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Ian Thornhart is a compassionate doctor who is fiercely dedicated to helping anyone in need, regardless of their financial standing.  Ian arrived in Port Charles after serving a stint with Doctors Without Limits and experienced practicing medicine in the trenches firsthand. This is a fact Ian never hesitates to remind people of when they start to complain about being overworked at the hospital.  Determined to help those less privileged, Ian made it his personal mission to start a clinic at General Hospital.  Ian's confidence can sometimes be mistaken for arrogance, but his dedication to his patients always shines through.  Ian and Eve found themselves facing a medical mystery after noticing strange markings on several patients they treated at the clinic. To add to the puzzle, Ian and Eve also realized that test results were missing for those same patients. Ian became determined to get to the bottom of the mystery and also found himself growing more and more attracted to Eve, who had to admit that Ian wasn't the arrogant know-it-all she had first thought he was. Ian and Eve's friendship continued to deepen as they began opening up to each other more and more about painful moments from their pasts.  Eve began working more closely with Ian at the clinic and both were baffled by unexplained events concerning some of the patients, especially Mr. Green. One day, Ian was knocked unconscious by an unknown assailant and his clinic notes were stolen. Eve stayed with Ian through the night to make sure he didn't develop complications from his concussion and Ian grew even more attracted to Eve. Ian soon learned that Mr. Green was dying. Against Boardman's orders, Ian and Eve decided to treat Mr. Green with an alternative herbal medication and hoped to solve their medical mystery.  Eve and Ian were determined to solve their medical mystery. Eve and Ian discovered that Mr. Green had been brought in to the emergency room and Ian wanted to treat him with herbal medication but Boardman refused. Ian received a delivery of narcotics at the hospital and was promptly fired. Ian had been set up and Eve promised to help him clear his name. Eve told Ian that Mr. Green was deteriorating rapidly and when Boardman found Ian with a dead Mr. Green, Boardman accused Ian of killing him.  Ian spoke with Estelle, who seemed to have the same symptoms as Mr. Green and Mr. Heller, an earlier patient of Ian's. Eve then discovered that Mr. Heller's body was missing from the morgue. Eve was later attacked in the morgue when she tried to get tissue samples from Mr. Green's corpse. Lucy suspected that something was going on between Ian and Eve, but Ian claimed they were merely friends. By the end of the month, however, Ian and Eve had shared a passionate kiss. 
Eve and Ian met with Iris DiMarco, a woman who claimed to have been held in a clinic where doctors ran tests on her. Iris also said that Bob Green had helped her escape. Eve and Ian became convinced that a doctor at General Hospital was involved in their medical mystery and a short time later, Boardman pulled a gun on Ian and threatened to shoot him. Before Ian could learn anything from Boardman, however, Boardman was shot and killed by an unknown assailant. Ian and Eve later learned that Boardman had been involved in a drug trafficking operation.  Lucy began to suspect that Ian and Eve had more than just feelings of friendship for each other, but both denied that anything was going on between them. Ian did have feelings of love for Eve but decided to leave town when he realized she would never be his. As Ian was about to leave, Eve saw him outside of the Recovery Room and went out to speak with him. As Ian and Eve were talking, his car suddenly exploded into a fireball!  Everyone believed Ian and Eve had been killed in the explosion but that wasn't the case at all. The fact was that Ian and Eve had been kidnapped by Harris, an evil man from Ian's past. In exchange for their freedom, Harris demanded that Ian and Eve find a cure for the rare disease that he suffered from.  Ian and Eve continued to dance around their feelings for one another. Sharing close quarters, however, caused a strain on Ian and Eve as they started to fantasize about each other in more than just a friendly fashion.  Ian ended up killing Harris in a sword fight and he and Eve fled attempted to escape together but crashed their helicopter in the woods. Ian and Eve found refuge in a cabin in the woods and started to make love but stopped themselves.  Ian and Eve agreed not to make love until she told Kevin the truth and they returned to Port Charles. Eve headed to the lighthouse and knocked on Kevin's door but didn't get any response. Eve then left to return to Ian and was hit by a car as she was crossing the street.  Eve made a full recovery but had no memory of falling in love with Ian. Ian was devastated by this and once again prepared to walk away from Eve when it seemed as though she and Kevin were going to try and make their marriage work. Eve, however, did get her memory back and after walking away from Kevin, Eve went to tell Ian how she really felt. The only problem was that Ian had married a woman named Arianna in an effort to keep her from being deported.  Ian had befriended Arianna, who explained that her family wanted to kill her for bringing them shame after she had been raped. Ian promised to protect Arianna from her brother Ben and although Ian was in love with Eve, he refused to back away from his obligation to Arianna.