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Title:                 Finding Home Part 6


Author:             Velvet Crypt

Disclaimer:        Joss is God. I own nothing.

Spoilers:           Season 4.

Summary:         Tony comes home.


WARNING: This section contains scenes of verbal and emotional abuse. It also contains implied spousal rape.



Xander was finally ordered to cut vegetables instead of sitting watching Spike and Jessica. He got up with a grin and pulled the veggie peeler out of the top kitchen drawer. As he did, he heard the front door open, then slam. All three of them froze. Heavy footfalls moved around in the living room and Jessica and Xander exchanged silent looks.


Jessica herded Spike to the basement stairs and gently shut the door behind him, just as Tony Harris walked into the kitchen. He looked around at the scattered foodstuffs and then at his wife and son. He made eye contact with Xander. Without the adrenaline of the night before, Xander soon wilted under his father’s intense gaze and dropped his eyes. He turned back to the sink and began peeling.


Tony looked next at Jessica. She forced a small smile on her face and nodded. “Hello, Tony. Dinner is almost done. Why don’t you get a beer and watch TV for a while?” Tony stared at her a moment longer, then grunted and retrieved his beer from the fridge. Xander jumped a bit as his father reached around him to snatch the bottle opener from the counter. He could tell from the nasty grin, that was exactly the reaction Tony’d hoped for.


Finally, the elder Harris shuffled out of the kitchen and they heard the TV go on a minute later. They finished dinner in silence, Jessica cooking, Xander doing prep work and setting the table. After another 30 minutes, she called Tony to the table. He took his place at the head of the table and waited for Jessica to serve him.


He stared at the food on his plate with distaste when it was set in front of him. “What is this shit?” He growled. Xander tensed up and focused his eyes on his plate. Jessica smiled wanly.


“Well, it’s Chicken Parmesan with breadsticks and cooked baby carrots. There’s also a side salad with Italian dressing.” Tony snorted.


“I can see the salad, bitch,” he snarled. “I can also see the carrots and the bread. Why are we having some pansy-assed girly meat? Where’s my steak? My ribs? My roast?” Xander began to tremble. Jessica just sat down in her place at the table.


“There was a sale at the store today. Chicken was cheaper than steak.” She lied efficiently. “I thought you’d want me to try to save money.”


Tony slammed his fork down on the table causing his beer to rock slightly and both Jessica and Xander to jump visibly. “I meant save money by cutting out that crap you’re always buying. Like the boy’s kiddie cereals and your goddamn yogurt. I didn’t say to stop buying me steak for dinner.”


Jessica inclined her head. “Of course, how stupid of me, Tony. I’m sorry.” She murmured.


“Stupid bitch.” Tony muttered, shoving the food in his mouth. The rest of dinner went quietly. When Tony’d finished his meal, he sat back, belched, then snagged his beer and went back out into the living room. Jessica turned to look at her son. Xander hadn’t raised his head or spoken a word since his father got home. She sighed, pained for the loss of her son’s smile.


“Sweetie, why don’t you make up a plate for Spike. You can take yours down and eat with him since you’ve hardly touched your dinner.” She whispered, looking pointedly at the food he’d only pushed around on his plate. “I’ll start cleaning up while you get them together.


Xander nodded and stood. He filled a fourth plate to brimming, and with a pause, then filled his own up again. He knew from experience, as soon as he was away from his father’s field of vision, he’d have his appetite back. Jessica puttered around, not having much to clean as she and Spike had washed as they went.


“Jessica!” Tony bellowed from the other room. “Bring me another goddamn beer!” Xander winced. Jessica smiled at him and patted his cheek as she went to the fridge.


“Go on, honey. Go feed your vampire. I’ll finish up.” She stiffened her back and ventured into the living room. As she got close to the recliner, a hard hand reached out and snatched her arm roughly. Tony jerked her down to her knees at his side.


“I don’t like this, Jessie.” He growled lowly, bringing his face directly into hers. “Have you and the boy been talking about me behind my back?” Jessica shook her head frantically.


“No, of course not, Tony. We wouldn’t do that.”


“I think you have. Why else would the little faggot try to stand up to me?” His breath was hot and foul against her cheek.


Jessica shook her head again. “H-he was just trying to calm everyone down, Tony. That’s all.”


Tony ran his fingers through her hair, snagging it painfully, tilting her head at an awkward angle. “I think he decided he could be all grown up and tried to protect his whoring mother from her husband.”


Tears prickled at Jessica’s eyes from the needlelike pains in her scalp. “I don’t know, Tony.”


“Well, I do know, Jessie.” His tongue protruded from his lips, swiping a long, wet trail from her jaw to her temple. “I think he needs to learn just who his mother belongs to. I think his mother needs a refresher also.” Jessica whimpered. “I think it’s about time you remembered who you belong to, bitch. That you remembered all that I have to do to keep you in food and clothes. I don’t think I’ve been properly thanked in far too long.”


Jessica closed her eyes.


“I think tonight, you should show me just how thankful you are for everything I do for you. Unless…” He sneered, “You plan on asking your boy to stick his fucking nose in our business again. That would be a mistake. But if you’d rather he show me how thankful he is…I suppose that can be arranged.” He chuckled evilly.


