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Title:                 Family Part 13


Author:             Velvet Crypt

Disclaimer:        Joss is God. I own nothing.

Spoilers:           Um…total non canon.

Summary:         The evening gets worse.



Xander shifted until Spike was laying full length underneath him. Spike let himself be manipulated; concentrating instead on the slow burn he could see building in those dark eyes. Xander gently tugged Spike’s black t-shirt out of his tight pants and slid his hands up the cool flesh.


Spike shuddered at Xander’s warmth branding his skin. Xander continued to push the material up until Spike raised his arms and allowed the brunette to pull it off over his head. Xan flung the shirt over his shoulder and gazed in hunger at the man beneath him. Even under the harsh electrical lights, Spike seemed ethereal. Pale, pale skin. So fragile. So unmarred.


Xander leaned forward and indulged himself. He ran his tongue from the waistband of Spike’s jeans up to his chin. Gently, so gently, he nipped that chin and followed the line of Spike’s jaw with his tongue. He nipped again as he reached the blonde’s ear. Spike whimpered quietly under his ministrations.


“I love you, Wil.” Xander whispered warmly into his love’s ear. Spike lost the little control he started with. He bucked against Xander and began tearing at the boy’s clothes, desperate to press flesh to flesh. Xander dove for Spike’s lips, locking his own against them. Spike wouldn’t settle for that.


He thrust his tongue between Xander’s lips and met the boy’s tongue in a frantic duel. He managed to pull off Xander’s outer shirt, but rather than break their kiss, chose to rip the undershirt open from the neck. Only then did he tear his lips from Xander’s to place small love bites down the boy’s neck and across his collarbone.


Two sets of hands fumbled at each other’s belt buckles. Two pairs of pants were frantically pushed down. The pants rested on two sets of boots that the two men hadn’t the patience to take off. Spike slid his hands around Xander’s waist and cupped the brunette’s ass in his hands. He tugged Xander closer, forcing their erections against each other.


Low moans came from both throats. Xander was sure he was going blind from the pleasure Spike’s touch. He saw flashes through his closed eyelids. Spike knelt breathed in Xander’s scent. He could feel the warmth of the boy’s cock even from a distance. Xander threaded his fingers through Spike’s hair and nearly wept in anticipation.


“Oh, shit!”


Xander’s eyes shot open and he looked down at Spike. But Spike was looking up at him with an equally quizzical expression.


Crash. Snap. Thud.


They turned their heads as one towards the window. Spike rose to his feet, pulling his jeans up with him. Xander copied his actions and they made their way across the room. Peering out the window, they saw a figure thrashing in the rose bushes. It stood up and flashed a frightened look before turning tail and racing around the house to the street.




Just as Buffy finally glared the girls into silence, Ellie shuffled into the room. She was nearly lost in her ‘gown’, one of Xander’s t-shirts. She rubbed her eyes sleepily and yawned widely. Willow reached out and tugged the little girl into her lap.


“Hey, Ellie-bear,” she smiled as Ellie wrapped her arms around Willow’s neck. “Whatcha doing up?” Ellie yawned again.


“Couldn’t sleep. Someone was yelling,” she mumbled. Buffy blushed.


“Sorry, sweetheart. We had an unwanted visitor. I was telling him to go away.”


Ellie nodded and smiled. “S’ok.”


But then the smile slid off of her face. She stiffened and Willow leaned back in concern to look at her. Ellie jerked, her head rocked sideways and she began to cry. Willow looked in horror from the little girl to Buffy. Buffy had no answers.


“Please…ow! You’re hurting me! Stop…please…Uncle Xan! Uncle Spike!…Help!…Leave me alone!”


Ellie’s thrashing worsened. The girls crowded around her and Willow, confused and scared. A low moan from the corner pulled everyone’s attention away from Ellie. Tara was the first to reach Lys. The teen sat in the floor, grasping her knees, rocking and crying.


“Lys?” Tara said quietly, touching the girl’s shoulder. “What is it? What do you feel?”


“Hurts…” Lys moaned. “Hurts so bad…”


“What hurts, sweetie?”


“Pain…hitting me…they’re hitting me.” Lys’s voice broke. “Cold…so cold…scared, dirty…dirty, dirty, dirty…” She curled into a ball, whimpering, mimicking Ellie who burrowed further into Willow’s arms. “No! nononono…don’t touch me! Don’t hurt me!”


Lys gave a keening wail and threw herself into the wall, beating her head against it repeatedly. Ellie screamed, shrill, terrified…and then passed out. Tara interposed herself between Lys and the wall. She tugged the girl into her embrace and rocked her as she cried herself out.



Nate rolled his eyes at the description of the Taug demon’s mating habits. “Whatever!”


Angel glanced over at the boy and raised the corner of his mouth in an indulgent smile. “Whatever what?”


Nate put a finger in the book to hold his place. “It says that the Taug demon has to-“


He stopped dead and frowned at Angel. “What?”


Angel raised an eyebrow. “I didn’t say anything, Nate.”


Nate stood up, anger flashing in his eyes. “No, you did. I heard you.” He began moving toward Angel. The vampire placed his hands on the arms of the chair, non-threateningly.


“No, Nate. I didn’t say anything.” The boy looked confused, frightened, furious.


