Fifteen Minutes, a UFO Slash Fic, by the Jeanster

Pairing: Ed Straker/Paul Foster
Rating: FRM — Fan Rated Suitable For Mature Persons

DISCLAIMER: I do not own UFO.

The guard closed and locked the door. He stood outside and waited.

Under no circumstances was the guard to open that door for fifteen minutes.

He heard a few shots of gunfire coming from inside the room.

Moments later he heard sounds of slapping, scuffling and shouting from behind the door. He could not make out the words.

Then he heard pounding on the door and someone inside crying out, "Guards!"

But the guard stood firm and did not unlock the door. He followed his commander's orders. And the voice who had cried out for the guards was not that of his commander.

The guard wondered what Commander Ed Straker and Colonel Paul Foster were doing inside that room.

"It's all right, Paul. It's all right," Ed said gently.

Paul stared at Ed.

"You tried to kill me!" the younger man shouted. It pained Ed to see the look of hurt and confusion on Paul's face.

Ed aimed the gun at the line of small target figures and expertly shot each one.

"I could have killed you anytime I wanted."

Ed placed his hand on Paul's shoulder.

"I'm sorry, Paul." Ed explained to Paul why his actions were necessary.

Ed felt a sudden urge to comfort Paul and to gently kiss away the tear that rolled down his beautiful face. But before he could do that, Paul quickly wiped away that tear.

Then Paul stared into Ed's eyes. An unspoken mutual understanding formed just then between these two handsome S.H.A.D.O. men.

Ed placed his arm around Paul's waist and gently pulled him closer.

They had only a few minutes before the guard unlocked and opened the door. But it was enough time for them to enjoy a taste of what pleasures were yet to come.

Later as Paul and Alec waited for Ed to arrive in his office:

"I still haven't figured it all out, but he's quite a guy."

"Yeah," agreed Alec.


The Jeanster's UFO Slash Fan Fiction
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