Been There, Done That : A Black Adder Fan Fiction Double Drabble by Jeanster, written April 27, 2002

Time and Place: 15th Century, England. The final moments of "The Black Seal". Everyone in the castle who drank the wine is now dead.


Edmund is alive and asleep in his bed. His hair is back to the way it was before he got that silly haircut. There is a knock on the door. It is Edmund's mother. She enters and smiles.

QUEEN: Edmund? Edmund!

EDMUND: (waking up) Mmmh! Mother -- what do you want?

QUEEN: Did you want to go to the battle this morning?

EDMUND: Oh, my God! (feeling shocked and confused)

He leaps up. His mother smiles and leaves the room.

EDMUND: (stares at his hands, feels his ears, then feels his genitalia.) Thank God! It's all there! Well, THAT was some long and unusual dream!

Edmund does not realize that he is caught in the first cycle of a time loop which was the result of a temporal anomaly caused by one of his descendants (Edmund Blackadder) using a time machine and crossing paths with another pair of time travelers (the 9th Dr. Who and his assistant Emma).

This is Edmund's chance to relive his life. Will he do it better this time?

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Blackadder Fan Fiction by Jean Akins