“Then why-“ He jerked to a halt and his eyes grew wide. “Lys?” He whispered. His body twitched and he screamed. “Lys! Lys, I’m coming!”


Angel vaulted out of the chair and caught the boy as he tried to run toward the door. “Giles! Wesley!” He bellowed, trying to keep a hold of the thrashing boy. The Watchers burst through the kitchen door.


“What is it?” Giles demanded. Angel finally pinned the boy to the floor.


“I don’t know, but it has to do with Lys. We need to get over there.”


“I’ll get the car.” Wesley darted out the door.




“What the hell was that all about?” Xander grinned as the man tripped over the hose on his way around the house.


When no answer was forthcoming, Xander glanced over at Spike. The vamp was in game face. A low growl steadily gained in volume until it became a full-blown roar. Xander reached a hand out to his vampire and was startled to find Spike trembling so hard that he was practically vibrating.




“Mine!” Spike hissed. He turned and bolted for the door. Xander, wide-eyed with confusion, watched him go. He then shook the cobwebs out of his head and raced after him.


“Spike! Stop!” He caught the vamp at the door, fighting with the lock. Seconds before Spike lost it and just ripped through the wood, Xander reached him. “Spike, stop!” He wrapped his arms around the vamp and tried to tug him backwards.


“No! Mine!” Spike growled, snapping his teeth at the boy. Xander had a moment of fear as those needle sharp fangs gnashed so close to his face.  “Protect…mine!”


Xander mentally braced himself and took a better hold on the vamp. With a move Spike would have been proud of had he been in his right mind, he swept the older man’s legs out from under him. Spike hit the ground with a roar and Xander had his hands full of squirming, thrashing, biting, kicking vampire.


The only thing that saved him from being ripped in two was the blessed/cursed chip. Spike elbowed him in the nose sending pain shooting through the entire right side of his face. He saw stars, or at least colored lights and felt his grip loosen. Not that it mattered. Spike curled into a fetal ball, howling and holding his head.


Oblivious to the blood pouring from his nose, Xander crawled back to the blonde. “Please, Spike…” he took the other man into his arms. “Tell me what’s wrong?”


Spike looked up at him with a terrible pain in his eyes that Xander somehow knew had nothing to do with the chip. “Mine,” he whispered. Then he shoved Xander off of him and rolled to his feet. He was gone before Xander had even gotten up.


Frustrated, the boy followed him out the door and stood on the sidewalk.

“Goddamn vampire,” Xander bitched, vainly searching for a sign of the blonde menace. He couldn’t decide if he were more pissed or scared. Either way didn’t bode well for the vamp when Xander got a hold of him. “Spike!” He yelled into the empty street.


Just as he had given up and was turning back to phone Giles or Willow, he heard a scream. Calling himself seven kinds of idiot, he none-the-less charged toward the sound. He wasn’t surprised to find Spike kicking the crap out of someone. He just wasn’t expecting it to be an 8-foot spine covered demon. He didn’t expect it to be leaking what he assumed was blood all over the road; burning little pock marks wherever it touched.


He certainly didn’t expect it to be screeching like a girl and cowering into a light pole to get away from the vicious vampire currently trying to disembowel it. Sighing to himself, he ran forward.


“Spike!” He hollered over the howling and growling. He interposed his body between the frothing vampire and the bleeding demon. Spike tried reaching around him and when that didn’t work, he tried going through him. He got another shock to the head for his troubles.


As he dropped to his knees again, Xander shoved him over onto his back and pinned him. He looked up at the huge demon above them. “Run, dammit!”  The demon stared at him with purple eyes, not seeming to comprehend. Xander waved him away, taking his hands from Spike’s prone form for a precious second. “Go, go, go! Get out of here! I can’t hold him for long!”


The creature either understood his hand gestures or decided on it’s own to make a break for it, because it turned tail and ran back down the street. Xander turned his attention back to Spike. The vamp shook off the pain and glared up at the boy.


“Let. Me. Go.” He enunciated between growls.


“Ummm…no way in hell?” Xander twined his legs around Spike’s. “I want to know what the hell is going on. And I want to know now.”


Spike seemed about to speak, and then narrowed his gaze. Xander felt a tingle at the base of his neck. He thought this was probably the stupidest thing he’d ever decided to do. He had one pissed off vampire glaring daggers at him. His nose hurt like hell. He was pretty certain that he was rolling in some of that demon blood.


All in all? Dumb, dumb Xander. What was he thinking? He was a mortal. With mortal strength. Spike was an all-powerful vampire. With vampire strength. Spike could crush him with one hand. It was hopeless. He might as well just let go and let the vampire—What the hell?


Xander shook his head slightly and tentatively ‘pushed’ at the feelings of hopelessness. He was alternately gratified and pissed off to sense the feeling slide off of him like water. With the last vestiges of hopelessness gone, he headbutted Spike.


“Ow! Bloody hell, Xander!”


“You sonofabitch!” Xander screamed in Spike’s face. “You tried to mojo me!”


To his credit, Spike looked shamefaced for a moment, then determination set back in. “Yeah, so what if I did? Let me up. I have to get to the Slayer’s.”


Xander’s eyes grew wide. “The kids?” he whispered. Spike nodded and Xander practically leaped off of him. He held out his hand and the vamp grabbed it. Tugging Spike to his feet, Xander drug him back to the garage and moments later, they were peeling out of the drive.