looking at the pamphlets. "I mean, I respect a woman's right to choose, but, it's not for me. I've always wanted a child, I just thought I'd be married first," she says sadly. I could never get rid of Mr. Sheffield's baby. She suddenly realizes that she is in love with him, there was no denying it anymore. 

"Thanks, Doctor Berger. I'll be alright." Fran walks dejectedly into the reception area. The look in her eyes terrifies Val. 

"Oh, Fran. What's wrong? Are you..."? Val stops in her tracks as Fran slowly nods, tears welling up in her eyes. 

"Oh, Vallie, take me home," she sobs as Val puts her arm around her and leads her to the car.  


Fran and Val quietly open the front door and sneak up the stairs. Fran doesn't want to see anyone. She has to have time to think. "Val, I can't stay here! I am so humiliated. What an example for those kids I am. Getting pregnant, and by their father! They can never know, nor can Mr. Sheffield. You have to promise me," she cries pulling out her suitcases out of her closet. "Mr. Sheffield gave me time off to visit Mindy in Cleveland, so I just won't come back, I'll live in Ohio. It will be easier that way. Mindy is all alone and she'll be thrilled that I want to stay with her." 

"Oh, shouldn't feel so guilty, after all you don't even remember doing it. You have to tell Mr. Sheffield, you can't just leave here without giving him a chance. It's his baby too!" Val cries. 

"Val, he'd never in a million years believe it! The thought of telling him paralyzes me. How can I prove it's his. No, he'll just lose all respect for me and think that I'm trying to pass another guys baby off as his. "Oh, how do I get myself into these things?" she sobs as she folds a sweater and packs it in the suitcase. "My plane leaves tomorrow. I'll have to call ma, but I don't want to deal with that now. I'll do it when I get to Cleveland. Thank god I saved up most of my paychecks, I'll have to get a job though. Well, Shaker Heights is a humongously wealthy suburb. I'm sure there will be no shortage of nanny jobs there...after the baby comes." 

"Ok, Fran. If that's what you want, but, I think you're making a huge mistake! I'll pick you up tomorrow and take you to the airport," Val says sadly as she heads down the stairs. 


"Niles, where's Miss Fine? She never misses a meal," Max says as he enters his dining room.  

"She's not coming down sir, I think she may be ill." Niles tells him. "She hasn't left her room since she returned from the doctor's office. She won't tell me a thing! I'm quite worried about her. It's not like her to stay in her room all day." 

"Really?" Max says concerned. "I better go up and see what's wrong."  

He approaches Miss Fine's door and softly knocks. "Miss Fine, may I come in?" He peaks in and sees her weeping softly in her pillow. Oh, my god, what's wrong? Did she get some bad news from the doctor? He thinks, his blood running cold at the sight of her despair. He sits on the bed and gathers her in his arms. "Miss Fine, you're terrifying me, please tell me what's wrong!" His heart is pounding madly. 

"Oh, Mr. Sheffield, I just can't tell you!" She buries her head in his chest. "I'm just too humiliated. Mr. Sheffield, I have to leave here. I-I won't be coming back." She looks up at him through red-rimmed eyes. 

"WHAT? What do you mean?" He sees his reaction is startling her and calms down. "Miss Fine," he says softly looking deep in her eyes. He is horrified at what he sees, the utter despair and lack of hope. "Why do you want to leave Please tell me." He holds her reassuringly. "You can tell me anything, don't be afraid. Are you ill? What did the doctor say?" he says holding her more tightly. 

Oh, I might as well tell him since I'm never going to see him again. He won't leave me alone until I do, anyway. "Oh, Mr. Sheffield, well, you're going to find out sooner or later. I have to leave here because...because I'm pregnant!" she says softly looking up into his eyes. Her heart breaks as she witnesses the look of horror, and, what's that...betrayal in his eyes?  

"Pregnant!? Oh, god!" He felt as if he had just been kicked in the stomach. He releases her and stands up looking down at her angrily. "How could you? How could you do that to me?!" he cries, but suddenly stops when he realizes what he is saying. She has no idea of my feelings for her, but, damn COULD she do that to me? 

