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Friday Night

Title:  Friday Night

Author:  Velvet Crypt

Rating:  NC-17ish

Summary: The gang gets a bit tipsy. Truth and Consequences ensue.

Spoilers:  Before Hell’s Bells



“I am so pathetically bored.” Xander moaned as he lay back against the couch and flung his arm over his eyes. Murmurs of agreement echoed his complaint.


“Well,” ventured Willow, “We are sitting around the coffee table on a Friday night, just staring at each other. That does have that ‘oh, so pathetic’ feel to it.”


Tara smiled gently and touched Willow’s knee. “Actually, I think it’s kind of nice. Things have quieted down since Buffy's been back. We finally can just sit around staring at each other.”


“Oh, yes,” Anya quickly agreed. “Xander and I have much more time for sex now that you’re back, Buffy.” Buffy exchanged wry grins with Tara and Willow as Xander blushed.


“An, honey…personal, remember?” Anya just blinked at him. “Never mind,” he sighed and pulled her closer.


“I know what you mean, Xander, “ said Buffy thoughtfully. “I got all my jollies out in the last few weeks. Now I feel kinda…blah.” She shrugged.  “Like there’s nothing to do.


“Exactly!” Xander waved the hand that wasn’t wrapped around Anya in the air.


“Exactly what, mate?” a cockney accented voice asked from behind Buffy. She looked up to see Spike pulling off his duster.


~ God, he has a gorgeous bod~ she thought, and then mentally quashed the unintentional mental faux pas.


“What are you doing here, Spike?” she grumbled in irritation. Spike raised an eyebrow as the scoobies looked surprised. They’d all thought that Buffy and Spike had been getting along fine. Buffy felt a twinge of guilt. “Oh, just…sit down.” She snapped. Spike hid a smile.


“Actually, Spike, we were just talking about how boring it’s been around here lately.” Xander supplied.


“And how sadly pathetic it is that we are sitting here on a Friday night doing…nothing.” Anya added.


“Well, the Big Bad population has dwindled a bit since the Slayer clocked back in,” he flopped into his chair and swung a leg over the arm. “As for the other, why don’t you head over to the Bronze?”


Willow grimaced. “I’m actually avoiding the Bronze. I really don’t want to run into Amy again.”  The others nodded understandingly. Amy had proven to be less than trustworthy after casting a spell on Willow hoping to change Willow’s mind about falling further into the dark arts.


Tara and Willow shared a sweet smile and Buffy’s chest tightened to see the back together and so happy again.


“So, we are boycotting the Bronze,” Buffy announced.


“Hear, hear,” Xander seconded. Anya looked at him in puzzlement.


“I don’t see why we can’t go just because Willow doesn’t want to,”


“Solidarity, An, solidarity,” Xander explained. At Anya’s continued blank look, he just sighed, and kissed her cheek.


“You’re not missing much, luv,” Spike added consolingly. “Nothing but a bunch of teeny-bopper poofters there lately. Willow flashed a smile of thanks at him that he returned and Buffy felt her chest constrict again. This time, however, with something like the green eyed monster of jealousy.


~No, no, no, no~ she mentally chided herself. ~Evil vamp. Must remember that.~ But somehow, she didn’t feel convinced.


“Why can’t we just have our own party?” Xander posed. Everyone seemed to perk up.


“We could play Scattergories!” Anya squealed. Xander clenched and forced a smile.


“Sure, An, whatever you want.”


Willow snickered. “I have an idea.” She said slyly. “We could play Mexicali.” Everyone looked confused. “It’s a drinking game,” Willow explained. “I learned it at one of the frat parties.” She quickly shared the rules and was pleased to see everyone look willing to try.


“Great,” said Buffy, “But where are we getting the drinks for the drinking game? Its after midnight and the only things open are bars and 7-11’s. “ She shuddered. “You know how I feel about beer.” Frowns began to appear.


“Never fear, luv,” Spike rose to his feet in one fluid catlike motion. Buffy drank him in with her eyes. “I have a supply right here.” He started walking toward the kitchen. “I saved it for…rough times during the last few months.” He ducked his head shyly for a moment, not meeting anyone’s eyes. Buffy suddenly became very interested in a loose thread on the couch.


“Wait,” Spike looked around. “Where’s lil’ bit? I don’t think everyone should get all pissed in front of her.”


