The Bachelor Party

Just about everyone knew that a bachelor party probably wasn't a very good idea. 


Mary Ann




Nigel Sheffield has thrown a huge bachelor party for his brother Maxwell. It is three weeks before the wedding of the century. Maxwell Sheffield and Fran Fine are going to be married in one of the most lavish weddings New York will ever see.  

The alcohol was flowing freely throughout the evening. Unfortunately, the copious amounts of liquor at the party loosen Nigel's lips a little. He had earlier that day promised Fran, his future sister-in-law that he wouldn't reveal their near liaison a year and a half ago. Nigel had asked Fran to marry him.  


Fran had been at the lowest point in her life the day Nigel had sprung a surprise visit on his brother a year and a half ago. Max had just taken back his profession of love. Before he admitted he loved her on that plane from Paris, she hadn't really thought of Mr. Sheffield as a serious suitor. After all, she knew full well she wasn't of his class. But after that fateful trip, she could think of nothing else but a future with him. Him telling her that he loved her had released the feelings for him that she had unconsciously suppressed over the years.  


Nigel had walked through the Sheffield door at exactly the right time. He had miraculously lifted her out of her depression with his incorrigible antics. Nigel had been captivated by Fran and had asked her to marry him and sail with him to London on their second date. She had been depressed over her relationship with Maxwell and was just ready to give up on him anyway. After agonizing over it, she decided that was going to meet Nigel to sail on the Queen Elizabeth II for London. She had missed the ship, but had later realized that she wouldn't have gone through with it anyway. She was and always would be desperately in love with his brother Maxwell.


"To my future wife." Max says lifting his brandy snifter in a toast.


"You know, bro, she could have just as easily been your sister-in-law if she'd accepted my proposal the last time I was here." Niles slurs slightly taking a swig of his brandy. He is quite tight after tossing back several snifters of brandy. 

"Absolutely! What?" Max cries setting his glass down. He looks wide-eyed at his brother. 

"Well you're a lucky man Max. If she'd met me on the ship like we planned, she'd be my wife today." Uh oh! Niles suddenly remembers through a haze of alcohol. I think that was supposed to be a secret. Seeing the horrified look on Max's face, he is now positive that it is a secret.


"You proposed to Fran?" He cries. "What...when...?" This can't be happening! Max thinks flabbergasted. "How could you? How could she?" He stares at Nigel for a second before he stands and runs out the door for home and an explanation.


Max opens the door to his mansion. "MISS FINE!" He bellows as he pulls his overcoat off and throws it angrily into the closet.  

Uh oh! What did I do now? Why is he using my last name? She thinks trotting from the kitchen into the living room. She stops dead in her tracks as she sees the fury in his eyes. Um, Max...what's wrong?" She says slowly approaching him. Suddenly she realizes what it has to be. Oh, no! Nigel got drunk and probably spilled the beans! She thinks starting to panic. 

Max grabs her wrist and angrily leads her over to the couch. They sit down and he looks furiously into her eyes. "Why the hell didn't you tell me about you and my brother?" He says trying to control his breathing. He is so irate that his heart is pounding madly. "I want the whole truth, now!" He demands. 

Oh my god, oh god! She thinks. Why didn't I tell him sooner? This cannot be good! "Well." She begins slowly. "You and I had no relationship. I really loved you, but you wanted nothing to do with me." Fran remembers how depressed she had been at the time. "I was almost just ready to give up on you altogether and then Nigel came knocking on the door. You asked me to show him around New York and we had a marvelous time. He made me happy again. He obviously felt the same because he asked me to marry him and sail on the Queen Elizabeth II that night." She says sadly remembering that evening. 

"But, you didn't go! So you obviously refused his proposal." Max says starting to feel relieved. 

Fran looks down at her hands. She blinks rapidly. I have to tell him the truth. I can't lie about this anymore. She looks him in the eye and says. "I missed the ship." 

Max eyes open wide. "You were going to go! You would have married my brother? Just like that?" He cries stunned. 

"I don't understand why you're so mad. You and I had no relationship after The Thing." She says helplessly.

