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Title:                 Finding Home Part 7


Author:             Velvet Crypt

Disclaimer:        Joss is God. I own nothing.

Spoilers:           Season 4.

Summary:         Tony leaves for a bit. Jessica meets the Scooby gang.



Spike woke to an amazing sensation. He was warm, cocooned in covers and wrapped in the arms of Xander Harris. He tried to recall last night. He was pretty sure that when he fell asleep, he’d been holding Xander. Now Xander had a death grip around his waist and shoulders and his legs twined through Spike’s smaller ones.


Spike nuzzled the patch of skin under his cheek, burrowing further into Xander’s neck. He was just getting comfy again when he heard Xander’s heart speed up, heralding his awaking. He could tell the second Xander realized where he was…and whom he was with, by the sudden cessation of breathing. He waited, sadly, for Xander to kick him out of the bed or at least shove him over on his own side.


What he got was a tiny sigh of pleasure and a gentle kiss to the top of his head. Then Xander adjusted minutely and pulled Spike against him again. ~What the bloody hell?~ Spike could tell the human wasn’t falling back asleep. Xander was just lying there. In bed. With Spike. Awake. Not running or making excuses. Just holding him.


They lay that way for nearly 15 minutes until Xander’s bladder refused to take ‘just another minute’ as an answer. Reluctantly, he shifted slightly. Spike was out of his arms and on the other side of the bed in a second. Xander tried to curb the smile forcing it’s way to his lips. He’d know the vampire was awake as well.


Last night when he’d woken up and found Spike on top of the covers while he enjoyed the warmth of having been tucked in, he felt guilty. So, he’d adjusted the vamp, amazed at Spike’s ability to sleep through his thrashing and adjusting, and touched at the trust it showed. He put his chilly vampire under the covers and cuddled him. Spike had allowed himself to be shoved and pushed around with boneless acceptance last night. This morning, he was as stiff as a board. Nearly vibrating with tension.


Xander went to the bathroom, yawning, and took an extra moment to brush his teeth. He then stumbled back to the bed and crawled under the blankets. With a swift tug, he snagged Spike and drug him back against him, resting his chin on the vamps shoulder. His breath gently disturbed the blonde curls and he felt Spike shudder again.


~And I say again, what the bloody hell? He came back? To hold me again?~ Spike’s mind was churning so fast that he felt rather ill. He lay tense for another few minutes before just giving up and thanking his lucky stars for whatever Xander’s reasons were. With a sigh of content, he relaxed into the humans embrace.



“Xander. Your mum’s up.” Spike whispered, loathe to break the spell they were under but knowing Xander needed to check on Jessica.  Xander nodded against Spike’s neck and began the process of unwrapping himself from around Spike. On impulse, he gave a tiny kiss to the bare skin at Spike’s nape, grinning when Spike jerked at the feeling.


He climbed out of bed and headed upstairs, dinner plates in hand. His stomach churned when he caught a glimpse of her. It wasn’t the split lip that got his attention, nor even the obvious bruising on her arms. It was the deadened look in her eyes. He knew that look. He went to that place sometimes when his father was too far gone to stop hitting. It was a safe place, but every time you went there, you lost a little more of yourself. And Jessica had been doing it for 20 years.


He carefully took the jug of milk from her hands and set it on the table. She seemed confused, not really understanding her purpose if he didn’t want her to make breakfast. Xander took her gently in his arms and rocked her like Spike had rocked him last night.


Jessica had woken up, sickened. She’d scrambled from the bed where Tony lay snoring and headed for the shower. Nearly a half hour later, skin raw with scrubbing and her eyes swollen from crying, she headed downstairs. She was on autopilot. Tony had a…vigorous night. He’d be hungry. If she didn’t have breakfast on the table when he got up…she shuddered.


She saw Xander step out from the basement but didn’t want to stop working. She couldn’t understand why he was making her stop. Then his arms closed around her. Strong, but gentle. Not hurtful. He rocked her. Oh, God. The times she’d wrapped arms around herself, rocking, wishing it were someone else’s arms. Someone who’d take care of her. Take her away. She breathed in deeply, trying not to cry again.


