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Title:                 Family Part 11


Author:             Velvet Crypt

Disclaimer:        Joss is God. I own nothing.

Spoilers:           Um…total non canon.

Summary:         A day at the beach


For: XanDutch, who wanted a Xander-and-kids scene.  ; )


Things ran smoothly for the next few days. The LA gang and the scoobies got to know one another again. No major roadblocks occurred in the pentacle bond. Spike was becoming more at ease with making eye contact. Mostly after Buffy cornered him in the kitchen and told him that as much as she appreciated his concern, he was wigging her out sneaking around peering out of the corner of his eyes at her.


Ellie became a permanent fixture in Angel’s lap. Xander even caught them coloring together in the room Angel shared with Wesley. Willow, Tara, Buffy and Dawn spent nearly as much time at Xander and Spike’s as they did at their own homes. Xander had to yell at Cordy for taking Dawn and Lys shopping after he heard them plotting how to get him and Buffy to buy them matching leather jackets.


The only thing to not run smoothly was bedtime. Being forced to sleep together on the pullout couch was slowly killing both Xander and Spike. Each night they would crawl into their own side of the bed, bunch up their pillows, and stare into the darkness pretending to sleep.


Both knew the other was awake. Neither wished to broach the subject. When they woke, they would be tangled into a single entity in the center of the bed, using the same pillow and laying nose to nose. Spike normally woke first, and he would lay watching Xander sleep, breathing in his scent to help him through the day.


When he heard Xander’s heart speed up and his breathing quicken, heralding his awakening, Spike would roll out of bed and pad quietly to the kitchen to make his love breakfast. Spike began avoiding Willow after she started giving him dirty looks and staring pointedly at the calendar, indicating his week of procrastination was up. He hadn’t figured out how to tell Xan that he watched when Xander slept. How was he supposed to bring up love?


Saturday dawned bright and clear and Xander decided a family outing was in order. He was planning on going somewhere that Spike could be as well, but the vamp begged off to spend some time with Angel. Xander was happy enough that Spike and Angel weren’t at each other’s throats that he quickly agreed. As such, he had the kids plan the day. Not surprisingly, the beach was the winner of the Harris vote.


They arrived at the beach and it took nearly 10 minutes to gather up everything they’d packed and haul it to a suitable sunbathing site. Xander wrestled the cooler while Nate took the chairs. Lys had the towels and suncream and Ellie had her beach toys. Once they had found the perfect spot and towels were placed Xander handed out the suntan lotion.


“Make sure you get your noses, too.” He warned. Lys and Nate rolled their eyes. Ellie was thrilled because her sunscreen turned her nose purple. Xander made them spin around and endure his dabbing of missed spots. When he was satisfied, he started on himself.


As they opened the chairs, three teenaged boys jogged over to them.


“Hey,” they called. Xander smiled and nodded.


“Hey yourself.”


“We was wondering if you guys wanted to come play volleyball with us. We need more people.” Xander shook his head and settled in his chair.


“I’m planning on being old today and not moving from my lounge chair.” He grinned. “But Lys and Nate would love to.” Lys’s eyes lit up and she fluttered her eyelashes at the boy in the green trunks.


“Oh, yes,” she nodded. “I’d love to. We’re new here and don’t know many people.” The boys’ grinned at that.


“Well, then you absolutely have to come with us.” The green trunked boy grabbed her hand and started hauling her off.


His friends looked at each other and then at Nate. “You coming too?”


Nate shook his head and pulled out a book. “No, thank you.” He said primly. “I’m planning on finishing my book.” They looked at him as though he’d grown another head.


“Whatever, dude.” They ran back to the game. Xander frowned at Nate.


“You came to the beach to read?” he demanded. Nate nodded and sprawled into his chair. “When you could be having fun with friends your own age?” Nate nodded again and opened the book. “Why?”


Nate glanced at him over his sunglasses. “Because I want to read? Because I suck at sports and don’t want to spend the rest of the day shaking sand out of my shorts? Because I can’t stand the thought of spending time with anyone who would say ‘we was wondering’.” Xander grinned.


“I think you’re turning into Willow.” Nate stuck his tongue out at Xander and went back to his book. Xander lay back and scanned the beach for Ellie. He found her sitting in the surf. Her sand bucket and shovel sat next to her and the waves lapped at her ruffled blue bottom. But she just stared out into the ocean.


Concerned, he got up and walked down the beach to her. Crouching next to her, he leaned over and kissed the top of her head. “What’s up, poppet?” He asked, using Spike’s pet name for her.


She sighed,  “Daddy was going to teach me how to swim this summer.” Xander followed her gaze out to where several kids frolicked, diving under again and again.


“Well, I’m not your Dad, pumpkin, but I do know how to swim.” He said softly. “Would you like me to teach you?” Ellie turned her limpid brown eyes on him and smiled waveringly.


“You’d teach me?”


“I would love to teach you, Ellie.” He smiled back.



“Uncle Xan! I can’t touch out here!” Ellie’s voice trembled. Xan hugged her close to him.


“It’s okay, love.” He soothed. “We’re only up to my chest. I can touch just fine and there’s no way I’ll drop you.” He brushed his lips across her cheek. She still looked warily at the water, but relaxed into Xander’s grasp. Slowly, so as not to frighten her, he eased her into the water.


Keeping his hands beneath her he taught her how to float, then how to kick and move her arms. By the time an hour had passed, Ellie was dog paddling around Xander in circles while he held his hands in the water under her in case she needed catching. Her eyes sparkled and her laughter rang out. It was the most beautiful thing Xander could remember hearing.


Finally, his toes were so waterlogged that they had to get out. As they approached the shore, Nate came down to join them.

“Have fun, Ellie?” He tugged a sodden lock of his sister’s hair. She nodded with a ferocity that shook water droplets all over him. He dodged out of the way, laughing.


“Wanna help me make a sandcastle?”


She nodded again and plopped in the wet sand. Nate followed, as did Xander. They had the moat and the first level of a rather impressive castle made when Nate suddenly frowned and looked up, scanning the beach.


“What’s wrong, Nate?” Xander asked, looking around also.


Nate zoomed in on the volleyball game…and his sister. “That prick in the green trunks…” He hissed.


Xander peered across the distance. “What? What did he do?” He could see the game in progress. Lys and Green Trunks were on the same side. It looked as though the flirting had increased.


“Nothing yet. But he’s planning on it. Pervert.” Nate practically growled. Note to self, Xander thought. Tell Willow that either the bond is wiggy, or Nate is taking growling lessons.


“Why is he a pervert?”


“What’s a pervert?” Ellie asked innocently, dumping another pile of sand on the castle. Xander shot her a look.


“Don’t worry about it, honey. I’ll tell you later.” He continued to watch Lys.


“Uncle Xan,” Nate sounded worried. “You have to make her come away. He’s trying to get her to go for a walk down the beach. But what he really wants to do is…” He glanced at Ellie. “…bad stuff.” He concluded lamely.


“How do you know that?” Xander eyed him carefully.


“Um, twin stuff, I guess.” Xander could tell he wasn’t telling the truth, but saving his niece from the clutches of a raging hormone on legs took precedence.


“I’ll get her.” He stood and made his way through beach blankets over to the game.


“Lys!” he called. “Time for lunch.” Lys looked up at him in irritation and went back to talking to the boy. Xander trotted up to her side. “Hi,” he smiled, looming protectively over her and eyeing Green Trunks. “Guess you didn’t hear me, kiddo. We’re gonna have some lunch. Why don’t you come on back?”


Lys sighed and rolled her eyes, laying a hand on Green Trunks. “Uncle Xan, Ronnie and I were just going to go for a walk. Besides, I’m not really that hungry.”


Xander stared at Green Trunks until the boy actually blushed and lowered his gaze. “Really?” He said, not taking his eyes off the boy. “Why don’t you take a minute to discuss how Ronnie ‘feels’ about going with you for a walk down the beach. And what you might be doing when you get there?”


Come on, Lys, he mentally prodded. She looked confused for a moment, then disgusted with Xander. But he could tell the seed had been planted. He could almost see the wheels turning as she gave in to curiosity and ‘read’ Ronnie. Now the disgusted look was turned on the boy.


“You prick!” she glared. Snatching the volleyball out of the air, she hucked it at Ronnie’s face with all the finesse of a sledgehammer. He caught it in the nose and fell backwards. Lys linked arms with Xander and walked away from the crowd gathering around the downed boy.


“That was gross.” She sounded angry and embarrassed all at once. “He wanted to…well,” she blushed. “I guess you know what he wanted to do. Otherwise you wouldn’t have come over, huh?” Xander hid a smile.


“Actually, your brother sent me over. He was worried about you.” Lys looked at her brother as she walked up. He avoided her gaze.


“Hey, Nate,” she said quietly. He froze, then met her gaze. “Thanks, big brother.” She smiled at him softly and he returned it with an embarrassed look.


“Yeah, no prob. Wanna help us build a castle?”




“That’s a really cute castle!” Xander looked up to see two brunettes in string bikinis standing over them.


“Thanks!” He smiled at the girl in the pink bikini.


“It’s so sweet to see an older brother taking his little brother and sisters out to the beach.”


“And helping them make sandcastles, too!” Added the one in the red bikini.


“Well, I’m normally a carpenter, but decided to work with a different medium today.” He laughed.


“A medium what?” asked Pink Bikini. Xander’s smile faltered for a moment, then he laughed again.


“Oh, never mind. Not important.”


“You’d think as much paint as they’re wearing, they’d get it.” Nate mumbled under his breath to Lys. She snorted, and then blinked angelically up at the women.


“Hi, I’m Lys. This is Ellie and this is N-“


“So, what’s your name, gorgeous?” Red bikini simpered at Xander.


Lys and Nate traded looks again.


“Um, Xander. Xander Harris.”


“Ooo, Xander! That’s a cool name.” Pink cooed.


“So, Xander. Want to take a swim with us?” Red posed, her hip thrown out to the side.


“He can’t swim.” Nate said brusquely.


Xander’s eyes widened and he looked in confusion at Nate. Ellie started to open her mouth, but Lys pointed out a seashell near her feet and distracted her.


“OH, that’s too bad.” Pink looked disappointed.


“Aww, now I don’t get to show the big hunky guy what I look like when I’m wet.” Nate pouted in a whisper, his back turned away from the girls.


“Um, well, anyway,” Xander recovered, “I would really like to finish the castle with the kid, first.”


The girls looked at each other and Nate and Lys could nearly hear the awwwwww, in their heads.


“Wow. What devotion.” Red nodded her head wisely.


“I think I’m gonna hurl.” Lys whispered back to Nate. He nodded.


“Well, then how about you meet us at the Bronze for drinks later tonight?” Pink leaned over to give Xander the best view of her cleavage possible.


Lys rolled her eyes. Nate turned around. “He has to watch us tonight.” Xander blinked, staring at Nate, who pointedly ignored him.


“We could come over to your place,” Red ran a finger down Xander’s muscular shoulder. “Maybe watch a movie, or…something, when the kids go to bed.” She bit her lower lip. Lys didn’t even try to hide her indignant look. That was her uncle, dammit!


“Well, I really don’t think Uncle Xan’s boyfriend would be too hip on Uncle Xan watching a movie or doing…something whether we go to bed or not.” Nate said nonchalantly as he flicked sand at their feet.


Their shock was so great that, for a moment, they didn’t notice the grains of sand sticking to the sun tanning lotion slathered on their legs. After their mouths shut, they glared at Nate and walked away without a goodbye.


Xander watched them go with a shell-shocked look on his face. He turned to Nate.


Nate shrugged. “Just trying to keep you on this side of fidelity, Uncle Xan. Not to mention that any children from that side of the gene pool would be truly scary.”


Xander tried to be angry, but Nate and Lys’s smug looks only made him grin. “Yeah, yeah…so they weren’t the brightest berries on the bush. But as for fidelity, you know that Spike and I are not a couple, Nate. You should really not push him. It upsets him.” He stared sternly at Nate, then Lys. “And I promised him not to bring it up.”


They nodded and looked back to their sand castle. Sneaked peeks proved that the wistful tone in his voice matched the one on his face. Glancing at each other, another nod came from each as an unspoken agreement passed between them.