"I would tread very lightly if I were you, Miss Fine." Max says glowering at her. He had told her previously that he didn't want to ever hear of the thing again after they had gotten engaged. Fran had held it over his head for over a year. He had been sick to death of it. "I just can't believe that you and Nigel were... while you and I were... you know!" He says putting his head in his hands. Oh god, I can't believe this. I don't know her at all! He thinks suddenly terrified about marrying her.  

Fran is outraged. He has touched a nerve. "No I don't know, because technically you and I were nothing! You were so scared; you couldn't even make up your mind about what we weren't!" She says trying not to sound as angry as she is now feeling. What impudence! He put me through hell after Paris and now he's angry that I just didn't sit around and wait for him? She thinks angrily.

"I just can't believe you could do something like this and then not have the character to tell me about it!" He says shaking his head. I don't know her at all! He is working himself into frenzy. 

Fran sees how horrified he is and her mind capitulates. She forces herself to see his side of this terrible situation. "Oh Maxwell. I know that I was wrong, I should have told you. I promise you I will never, ever keep anything from you again." She says softly leaning over to hug him. He pulls back. She gasps at his reaction. It hurts her mortally. His rejection causes her heart to pound in terror.


Max looks her sadly in the eyes. ""I have to be honest with you, Fran. I feel very betrayed. You were going to run off with my own brother?" He whispers dejectedly.  

"Well exactly. I thought you didn't want me anymore, and I found him very attractive." She says. "What did you expect? I mean, you took back telling me that you loved me and then you're surprised that I didn't wait around for you? That's not fair. You can't have it both ways." She says desperately pleading her case. 

"Oh, you knew how I felt about you! How could you have done it?" He says stubbornly. 

Fran is a little angry at his unreasonable manner. "How did I know how you felt about me? Do you think I can read minds? I mean, I sleep just down the hall from you every night. Did you ever make an attempt to come to me? How was I supposed to know? To tell the truth, there was a brief period there that I was thinking you might be gay." She says in her defense. 

Max winces at that a little. He knows deep down that she wasn't totally at fault in all of this, but he just can't get over the picture of Nigel and her together. An image crowds his brain out of the blue. Oh my god! He thinks panicking. Did they...? He looks Fran in the eyes. "Did you?" He asks as fear starts to grip him.  

"Did I what?" She asks a little confused.  

He is getting angry that she is dodging his obvious question. His heart starts pounding again. "You know exactly what I mean." Rage starts rise in him at the hideous thought of her and his brother together. "DID you?" He hisses grabbing her wrists.  

She gets what he means and looks down. She's appalled that he would have the audacity to even ask. "I'm not going to answer that question Maxwell. You have no right to ask it. I was under no obligation to you back then. It was almost two years ago." She says looking defiantly up at him.  

Oh my god! That can only mean they did! Oh, this is too much! I can't handle this! He lets go of her and stands up running his hand through his hair.  

Suddenly a horrifying thought comes to Fran. "You know, I'm just beginning to think you're making such a big deal about all this because you're looking for excuses to take back your commitment to me." She stands up to face him. 

"Well I'm sorry if you feel that way Fran, but I... I just can't forgive you yet." I don't know if I'll ever be able to forgive her. He thinks numbly. All he can now think of is Nigel and Fran in bed together. This thought more than any other is making him almost nauseous.  

Fran sees a look in his eyes, a look she's never seen before. It is beginning to terrify her. Suddenly, her pride kicks in. I'm not going to beg or grovel, I did nothing wrong! She thinks determinedly. "Well then, you know what? I'm going to make it really easy for you. Here, take back your ring." She takes the diamond off her finger and thrusts it into his hand.  

He won't accept it. She thinks. He'll give it right back to me. She stands expectantly in front of him. Her heart starts to beat faster as he is hesitating.  

Max looks at the ring. Slowly he nods his head and takes the ring. "Maybe you're right. I'm sorry, Fran. I can't marry you anymore. Here's the ring back. Please keep it. Since I'm breaking the engagement, it's only fair you keep it" He says sadly holding it out to her. 

Fran's mouth drops open and her heart is now pounding through her chest. All she can do is shake her head. She is in total shock as she turns away from him without taking the ring. This isn't happening! Oh my god! This can't be happening! She suddenly has to get away from him. She pushes him aside and runs through the living room up the stairs to her room slamming the door shut. 

