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Title:                 Family Part 19


Author:             Velvet Crypt

Disclaimer:        Joss is God. I own nothing.

Spoilers:           Um…total non canon.

Summary:         The end.


Xander leaned against the arm of the couch, Spike curled up in the crook of his arm. The brunette sighed in utter happiness and dropped a kiss on his love’s blonde locks. At the dining room table, Giles and Nate were having a good-natured argument over the pronunciation of some demon language. Personally, Xander thought that it was impossible to mispronounce a language that had ‘gurgles’ and ‘gargles’ and ‘guttural grunts’ but the two of them were very adamant in their discussion.


Lys and Dawn had plopped down on the other couch, supposedly to do homework. Xander was pretty sure, though, that geometry didn’t inspire the giggles that erupted from the girls. He heard whispers of ‘oh, my God!’ ‘he said what?’, and ‘he’s such a hottie’, further lending credence to the idea that math was simply the excuse to have a bit of boy talk.


Willow and Tara were ensconced at the other end of the dining room table, watching Giles and Nate with smiles on their faces. Every now and then, one would interject a comment, but it seemed as though they were rooting for Nate. A fact that clearly annoyed Giles and thrilled Nate.


Buffy, of all people, was in the floor playing with Ellie. Ellie was kicking her ass at ‘Trouble’ and howling with glee whenever she sent one of the Slayer’s pieces back to start. Buffy engaged in a quick bit of theatrics each time, rolling on the floor and clutching her chest.


“Penny for your thoughts, luv.” Spike whispered into Xander’s neck, the words ghosting across Xander’s skin. Xander shivered in appreciation and clutched the vampire closer.


“I was just thinking how much I love my life.” He replied with a smile. “I love my life. I love my kids. I love my friends. I love you.” Spike twisted until he was facing Xander. He saw the most content expression he’d ever witnessed on a human’s face. And he knew he was mirroring it.


“I love you, too.” He murmured, closing the distance between his mouth and Xander’s. It was a gentle kiss; a mere brushing of mouths. But it lit a fire in Spike’s being. He could kiss Xander. He had the permission…nay, the order…to kiss his love, live with his love, be in love with him, from the bloody Californian courts. Granted, it meant nothing to him personally, he needed permission from nobody. But, it meant something to Xander, he could tell. And it meant something to the kids. It was like getting the scoobies blessing.


Really, they had nothing to say about it, but Spike knew that their opinions mattered to Xander in ways he couldn’t even begin to imagine. No, that was a lie. He could imagine. He imagined it was similar to the blessing he’d begged from his Sire. So, between the blessing from the scoobies, and the okay from the court system, there was no one left who could lodge a protest about them being together and make it matter.


Xander’s lips became more insistent. He nibbled at the corners of Spike’s mouth and gave a tiny lick across his bottom lip. Spike moaned softly and ran his hand up Xander’s face to tangle in his hair. Xander felt the heat begin to grow, as well as other things and regretfully pulled away. Spike blinked dazedly at him. Xander loved that he was able to steal Spike’s senses away with just a kiss. Then Spike shook his head and looked embarrassed.


“Sorry, I lost track of where we were.” He murmured, tucking his head under Xander’s chin once again. Xander closed his eyes and drank in the feel, the smell, of this wonderful creature that loved him. Spike. William the Bloody. William…Harris?






“William Harris?” He felt a chuckle run through the vampire.


“Yeah, Red decided I needed to be a real person so’s I could stand by you at the hearing.” Xander furrowed his brow.


“So she faked some papers?” Spike snorted.


“Our girl doesn’t do anything halfway, pet. You should know that. She got into the California Bureau of Vital Statistics and gave online birth to one William James Harris, born 1969 in Greenville, California. The pampered son of James Wesley Harris of England and Natalie Ann Harris of California.” He nuzzled Xander’s neck again. “I have a copy of my ‘birth certificate’ and my ‘social security’ card on it’s way in the mail as we speak. She set me up with a license too.”


Xander was too stunned to even react to the warm nuzzling occurring under his chin. “You have a real identity?” He whispered. Spike nodded against Xander’s chest. He felt the human’s labored breathing and sat up in concern. Xander’s eyes were wide and fragile and he looked as though he were trying not to cry.


“What’s wrong, luv?”


“Y-you gave away your freedom for me. They have records of you, now. You can’t hide in the shadows anymore. And you traded it away to sit next to me in a courtroom?” His voice was thick with unspoken emotion. Spike raised his hand and ran it down the brunette’s face.


“No, luv. I gave away my ‘freedom’ because I chose to. And why would I need it anyway? I’m not going anywhere. I’m staying right here, with you, until our kids are grown…until Peaches becomes a bloody great-grandpa…until the ends of the earth, luv.” He smiled tenderly into warm chocolate eyes. “And there was no power in existence strong enough to keep me from your side in that courtroom. I wouldn’t have given up watching those sweet bits returned to their Uncle Xan for anything.”