She looks at him stunned at his reaction. She had expected him to be uncomfortable or embarrassed, but not angry. What does he mean? He's acting like I cheated on him. She turns over and sobs into her pillow. Ohh... I have to get out of here. Why is he so angry...he doesn't even know it's his, yet. This is exactly why I can't tell him. Even if he believed me, he would be furious. After all, it was me who climbed into his bed that night! 

Max's mind is reeling. She's pregnant...I've lost her before I could ever have the chance to start something! He draws up and braces himself. "So," he says coldly. "Who's the proud father?" I didn't even think she had been out on a date in several months. I wonder when it could have happened? He thinks dejectedly. She's been home with me almost every night the last few months. 

Fran sits up and wipes her eyes. She looks down, she can't face him...she is thoroughly humiliated. She knew he'd be disgusted but was surprised at this reaction. He was almost acting like she cheated on him. "It's nobody you know. He's not going to be involved with the baby, anyway. He doesn't want anything to do with me." Fran looks up at him sadly. "Mr. Sheffield. I'm moving in with my cousin in Cleveland tomorrow. I know I can't stay here anymore, and I don't want to move back to Flushing. I know what a horrible example I am to your children. I am going to start a whole new life there. Please don't tell the kids, I don't want them to think badly of me. I'll contact them individually when I get settled in." She slowly gets up to complete packing. She avoids eye contact with him. 

Max is at a loss. He is in a state of shock. He has no idea what he should do. He certainly can't have her stay here, but in his heart he doesn't want her to go. She looks so vulnerable, so miserable. He is almost ready to take her in his arms again. Suddenly it hits him that she is carrying another man's child and that enrages him again. "Yes, I think it's for the best, Miss Fine. Please let me know if you need anything," he says frigidly as he turns and walks to his room. 

Fran is terribly hurt by his cold manner. After witnessing his reaction she is thoroughly defeated. I can't stay in this house another minute. I'm catching the next flight out tonight. I'll send for the rest of my stuff when I get settled in at Mindy's. She takes two suitcases and walks quietly down the stairs. She slips out the front door and hails a taxi. "Newark Airport, please. Continental Airlines terminal." I still don't understand his reaction. Does he have feelings for me that he is hiding? His reaction seemed to be more jealousy than anger at my stupidity of getting pregnant. Oh, if only he loved me, this would be so easy. She thinks sadly. What a waste. He's turned into such a wonderful father. I would love to have him in our lives. Oh, well, it just wasn't meant to be. The taxi heads to the airport...and to a new beginning 




Max is sitting in his bedroom staring into the crackling fire in his fireplace. He takes a sip of scotch and tries to sort out his feelings. Why didn't I let her know my feelings towards her? This would never have happened. I've loved her for so long now, but am so damned afraid of my feelings I ruined everything. A small tear trickles down his cheek, which stuns him. He hasn't shed a tear since his wife's death seven years ago. He wipes his cheek and looks at the moisture on his fingers. "Oh, Fran!" he cries, letting the tears go. He puts his drink down and climbs into bed. He quickly falls into a deep sleep brought on by intense depression. 

In his dream, he is married to Miss Fine. She has just delivered their beautiful son and he is proudly standing next to her hospital bed holding the baby. They are deliriously happy. "I love you Fran. Thank you for my new son." He says reaching down to kiss her tenderly. "I love you, too Maxwell...Good bye" she says as she and the baby slowly fade away." 

"NO!" He yells as he wakes up with a start. He is covered in perspiration and slightly shivering. Oh, it was a dream. No, she is pregnant, that's no dream. He realizes as he pulls the covers up and tries to go back to sleep. 




"Good morning Niles, where's Miss Fine?" Max says walking into the kitchen.  

"Miss Fine's gone sir." Niles tells him. "What happened, why did she leave so abruptly? Was it something that happened at the doctor's office? You were asleep last night before you could inform me about your talk with her." Niles looks at him perplexed and very worried. 

She's gone? Already? Well, I suppose it's for the best, but why do I feel so blasted lousy? "I'm sorry Niles. I am not at liberty to tell you. Suffice it to say she's quit. I'm sure she'll contact you soon." Max walks out of the kitchen, leaving a bewildered and broken-hearted Niles. What happened to my best friend? Niles wonders. I'll have to call Val.  