Max stands alone in the living room. He is staring at the ring without seeing it. He is stunned that he is experiencing no feelings. All he can think about is that his how brother and fiancé had betrayed him. He knows that he can't really blame Nigel. He had no idea of Max's feelings for Miss Fine. But Fran! She knew I loved her. How could she? How could she sleep with my brother? I will never be able to forget or forgive that. Max thinks dejectedly. He walks numbly into his office and puts the ring in his safe. 

His mind has gone blank. He has no idea what to do next. So, Maxwell sits down at his desk, puts his head in his hands and weeps. 


Fran locks the door of her bedroom. Her heart is still pounding madly and she is having trouble breathing. She looks at her bare left hand, still not completely comprehending the enormity of the situation. Suddenly her trembling knees give out and she lands in a crumpled heap on the floor. 

"Oh, Max! Max!" She cries. Sobs rack her body as she now realizes what she must do. As quickly as they had come, the tears cease. Fran drags herself up and goes to her closet. She pulls out two suitcases and packs as many clothes and necessities that will fit in them. She unlocks her door and is walking out with her suitcases just as Niles is returning from the bachelor party. 

The sight of Miss Fine and her bags horrifies him. "Miss Fine! Where are you going?" He cries running over to her.  

"Oh, Niles!" Fran cries, fresh tears falling. She runs into his arms. "It's over. The wedding is off!" 

"WHAT?" He holds her at arms length. "What happened?" Niles cries. Oh no! It was in our grasp. He thinks desperately. This isn't happening. 

"Niles, Max found out about Nigel and me." She whispers. She's now trembling in his arms. 

Oh, no. I was afraid of this! I should have advised her to come clean before he found out. Niles thinks sadly. Nigel probably got drunk tonight and told him. Niles had seen the two Sheffield men sitting together drinking most of the evening. Niles had been a little uneasy about that. He knew Nigel was not very discreet by nature. He was justifiably nervous that he might just confess when he had a few drinks in him. 

"You can't go, Miss Fine! You know he'll settle down. He always does." He says desperately. 

"No, Niles. You didn't see the look in his eyes. It was like all the emotion he had for me was suddenly gone. They were completely blank. He offered me the ring to keep. There is no doubt he wants out of this engagement." She sobs. 

Oh, god! Niles thinks. This can't be happening! He holds her tightly, not wanting to let her go. 

"Niles, I have to get out of here now! I'll be at Val's. Ma is going to be furious with me. I can't stay there. I'll be back soon to pick up the rest of my stuff." She kisses him goodbye and runs out the door. Fran hails a taxi. "Flushing, please." She tells the driver. 


"Oh, Val!" Fran cries. Val is rocking her, trying to comfort her best friend. "I can't believe it's over! I love him so much. I didn't really think he would take the ring! I thought my offering it back to him would shock him to his senses!" She sobs. "I guess I was right, deep down he did want to get out of it. He couldn't love me and do this to me!" She buries her head in Val's neck. 

"Fran. Why didn't you tell him you didn't have sex with Nigel? He probably wouldn't have been so mad if he knew that." Val says perplexed. 

"Val, it's none of his business. I never asked him who he's been with before we committed to each other. I mean, he is a man. A gorgeous man. I'm sure he hasn't gone five years without having relations with a woman! He's surrounded by beautiful women at the theatre all the time. I harbor no illusions that he has been celibate all this time. And, while I shudder at the thought of him and another woman, I would never dream of asking." She says with conviction. 

"I don't believe you can have a successful relationship if the past is dredged up. I won't put myself into such a relationship." She says suddenly feeling stronger. Her tears have stopped. "If he can't accept me as I am, then he doesn't deserve me." Fran takes a deep breath. "Thanks, Val." She hugs her and goes to the guest room. Her newfound resolve helps her fall into a semi-peaceful sleep. 




Niles and Nigel have tried to talk sense into Max for a week. He has refused to discuss it at all. Max would walk out of the room if they even mentioned Fran's name. She has no place in my heart anymore. He thinks suddenly realizing that it has been a week since he's seen or heard from Fran. 


Max had been surprised to wake up the morning after Fran had given him the ring back with his head on his desk. What am I doing here? He had groggily thought. Memories of last night had flooded his brain. "Oh god! It's over!" Niles had heard him and rushed in with his hangover medicine. 