He smelled good. He smelled of sweat and sunshine. He smelled of safety. She berated herself for trying to lean on her own son. She should be the one for him to lean on. But, oh…surely she could indulge just this once.


“I love you, mom.”


Jessica lost it. Her legs gave out and she allowed Xander to take her full weight. Her body jerked with each silent sob, because you didn’t cry out loud. Not in this house. She didn’t really recognize anything Xander was saying. But his voice was nice. Deep and rumbly. Her boy had grown up into such a handsome, fine young man. He’d be heading out into life soon. Making his own way in the world.


Leaving her alone, once and for all, with the devil. ~Jessica, you selfish bitch!~ She bit her split lip hard, the pain forcing her back to reality. ~You do not say one single word that makes him think he had to stay here with you in this hell!~ She pulled away from him and smiled up at him.


“Time for you to earn your keep, mister.” She joked, playfully swatting at his chest, blinking back the tears threatening to overflow. “Get over there and pull out some eggs.” Xander smiled back, wanly, knowing a distraction when he saw it. But, he did as she asked, and quickly and quietly, mother and son prepared breakfast for the man of the house.



Tony clumped down the stairs and into the kitchen. He turned bleary eyes on his wife and son. The bitch was fluttering around the stove trying to put just the precise amount of food on his plate. He didn’t like to have to stop chewing to order her to fill up his plate. He also didn’t like when there were leftovers. It showed wastefulness of his hard-earned money.


The boy was tiptoeing around the table trying to put the morning paper in easy reach while avoiding getting within two feet of his father. Tony smirked and feinted towards him. The pasty-faced faggot jumped back with a squeak and scurried around to his side of the table. Jessica set the plate in front of him and filled the coffee mug next to him.


Breakfast was better than last night’s unidentifiable dinner. Plenty of meat, eggs and potatoes. Breakfast for a hard-working man. He shoveled the food in his mouth, reading the paper as he did so. When his plate was empty, he shoved it away and leaned back in his chair to observe the other occupants of the table.


The boy wasn’t even eating. Fucking waste of food. Course, the boy was a fucking waste of space, so he supposed it all worked out even. Jessica was trying not to wince as she placed tiny bits of food on her tongue, bypassing her injured lip. He grinned at the memory of how she’d gotten that.


He cleared his throat. They both jumped. “I’m going to Las Vegas for two weeks for a work thing.” He announced. Jessica placed her fork on her plate.


“What are you going to be doing?” She asked politely.


Tony glared at her. “Work stuff, I said. You wouldn’t understand it.” Jessica nodded.


“My…secretary is coming to pick me up at 9:00.” A smarmy grin oozed over his face.


Jessica looked confused. “I didn’t know you had a secretary, Tony.”


His face took on the aspect of a thundercloud. “Well I do. Are you questioning me, Jessie?”


She shook her head frantically. “Of course not, Tony. I-it must just have slipped my mind. Stupid me.”


He looked mollified. “I’m going upstairs to pack. Let me know if she gets here before 9:00.”


“Of course.” Jessica nodded, getting up to clear the table.


Tony stomped up the stairs, disappearing into the bedroom. Xander followed his path with hate filled eyes. “Secretary?” He snarled. “He thinks we’re going to buy that he has a secretary in that shit job?” Jessica shushed him absently.


“Does it really matter?” She asked. “If he’s doing her at least he’s leaving me alone.” She paused, horrified that she had actually said that out loud. She looked at Xander, an apology on her lips. He was choking on laughter, trying to be quiet so as not to attract the attention of the man upstairs. Jessica smiled ruefully. “Let’s just pretend I didn’t say that, okay?” Xander nodded and got up, still laughing, to help Jessica with dishes.



The doorbell rang as Jessica handed Xander the last dish to dry. They exchanged looks and Xander rolled his eyes. “Looks like the ‘secretary’ is here. I’ll get it.” Jessica nodded, a twinkle in her eye. Xander opened the door to a Harmony look-alike. Her honey blonde hair was up in a ponytail and she wore bright red lipstick that matched her sweater.