Max walks into his office. He sits heavily down at this desk. Why do I feel so bloody lousy? We didn't have a real relationship. How the hell in this day and age could she get pregnant? Who the devil is the father? He racks his brains but cannot remember for the life of him her dating anyone recently. Well, it just wasn't meant to be. He sadly pulls out some contracts and starts to work. Concentrating is difficult because of that nagging fear at the back of his mind. 




It's been three days since Miss Fine left. Niles is depressed, the kids are morose and withdrawn, C.C. is ecstatic, and Max is beside himself. This house is just bloody dreadful without her. Max realizes. On a whim, he walks up the stairs and opens the door to Miss Fine's bedroom. He is surprised to see Niles sitting forlornly on her bed. Niles looks up at him sadly. "I just can't understand why she would leave us," Niles says, looking up at him his eyes watering slightly. 

Max's heart goes out to him. Max has been feeling the exact same way. "Oh, Niles. I don't know what to do. I have to confide in someone, but this is top secret. If you tell anyone else, I swear I'll fire you. I mean it." Max looks him straight in the eye and Niles can see that this time he did. 

"Of course, sir. You can trust me," he says solemnly.  

Max proceeds to tell a shocked Niles the whole story. ", I said 'I think it's for the best that she leave and that if she needs anything to let me know.' Then I walked out of her room, leaving her to finish packing. Oh, god, Niles...I was so cold to her! But, I was so bloody hurt! I had just admitted my feelings towards her to myself, and then she hits me with the news that she's five weeks pregnant!" Niles is stunned to see tears forming in his boss' eyes. He hasn't seen Mr. Sheffield cry since his wife died seven years ago. 

"Damn it, Niles! I want her back! I...I'm in love with her!" He stops as those words leave his lips. Max is stunned. "She's all alone and pregnant in Ohio. I just realized what a selfish beast I was. After all, she loves my children as if they were her own. I certainly could love hers in the same way, couldn't I?" he cries looking at his butler desperately.  

"Of course you would! There's no doubt about that. Go get her sir, bring her home where she belongs!" Niles cries thrilled that his boss finally realizes his true feelings for Miss Fine. 

Niles encouraging words are exactly what Max needs. His mind is all of a sudden clear. He knows he must get his nanny back. "I'm flying to Cleveland immediately, Niles. How could I have been so stupid?" He is relieved and happy for the first time in three days. He realizes that he is also somewhat excited at the thought of being a husband and a father again. 

A nagging thought is skulking at the back of Niles mind. He just knows that something was just not quite right. Suddenly, it hits him. Could it be...?! He thinks starting to get excited. "Sir, I was just thinking. I am absolutely certain that Miss Fine has not had a date in at least two months. She has been home every night except once or twice when she went clubbing with Miss Toriello. But, on those nights Val brought her home very early. And, I happen to know that despite what Miss Babcock thinks, Miss Fine is not easy. I doubt she would ever be a one-night-stand. Sir, could it be possible...?" Niles asks slightly embarrassed. 

A puzzled Max looks at him and says. "Could what be possible?" 

"Well, sir, are you absolutely certain that nothing happened between you and Miss Fine in your bed that night five weeks ago?" He looks Mr. Sheffield deep in the eyes, imploring him to remember. 

Max is now very confused. He shakes his head. "I don't know what you mean, old boy..." Max starts. Suddenly it hits him like a ton of bricks. "Oh, my god. Niles! I get what you mean!" He racks his brain trying to remember if anything could have possibly happened that night. "I do recall singing Georgy Girl the next day. Oh, god...that might be my baby! Niles, get Miss Torriello on the phone immediately!" He cries jumping off the bed.  

Max's eyes rest on Miss Fine's dresser where he spots those brochures that Dr. Berger had given Fran. He picks them up and his heart sinks. "OH, MY GOD! Niles call Continental Airlines and book me on the next flight out! Then call the Cleveland Ritz Carlton downtown and book a suite, make sure they have the limo pick me up at the airport," he barks. "I'm going to call Val and find out what the bloody hell is going on!" 

"Right away, sir!" A worried Niles says as he dashes downstairs to make the travel arrangements. 