“She’s spending the night at a friends,” Tara said softly.


“Oh, well, that’s alright then.” He continued into the kitchen. Buffy felt a warm tingle and a smile spread over her face.


~Big Bad Spikey. Making sure Dawnie is safe before getting drunk. He’s changed.~ She let herself drift in those thoughts until he came back through the door carrying a box.


“Here we go, then,” he said as he set the box on the floor and dusted his hands off. Everyone looked on in amazement.


“Spike, there has to be 15 bottles in there!”


Spike shrugged, a bit embarrassed. “I bought them, expecting a lot of…hard times, but then I thought lil’ bit didn’t need a slobbering drunk taking care of her. So, I just never got around to taking a nip.” Buffy didn’t try to hide her smile this time and caught his eyes. Spike felt warmth flood though him.


Buffy was pleased with him. That made it all worth it. All the times he’s pulled out a bottle and sat at the Summer's kitchen table, tears obscuring the label, wishing he could get drunk enough to forget about the pain her loss was causing. Yet, knowing that he’d swore to protect the Nibblet, and that she needed him sober. What if she woke up with another nightmare?


“So, let’s get started then, shall we?” Willow clapped her hands together and rubbed them back and forth. “I have the upper edge. I learned all the evil tricks from fraternity guys!”




Chapter 2


“Ok, ok…pay attenshun evy…evy…you guys!” Buffy waved her glass at the rest of the group, sloshing the contents on the table as she did so. Spike gently captured her hand and pulled the glass from her grasp.


“Slayer, use your other hand to point.”


Buffy blinked owlishly at him for a moment and then giggled. “I can’t,” Spike looked her other hand which had it’s thumb pressed firmly against the table. He narrowed his eyes and glanced around the table. Everyone else had their thumbs pressed against the table too.


“Oh, bugger me,” he said in disgust.


“Whoooohoooo!” Willow whooped. “Thumbmaster on Spike…again! You know, Xander that was a really good rule. This makes Spike’s, what, third time to lose?” Xander nodded, grinning like a fool.


“Actually, Red, this is my fourth time,” Spike said wryly before tossing back the shot of tequila. He just couldn’t understand why, with all his vampy senses, that he couldn’t seem to notice when anyone else played Thumbmaster; and being the last one to notice and to put his thumb inconspicuously on the table, he had to drink; four times now.


Buffy sniggered. “And now for my, next rule, as is my right as the current Mexicali shampeen…shampon…winner; I declare that no one is allowed to use anyone’s name!” Groans broke out around the table.


“Forget that,” Spike snorted and pushed away from the table. “You have sucky rules, woman; that stupid thumb game, no saying drink, drank, or drunk, and now we can’t even use each others names?”


“What are you bitching about, Fang-boy?” Xander protested. “You never call anyone by name anyway. It’s all, ‘luv’ or ‘pet’, or ‘bint’,” Xander mimicked Spike. “And I don’t know that I’ve ever known anyone to have as many names for drinking as you do.”


Spike raised an eyebrow. “The lot of you can keep playing, I don’t care. I’ll just sit it out in the living room.” He smirked and stood up. “But the bathroom rule still applies, even if I’m not in the room.”


“Hell no, it doesn’t!” Willow jumped up. “I have been waiting to use the bathroom for 30 minutes now, Spike! I just didn’t want to have to ask permission from you to do it. If you aren’t playing anymore, then I am gonna pee!” She carefully set her glass down on thin air and staggered towards the bathroom as the glass hit the ground. The table erupted in laughter.


“That was a really horrible rule, y’know,” Tara smiled. “I mean, considering that you never have to…well, you know…use the facilities.” Spike laughed and tapped Tara on the nose.


“That was the point, luv.”


“So now what should we do?” asked Anya. “I mean, what do you all want to play if we are quitting Mexicali?”


The bathroom door flew open and Willow stumbled out into the living room. Giggling maniacally, she picked herself up and flipped off the bathroom door.


“The damn thing thought it had me,” she pointed at it. “But I guess I showed you, huh? So, scoobies, what now?” she asked as she staggered to the couch and collapsed.


“Anya was just asking that,” Tara said, joining her lover on the couch. “I know what I’d like to do, but you all might think it’s pretty stupid,” she ducked her head shyly.