“Hi!” She chirped. “I’m here to pick up Tony” She took a long appreciative look at Xander and smiled slowly.


Xander returned her smiled. She was what? Sixteen? Seventeen? “Sure. Dad’s upstairs getting packed. Why don’t you come on in and wait for him.” He stepped aside and she bounced into the room, snapping her gum. She eased down on the couch and patted the spot next to her.


“Keep me company til he gets here?” She pouted. Xander chuckled and sat down next to her. “My name’s Angie. What’s yours?”




“Oh, I like that name.” She purred, shifting so that her skirt rode up her thigh. “So, Xander, how long have you known Tony?”


Xander stared at her incredulously. No…could she really be that stupid? “Uh, since birth? He’s my dad?”


Angie giggled. “I met him last week. I was delivering coffee to his building. I met him by the water fountain. He asked me for my phone number and gave me a $20 tip. I figured he had to be loaded. So when he asked me if I wanted to go to Las Vegas with him, of course I said yes.”


“Oh, of course.” Xander agreed, a serious look on his face. Inwardly, he was trying not to laugh in her face. “So, how long are you going for?”


“Tony says two weeks. He has the hotel booked until the 20th. He said we’d be flying out that afternoon. Isn’t it exciting? Flying to Las Vegas!” Her eyes took on a dreamy cast. “I’m a dancer, you know. Maybe I can get a job there and I’ll never have to come back to Sunnydale!”


Xander looked properly interested. “Wouldn’t that be something?”


“Angie! What are you doing here early?” Tony bellowed down the stairs. Poor innocent blonde Angie just looked up and giggled. “I thought I told you to let me know when she got here, boy!” Xander tried not to flinch in front of the teenaged girl.


“Tony!” The girl squealed and ran across the room to leap into Tony Harris’s arms. Tony pushed her down quickly, but not before coping a feel of her thong-covered ass, Xander noticed.


“Go wait in the car, Angie.” Tony ordered. She bounced out happily, waving goodbye to Xander on the way.


Tony advanced on his son. “What did she tell you, boy?” Xander didn’t move. The prey in him recognized the predator and knew running would only entice further anger.


“Nothing, sir.” He mumbled. “She was just telling me how excited she is about Las Vegas.”


“Are you sure that’s all she said?”


Xander nodded. “Yes, sir. That’s it.”


Tony glared into his son’s eyes a moment longer then turned away. “I’ll be back on the 20th.”


“Yes, sir.” Without so much as a goodbye, Tony snatched up his bags and slammed the door behind him. Xander sank back into the couch in relief.



“And so then she’s like, ‘Oh, maybe I’ll get a job there and never have to come back’.” Xander grinned as he laid an 8 of clubs on the pile.


“Two weeks with him and she won’t want to come back to a town with him in it anyway.” Jessica snipped, picking the 8 up and tossing down a 3 of hearts.


“I’m hoping the bloody plane goes down.” Spike snatched up the 3 and dropped his cards. “I’m out.”


Xander threw his cards down in disgust. Jessica laid hers down more carefully, but still sighed. “Alexander’s right, William. Next time we play something that doesn’t include cards. And don’t wish the plane going down. There are a lot of people who’ve never done anything to anyone on that thing. It’s not right that they suffer just because Anthony Harris is an asshole.”


Xander looked at his mom in amazement. She blushed. “What? Like I’m not supposed to know those words because I’m old?” Xander grinned.


Spike shuffled the deck, his mouth pursed. “Fine then. No bloody plane crash. Can I hope he chokes on the expensive steak he orders for dinner while you’re here eating bean and franks from a bloody can?”


Jessica snickered. “Yes, William. You can hope that. And thanks to you, we’re not eating beans and franks.” She wrapped her arms around her knees as Spike dealt again. “I’m really looking forward to watching you make dinner. I’ve never even heard of some of the stuff you bought for it.”