A half hour later, Niles opens the front door. Val rushes into the mansion. "Oh, Niles, Mr. Sheffield told me to get right over!" She is terrified. Although Max has always been more than kind towards her; she has always been quite intimidated by him. She was completely in awe of him, and was always slightly nervous when she was around him. Oh, I feel like I'm being called to the principal's office.  

"Mr. Sheffield is in his office, waiting for you," Niles says closing the door. He leads her to Mr. Sheffield's office. 

Val knocks hesitantly on the office door. "Come in, Miss Toriello," Max says solemnly. He has three hours until his flight so is in no real hurry. 

Val's heart is now pounding madly. She's well aware of why she is here. She knows that Mr. Sheffield is going to try and get her to break her promise to Fran. She enters the office hesitantly. 

"Come in," Max says again.  

"Hello, Mr. wanted to see me?" Max stands up and walks over to her, his hands clasped behind his back. He's wearing his wire rim glasses and looks every bit the high school principal...albeit an extremely handsome one. 

"Please sit down, Miss Toriello," he says motioning to the loveseat. Max stands over her and looks down sternly. He notices that she is trembling slightly and softens his demeanor. "Miss Toriello, I need the truth from you. It is extremely important that you be honest with me." He sits down next to her and looks imploring into her eyes. "Miss Toriello, who is the father of Miss Fine's baby?" He asks her directly. 

"Oh, Mr. Sheffield! I can't tell you, much as I want to. I have been sworn to secrecy!" she cries. "I can't break my word to Fran...she's like a sister to me!" She looks at him, desperately wanting to tell him the truth. Val says silently imploring him not to make her renege on her promise to Fran. "Besides, you'd never believe it," she says softly, looking down at her hands. 

Max is quite impressed and touched at her loyalty. He knew she didn't have much of an education, but he respects character, and she certainly has an abundance of that. "Miss Toriello, just so you know, I am flying to Cleveland in three hours to bring Miss Fine home. I was a bloody cad, practically kicking her out of the house. If she'll have me, I am going to marry her and love that child she is carrying as if it were my own." He looks at her tenderly. "I think it's only fair that I know who the father is." He gives her his most charming smile and she almost gives in. "Miss Toriello...Val, I am going to ask you one more question. If the answer isn't 'yes' then I will not ask another, because it simply won't matter anymore. He takes her hands and looks deep in her eyes. He inhales and says firmly. "Val, is Fran carrying my baby?" 

Val gasps as her eyes open wide. " did you know?"  

Max's heart explodes with joy at her reaction. There was no doubt it was the truth. He hugs her as tears of joy suddenly run down his cheeks. "Oh, Val! It's true? That poor sweet thing, why didn't she tell me?" He asks shaking slightly. 

"Oh, Mr. Sheffield, she didn't think you'd ever believe her. It is kind of an unbelievable story, if you think about it! Mr. Sheffield, it has to be yours, Fran hasn't slept with anyone since she came to work for you. I guess something did happen that night a month ago, huh?" She says looking up at him innocently 

"Apparently," Max says smiling at her naiveté. "Val, I'm so happy! Thank you...I owe you!" Suddenly he has a thought. "Have you ever been to Cleveland? I'm going to get her this evening, do you want to come along?" he asks happily. 

Val's mouth drops open. "Oh, Mr. Sheffield, I'd love to! But, I don't have any clothes or things. It would take too long to go back to Flushing and get back on time." She is devastated. The thought of her and Mr. Sheffield going on a trip together stunned and excited her. 

Max takes out his wallet and retrieves his platinum card. He hands it to her. "Be back in an hour...have fun." Val just sits there in stunned silence. "Niles," he says softly to his office door. "Please book another first class seat for Miss Toriello on my flight and get an adjoining room to the suite." 

"Immediately, sir." Niles says from behind the door, a satisfied smile on his face. He goes to the kitchen to make the new arrangements. 




An hour into the flight the stewardess announces into the intercom. "Ladies and gentlemen we are approaching our final descent into Cleveland Hopkins International Airport. Please make sure your seat belts are fastened and your seats are in the upright position."  

Max turns to Val. "Oh, Miss Toriello. I must admit that I am more than a little nervous. After the way I treated Miss Fine, do you think she will forgive me?" he asks worriedly. 

