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Fred:  You took a few days off.  That's good.  We all did.  But now it's time to come back.

April 24, 2002
Episode Guide

April 1, 2002

March 31, 2002
New Section - Skins

March 20, 2002
New Layout
New Sections

March 9, 2002

New Layout
New Section: Why W/F?
Video is up in Media
Fanfic up yesterday
Tons of updates to the episode guide, pictures up all the way through Sleep Tight
Sounds from Provider are up
More things added to Your Thoughts
Sounds from That Vision-Thing

February 16, 2002

New Wallpapers, more info for ep guide, and new link.
New Fanfic yesterday as well.
And Sounds from Provider coming soon.

February 09, 2002
Version 2 of the site is up.  Everything is updated and up the wazoo.
New pictures to the episodes, That Old Gang of Mine and Billy.
Birthday and Provider are done, with never before seen caps for Provider.  Waiting in the Wings has pictures up.
New Section - Media, which includes a W/F video
New Section - Cut Scenes

February 07, 2002

New fanfiction

January 29, 2002

New fanfiction

January 27, 2002

New fanfiction
Redesigned logo on index page to include Birthday and Provider
New Wallpaper

January 26, 2002

New fanfiction

January 25, 2002

Provider is now up at the guide
New fanfiction
Add many new pictures to Fredless
Redid every episode in the guide so they load faster

January 23, 2002

New fanfiction

January 22, 2002

New fanfiction

January 20, 2002

Added some new wallpaper

January 19, 2002
Added Waiting in the Wings pictures, CAUTION SPOILERS
Added new wallpaper

January 18, 2002
New Section - Fanfic
Changed My Fred/Wes Stuff to Wallpaper
Updated The Guide page
Added Birthday pictures, New pic to Billy

Update Affiliates/Links/Cliques

January 03, 2002
New Page, My Fred/Wes Stuff
More cliques, edited all pages for html errors

December 31, 2001

A brand new look to the site
Added new sections
Redid index page and a lot of images and pages

December 27, 2001
Episode Carpe Noctem now has sounds
Remodeled entire site's colors and images
Deleted quote script from main page because it was too much of a problem, actually it deleted itself, but whatever
Added Support This Site

December 26, 2001
Dad is now complete with pictures and transcript
Added Voting for My Site on main page
Submitted site to and Sonja Marie's Links
Added both those sites to Links section and Love and Temptation

December 19, 2001
Added rotating quote script to main page
Added sounds to Billy
Added pictures for Dad
Added this page
Added new button to link to this site on links page
Added new Full of Grace button on index page
Redid all images with new font
Redid some bad images from episodes

December 14, 2001
Added Bookish and Motion Passed as affiliates

December 13, 2001
Added Beyond Reason as an affiliate

December 10, 2001
Added Dumbstruck as an affiliate
Joined Fred Webring and Full of Grace

December 9, 2001
Added A Whole New World as an affiliate

December 8, 2001
Site created

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