Spike just smiled. “I hope you like it, mum. And thank you for letting me cook in your kitchen. I mean, putting you out and all.”


Xander picked up his cards. “Oh, mom hates to cook. She just spends all her time in the kitchen cause she knows he won’t come in here except for a beer and to Hoover his plate dry.” Jessica blushed, but nodded.


“It’s true. I hate cooking.”


Spike picked up a card and discarded a 7 of diamonds. “Well, I happen to be right fond of it, so don’t you worry your pretty head, mum. I’ll make you meals fit for a queen.” When Jessica smiled, Xander’s chest ached. She was so pretty when she smiled. She was pretty when she wasn’t smiling, too, but smiling illuminated her face. How strange that the one to put the happiness there was an undead British man who should be treating her like food.


Xander watched Spike out of the corner of his eye. The vampire seemed more relaxed than he’d ever seen him before. He was making jokes and sarcastic comments, of course, but they didn’t have the bite to them that they used to. He seemed to love provoking Jessica into saying something snarky back to him, watching her stand up to him. He’d reward her by letting her get the last word, when Xander knew damn well that there was a comeback rolling through that sinister brain of his.


He was going to have to get some more blood tonight. They’d put it off long enough. He still hadn’t healed fully, you could tell in the way he moved sometimes, or how he sat down gingerly. Xander decided he was going to hit Willy’s up for some human. No pigs blood for his vampire while healing from an injury. He wondered when Spike became his vampire. Two days ago, he was telling his mom not to let him in the house. Now?


Now he knew all of Xander’s dirty secrets. The ones that even his friends weren’t clear on. He’d watched Xander back down and let his mother get hurt. He’d watched him bawling like a baby. Hell, he’d held him when he bawled like a baby. And wasn’t that just so not the Big Bad?




He was brought out of his reverie by his mother’s voice. “Yeah?”


“Can I meet your friends?” Xander stopped mid discard and stared at her.


“Why?” He asked stupidly.


Jessica dropped her head. “Never mind. It was a stupid idea.”


Spike reached out to lift her head back up, glaring at Xander. The brunette felt about 6 inches tall. “Stop it, luv. It was not a stupid idea. Nothing you think is stupid. We’re not the bloody wanker you married. You don’t have to apologize for wanting something.”


Xander touched her arm. “He’s right, mom. I’m sorry. I was just surprised, is all. I didn’t think you’d want to meet my friends. But, yeah. I’d actually like for you to meet them. They’re really special and I’d like to share them with you.” He said softly. He saw Spike watching him with a look of approval and for some reason, it made him feel warm and proud for saying the right thing.


Jessica nodded and smiled a tiny smile. “Okay.”


“How about tonight?” Xander asked. “Around dusk?” Jessica nodded.


Spike looked confused. “Why dusk? They should all be at the Magic Shop now.” Xander tried not to laugh at the confusion on Spike’s face.


“Well, I thought you’d like to come with us. Kinda hard to do that if you’re extra crispy, doofus.” Spike rolled that thought around in his head. ~He wants me to come with him.~ His internal face was grinning, his internal body dancing a jig around the room. On the outside though, he just grunted and went back to the game.




The bell on the door of the Magick Box jingled and four sets of eyes turned to the doorway. All four sets widened in astonishment. Xander led the way in, opening the door for a smaller feminine version of himself, who was in turn followed by a blonde haired vampire with a hand placed protectively on the woman’s lower back.


“Mrs. Harris.” Willow stood, nearly knocking her chair over in the process. “Wh-what are you doing here?” Xander shut the door and took up position on the other side of his mother.


“Hey fellow Scoobies,” Xander grinned. “I finally took the plunge and told Mom the truth about Sunnydale.” He shrugged. “She wanted to meet all of my friends again, knowing who you really were this time.”


Buffy stood as well. “Um. How much truth did you tell her exactly, Xander?” She asked nervously watching the woman for signs of panic. None forthcoming, she then stared at Spike, trying to figure out what he thought he was doing hovering so protectively over the woman.