Val looks at him and makes a decision. I have to tell him the truth. "Mr. Sheffield, you have to promise not to tell Fran that I told you what I am about to tell you." He nods solemnly, as she looks him in the eyes seriously. "Mr. Sheffield, Fran is in love with you...she has been for several months now. I think it started when you rescued her at our camp reunion. That, by the way, was the most incredible thing I have ever witnessed." She says smiling shyly at him. She remembers how he had come up behind Fran at exactly the right moment and pretended to be her lover. He was so handsome that night that he took Val's breath away. 

Max blushes a little, but remembers the feeling of Fran in his arms that night. He had fallen for her months before that evening, though he wouldn't admit it to himself at the time. Looking back, if he had to pin it down, he knew he was in love with her when she had almost left his family to marry her ex fiancé Danny a year ago. He had been devastated. Suddenly he recalls the brochures he found in Fran's room and starts to panic. He pulls them out of his jacket pocket. "Val, I found these on her dresser! You don't think that she'd..." he cries showing her the pamphlets.  

"Oh, Mr. Sheffield, I don't think so. As far as I know she was planning to live here with her baby," Val says a little concerned at the sight of the pamphlets. He gives a small sigh of relief. 


Mr. Sheffield and Val walk to the baggage claim. The limo driver was already there holding up the 'Sheffield' sign. He leads them to their limo and drives to the fabulous Ritz Carlton Tower City Center downtown. It was past ten o'clock by the time they checked in, far too late to do anything. They decide to wait until morning. 


Max and Val enter his suite. Val gasps at the beautiful room and the marvelous view of the skyline and Lake Erie. "Why don't you get comfortable in your new pajamas and robe. I'm going to change into mine. Would you like a cocktail, or would you prefer to sleep?" Max says. "I'm a little wired and could use a few drinks!" He smiles at her charmingly. 

Val smiles at him. She is suddenly so relaxed in his presence. She feels a bond has formed between them...their love for Fran. Like I could ever refuse him anything. Oy! Is Fran lucky! "I'd love a vodka and tonic, Mr. Sheffield. I'll be right back," she says starting to go from the suites living room to her adjoining room.  

By the time Val returns to the living room, Max had a pleasant fire crackling in the fireplace. He hands her the cocktail. They sit on the couch sipping their drinks "So Val, Miss Fine told me that you are unemployed at the moment. She also said that you are an excellent seamstress. How would you like to work for me? I am in need of a head seamstress at the theatre. You would really be helping me out." He takes a sip of his scotch. 

"Oh, Mr. Sheffield! Are you serious?" Val can feel her heart skip a beat.  

"Val...Please call me Max. Yes, I am very serious. I like to have people of character on my staff. You would be a welcome addition," he says affectionately. He's truly grateful to her. Fran's very lucky to have such a loyal friend. He thinks fondly. 

Val blushes and looks at him, smiling slightly shyly. "Of course, I would be honored to work for you...Max." 



The next morning, Max gives the limo driver Mindy's address in Shaker Heights. They head east for the fifteen-minute drive to this fabulous old suburb. Val, and even Max were stunned at the size, beauty and number of the old mansions on the huge wooded lots. The limo pulls into Mindy's Tudor mansion's driveway. They get out and walk to the enormous front double door. Max's heart starts to beat a little faster. Val squeezes hand reassuringly. He rings the bell. After a few seconds Mindy answers. 

" are you? What are you doing here?" She looks at Max curiously. "Hi, Mindy, this is Maxwell Sheffield," she says quickly. "We came to see Fran." 

"Oh, nice to meet you Maxwell." They shake hands. "I was just leaving to see her. We had to rush her to the Cleveland Clinic last night! She was having horrible pains in her lower abdomen. I stayed with her most of the night and just came back to get some things for her." 

Max's face turns white and his heart starts pounding madly. "How is she? How's the baby?" Without waiting for her to answer he cries, "Quick get in my limo. I have to see her!" 

On the ride to the hospital Mindy explains. "So far, we don't know anything." Don't worry Mr. Sheffield, as I'm sure you know, The Cleveland Clinic is one of the premier hospitals in the world. She is in the very best of hands." 


