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Title: Strip Tease 7


Author: Velvet Crypt

Disclaimer: Joss is God. I own nothing.

Spoilers: Season 6 ending. AU after that.

Summary: William takes the plunge.


Poem by ashley mist malachi.



Xander woke up alone the next afternoon. He sleepily reached for the cool body he’d become accustomed to waking up with, and his hand found only cool sheets. He sat up quickly, a moment of panic flaring in his chest. Spike looked up from where he was seated at the tiny table in the room. He smiled at the rumpled bed hair Xander wore.


“Morning, luv.” Xander breathed a tiny sigh of relief and gave an answering smile.


“Morning. Whatcha up to?” Spike ducked his head shyly and pulled closer what Xander could now see was the leather bound notebook from yesterday. Xander’s smile grew. “You writing me something, blondie?”


Spike nodded and curled around the book. Xander leaned back against the headboard. “It’s okay if you don’t want me to read it, Spike.” He said softly. “I won’t pry.” Spike frowned.


“It’s not that, Xan. I’m just not sure you…would want to see it now.” Xander cocked his head. “I-I just mean that I may have said some things that you aren’t ready to hear from me yet.” He continued, flustered.


Xander nodded again. “If that’s what you think, Spike. Like I said. I’ll give you your space.” He smiled again. “Go on. Finish it. I won’t move. Just want to look at you.” Spike ducked his head again with a tiny smile and went back to the poem.


~From My Soul~

by Spike/William


He sleeps.

My breath is caught,


Trapped in my throat.


Gazing upon his beauty,

I feel the cobwebs of the past closing in on me.

Attempting to restrict the view of my future.

The one of which I only dream.


Xander watched the blonde vamp reread what he’d already written. The tip of a pink tongue poked out from between full, pursed lips and Xander gazed adoringly at the expression of utmost concentration on Spike’s face. He knew for a fact that he was seeing William, full on. From the shy smiles to the tapping of the pen on blunt non-vampiric teeth, the poet had wrested control of the surface.


To hold his hand,

Pure pleasure bubble up inside of me.

A crystal clear brook,

Babbling, filling my heart.


His presence spills over me,

And I am swept away.

Caught up into the current,

Of spoken, and unspoken desires.


Xander could see Spike’s lips moving as his pen scritched each new word. He loved the way the other man would frown, stare at the ceiling, and then turn back to the paper with a vengeance. It was like Spike totally forgot Xander was even in the room. Xander remembered that intensity watching the Big Bad in a fighting fury. It was compellingly similar, though the venues couldn’t be any different.


I lie awake.

The memories rush over me.

Like warm ocean waves.

Each surge of realization thrills me.


To be inside him, sated.

To breathe his breath.

To taste of that Heaven

To dance inside the music with him.


Xander wondered what it was that made Spike give a slight shudder, pausing in his writing to briefly close his eyes and bite his lip. He felt that tug in his chest again, this time identifying it as need. He needed to be the one making the vampire shudder; to be the one biting that full, ripe lip. He needed to wrap his arms around the silky flesh, to warm it with his own heat. ~Gods, Xander, pull it together. He doesn’t want that. He needs time, not you and your fuck-me looks,~ he chastised himself fiercely.


A silky pull,

His salty-sweet skin

Calling to me, begging me.

To let him in.


I want to begin again.

With him.

Only him.


Aching inside, Xander watched Spike set the pen down and look at his work in satisfaction. “Hey blondie,” he called quietly. Spike started as though he’d forgotten he wasn’t alone in the room. Xander lifted the covers and beckoned the vamp back to bed. Spike hopped out of the chair then paused. He looked back at the table and set his jaw. Then, he reached for the journal and brought it with him to the bed.


Shucking out of his clothes, down to the boxers he’d slept in, he crawled into the warm nest Xander had made for them. Xan loved how Spike snuggled down into in arms, resting his head on Xander’s chest. He glanced over at the book, but didn’t say anything. Eventually, Spike nodded against his torso.


“Go on, luv. Read it.” He whispered, closing his eyes. Xander dropped a kiss on the blonde curls.




Spike frowned. “No?”


“Nope. The deal was you fill it up with poetry, or whatever you feel like writing, and then you read it to me.” He felt Spike tense. “So, until you’re ready to read it to me, I’m not going to read it.”


