
By: Michelle
Here is a short yet well written shuis
fanfic that will leave you glowed to the
screen! Read Michelle's first fanfic
and then e-mail her with feedback
& comments. Read it......
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Disclaimer: I’m not affiliated with anyone on Passions nor do I own any of its characters, except for Jason, he’s mine. This story is also loosely inspired on the song “This is the Hour” from the musical Miss Saigon. Please send feedback!


Sheridan carefully laid the bouquet of flowers on the grave. Silently she knelt, letting her heart speak for her. She began to cry as the pain and sorrow consumed her. It didn’t feel like it had been five years, in fact it felt like it just happened yesterday. Five years, five long years since she last saw him. Five years since the car crash. She cried harder. Suddenly she felt a small hand on her arm. “Don’t cry mommy,” the little boy said as he moved to hug her. “Don’t be sad.” For a moment Sheridan just sat there holding her son, Jason, in her arms. After a while Sheridan began to stand. Before the pair left she placed her hand on the tombstone. “I miss you Luis.” She said softly. As they slowly walked towards the cabin Sheridan felt something she hadn’t felt in a long time – fear. She shivered, despite the warm weather, as a feeling of dread washed over her.

To Be Continued…

Chapter 1:

“Goodnight sweetie” Sheridan whispered to the sleeping child as she slowly closed the bedroom door. She entered the living room sighing. Somehow she couldn’t shake the feeling she felt as she left the cemetery earlier that day. For the first time in years she thought about Harmony, her family, specifically her Father. Shortly after she got married to Luis they left Harmony because of her Father’s threats against their family and lives. They didn’t like the fact that they would be running away or leaving their family behind. However Luis felt it would be best for them both and their future family.

So that’s what they did and how they ended up owning a cabin style house located ideally beside a small forest. Sheridan immediately fell in love with the house and its location. She sighed for what seemed like the millionth time that day. Suddenly she remembered something Alistair said a long time ago, “Once Luis is gone there will be no one there to protect you.” His words echoed in her mind. She shook her head trying to rid her mind of the memory. “Why am I scaring myself like this?” She shook her head again and chuckled to herself.

To Be Continued…

Chapter 2:

It had been a few days since she visited Luis’ grave and everything was how it had always been and Sheridan’s sudden fear of her father also began to disappear. Sheridan was busy enjoying her time reading while Jason was taking a nap. A noise outside caught her attention. She stood up and looked outside the window just in time to see Julian stumbling out of his car and running towards her door. Sheridan opened the door cautiously. “What are you doing here?” Sheridan demanded, wondering how the hell Julian found out where she lived. Instead of answering Julian hurried inside. “We have to leave now!” He burst out abruptly.

“What?! Why? Julian you’re not making any sense.” “It’s Father, he knows where you are. He’s coming here – to get you.” Julian said his fear evident in his voice. Sheridan sat down on the couch in shock. “How did he find out?” She whispered, her voice barely audible and her mind racing. “I don’t know, I heard him mention it in one of his conversations. He has always been trying to find you, you know? Ever since you ran off with Luis after your marriage it’s all he’s been doing. Ahh, ummm….I also heard him say Luis is dead. Is…. is it true?” Julian questioned softly. Sheridan looked up at him for the first time, “Yes, it’s true.” “Sheridan, I know it won’t mean much coming from me but I’m sorry.” He said.

Sheridan was surprised to hear the kindness in his voice. She could not remember the last time she heard such humanity in him. “What are you doing here?” She questioned. “I know it must seem crazy, me showing up on your door like this, but when I found out, I came here to warn you and get you to leave before it was too late.” “Why?” Sheridan uncertainly. Julian just smiled, “Because you’re my sister, and because there are some things in the past that I’m not to proud of.” He began pacing around in front of her. “Ever since you left it got me thinking. About what I’ve done and…well you don’t want to hear about the other things. Well, I just began to see things differently and I’m just trying to do something Mother would be proud of me about.”

Sheridan’s mind was going a thousand miles with so many questions flying in her head. That and Julian’s sudden change of heart made her even more unsettled. What did her Father want? Should she leave with Julian or stay and confront her Father? Suddenly an unexpected question came to her head. What would happen if she did leave with her Father? No doubt she would be under his scrutiny and his commands. She made her decision. “I don’t care if he is coming, let him come. I am not leaving my home.” She said firmly. Julian looked at her as if she was crazy. ‘Maybe I am’ Sheridan thought.

“Maybe you don’t quite understand the situation here. I mean seriously…” Julian looked at Sheridan’s determined face and knew he was beginning to lose his battle. He needed to talk some sense into her. “Are you waiting for him to kill you? Did you not hear his warnings before? The man’s crazy Sheridan! I don’t care if you still love Luis, but he’s dead! Just leave with me or say yes to whatever Father says. Please!” Julian pleaded. “I don’t care what you say, I am not leaving with you or Father!” “Sheridan you’re my sister, I don’t want you hurt, just please listen to ---“ Outside a car door slammed shut. “Oh no…” Julian whispered.

To Be Continued…

Chapter 3:

Footsteps could be heard marching towards the door. The door flew open and Alistair stood imposingly at the doorway. “Father. What are you doing here?” Sheridan asked calmly. “You know damn well why I’m here!” Alistair snapped back. “This time you don’t have Luis to save you! Do you still think you can escape the Crane name now?” Alistair questioned. “Even though Luis isn’t here physically he will always protect me.” Sheridan said back. “Well I can see you two need some time alone, I’ll be outside.” Julian cut timidly. “Julian just get out!” Alistair yelled as Julian scrambled out of the house. He turned towards Sheridan, “And as for you, come with me!” Alistair added menacingly.

“No!” Alistair glared at Sheridan, who returned the hateful glare back at her Father. She took a calming breath before continuing. “Father, there is something you don’t know. Something I don’t show to just anyone. You say it’s treason for me to have married Luis but it wasn’t. It really wasn’t. And now that Luis is dead there is only one reason why I live. If you want the reason, I will show you now.” Slowly Sheridan walked towards the bedroom. A few seconds later Sheridan appeared in the doorway holding a child’s hand. She walked into the living room.

“Father this is my son, Jason, he is the one that has kept me alive…now you see why I must tell you, no!” Sheridan said firmly. A tension filled silence filled the room before Alistair spoke. “No one must every see this ‘thing’ you’re showing me. That bastard fowls our name!” Alistair yelled pointing to the boy. “My baby’s not to blame for what you think I’ve done!” “Now you must decide if you are a Crane or not. My God, you whored to make this kid!” “That is not what I did!” Sheridan said defending herself. Alistair grabbed Jason’s arm roughly causing the boy to cry. “Don’t touch my son!” Sheridan cried out throwing an arm protectively around the boy.

“You must see how it is when you come with me!” Alistair grabbed Jason with one arm and pulled him against his body. With his other hand he pulled out a knife. “Having this child of his brands us for life. This child cannot live!” Alistair raised the knife above the child’s heart. “No! Don’t touch my son! He is my life!” Sheridan yelled her vision becoming clouded with tears. Alistair just laughed, “Forget that he was born!” Sheridan raced frantically to the bookshelf and pulled Luis’ gun from behind some books. “Of course you have his gun! And now you’ll shoot your Father!” “Let go of my son!” “What will you do Sheridan? Kill me?” “Don’t test my will…” “Go ahead, shoot!”

“You will not kill my son!” Sheridan screamed. Alistair laughed evilly, “Sheridan you don’t know how to kill, and now your son will pay for it!” “I have no choice I must---“ The gunshot reverberated in the small room, as Alistair’s body fell to the ground releasing Jason from his grasp. At the same moment the gun in Sheridan’s shaking hand fell to the floor. Sheridan looked on with tears in her eyes as she gathered Jason up in her arms. Suddenly Julian came bursting through the door. His horrified expression burned into Sheridan’s memory forever. “Oh my God…”


It was another beautiful day as Sheridan knelt in front of Luis’ grave. “So much has happened since the last time we visited you.” Sheridan said softly. She shook her head sadly, “So much…I..uh…oh god, this is the first time I’m actually saying this out loud. I killed Alistair, I killed my Father.” Sheridan paused to wipe the tears forming in her eyes. “You’re probably wondering why I’m not rotting in a jail cell somewhere. Well the answer is Julian. He took all the blame…” A sad smile played on Sheridan’s lips. “He told me it was time for him to pay his dues. I told him he couldn’t take all the blame but he said that for the first time in his life he was taking responsibility.

I guess for the first time he really was.” Sheridan stopped to take a cleansing breath before going on. “After all that’s happened it’s made me realize some things about me and about life. I also realized that even though you’re gone no matter how hard it is or much it hurts I still have a life to live, and that some things,” Sheridan looked up to see Jason laughing and running around trying to catch a butterfly. “Some things are worth living for.” Slowly Sheridan stood. Suddenly a breeze blew around Sheridan that enveloped her and filled her with a warm feeling inside. “I know its you Luis, and I know you’ll always be watching over us.” She said quietly.

“Mommy, Mommy! Look what I got!” Joshua yelled running towards her his little fists fill with wild flowers. “They look wonderful. Why don’t you put them on Daddy’s grave and we can be on our way.” She said running her fingers through his short, dark hair. Carefully he put the flowers on the grave and stepped back. “There!” He said proudly. Sheridan smiled, “perfect.” She held out her and Jason took it. “Where are we going Mommy?” “To a place called Harmony.” “Why are we going there?” Sheridan sighed and smiled again, “to see family. To go home.”