Jessica’s eyes shot open in horror. “No!” She gasped. “No, Tony…he doesn’t need to know. I’ll just go send him to bed. We can leave him out of this.”


Tony looked pleased. “Good. Now go. Then get your ass upstairs. When my show is over, I expect my thank you.”


He went back to the game show leaving Jessica to stand on shaky legs and walk back into the kitchen. Xander hovered at the door looking anxious. As soon as she closed it behind her, he began inspecting her for signs of abuse. Finding none, he narrowed his eyes. “What’s up, mom?” He demanded.


Jessica forced a smile. “Nothing, pumpkin. I’m going to finish up these dishes and then go to bed. Why don’t you head downstairs for the night also?” Xander didn’t look very sure of that, so she tried to make her smile more realistic. “Give William a kiss goodnight for me. Tell him I’ll see him in the morning.”


Xander’s lips formed a little moue of disgust. “I am so not kissing Spike for you, mom.” Jessica felt her smile turn real for a moment.


“Of course not pumpkin. Now, off to bed with you.” She shooed him downstairs and desperately searched for something to occupy her in the kitchen. Something to take her mind off of what was going to happen far too soon.



Xander groused as he clumped down the stairs, knowing his mom was lying to him. When he reached the bottom, he spied Spike sitting on the couch, head back, eyes closed. Still irritated, he stomped over to the table and slammed the plates down. Spike opened an eye.


“Good dinner, pet?”


Xander flopped in a chair and began pushing his food around once again. Spike sighed and got up to move to the table. He sat and tugged a plate over in front of him. They ate silently for a few moments, Xander angry, Spike patient. Finally, he was rewarded.


“He stared me down, Spike.” The boy burst out. “All that bullshit last night was for nothing. He comes in, gives me one look and I turn into Xander Harris, middle school geek again.” Spike sat quietly. A moment later…”And he did something to mom. He didn’t hit her, but she was upset. I know he said something.”


The brunette pushed his plate away and leaned back, frustration evident in every line of his body.


Spike pushed his own plate away and folded his hands on the table. “It wasn’t for nothing, Xander.” He began. “Facing your fear of your father is like quitting smoking. Going cold turkey always ends up with a backslide somewhere along the way.” Xander looked across the table at the blonde vampire calmly lecturing him. “I think you did remarkably well last night. It was a good beginning.”


Xander grinned wryly. “Look at you, Dr. Spike.”


The vampire twisted his lips wryly. “Well I’ve had a lot of practice dealing with the insane, y’know.” Xander sniggered. They sat companionably for a while, just enjoying the quiet.


“Spike, why won’t she leave him?”


~Bloody hell.~ “Well, Xan, there are lots of reasons, I guess.” He hedged. Xander gave him ‘a look’ and he sighed. “Yer mum doesn’t know any different, pet. All she knows is hurt and pain and abuse. She knows it’s not right. She knows there’s somewhere out there that it doesn’t happen, but that place is so far away from here she can’t comprehend it.”


Xander tucked his feet up and listened intently. “A person can be treated badly only so long, pet, before they start to believe they deserve it.” He continued, knowing the uncomfortable look in Xander’s eye came from the realization of how he and the scoobies treated Spike. “Once they start to believe it’s real, it becomes real for them. Any attention is at least attention. A slap or a punch means they’re still here. Still real. An insult or hurtful word just gives them reason to get up the next day to try harder to please.”


Xander frowned. “How long does it take to get like that?”


Spike shrugged. “Depends on the person, luv. Some are strong willed. Takes longer. Those are the kind abusers take the most pleasure in breaking. Your mum? I bet she took a very long time. But break she did, pet.”


Xander bit his lip. “But my mom is a wonderful person. She should know that. She deserves a lot better than this. Why can’t she just see that?”


Spike smiled sadly. “So, Pet, why do you think the gang keeps you around?”


Xander flinched, then sighed. “Hell if I know. I’m severely lacking in the mojo department. I can’t fight my way out of a paper sack.” He laughed self-deprecatingly. “But damn do I pick out good doughnuts and coffee.” He looked up to see Spike still watching him with a sad smile. “What?”


“How long did it take for you to break, luv?” He asked softly. Xander froze, eyes wide and staring into Spike’s. He opened his mouth a couple of times, but nothing came out. He felt his eyes tear up, but couldn’t look away. He frantically blinked, trying to keep them at bay, but felt a warm trail make its way down his cheek.


Spike stood and stepped around the table. With a gentle tug, he hauled Xander into his arms and pressed the boy’s face into his shoulder. Like the floodgates had been opened, Xander’s tears fell in a river, quickly soaking Spike’s shirt. The vamp eased the boy backwards and laid him on the bed. He was slightly surprised when grasping hands clutched at him. Willingly, he followed them down to rest at Xander’s side.


He rocked the boy, whispering nonsense things to him, petting his hair and rubbing his back. He could feel the tremors wracking the boy’s body lesson and eventually stop. Xander’s breathing evened out with the exception of a hitch or two as the result of crying himself to sleep.


He continued holding the fragile human, staring at the ceiling. Dimly, he heard sound from upstairs and he curiously focused his ears in that direction. After a moment, his face shuttered and his eyes closed. He rolled over and placed his ear over Xander’s heart, listening to the steady thud-thud below his cheek instead of the sacrifice of the woman two floors above him.