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Sonora High School Golden Regiment

Yes, a page in tribute to the Sonora High School band. It deserves it! I am a member of the drum line of this, the most awesome band in the universe (not to seem stuck up, but...) We are, I'm sure, the only high school band that actually plays and sings Pink Floyd's "Another Brick in the Wall," and we're proud of it.

Our director is Mr. Pat Sieben, a great man (just in case he sees this page...might as well suck up). Actually, he's a pretty cool guy. Surprisingly cool, given that he is a teacher. He transcribes most of our music for us, which is cool. It's sometimes hard to find a copy of "Don't Stop Thinking About Tomorrow" or "Tusk" at a music store, arranged for a school band. It would be really cool if he would let me record some MP3's and sort of advertise the band...

Not too long ago, sometime around homecoming, we played Charlie Daniels' "The Devil Went Down to Georgia", which was really fun, but it's a pity that we won't be playing that one anymore, due to the lack of a violinist.

I'd list all the songs that we play, but I don't really remember all the names...just the parts. I am a drummer, by the way, a snare drummer. I get to lug around a heavy drum while I play. Oh, well, at least I don't play tuba! That must suck, carrying something about the weight of one of the heavy snare drums and having to spend all your breath on your mouthpiece.

I'll try to get some pictures up here. Pictures of the band playing at a football game, or perhaps at a rally or something. And if Sieben will let me, I'll post some MP3 recordings of the band, so people who can't always travel to Sonora, California can hear the band, too.

Visit the Sonora High Golden Regiment webpage at the official Sonora High page by clicking here. That's a pretty cool site, but it's so far not updated for this year yet!

December 7, Y2K Update:It's a sure-fire thing, we're going to be playing Blue Monday, a great song by Orgy. At least, that's what I've heard. Although nobody really cares, I'm still going to keep updating this page with recent news on the Golden Regiment. Another thing I'm sure I haven't posted yet is that we're going to be in the St. Patrick's day parade in San Francisco early next year (St. Patty's Day of Y2.001k). But that's next century. As for THIS century, I'm sure that we're not going to do much more than have the 4th period concert - and I'm not in 4th period band, so I have no clue what that's gonna be like.

The MP3s BETTER be coming soon!