“Everything that mattered.” Xander replied. “Hellmouth, demons, vampires. Witches, Watchers, Slayers…oh, my!” He chuckled. “So, Mom. These are my friends.” He gestured at each in turn. “Buffy Summers, Slayer. Willow Rosenberg, witch. Tara McClay, witch…and who is also dating Willow. And Rupert Giles, Watcher. Guys, this is my mom, Jessica.”


Jessica shook hands with each in turn, even Willow, whom she’d known nearly the child’s whole life. When she got to Giles, she stared at him for a long moment. Finally, she clasped his hand and reached up to give him a tiny kiss on the cheek. Flustered, Giles blushed and blinked rapidly, automatically reaching for his glasses once Jessica released his hand.


“Err, well…very pleasant to meet you, Mrs. Harris. Ummm…I errr-“


Jessica took pity on him. Smiling she said, “My son grew up in a home where his father…well, let’s just say because you have a child doesn’t make you a father. But, today, my son stands before me loving, caring, loyal, generous and kind, Mr. Giles. I know he thinks I never listen to him, but I know that four years ago, my son found a real man to idolize. I know that much of who my son is today is your doing. And I thank you for being strong for him, being there when he needed you. Loving him when his own father wouldn’t.”


Silence filled the room. Willow and Tara had tears in their eyes. Buffy looked at Giles, her eyes shining with pride and love. Xander hid his face, his eyes closed against the pain he heard in his mother’s voice. A strong shoulder pressed against his and he smiled. Spike quietly offered comfort in the only way he knew how.



“I have no idea where Xander shops to get those awful shirts,” Jessica laughed. She’d been doing a lot of that this evening. After the silence had been broken by Giles offering his seat to Jessica, she was welcomed like the long lost Scooby. They all sat around the huge study table and talked. Hours later, they still had no answer for Xander’s bizarre clothing tastes.


“I think the whelp should just get with the times and buy some leather.” Spike smirked. Willow grinned evilly.


“I thing Xander would look very nice in leather, don’t you, Buffy?” Buffy nodded vigorously.


“I quite agree. Why don’t you come shopping with us tomorrow, Xander?” she asked. “We could set you up to look great!”


Xander shuddered. “No way in hell am I going anywhere with you shopping harpies. I’ll be dreaming of shoe stores til I’m 90.”


Jessica gently cuffed him. “Don’t start on the subject of shoe shopping with me, young man. I’ll have you know, I have a secret shoe addiction.”


Xander brightened. “Why don’t you girls take Mom shopping tomorrow?” All the girls were very excited by the prospect.


“That would be so much fun!” Willow bounced in her chair. But Jessica grew quiet. Casting her eyes toward the table, she sighed.


“Sorry, girls. I’m not exactly rolling in the cash these days. Besides, who’d want to go shopping with an old fuddy duddy anyway.” She tried to make a joke, but no one was buying it. Surprisingly, the one to call her on it was Spike. He’s watched her blossom under the sun of the scoobies all evening. Opening up to Xander’s friends the way she did with him. No way was he going to let that go.


“Here, Mum.” He stood and pulled out his wallet, ignoring the raised eyebrows at his familiar manner. “I’ve got you covered.”


Jessica blushed even harder. “No. Absolutely not, William. I refuse to take any more of your money.” Spike stared at her for a long moment and then dropped to his knees at her feet. Reaching out to her, he placed a finger under her chin and raised her head.


“I have the money, luv. You know that. We discussed it.” He began softly. “I have no family. No expensive vices. I am free to spend it, hoard it, burn it to cook marshmallows on if I choose. Mum, you took me in when I was bleeding and unconscious. Bloody hell, you fed me from your own vein!” He heard the indrawn breaths. “You won’t let me protect you. You won’t let me take you and Xander away. I don’t know what to do.”