"Miss Fine is gone, sir. She left with her bags last night." Niles had informed him. 

Max was a little surprised. Well it's for the best. He thought. "A clean break." He says trying to convince himself.  

"Sir, if I may..." Niles had begun. 

"You may not." Max had said firmly, looking directly into his butler's eyes. 

Niles had prudently known that this was not the time to plead Miss Fine's case. He left Mr. Sheffield to his thoughts. 


Although Maxwell Sheffield isn't quite aware of it; he misses Fran very much. There is an empty feeling in him that he can't explain. He has been living the last seven days on autopilot. He can't let himself think of her because his mind always ends up on the vision of Fran in Nigel's arms. He no longer blames her for almost running off to marry Nigel. He realizes that he was being unfair. He had taken back the thing after all. But since declaring himself on that plane from Paris, he had been completely faithful to her. Whenever a woman had flirted with him, he would feel tremendous guilt if he flirted back. This had surprised him until he finally realized the reason.  

By the time Fran had gone on vacation with Val to California to visit her longtime rival Heather Biblow, Max knew he was hopelessly in love with her. It took him a full year after Paris, but in all that time he was aware enough of their quasi-relationship not to make love to another woman. 

Nigel snaps Max out of his reverie. "Max. We need to talk. This can't go on. You love Fran. She's the best thing that's ever happened to you." Nigel says putting his hand on his brother's shoulder. "Go get her. Bring her back here where she belongs." He says looking gently into Max's eyes. 

"No, Nigel." Max says miserably. "I just can't. I'll never think of her the same way again." The worst part is I know she never slept with any of those other blokes she dated. He suddenly realizes. Why did she have to make love to my brother? He thinks sadly. Oh, god...I miss her.  


Niles had been surprised when Max had confided to him that Nigel and Fran had slept together. That's when Niles had told him that she hadn't slept with anyone since she's been here. Niles had racked his brain but couldn't remember her telling him she slept with Nigel. She used to tell me everything. Niles had thought quite confused. 

He confided everything that has transpired over the last twenty-four hours to Miss Babcock out of sheer desperation. C.C. is aghast at Max's holier-than-thou attitude. Her mouth drops open at the juicy gossip he is sadly revealing. She is absolutely stunned that she isn't ecstatic at the news. C.C. has finally admitted to herself that it's not Maxwell that she loves. She isn't quite ready to admit, though who she really does love and need. Not quite yet. 

"Maxwell Sheffield is treating Nanny Fine with unjustifiable self-righteousness!" She exclaims angrily. "I know full well that he hasn't exactly been a saint these last five years!" A sense of fair play incredibly kicks C.C. in the ass. "How the hell dare he! Niles are you telling me that he is calling off the wedding because he is outraged that she may have had an indiscretion with Nigel?" She asks incredulously. "In your British vernacular, 'who the bloody hell does he think he is'?" She cries indignantly. "I know for a fact that Maxwell hasn't been producing a one-man-show these last several years."  

C.C. is absolutely stunned at how protective she feels towards Nanny Fine. She abhors that Maxwell has the unmitigated gall to hold a perceived affair by Fran over her head. CC. has unconsciously given up on a future with Max. She has realized that he isn't her soul mate but is loath to admit that the one she needs is standing right in front of her. She also realizes that she despises that Max is impudently hurting the woman that she has grudgingly admitted to herself is her only real female friend in life...Fran Fine.  




Niles is dusting the living room. He witnesses the front door slowly opening. "Miss Fine!" He cries elated. "You've come home!" He hurries over to her ready to take her in his arms. He stops short as she holds her outstretched arm to him. 

"Shhh, Niles! I just came back to pick up the rest of my stuff. I don't want Maxwell to hear me." She says walking into his arms. "Don't tell him I'm here." She says releasing him and sneaking up the front stairs. 

"Of course not." He says and resumes his dusting until she's out of sight. Niles races into Mr. Sheffield's office.  

"Yes, Niles?" Max says, as he and Nigel look surprised and curious at Niles excitement. 

"Miss Fine is here!" He blurts out. "She's upstairs packing the rest of her belongings." He cries excitedly. 

Max's heart skips a beat. It starts pounding madly. "Oh, so, that's good." He says nonchalantly. He calmly goes back to his work.  