“No, we wouldn’t,” Xander flopped on the other end of the couch, hauling Anya down next to him. “We never do stuff you want to do, Tara. So, go ahead…tonight’s your night!” Buffy weaved over to an armchair and tried to sit. She would have missed, hitting the floor, had Spike not walked by and pushed her backwards. The momentum carried her butt into the seat and she landed with an umph.


“Bastard,” she mumbled. He shot her a smirk.


“Couldn’t let you hurt your cute little bum, could I?” He turned his attention away from her. The loss was almost tangible to Buffy.  “So, Tara, what did you want to do?”  He gingerly lowered himself into his chair.


“Well,” she blushed. “I-I don’t really know any of y-you, except for Willow. And I th-think you are all really great, so I was thinking we c-could play Truth or Consequences. We could get to know e-each other and have fun d-doing it.” Willow and Anya squealed, nearly scaring the life out of Buffy.


“That is a perfect idea!” Anya clapped her hands together while Willow practically bounced off the couch. Xander looked a bit more cautious and Spike and Buffy just gaped at Tara.


Tara quickly sat back against the couch when she saw the look on Buffy and Spike’s faces. “No, i-it was stupid. We sh-shouldn’t…” Buffy felt guilty.


“No, it’s a great idea, Tara.” She quickly lied through her teeth. “I’d love to play. And so would Spike…wouldn’t you, Spike?” she gave him a ‘look.’ His expression went from horror to a teeth gritting smile.


“Oh, yeah…I’d love to, witch.”  Tara perked up.


“O-Ok, then…who w-wants to go first?”





Chapter 3


“I-I’ll go first s-since it was my idea,” Tara raised a hand cautiously. “S-Spike. Did you ever h-have a pet?”


Spike quirked an eyebrow. “Before or after, luv?” Tara seemed disconcerted by his question and began stuttering.


“Umm, …w-well, I g-guess…ummm,” Buffy felt badly for her. She was still so very scared to call attention to herself, and to suggest a game of her own accord was a huge step. As Tara became more desperate, looking at Willow for support, Buffy nearly stepped in to save the moment. However, Spike noticed as well and utterly surprised Buffy with his compassion.


“I actually had a pet before and after,” he smiled gently at Tara. “When I was William, I had a mutt. I picked ‘im up off the street in London. A group of street boys had him in an alley and were teasing ‘im. Bloody torturing ‘im, rather. Making hi chase things across the busy street, tying ‘is legs together, kicking ‘im when he didn’t do what they wanted.” Spikes eyes flashed with the memory and his forehead wrinkled.


Tara had stopped cowering next to Willow and was leaning forward, attention totally on Spike Buffy noticed with yet another twinge of the green persuasion, that everyone, including Xander, seemed to be enthralled by Spikes voice. Not that she blamed them. She loved to hear him talk. Sometimes, she would pick a fight with him, just to hear him. His accent was stronger when he was angry.


“Well, I wasn’t standing for that, mind you. So I walked up to the poofters, self righteous as you please, and informed them that their behavior was atrocious. I then demanded that they cease and be on their way.” He stuck his nose in the air and his accent became pure upper class British. Tara giggled. “They didn’t appreciate my interference, I’d say, cause they knocked me on my ass in the garbage. Then they decided to change subjects for a bit and started kicking me.”


“They worked me over pretty good, well, pretty good for then,” he amended. “Nothing like Glory, but then, I was still human.” Buffy winced in remembrance of the mess Glory had made of Spike when she’d captured him for the location of the key. He hadn’t said anything then. He’s shown his loyalty to Buffy, Dawn, and the scoobies. Just like he was showing them his compassion now.


“When I came to, I was still lying there and lo and behold, this mutt was lying next to me licking the blood off of my face. I decided that we were both in the same boat, nancy boys and all, so I brought him home with me.” He laughed, shaking his head. “Me mum was right pissed at me. After all, he was a mutt. He looked it too, all scraggly and dirty. But we, my sister and I, cleaned ‘im up and he turned out to be really handsome…in a mutt kind of way.”


 “I had him for 5 years, until Dru came along. The last time I went to see my family, skulking about in the bushes, y’know, I saw that my sister had taken him with her when she was married. He loved her kids. He took care of the lil bits just like he’d taken care of me.” He stared vacantly for a moment, lost in the past. Then shook his head to clear it and looked embarrassed. “He was a dumb dog, really.”