He sighed in frustration and took his hand away, but her head stayed put. “I want to show you how thankful I am. I want to show you that I would do anything to get between you and harm; between Xander and harm. But I’m a worthless vampire, luv. I have no redeeming qualities.” He gave a harsh laugh. “But I do have money. And it’s yours whenever you want it, whenever you need it. Let me do this for you. I have nothing else to offer. Please, Mum.”


For the second time that night, silence reigned. Mostly due to confusion, but also because no one wanted to interfere with what looked like Jessica changing her mind. “William.” She cupped his cheek. “You have so much more to offer than just money. Fine. I’ll go.” Spike just gently smiled, rose to his feet and leaned to place a gentle kiss on her forehead. Reaching inside his wallet, he pulled out several bills and handed them to her.


Jessica glanced at them and gasped, wide-eyed. “What in the…William, I cannot take this much!” She stared in horror at the five crisp $100 bills he pressed into her palm. The girls leaned over in interest and then pulled back to stare at Spike.


“Yes you can, luv. I want you to tomorrow and buy whatever strikes your fancy. I don’t even want you to look at the price tags. She gaped at him. He sighed. “Fine. Would it make you feel better if I told you to buy something for the girls also?” Slowly she nodded. “Ok, then. Make sure that everyone comes away from the bloody mall with something they are going to force the men in the room to stare helplessly at and make appreciative noises over.”


He winked at her and smiled when she folded the money up and placed it in her purse. “Oi, Red.” He motioned to her. “I need something from the back room. Come help me find it.” He stalked back without looking to see if she’d follow. Raising her eyebrows, she none-the-less followed him.


“What?” she asked, watching as he pulled out his wallet again.


“I meant what I said,” he said in a low that didn’t carry any further than Willow’s ear. “I don’t want her looking at a single price tag. Take this.” He placed another roll of bills, all $100’s as well if she were any judge, into her hands. “Buy her anything she looks at then walks away from.” Willow looked from the money to his face, to the money, to his face.


“What are you doing this for, Spike?” she asked finally.


He sighed. “I told you already. Actually, I told her, and you were listening, but you already know.” She gave him ‘the look’. “Fine.” He sighed again. “She is an amazing woman. She’s been through hell these last 20 years, nonstop. But she has a backbone of iron and a heart of gold, that one does. I admire her. I respect her. I may be nothing to the rest of you, but she looked past that. She saw me. She accepted me. That’s a gift I can’t pay back. But I’m damn sure going to try. And if spending a bit of dosh makes her happy, even for one day, then I’ll gladly do it every day for the rest of my unlife.”


He finished with a scowl. Willow watched him squirm for a long moment and then leaned forward to kiss his cheek. “You aren’t nothing, Spike.” She whispered. “You aren’t nothing, you aren’t worthless, and you have enough redeeming qualities that it’s scary sometimes. For the record, I don’t hate you. I consider you a kind of big, scary friend. And I know Tara feels the same way. I’ll make sure Jessica doesn’t want for anything tomorrow. You have my word.”


She turned and walked back to the front of the store. After a long moment, Spike followed.



Happy squeals followed the group of women through the mall the next day. Willow and Buffy dragged them from store to store like shopping animals and Tara hung back with Jessica, quietly laughing at the other two girl’s enthusiasm. Jessica didn’t know what hit her. Everything she looked at, she was gently pushed into getting. She made a point after the first store, to get something for each girl before they had her spend the whole $500 on herself.


Buffy got a new leather skirt and top, Willow a new crystal and skirt. Tara chose a necklace and a Latin reference book. Jessica desperately tried to get them more, but none of the girls would hear of it. Midway through the mall, Jessica gleefully held up a handful of change.


“That’s all she wrote, ladies! My hard earned gains are gone!” Willow exchanged a smile with the other girls and held out a roll of bills easily twice the size of the one Jessica started with.


“Your Sugar Daddy thought you might need a bit more pocket change.” She grinned.


The girls hauled her into a hair and nail salon before she finally begged to make a stop at the food court. Sitting at a cozy table, munching on fast food and latte’s, listening to the girl’s chatter…Jessica couldn’t remember when she’d had a better time.