Niles and Nigel stare at him with their mouths open. "Bro, aren't you even going to go see her? She's been with you for five years! Can you be that bloody cold?" Nigel says angrily. Max ignores them and continues working. 

Niles just shakes his head and walks out of the office. Nigel follows him disgusted. He heads up to the guest room to pack for London. As he passes Fran's room he peeks his head in. "Hello, luv. I want to tell you again how horribly sorry I am about all this." He opens his arms and she walks into his embrace. Nigel had apologized to Fran the night of the bachelor party. At the time he had been so inebriated that he hadn't really realized the destruction his indiscretion had caused. He now feels terrible at the pain his brother and Fran are experiencing because of him.  

"It's not your fault, Nigel. It would have come out sooner or later." The sight of Nigel causes her to release the tears she has been valiantly trying to hold in. He hugs her tighter. 

"It will work out, give it time." Nigel says gently. He gives her a final hug and leaves her to her packing. After several minutes Fran puts the last of her belongings in the suitcase. She takes a handkerchief and wipes the tears that just won't seem to stop flowing from her eyes. 

"Hello." He says. 

At the sound of his voice her heart skips a beat. Fran looks up to see him standing over her. His face is ashen, and the look of betrayal is still in his eyes. Fran tries to fight off fresh tears but can't help it. She starts sobbing again. 

The sight of her despair softens him. He has missed her terribly. Max suddenly lifts her up to face him. She looks longingly into his eyes. They are both breathing heavily. Suddenly Fran moves her body into his. She puts her arms around his neck. She reaches her lips up to his. "Max kiss me...please." She murmurs. 

With a low moan, Max presses his lips to hers. His hands press against her bottom and he desperately pulls her into him. His erection is immediate. He removes one hand and puts it to her throat. He strokes it with his fingers as his tongue tries to get between her lips. When it does, he thrusts it in deeply. Max squeezes her bottom and presses her more fiercely into his hardness.  

He groans as she arches herself into him. "Fran." He whispers. "Oh, Fran." Max kisses her more fervently. He can't get enough of her mouth. He gently pushes her on the bed and gets on top of her. He kisses her desperately as he presses his arousal into her. Oh god! He thinks feeling her respond by arching her body urgently into him again. Max's hands start to wander her body. He reaches under her skirt and slides her panties down her thighs. She gasps has he slowly runs his fingers down the inside of them. He unzips his trousers and is ready to just take her right now.  

Fran looks up at him trustfully. She's so relieved that he is loving her. The feelings of pleasure that are rushing through her are causing her heart to pound madly. Max looks down at her. As he gazes into her eyes his mind comes back to reality. Suddenly that image floods his brain for the millionth time this week. He softly shoves her away, putting several feet between them. He gets quickly out of bed and holds onto her bedpost for support. He is having trouble catching his breath. 

Fran is now completely humiliated and horrified at his rebuff. Tears stream down her face. She knows why he stopped. "Oh Max!" She sobs getting out of bed and running into the connecting bathroom. She is trembling at his final rejection. Fran closes the door and leans on the sink and weeps. She hears Max leave and runs out to get the rest of her belongings. She races down the stairs with them and out the door. 


Max's trembling legs carry him down the hall to his own bedroom. Oh, god! I'll never get over it! He sits in front of the fireplace on the sofa, head in hands. "I'm so bloody miserable." He whispers as tears start to flow. He raises his head as he hears the soft knock on the door. He quickly wipes his eyes. 

Nigel enters the room. "Um, Max. I just want to say goodbye. My flight leaves in a few hours." He says walking over to the sofa. He looks bloody awful. Why can't he just let it go? It's not like anything happened! "Here." Nigel hands Max the snifter of Brandy he has just poured. 

Max takes the glass gratefully and downs it in one gulp. "Nigel, I feel so blasted wretched. I love her and need her so much." He confides to his brother what had just happened in Fran's room "I wanted to take her right there! Then the picture of you and her in bed made me physically ill. I pushed her away like she was a bloody whore. I just couldn't stand to touch her." He runs his hand through his hair. 

Nigel looks at his brother wide-eyed. He can't believe his ears. " What the hell are you talking about? Fran and I never slept together. Hell, she was a nervous wreck whenever I even kissed her! Of course, I later realized it was because of her feelings for you." Nigel takes a sip of his brandy; unaware of the drastic effect his words have had on Maxwell. 