Tara reached over and touched his knee, tears in her eyes. “I think h-he sounds wonderful. What did you name him?” Spike looked even more embarrassed.


“Shakespeare,” he mumbled.


“What about the pet you had when you became Fang-boy?” Xander put in, feeling uncomfortable with the fluffy moment.


“I picked another pup up from the street, that time, too.” Spike settled himself back in a chair. “It was a black lab. It was cold, shivering in the rain, so I tucked it under my duster and brought it home to Dru. She played with it for about an hour. I went to the other room to get something, and when I came back, she had this limp puppy lying on her lap. She’d gotten bored and drained it.”


Willow and Tara clutched hands, looks of horror on their faces. Buffy watched Spike. He clenched his jaw, and she could see the muscle jump. ~Poor Spike, everything was ripped from his grasp. The fates wouldn’t even let him have a damn dog~ Her eyes narrowed. ~Dru is such a bitch~


“I buried the pup under a lilac bush in the park.” Spike finished. “I hadn’t even named it yet.” Silence reigned supreme for long moments.


“That is the sickest thing I think I’ve heard.” Xander said quietly. Spike shrugged.


“Yeah, well…Dru was always a bit off her rocker.  Anyway, if I am familiar with this game at all, I think that makes it my turn?” He changed the subject.


“Yes, that is correct,” Anya sat up, primly folding her hands in her lap. “Who would you like to ask a question of, Spike?” Spike grinned.


“While I’m deciding that, I think I’ll be getting myself another drink.”


Buffy could have sworn later that she’d had a brain blip, because she didn’t remember what possessed her to stand up and take his glass from his hand.


“I’ll get it for you.”


“Um, I’d like…”


“Yeah, yeah, I know what you like. One malt whiskey coming up. I don’t know why you were drinking tequila with us, you hate tequila.” She tossed over her shoulder as she walked into the kitchen.  She missed the stares that followed her into the other room.


“Ummm, how does Buffy know you hate tequila?” Xander asked, suspiciously. “Do you two spend a lot of time drinking with each other?”


“She, uh…she pulled me out of Willy’s once…for a demon question, of course, and ummm…all I could afford was tequila, and I mentioned how much I hated it!” Spike ended with a shrug. He’d rather die that admit that he’s gotten her drunk on tequila one night when she showed up at his crypt, hollow from her friends lack of understanding. First, he didn’t want to be staked for taking advantage of her, even though he’d been a perfect gentleman, and second, the scoobies didn’t need to know how much pain they’d caused her by ripping her from heaven.


He busied himself with thinking of a question, so he wouldn’t be asked any more.





Chapter 4


“I think my question will be for…Xander.” Spike grinned evilly as Buffy slowly let out the breath she was holding. Xander looked like a deer in headlights.


“Er…Ok,” he visibly braced himself and took a gulp of his drink for good measure.


“What’s your favorite position?” Anya got all bouncy.


“Ooooo, oooo, I know that one!” she yelled out. “If he won’t answer, I will!”


“Anya!” Xander scowled at her.  She looked innocently at him.


“What?” He closed his eyes and hunched down into the couch.


“I like Anya on top.” He mumbled.


“Huh?” Willow asked. “I didn’t hear what you said.” Xander glared at her.


“I said…I. Like. Anya. On. Top. Ok?”


Spike grinned at him. “Cor, women are beautiful when they ride you, aren’t they, whelp?” He and Xander shared a knowing conspirital look. “All that gorgeous hair falling over you like a curtain, watching their breasts bounce, and best of all…watching them grind away on you like they don’t even know or care who you are, just working themselves up to a…”


“Ok, well then...onto the next question shall we?” Buffy cut in brightly. Spike’s laugh rumbled through his chest and Buffy could feel it from where she was sitting. It rolled over her body, stopping to caress her hardening nipples before curling into a tight, warm weight between her legs. ~Damn vampire! Why the hell did he have to be so vivid?~ She shifted uncomfortably in her chair and shot daggers at Spike with her eyes. Her irritation only served to amuse him more.


Willow and Tara hid smiles behind their hands as they watched the exchange between the Slayer and the vampire. “Ok, Xander, your turn” she said.