Xander smiled back, his thoughts swimming in circles. “So you really want to be here for the long run?” He asked. Spike sighed theatrically.


“Do I need to rent one of those banner planes, luv? Fly it across the bloody town?” Xander laughed, shaking his head.


“No. But if you’re certain, then I have a present for you.”


Spike’s eyes lit up. “Pressies? Oooo, I like pressies!” Xander pushed the vamp off of his lap and snagged his hand.


“Willow?” He called, pulling Spike behind him as he moved toward the table. The witch looked up, saw Xander’s face, and smiled hugely.


“Is it time?” She began bouncing as Xander nodded. Squealing, she turned and dug in her purse, pulling out a sheaf of papers. Spike glanced warily from Xander to Willow and back again. Xander pushed Spike into a chair and began bouncing himself, lightly on his toes.


“Nate, Lys, Ellie? Could you all come here please? I have an announcement.” Nate scooted his chair next to his Uncle Wil. Willow offered Lys the one she had just vacated, and Ellie climbed up into Spike’s lap. Xander took another look at the faces of those he loved more than anything else and shivered in anticipation.


“What’s up, luv?” Spike demanded.


“Well, you aren’t the only one who hit Willow up for a bit of sleuthing. Of course, my request had nothing to do with hacking into the United States Government,” He smirked at Willow, who looked mildly embarrassed. “I just had her look up a few laws, a couple of court cases…you know, stuff.”


Spike’s lips twisted into a wry grin. “Stuff. Stuff for what, Xan?”


Xander took a deep breath and reached out for the papers Willow proffered. “These are adoption papers.” He said quietly. Everyone’s breath caught. The twins sat very still, confusion warring with hope in their eyes. “Kids, I know I can never take the place of your mom or dad. I would never want to. They were very special. Are very special. But, I do want to be an important part of your lives. I never knew how much of a hole I had in my heart until you three came along and filled it. And so, I was hoping you might say yes to becoming my kids…for real.”


He waited, nervously wiping his sweating hands on his pants. Lys began to cry. But she was smiling. Nate’s face broke out in a huge grin. Ellie, seeming totally unsurprised, just nodded. “Okay.” She said, snuggling back into her Uncle Wil’s embrace. Her calm acceptance caused a chain reaction. Lys launched herself at Xander, followed quickly by Nate. The rest of the room began laughing and crying all at once. The only one not making a sound…was Spike. Xander could see the forced smile on his face. He whispered into Lys and Nate’s ears and gently pushed past them to stand at the vampire’s side.


He held his arms out for Ellie, and he saw the barely covered flinch Spike made as he handed the little girl over. He looked confused when Xander passed her along to her sister, and then knelt next to Spike’s chair. “Spike. Wil.” He said quietly. “I took the liberty of filling out the papers already. They’re only waiting for signatures.” He pushed the papers into the vamps hands and waited, not breathing while Spike read the first page.


The blonde head shot up and Spike had such a look of amazement on his face that Xander had to laugh. “So, Wil, my love. Would you do me the great honor of signing that paper with me as a couple? To help me love and cherish these three kids, in sickness and in health, for better or for worse, til they grow up, move out and only want to see their adopted parents for college allowance and to get you to do their laundry?” His voice grew hoarse as he recalled saying almost the same words to the vampire a million tears ago.


“You want me to adopt them with you?” Spike breathed.


“Yes, William James Harris. I want you to adopt our kids with me.” Xander replied, his eyes unnaturally shiny.


Spike looked at the kids. “And you three? Do you want me to?” His answer was not verbal. He was rushed and tackled by three flying bodies. Somehow, they pulled Xander into the mix and the dog pile was complete. The scoobies weren’t even surprised when the green glow began.




Ellie had been asleep for hours when the scoobies finally took their leave. Xander put her to bed while Spike and the twins cleaned up the living room and kitchen.  When he came back out Spike was heating up a mug of blood for his real dinner and Nate and Lys were out in the living room whispering frantically. They jumped apart as soon as he walked in and looked guiltily at him. He crossed his arms and set his lips firmly.


“What are you two up to now?”


They exchanged a furtive look and Nate stepped back, pushing Lys slightly to the forefront. She glared back at him and he spread his hands, the picture of innocence. With a sigh, she approached Xander. “W-we’ve been discussing s-something, Uncle Xan.” She began hesitantly. “And we’ve decided that you and Uncle Wil worry too much.”


Nate snorted and Lys shot him an angry glare.


“What?” He said, rolling his eyes. “Can you come up with any more lame broaching statements?”


“Screw you, Nate! If you’re such a goddamn expert, you tell him!”