Max mouth drops open and he is acutely aware that his heart is about to burst through his chest. "Nigel! Are you telling me that you didn't have sex with Fran?" He cries holding his brother's arms desperately. 

Nigel is stunned." SEX! I, I mean, no, of course not!" He recovers realizing that he is talking about his brother's fiancé. "She was a lady. I of course asked her but she graciously refused. She captivated me. I had to ask her to marry me." He says ruefully. "Is that what this is all about? You thought we...? Damn! Why didn't you confide in me?" Nigel shakes his head. "All this pain over a stupid misunderstanding." 

Max almost explodes with relief. That wonderful woman. He thinks. He suddenly remembers her answer when he asked her. Why didn't she tell me? He thinks suddenly ashamed of himself. Because it wasn't my bloody business. He now knows her words rang true. "Oh, god, Nigel! I asked her and she told me it wasn't my business." He cries. His guilt is palpable.  

"And it wasn't." Nigel says softly.  

Max is now conflicted. He has to get her back he realizes. Will she ever forgive me for how he treated her? He thinks back to how he just pushed her away like she wasn't good enough for him anymore. He shudders with guilt and fear he may have lost her forever. 

"Nigel, please don't tell her of this conversation. She'll never forgive me if she thinks the reason I want her back is because she didn't sleep with you." He says glumly. "I have to convince her that it doesn't matter anymore. And, you know something? It doesn't." He says realizing what a cad he's been this past week. 

"Go get her Max. Bring her back and marry her." Nigel says standing up he gives his very surprised brother a hug. The Sheffield's rarely show physical affection to each other. "She's the one you need." He says softly leaving Max alone to his thoughts. 

Max knows now what a complete fool he has been all week. Suddenly he is panicked. He runs down the stairs and out the door to his Porsche. He races to Flushing in record time. Val is stunned to see him standing at her door. "Please let me talk to her, Miss Toriello!" He pleads. 

"I'm sorry Mr. Sheffield. Fran's gone!" Val cries.  

"What? Where the hell did she go?" He cries clutching Val's arms.  

"I don't know, Mr. Sheffield. I think she took a taxi to the airport. After you rejected her tonight, she said she couldn't stay in New York a minute longer." Val confides. The look in Max's eyes breaks her heart. She is well aware how much they love each other and wants to get them back together. And not just because she was so excited about being the maid of honor at their wedding. "Oh, Mr. Sheffield! I just thought of something! Fran was looking for her passport!"  

Maxwell's mouth drops open in horror. "WHAT?" He cries. "What the bloody hell does she need with her passport?" He let's go of Val and runs his hands through is hair trying to think where she would go. Oh, god! She's going to leave the country! How the hell will I ever find her? He thinks. "Val, which airport? There are three in this area!" He cries. 

Val tries to remember. "I don't know which airport, but I did hear her call Continental Airlines if that helps. "I think one of their hubs is Newark Airport." Val looks helplessly at him. 

"You're right Val!" A glimmer of hope rises in his heart. "I'll try there first. Thanks!" He says giving her a big hug and racing out the door.  


Maxwell races to Newark Airport. He parks his car in the short-term lot and runs into the terminal. He dashes to the Continental International counter. He scans the lines but there is no sign of her. His heart sinks. What if she's already at the gate? They won't let me there without a ticket. He thinks. 

"Max! What are you doing here? Come to see me off? I'm touched!" Nigel says spotting his brother. He is standing in the First Class line ticket in hand. 

"Nigel! Have you seen Fran?" He cries running over to him. "Val told me she took her passport and is going to leave the country!" Max is breathing heavily. His face is ashen. 

"Sorry Max. I've been standing in line here for fifteen minutes and haven't seen her. Are you sure she's leaving from Newark?" Nigel says sympathetically. 

"I'm not sure of anything anymore." Max says dejectedly. "Have a safe flight Nigel." He says shaking his hand and walking to the exit. He gets in his car and heads back to Manhattan. 


