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Ashley Hartman

Performed: 2-25-03

Age: 17 yrs old

Hometown: Ladrea Ranch, CA

Favorite Song: “Hero” by Mariah Carey

Idol: Shelly Elam (godmother)

What songs has Ashley performed on the show?
"Touch Me In The Morning" - 2/25/03

Do you have a job? I work in a doctor's office.

Do you have any formal singing training? None.

Where have you performed before? School functions, choir.

When did you first start to sing? The day I was born.

What is your favorite song to sing? "Hero" by Mariah Carey.

What is the first concert you went to? Paula Abdul at the Pacific Amphitheater.

What is the last concert you went to? Mariah Carey at STAPLES Center.

What other talents do you have? Dance, gymnastics, drawing.

If you don't make it on AMERICAN IDOL, what will you do? Go back to school and keep pounding the pavement.

What are your goals in life? To be a generous, loving person, and to be successful in all I put my mind to.

What album would your friends be surprised you own? Dionne Warwick.

What is the first CD you ever bought? Mariah Carey.

What is in your CD player right now? Donna Summer.

Who is your AMERICAN IDOL? Shelly Elam. (godmother)

What is your favorite type of music? I like everything from country to classical.

What is your favorite song? "Hero" by Mariah Carey.

Favorite male pop artist? Justin Timberlake.

Favorite female pop artist? Britney Spears.

Favorite album? Diana Ross Greatest Hits.

Who in the music world do you think your style is most like? Nobody. If I created my image out of someone else, then I would never make it in the industry.

Most embarrassing moment? Forgetting my words twice in my audition.

If you couldn't sing, which talent would you most like to have? Acting ability.

What has been your proudest moment in life so far? Making it to the final 32 on American Idol.

What is your definition of an AMERICAN IDOL? A talented, well-accomplished person who sets a good example and is true to themselves.

Why do you want to be an AMERICAN IDOL? I would like to touch the lives of others with my music and set a good example.

Do you think the audition process was fair? I think it was very fair. The judges did the very best the could to try and pick the top 32.

Who is your favorite judge and why? I respect and love all of the judges. Paula Abdul, however, is the most talented and beautiful in my eyes. Her musical critique is so helpful.

Who is your least favorite judge and why? I love and respect them all.

What advice do you have for other hopefuls? Be very hardworking and always stay humble. Remember to always thank those who help you along your way.

What would people be surprised to learn about you? I have been working since I was about 13 so I could pay for my own braces.

Who did you think was going to win last season? Kelly Clarkson.

If you could be a performer from any era, which would you choose and why? Today there are so many more opportunities and the ability to cross over into all different types of music.