The Truth-A Fan's Perspective

Any bets on how they will kill the remaining characters? Here are my ideas...

Skinner admits to his love of drag and takes a job at a seedy joint in downtown D.C. He is accidentally killed in a police raid that goes tragically wrong (despite years of law enforcement training he fails to listen to the cops warning. Easy mistake to make)

Cops: FREEZE!!

Skinner: (strutting over) Come now honey. You just sit yourself on down and I'll get you a nice whore... BANG

After suffering for many years, Doggett, realises how annoying Reyes is and kills her with his mind (using the powers she kept telling him he had, he managed to take her own gun out of her holder and shoot her. No fingerprints. Kind of clever for him really.)

Reyes: I see dead people...

Doggett: Yeah? Well it's time you joined them BANG

Mulder makes his grand return. No one pays him any attention cos they didn't notice he was gone (and Scully only used him for his sperm anyway). Mulder can't face this crazy new world and is finally pushed one step too far by the now believing Doggett

Doggett: Great to see you back Mul-durrr'

Mulder: Why you goddamnsonofabitchhhhhhh!!!!!! BANG

Scully is taken over by her evil child and turns on Mulder

Mulder: Hey hunny bunny it's me, I'm back!!

Scully: Don't you sweet talk me. There was never any evidence that you and me were an item. A kiss didn't prove anything and now you are the only thing between Will and me taking over the world. BANG

Finally, when Evil Will is old enough to take on the world on his own he lets his mother free from his power. When Scully sees that she killed Mulder (who's been stinking up the spare room for a few years now) she is filled with regret that she didn't kill him the day before he went on his little trip to the woods with Skinner, and saved the world a lot of painful dialogue.

Scully: What have I done???? Why did I leave it so long?

Evil Will: Mother, I need a personal assistant when I take over the world - want the job?

Scully: (shrugs) Sure, why not.