Fran is frantically rummaging through the drawers of her former bedroom. Where the hell is it? She thinks desperately. I have to find my passport and out of here before he comes home! Fran has been searching for almost an hour. The last time I had it was when I returned from London last year. Niles was in the hospital recovering from his heart attack. She sits down on the bed to calm down and think. Suddenly she remembers. She runs to the closet and takes out the overnight bag she had thrown in the corner those months ago. Fran opens it and is discouraged to fine it empty. She unzips the side pocket and breathes a sigh of relief. She pulls out her passport along with the ticket stub from her return flight from London. 

Fran gratefully clutches the passport to her breast. The sight of the airline ticket saddens her. It brings back memories of that painful encounter with Max. They were close to finally consummating their relationship in that hotel room in London. Suddenly he had rejected her. She would have left him forever after that if they hadn't gotten word that Niles was ill. She had been humiliated. The memory of his recent rejection floods her mind. The look of utter revulsion on his face earlier today causes her to shiver. Tears start streaming down her face.  

"Stop it!" She commands herself. "It's over. Time to start anew." Fran's trembling legs carry her to her bed again. She sits down, takes a deep breath, wipes her eyes and composes herself. She picks up the suitcases she had packed at Val's for her trip abroad and walks out of her former bedroom for the last time. 


Max parks the Porsche in front of his mansion. He unlocks the front door and walks in, throwing the keys on the foyer table. He is thoroughly defeated and disgusted with himself. He walks up the winding staircase numbly. I can't believe what a damned fool I was. He suddenly remembers how her had shoved her away when they were about to make love earlier. Oh god. She'll never forgive me. I acted like she wasn't good enough for me! He is horrified as the enormity of the situation hits him. Max walks slowly down the hall to his bedroom. 


Fran closes the door to her room. She picks up her suitcases and turns around. 


She gasps and drops her bags in dismay. Oh, no!  

He grabs her and holds her tightly. His heart is beating wildly knowing that he is being given a second chance. Before she can say anything he lifts her into his arms and carries her down the hall to his bedroom. She is struggling slightly to get out of his embrace, but he is too strong.  

What is he doing? Does he think I'll just melt in his arms after how he treated me? She thinks angrily. 

Max lays her on the bed and gets on top of her. "Fran, Fran...please forgive me! I'm so sorry my darling. I was a bloody cad to have treated you so shabbily!" Tears are now streaming down his face. He kisses her but she turns her head away.  

"No, no! Mr. Sheffield. Stop it. I don't love you anymore!" She cries struggling to get away. She starts sobbing. "How could you? How could have treated me like that?" She sobs.  

Oh no! She's back to calling me Mr. Sheffield! This cannot be good. He just holds tighter and kisses her more fiercely. "Please don't say you don't love me! Do you want to give me a bloody heart attack?" He cries. "I love you more than life itself. I'm so very, very sorry. Please Fran, please forgive me!"  

"What brought about this sudden change of heart Mister Sheffield?" She hisses refusing to call him Maxwell. She stops struggling and looks into his eyes. "Nigel told you we didn't sleep together, didn't he?" She pushes him off of her and sits up. 

"Darling, I won't lie to you, he did, but that just made me realize it didn't matter after all. I was a bloody cad. I had no right to ask you such a personal question. I was a complete fool." He takes her in his arms again but she pushes him away and gets off his bed. 

"I'm sorry. It's too late for apologies. You've rejected me one time too many." Fran turns from him and walks towards the door. Max leaps off the bed and straight-arms the door as she tries to open it. She struggles but he is too strong and she gives up. 

"Please Fran, please forgive me." He whispers kissing the back of her neck. He is becoming very aroused again now that she is not trying to leave. "I love you so much. Please let me make it up to you" He sensually presses himself into her. The feeling of his hard arousal against her bottom causes her to gasp. He is torturing her with soft kisses on her neck and ears. 

Well, I think he's suffered enough. She thinks happily. Oh does that feel good! She turns to face him. He immediately presses his lips to hers and lifts her up effortlessly. He carries her back over to his bed. "I thought we were going to wait until the honeymoon." She whispers surprised that her voice is husky with passion. 

"The hell with that." He says looking at her under heavily lidded eyes. He deposits her on the bed and rips off his shirt. Max's breathing is heavy and his heart is pounding. He gets in and lets out a low groan as he gets on top of her. He slowly unbuttons her blouse and takes it off. He undoes her bra and lets his lips find her breast while his hand strokes her bare thighs. Max slowly lets his hand travel up her thighs between her legs and gently pulls her panties off. 