Spike squeezed his eyes shut. Thoughts swirled though his head like snowflakes in a blizzard. But all through his internal storm, one constant remained: Xander. He never stopped touching him, holding him tenderly, stroking his back with a strong, warm hand. Xander never left. Slowly, he sat up against the headboard along with his human and reached for the book.


Xander sat patiently, twining his leg with Spike’s. The vamp cleared his throat and opened the book. Xander closed his eyes and leaned his head back, a tiny smile gracing his lips. Spike began to read.


Xander felt the emotion roll over him like a living thing. The pain, the loss, the unhappiness. The hope, the need, the desire. He knew just when Spike had started fearing the past and when he’d decided to let it go, at least for the duration of the poem. He could tell when he’d woken up, when he’d started talking to Spike. It was like being with Xander took away some of the fear he dealt with when he lived in his own thoughts.


He could feel them dancing again, slowly…sensuously. He could feel those gentle, cool hands holding him, supporting him…asking, offering, needing, wanting. He could taste the vampire on his tongue…the taste of his skin, his mouth. And he knew. He wasn’t alone in his need. Spike shared every aching moment, every heartbreakingly silent plea to be loved.


The vampire closed the journal and glanced over at the brunette. His eyes widened and he sat upright. “Xan, luv, why are you crying?” Xander opened his eyes and gazed at Spike. He lifted a hand to the vampire’s soft cheek and caressed it, loving how Spike leaned into it.


“I’m crying because you are the most amazing man I’ve ever known. And I’m so unbelievably lucky that you feel the same way about me as I feel about you.” Spike’s face shuttered.


“And how is that, luv?” Xander leaned in closer, his breath warm on Spike’s face, his lips just brushing the vampire’s. “I want to begin again, too, Spike. With you.”


The blonde released the breath he’d been unconsciously holding and crushed his lips to Xander’s. He maneuvered his body around until he straddled the younger man. Xander groaned at feeling his cloth covered cock slide against Spike’s own. He ran his hands up Spike’s hips, over his back and up to his shoulders, pulling the vamp closer to him. Spike traced dizzying patterns across Xander’s chest, circling his nipples and raking gentle nails down sensitive sides.


Impatient to feel Spike totally against him, Xander ran his hands back down the blonde’s body and began tugging his boxers off. Not to be outdone, Spike began pulling at Xander’s. Both shorts ended up in the same place as the evil covers that separated man from vamp, lover from lover: on the floor. Spike pressed his chest against Xander’s upper thighs and grinned wickedly. Slowly, slowly…he slithered up the length of the human’s body, thrilling at the whimpers falling from Xander’s lips.


He realized he’d caught himself in his own trap when his cock brushed against Xander’s sac, soft and warm, and he shuddered. Xander was the one grinning now, as Spike trembled on top of him. The vamp stretched out, full body on body, no part of him touching the bed and suckled the base of Xander’s throat.


Xander threw his head back, feeling a strange flutter in his chest at his actions. Spike paused for a moment, overwhelmed by the trust in that one submissive gesture, and then he put himself to the task of marking that tanned flesh. Xander squirmed under him, panting, and Spike braced his toes against the human’s. Short, gentle thrusts of cock on cock stared a circle of pleasure. Spike moaned at the friction, Xander moaned at the reverberation of Spike’s pleasure against his throat. It sent shivers down his body, increasing the friction.


Eventually, the grinding of his pelvis against Xander’s stopped affording him the opportunity to concentrate on Xander’s throat. He buried his face in the human’s neck and increased the speed of his thrusts, feeling a tingling beginning at the base of his spine. Xander felt Spike’s urgency and thrust back in earnest. He felt something move against his shoulder and pulled back to see. Spike’s eyes were closed and he looked in pain as his face kept shifting from vamp to human to vamp.


Xander touched the ridges in a tender counterpoint to the rabid pistoning of his hips. When Spike opened his eyes, the irises were golden yellow and he looked panicked. Xander gazed into those golden orbs and. “Please,” he whispered, “Don’t hide from me.” Spike trembled once…twice…then bled into game face, howling as his climax yanked him from coherency. The sight of his lover giving in to the passion, sharing it with him, trusting him to want both parts of him caused Xander to tumble over the precipice with him. His body jerked and he added his own come to the pool growing on his stomach.


Spike collapsed onto Xander’s chest and Xander began to run his fingers through the soft blonde hair. A soft purr issued from the vampire’s chest and Xander smiled as he closed his eyes. Oh, yes. Only with him.