The limo pulls up to the entrance of the hospital. They rush to the elevator and ride up to the eighth floor. Fran's physician, Dr. Vaughn is just closing the door to Fran's room. "How is she, doctor?" Mindy asks. 

Dr. Vaughn looks at her sadly. The look terrifies Max and Val. "Doctor, I'm her...fiancé, Maxwell Sheffield," Max says as Mindy gives him a surprised look. "Please tell me everything." 

"Mr. Sheffield...I'm very sorry, but she lost the baby. She was only about five weeks along. When a woman miscarries this early in her pregnancy it is really for the best. The good news is that she is in excellent health and there's no reason you can't start trying again immediately, "he says putting a sympathetic hand on Max's shoulder. 

Max's face falls and his heart skips a beat. "I must see her immediately," he says as the doctor opens the door for him. Mindy and Val stay in the hallway. 

Fran is lying in bed, her head turned towards the window. Soft tears are trickling down her cheek. Max stands for a second and looks at her sympathetically. She turns slowly and sees him standing here. "Mr. Sheffield!" She gasps stunned to see him here. Oh, god...what is he doing here? I don't have the strength to face him now. She thinks sorrowfully.  

Max walks slowly over to the bed. The pain is evident on his handsome face. He looks down at her and she is shocked to see tears in his eyes. He sits on the bed and takes her in his arms, hugging her tenderly. Tears stream down Max's face as his heart breaks at her grief. "Oh, Fran...I am so sorry. Can you ever forgive me for not being there for you?" 

"Oh, Mr. Sheffield...I've lost my baby," Fran sobs burying her head in his chest. She is so grateful that he doesn't hate her anymore. Just being held by him makes her feel better.  

"Shh,'s alright, Miss Fine. The important thing is that you are healthy and the doctor said we can try again immediately," he whispers hugging her tightly. 

"Oh, Mr. Sheffield...heh?" She looks up at him in amazement. "Um, what did you just say?" The tears have stopped, but her heart is pounding madly. She is shocked by the _expression on his face. I've never seen that _expression on his face. It almost looks She is utterly confused now. 

He smiles at her through his tears and takes her back in his arms. "I said we can try again immediately. Oh, Fran. I'm so sorry that I was such a bloody beast when you told me. I realized that no matter who the father of your baby is, I would love it as my own, just as you love my children! I came here to ask you to marry me...I realized how much I loved you when you left. Please say you will. I don't want to live the rest of my life without you," he murmurs his face inches from her. He tenderly kisses her. 

Fran is stunned. Is this really happening? He wants to marry me? I don't believe it. I have to tell him the truth. Um, Mr. Sheffield, I have to confess something. You're not going to believe it, but I swear it's true she begins nervously. 

Max looks at her and sadly smiles. "I already know, Fran. After I decided to fly here to get you, Niles figured it out. It doesn't matter...I wanted to marry you anyway. Please say you will become my wife. Make me the happiest man on Earth!" he begs giving her is most charming smile. 

Fran smiles and her heart skips a beat. New tears form, but they are now tears of happiness. "Oh, Mr. Sheffield. I love you too, of course I'll marry you," she cries hugging him tightly just as Val and Mindy enter the room.  

"Val! What are you doing here?" Fran exclaims shocked to see her friend. "Did you come with Mr. Sheffield?" She looks at Max incredulously. Since when did they become so chummy? Fran thinks not unhappily. She knew that Val has always been intimidated by him. 

Max gets up and gives Val a hug. "Val, she's accepted my proposal! You're going to be a maid of honor!" 

"OH, Max! I'm so happy for both of you!" Val cries hugging him back 

Fran sits up and stares in wide-eyed, open-mouth amazement at them. Oh, no! This is a dream. Of's a world gone mad! She thinks getting a little frightened that it just might be a dream. "Um, Mr. I dreaming?" She says looking at him innocently. 

The look makes his heart melt and he hurries back over to her and gives her a tender hug. "It's no dream, darling. Let's get you checked out of here. I can't wait to bring you home, or, would you prefer to buy your ring here in Cleveland? They have some marvelous jewelry stores here." He hugs her tightly to him. "You know what they say...Cleveland Rocks!"  



The End