"Oh Max." Fran gasps. She can't believe this is really happening. She has dreamed of this moment for years. Fran unzips her skirt and he pulls it off. She is now lying naked for him. Max looks into her eyes then slowly down her body. He swallows. His heart is now pounding madly. 

"Oh, Fran, you are so lovely." He murmurs kissing her. He quickly unzips his pants and kicks them off. It takes all his will power not to just thrust his throbbing arousal into her immediately. He kisses her and lets his tongue to wonderful things to her mouth. His hand travels down her body and gently forces her knees apart.  

"Relax, darling." He whispers as she unconsciously, shyly puts them together. After five years of complete celibacy with Mr. Sheffield, Fran is a little vulnerable being this intimate with him. She allows him to spread her knees apart again and just gives in to the inevitable. 

Max runs his finger slowly, lightly from her knees down her inner thigh. Fran starts breathing heavily as she feels him near her. When his finger reaches her heat, she lets out a soft, involuntary moan. "Fran." His heart is pounding madly as he feels her for the first time. "Do you like this, darling?" He whispers looking into her eyes. She nods shyly and kisses him. She holds him very tightly. Max pushes deeper and is delighted to feel her clenching his fingers. "You're silky wet." He groans. His fingers massage inside of her with a single purpose.  

Suddenly Fran clutches him tightly. "Stop. Stop...Max. No!" She cries weekly. 

"Come. I want you to." He whispers hoarsely massaging more fervently. 

Fran cries out his name as waves of ecstasy suddenly careen through her. She couldn't have stopped if she wanted to. 

Max looks down at her face watching her enjoy her orgasm in positive glee. He had known that he had to satisfy her first because he didn't know how long he was going to be able to hold out when they make love. It has been a long time for him. I owed her that. He thinks very satisfied that he has pleased her. 

Fran opens her eyes and looks up at him. "Max." was all she could say as her breathing becomes more normal. She looks adoringly into his eyes. "I want you, make love to me." She whispers 

"My pleasure." Max gets on top of her. They are at the moment they have waited five years for. Max swallows and lowers himself to her. She is so ready for him he slides rather easily into her. "Oh Fran." He moans as his hardness feels her muscles contracting wildly around him. He whispers her name and a few profanities as he feels the incredible pleasure of her receiving him. He presses himself deeply into her.  

"Max." She whispers hugging him to her. I never realized how big he is. Fran thinks happily. "You're so big." She gasps kissing him. Her breathing is starting to come in short spurts again. 

"It's all for you darling." He murmurs thrusting himself in deeper. They both moan at that. "Fran, I don't know how much longer I can hold's been so long, and you feel so good." He says desperately.  

"Oh Max!" She cries as the second round of pleasure waves envelope her. He can feel her inner muscles flexing and unflexing madly around his manhood. They are milking his essence right out of him. He is beyond grateful as he feels her obvious second climax. Max thrusts himself in one last time calling out her name. He explodes furiously into her. He lies down on top of her completely spent. He quickly rolls over and pulls her on top of him. His breathing is slowly coming under control. Fran buries her head in his chest and can feel his pounding heart. Finally he pulls her up to him so that they are face to face.  

"Do you know how much I love you?" He says kissing her. He smiles at her lovingly. Fran is looking happily into his eyes and doesn't notice as he reaches down to the floor for his trousers. He surreptitiously pulls it out of the pocket. 

"Well." She says. She looks sadly at her bare left hand and wiggles her fingers at him. 

Max pretends to be confused at her gesture. "Yes, I see you got a manicure. I really like your French tips." He says admiring her fingernails. Fran sees the twinkle in his eyes and lightly slaps his chest. 

"Ow!" He cries looking hurt. "I guess that means you don't want this." He says as he slides the ring back on her finger. He kisses her softly. "Please marry me." He pleads hugging her to him. 

"Well of course! You have to make an honest woman of me now." She says winking at him. 

"Um, Fran. Now that we're officially engaged, how about another go?" He whispers his voice starting to get husky with renewed passion and anticipation. He rolls her on her back, stunned that his forty-four year old body suddenly needs her again so soon. 

"Oh, Mr. Sheffield!" 


The End