“Lys, language.” Xander reprimanded with a frown. “I don’t care who tells me, but someone better start talking in about three seconds or two of the three of us are going to be losing some privileges.”


Lys turned back to Xander, a flush on her face. “Sorry, Uncle Xan. It’s just…we know that you and Uncle Wil are together. As a couple. And couples generally er…express their feelings in a…physical manner and we thought…” She trailed off helplessly and looked back to Nate, pleading.


He snorted again, but came forward and took his sister’s hand, creating a united front. “What she’s trying to say, Uncle Xan, is that we know you and Uncle Wil want to have sex.” Xander felt his face go up in flames. “And we know that you probably won’t as long as you think you’ll leak over through the bond.” Damn observant twerp. “So, we wanted to tell you that you won’t. Leak through, that is.”


Lys finally found words. “We’ve been discussing it and practicing also. We’ve found out that we’re stable. You and Uncle Wil are truly our foundations now. You aren’t hiding anything from each other. You aren’t trying to block any one thing, leaving the other emotions open. So, unless we deliberately punch through the shields, which we would never do, or you project on purpose, which we know you would never do, there’s no way that you’ll send anything over into our heads.”


They stood, waiting impatiently for Xander’s reply. He blinked slowly. “Are you sure about this?” He asked quietly. They nodded so hard he thought one of their heads may fall off.


“Absolutely.” Lys said adamantly. “We’ve been working with Willow and Tara on it and they agree.”


Xander blushed again. “Great. Now my best friend and her girlfriend have an inside track on my love life.”


Nate grinned. “They only wanted to help.” Xander sighed and nodded.


“I know. And it’s okay. Thank you guys for…researching this. Spike and I will…discuss it and see if we’re willing to risk it. And can I stop discussing me, sex and my boyfriend with my kids, please?” He begged. The twins giggled and Lys gave him a kiss goodnight. Nate hugged him and they raced off to their bedrooms as though the lack of their presence would result in immediate action on their uncle’s parts.


Xander slowly made his way into the kitchen. He expected to see Spike sitting at the table drinking his dinner. What he found was Spike, collapsed into a chair, his body shaking in silent laughter. Xander glared. “I suppose you heard all of that with your bat ears?”


Spike nodded, clutching his stomach.


“Well, what do you think of what they’re talking about?”


The laughter died down. Spike sat up and stared seriously into Xander’s eyes.


“Well, luv, I’d say if there’s a chance in hell that I can have you I’m going to take it.” He said huskily. Xander felt an answering pull in his gut. He held out a hand to his love and led him to the bedroom. Closing the door behind them, he turned to stare into those endless blue pools.


“I love you, Wil.” He whispered. Spike smiled and brushed an errant curl from Xander’s forehead.


“I love you too, Xan.”


Slowly, they came together, lips brushing tenderly against each other. Xander licked the vampire’s lower lip…just a tiny flick…then sucked the full, pink treat into his mouth. The gentle pressure caused Spike to moan appreciatively. As Xander released his prize, Spike took the opportunity to slide his own tongue into the sweet, warm cavern of Xander’s mouth.


Xander began breathing through his nose so he would never, ever have to give up the feeling of Spike’s cool tongue claiming his mouth. The vampire explored every crevice, every tooth, even the roof of Xander’s mouth before drawing the human’s tongue into a sweet duel. Breaking away, Spike began raining kisses down Xander’s jawline. The brunette gave a tiny whine of displeasure at the sudden loss of his lover’s mouth, but it turned into a tiny whine of something completely different as Spike left a wet trail of passion behind his amazing mouth.


Xander slid his hands up Spike’s body and encountered resistance from the tucked in shirt. Carefully, he eased it out of the vampire’s waistband and ran his hands up naked, cool flesh. Spike’s breath hitched a bit then his attack on Xander’s jaw and ear was renewed with a vengeance. Xander had just begun to anticipate Spike’s flittering tongue when the vampire added a new horizon. He raked blunt teeth across Xander’s throat. The human let out a soft keening wail and shuddered.


That seemed to set a match to the kindled passion lurking in both of them. Xander shoved his hands up Spike’s shirt, pushing the fabric up until Spike lifted his arms to allow Xander to remove it entirely. Not to be outdone, Spike grasped either side of Xander’s shirt and ripped. Buttons flew everywhere, landing with tiny ‘tinks’ throughout the room. He wrenched the shirt down over Xander’s arms and pinned him there with the sleeves.


He gazed at Xander’s chest; strong, silky, muscled flesh. Xander thrust his chest towards the vamp and groaned in pleasure when Spike took the invitation and sucked a puckered nipple into his cold mouth. Xander was sure his nipples must have a direct connection to his dick, because every nibble, every suck, every lap Spike endowed on it increased his erection. Soon his pants were so constricting that he nudged Spike’s hip in request to do something. The friction of his denim encased cock rubbing against Spike’s leg caused his eyes to roll up in his head.


Spike laved his way down Xander’s chest, nibbling and licking a fiery trail from one side to the other. When he reached Xander’s jeans he dropped to his knees. He reached around and clutched Xander’s ass in his hands, squeezing reflexively, as he brought his mouth forward to the bulge in Xander’s pants. He dragged his teeth over the strained denim and was rewarded with a series of minute thrustings from the human’s hips.


He continued to worry at that same spot as he undid Xander’s belt until there was a wet spot over the protruding area. Finally, he pulled the constricting jeans away and allowed his lover’s cock to spring out in relief. He moved back in and rubbed his smooth cheek against the engorged flesh, thrilling to the sound of Xander’s moans.


Xander had his eyes tightly shut, focusing on Spike’s cool hands and wicked mouth as the vampire tasted and touched him. When he felt air touch his straining erection, he let out a relieved moan. It melded into Spike’s name as the vamp took his into his mouth. Spike opened his throat and took Xander straight to the root, rubbing his nose into the soft hair at the base of Xander’s cock.


Spike set up a rhythm of taking Xander deep into his throat on the down stroke and swallowing, then kneading the human’s sac and tickling his perineum on the upstroke. Xander felt sanity slipping away from him and a tight tingling sensation begin to build. “Spike…please,” he begged hoarsely. “Stop…please, I want to be in you when I come.” The vampire froze for a fraction of a second, and then released his treasure with a pop.


He crawled back up the brunette’s body and looked into his glazed brown eyes. What he saw made him smile. He made quick work of shucking the rest of his clothing and tugged Xander to the bed. When he felt it touch the back of his knees, he fell backwards, pulling Xander on top of him. Xander straddled his lover’s thighs and watched as the moonlight fell onto his pale skin.


“You are so beautiful, Wil.” He whispered. “I love you so much.”


He peppered the vampire’s chest with tiny love bites, reveling in the ability to make the Big Bad whimper and arch into his touch. Stroking satiny skin, he laid claim to every bit of Spike’s flesh with hands and lips and tongue.


“Xan, luv…I need you…please, fuck me already.” Spike groaned, writhing under his lover’s deft touch. Xander stretched his arm out and tugged open the drawer on the bedside table. He pulled out a little white tube and opened it one handed. Squeezing some out onto his finger, he gently pushed up on Spike’s legs. The vamp lifted them eagerly, placing his hands behind his knees to hold them there.


He hissed as the cool gel and Xander’s warm finger pressed into his tight ring of muscle. Then the finger made it past and was sheathed inside him. Xander gave Spike a moment to accustom himself to the feeling and then began to move. It only took three or four thrusts before Spike was trying to impale himself. Grinning, Xander pulled the finger back out, hearing Spike growl as he did so. He coated two fingers this time and eased them into the vampire, silencing the growls.


He crooked his fingers, searching for…


“Fuck! Oh fuck, Xan…yes! More…please,”




He flicked his fingers over the small nub of flesh inside his lover, beginning to rub himself on the bedcover when Spike’s pleadings turned into incoherent growls. Pulling free once again, he added more lube and worked three fingers into the vamp, stretching him, preparing him.


“Xan, luv…please. Fuck me.” Spike begged. Xander took pity, both on himself and the vamp, and coated his shaft this time. Kneeling in front of his love, he nudged the opening gently, but Spike was having none of that. With a gasp, he rammed his body down onto Xander’s cock, moaning in delight.


Xander adjusted himself so that he hit Spike’s prostate with each thrust and began picking up speed. Soon, Spike was raising his hips to mirror Xander in a violent rhythm. Both men panted for air as they clutched each other closer. Blue eyes met brown and the lover’s watched their desire rise to new pinnacles. Xander snaked his had between their bodies and began jerking Spike off in counterpoint to his own thrusts.


Spike’s eyes melted into yellow and his fangs dropped. Xander smiled evilly. He leaned down to kiss the vamp, slipping his tongue between panting lips. Wrapping his tongue around a fang, he began sucking. Spike yowled and vamped out, his cool semen spilling over Xander’s hand and his own stomach.


Xander’s eyes rolled back into his head as Spike’s ass muscles clenched around his dick. Moments later, he followed the blonde over into his own orgasm. He collapsed onto Spike’s chest, gasping for air. He felt the vamp’s arms move around him and they lay in each other’s embrace until calmed.


Spike rolled Xander to the side and kissed him softly. Xander raised a hand to Spike’s cheek and tenderly ghosted the back of his hand over the sharp cheekbone.


“I love you, Wil.” He murmured sleepily. The blonde vampire smiled indulgently at him.


“And I love you, Xan. Go to sleep. We need our strength to fend off questions from the kids and the gang tomorrow.”


Xander chuckled and snuggled into his love’s embrace. And they slept.