Xander narrowed his eyes and leaned forward to Willow. “So, Wills…have you and Tara every been caught having sex?” Tara began sputtering. Willow just sent a wicked smile back at Xander and reached over to comfortingly touch Tara’s hand.


“Well, since this is Truth or Consequences…I guess I have to tell the truth.” She smiled seductively and leaned forward, revealing some of her cleavage. Xander’s mouth became dry. “Nope.”  She leaned back laughing as Xander took over Tara’s sputtering. Buffy laughed til tears came to her eyes. Tara was blushing, Willow looked excessively proud of herself, Anya looked slightly miffed with Xander, and Spike looked ~so sexy~ she sighed, then squeezed her eyes shut. ~What the hell, Buffy?”~


“Oh, very nice, Red,” Spike chuckled, gently jostling her leg with his boot. “Very nice!”


“Thank you, thank you” she mock bowed. “My question is for Anya…” Anya brightened up again.  She sat up and cocked her head, prepared to listen very carefully to Willow’s question.” “How many people and/or demons have you slept with in you 1000 years of existence?”


Anya’s brow crinkled in thought. “Humans…let’s see, maybe 5 men maybe 30 women?” Xander’s jaw dropped.  “Demons…probably about 50. Oh! And at least 10 of those were vampires! She looked proudly at Spike, who deliberately widened his eyes and nodded, trying not to laugh.


“So who was the best?” Buffy asked, innocently fluttering her eyelashes.


“Buffy!” Xander covered his ears. “I do not need to hear the sexcapades of my future bride!”


Anya leaned back against the couch out of Xander’s sight and mouthed “Vampire.” Willow and Buffy couldn’t control their giggles any longer. Willow collapsed against a smiling Tara and Buffy met Spike’s eyes, sparkling deep blue in merriment.


Xander looked suspiciously at the girls, but Anya patted his knee and smiled reassuringly at him. He pulled his hands away from his ears and hmphed.


“And since Buffy went out of turn,” Anya shook a finger at her. “I get to ask her a question.” Buffy took a deep breath.


“Ok, shoot,”


“What would be the perfect romantic encounter for you?” Buffy noticed Spike pull his drink away from his lips as he watched her intently. 


“Umm…well, I guess…” Her mouth opened and closed a few times before she shrugged. ~What the hell, why not?~ she smiled. “My perfect romantic encounter would be coming home from a hard night’s slaying to find the house lit up in candles and filled with flowers. My…partner…” she couldn’t seem to stop her eyes from stealing a glance at Spike, then horrified that someone might have seen, she squeezed her eyes shut.


Spike caught the glance. He felt a tiny flame ignite in his chest. ~Oh, yes, Slayer…I would love to be your…partner. I would beg you to let me be your partner~


“M-my partner…w-would have a steaming bubble bath waiting for me; candles, flowers, maybe some iced wine. He would wash my hair for me, rub my tired muscles, bathe me," her cheeks heated and she staunchly refused to open her eyes to see who was looking at her. “Then, he would dress me in comfy pj’s and carry me downstairs for the candlelit dinner he’s prepared for me. When dinner was done, we’d curl up on the couch together and talk about anything and everything. Then he’s switch the topic and tell me how much he loved me, worshipped me…how beautiful he thought I was, and how perfect we were together.”


“Then he’d gently kiss me, sweep me into his arms, and carry me off to bed where we’d…” her eyes shot open as she realized how deep into her fantasy she was getting, and how the strong arms carrying her greatly resembled those on the blonde vampire sitting across from her. She looked around to see everyone staring at her in anticipation. “Ummm…well, y’know…” She looked everywhere in the room but at Spike.


Spike lifted his foot and placed it on his other knee to kid the raging hard on her words had inspired. The words he had just committed to memory.  He noticed Xander shifting into a similar position and caught his eye, smirking. Xander returned with a goofy grin and shrugged, the men being in complete understanding for once. Then Anya elbowed Xander in the chest and the moment was gone.


“Spike,” he said rubbing his ribcage, “Have you ever slept with a man?” Spike raised an eyebrow.


“Are you asking for tips or am I just to damn sexy to resist?” ~Too damn sexy~ Buffy thought dreamily. Spike snorted at Xander’s blush and shook his head. “Never mind, whelp. As a matter of fact, yes I have had sex with another man.” Buffy perked her ears up. “But it wasn’t exactly consensual on my part, so I’d rather not go any further into it.” Spike looked around at the shocked faces, Buffy’s especially. She looked adorable with that shocked outrage on her face. “What,” he asked. “No one here ever been date raped?” he tried to cover the twinge of pain he still felt after all this time with a good belly laugh, but, watching the Slayer’s eyes, he knew that he’d have some explaining to do later.


“Turn about’s fair play, whelp. Have you ever had sex with a man?”


“No,” Xander replied in a small voice. Buffy took pity on him.


“Tara,” she winked at the shy Wicca, who looked on the verge of tears as she stared at Spike. “What is the one thing Willow does during sex that really turns you on?” Tara’s gaze shot to Buffy’s. Buffy tried to convey the ‘let’s change the topic’ thought to her and was relieved when the Wicca grinned cheekily.


“W-Willow does this p-purring thing that vibrates. I r-really like that.” Willow preened, huffed on her knuckles and rubbed them on her shirtfront.


“Why did I never know these things in high school?” Xander demanded. Willow and Tara giggled and Anya belted him in the chest again.


“Xander, d-do you have any t-tattoos?” Tara asked. Xander’s eyes began to shift rapidly from side to side and he clamped a hand over Anya’s mouth just as she opened it to speak.


“Consequence, please.”  He requested pleasantly, never removing his hand from Anya’s mouth.


“Ok, y-your consequence is t-to have one of us d-draw a tattoo on you with permanent m-marker.” Tara reached past her lover and pulled a Sharpie marker out of the end table drawer. “I’m g-going to think of a number from 1-10, and the p-person who gets closest will g-get to draw.” She closed her eyes in concentration. “OK, ready”


“One!” Buffy yelled out.


“Three,” laughed Willow.


“The girlfriend, who should get to do the honors, would like eight,” Anya said prying Xander’s hand from her lips.


“Seven,” Spike rolled his eyes.


“Congratulations…Spike!” Tara threw him the marker. He grinned evilly at the look of abject terror on Xander’s face.


“Oh, yeah,” He stood and seemed to stalk Xander as he glided soundlessly across the living room. “On the floor, Harris. I want a flat surface to work on.” Xander’s eyes pleaded with the others, but got no support, even from Anya.


“Fine,” he grumped, and lay down in the center of the living room floor. Spike straddled his hips, causing Xander to yelp. “What the hell are you doing?”


“I need the right angle to draw, Harris. If you like, you can consider this foreplay…” He batted his eyelashes in mock seduction and shoved Xander’s T-shirt up and over his head. Xander yelped again and tensed. The girls were practically rolling in laughter. Buffy had developed a stitch in her side. Spike began drawing. Xander couldn’t see what Spike was doing, but he was fascinated just watching the vampire in concentration.


~He’s really taking this seriously.~ Xander thought. The tip of Spike’s tongue poked out from between his lips and his forehead furrowed. After about 5 minutes, during which the girls refilled drinks, Spike smiled triumphantly and capped his pen. He got to his feet and offered Xander a hand up.


“Girls,” Spike called, “Finished.” The girls filed back into the living room and, one by one, stopped speechless as they caught sight of Xander’s chest. Xander walked to the hallway mirror and stopped in astonishment himself.


“Damn,” he whispered. Spike had drawn an easily distinguishable Xander and Anya locked in a passionate embrace, clothes partially falling off of each of them and the words “Xander and Anya” and “eternity” below the rendering. He looked back at Spike in amazement.


Anya stepped forward, tears in her eyes, and gently kissed Spike on the check. “It’s gorgeous, Spike. Thank you.” Spike ducked his head shyly, and then looked up at Xander.


“Don’t spose your lady would like to pose for me? I was gonna draw the best parts in, but since I’ve never seen ‘em…” he wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.


“No!” Xander interrupted. “Why don’t we all just sit back down?” They headed back to the couch and chairs.


“My turn again,” Anya announced. “Spike, do you like bondage?” ~Oh dear Lord~ Buffy’s stomach clenched in immediate desire.


Spike watched Buffy lazily, “Oh, yeah, pet. I have quite the collection of items along that line, actually.” A small squeak escaped Buffy’s throat and she tried to cover with a cough as every eye in the room turned on her.


“What about you, Buff?” Willow asked innocently. “Do you like bondage?”


“I…errr...I, gue-, I really don-…oh, shit. Give me a consequence.”


Anya and Willow exchanged a look. Willow got up and went into the back room. She cam out with two lengths of cord and handed one to Anya. “Your consequence is to stay tied up to Spike for 15 minutes.” Anya stated. 


“What! No way in hell…”Buffy held up her hands in a warding gesture.


“Everyone else had done their challenges, luv,” Spike pointed out. Buffy glared at him for a moment and then stood and flounced over to him.


“Fine.” She gritted, and sat on the arm of the chair, presenting her arm.


“Oh, no, Buff” Willow clucked her tongue. “Left arm to left arm, left leg to left leg.” Buffy’s eyes widened.


“But that put me facing backwards. How am I supposed to play if I can’t see you guys?” she asked desperately.


“Oh I think you can think of something,” Anya said grabbing Buffy’s hand and pressing it into Spike’s. Buffy watched helplessly as Willow and Anya tied her to Spike. When the deed was done, Buffy searched the area for a place to sit that would put her as far from Spike as possible. She tried to sit facing the room, with her arm and leg crossed over in front of her. She only succeeded in nearly taking a nosedive into the floor. Spike caught her arm and steadied her. Just as she was ready to jerk her arm free and yell at hi. He turned her loose.


She twisted in a half circle and tried to sit on the end table. As she put her weight on it, it tipped forward. Once again Spike steadied her. This time, though, he sighed. “Just come here Slayer. I’m not gonna hurt you. It’s only for 15 minutes.” He pulled her down into his lap and adjusted her so he could see around her. She tensed and sat as stiff as a board. ~Oh my God, he feels good.~


“So, that makes it my turn, I guess.” She said a bit breathlessly. “Willow, bestest buddy of mine,” Willow got a look of worry in her eyes. “What was the kinkiest thing you ever let Oz do to you?” Willow flinched and refused to make eye contact with Tara.


“Ummm…consequence, please.”


Spike was impressed at the look of pure unadulterated evil glee that came over Buffy’s face. “Ok,” she said sweetly, “Your consequence is to lip sync and do a number to the Divynal’s song ‘I Touch Myself”” Spike threw his head back and practically howled in laughter. He held up a palm to Buffy and, grinning, she gave him a high five. Willow looked horrified.


“Anya, c-could you set up the CD player for Willow?” Tara asked. “B-buffy is…occupied.” Willow whipped her head around to Tara.


“What!” she squeaked. “Tara, you’re my girlfriend! You’re supposed to support me!” Tara shrugged and smiled.


“I d-do support you, honey. I’ll ch-cheer you on. I’ll even tuck a f-five in your waistband if you give me a lap d-dance while you sing it.” Tara flushed with embarrassment, but to her credit, she held her head high.


Anya and Xander began chanting, “Willow! Willow! Willow!” and Willow took a deep breath and stood. Applause erupted throughout the room. Buffy and Spike tried to clap as well, but wound up whistling when it became apparent that they couldn’t clap in tandem yet.


The music started and Willow stood stiffly mouthing the words her eyes locked on Tara. Tara swayed to the beat and crooked a finger at Willow. Slowly, Willow made her way across the room to Tara, becoming more animated with each step. By the time she was in front of her girlfriend, she was actually smiling. By the middle of the song, she was swaying sexily to the music. By the final verse, she was straddling Tara’s legs and running her hands down her body. When the song ended Willow leaned down and kissed Tara ferociously, pushing her back against the couch. ~Buffy knew she wasn’t into girls, but the sheer sexuality of the dance and the passionate love in the kiss they’d shared was invigorating. She stared unashamedly, lips slightly parted and wiggling slightly to ease the sudden ache between her legs.


Spike sharply inhaled as he felt the Slayer’s tight little ass wriggling over his cock, separated by only a few layers of clothing. He clenched his teeth, willing his hard-on away.


“Whoa…” Xander wiped his forehead unobtrusively. “That was…”


“Yes, that was,” Spike agreed. Buffy darted a glance at him and couldn’t resist a final squirm feeling, as she did so, the bulge steadily growing in his pants. She was so focused on the heat in his eyes that she didn’t even notice Willow moving back to the couch. