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Jeanster's Fan Fiction Blog
Sunday, 29 August 2004
The Fellowship Bunch
DISCLAIMER: If you think I own The Lord of the Rings and/or The Brady Bunch, you're out of your loving mind.

[Sing this to the tune of The Brady Bunch]
Here's the story of Frodo Baggins,
Who with three other Hobbits left the Shire.
All of them had hairy feet, just like Frodo,
The servant one was Sam.

Here's the story of a brave strong Ranger
Who somehow ended up with many names.
Aragorn, Estel, and Strider
Just to name a few.

Well, then one night these Hobbits met this Ranger
At the Prancing Pony where they stopped to rest.
Later at the Secret Council of Elrond
They learned they'd all be going on a quest.

The Fellowship Bunch,
The Fellowship Bunch,
That's the way we became the Fellowship Bunch!

Posted by tv2/jeanster at 6:56 PM PDT
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LotR sung to the theme of The Patty Duke Show
LotR sung to the theme of The Patty Duke Show

DISCLAIMER: I do not own The Lord of the Rings and/or The Patty Duke Show.

Meet Gandalf who's been most everywhere,
From the peaceful Shire to who knows where.
Then Gandalf's friend Saruman the White
Became one that he'd have to fight.
What a crazy pair!

But they're Wizards,
Strong powerful Wizards all the way.
They started out as good friends,
Now different as night and day.

Where Frodo adores the peaceful Shire,
He must cast the ring into the fire,
So Frodo travels to Mt. Doom,
While facing danger and much gloom,
What a quest so dire!

First Black Riders,
A snow storm and crows that spy the land,
Orcs, a Cave Troll and a Balrog,
And then the mighty Uruk-Hai!

You'll lose track of time,
When reading 'The Lord of the Rings'!

Posted by tv2/jeanster at 6:55 PM PDT
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LotR: FotR to the tune of Gilligan's Island
The Lord of the Rings : The Fellowship of the Ring
done to the tune of Gilligan's Island

by the Jeanster

DISCLAIMER: I do not own the rights to The Lord of the Rings or to Gilligan's Island or the theme music to Gilligan's Island. If I did, I'd be totally rich. This is written strictly for fun.

Just sit right back and you'll hear a tale,
A tale of a fateful trip,
That started here in Rivendell,
When formed this Fellowship.

'Twas led by a Hobbit who bore the ring,
The Ranger brave and sure.
Nine members of this Fellowship
Will have much to endure, will have much to endure.

The weather started getting rough,
They almost all got crushed,
If not for the courage that carried them through,
Then all would have been lost, then all would have been lost.

They lost the wizard in Moria, but continued on their way,
With Aragorn,
And Frodo too,
And Legolas and the dwarf,
And Boromir,
Plus Hobbits three,
Here in the Fellowship of the Ring!


So this is the tale of the Fellowship,
And Boromir has died.
Frodo wishes he never had the Ring,
So saddened that he cried.

Now Frodo and his servant Sam
Will do their very best,
While apart from the remaining Fellowship,
To finish off this quest.

No dwarf, no elf, no Aragorn,
Now apart from all the rest,
Just Sam and Gollum beside him,
To finish off this quest.

So join us here next year, my friends,
To see The Two Towers,
We'll pick up where this tale left off,
And enjoy another three hours!

Posted by tv2/jeanster at 6:52 PM PDT
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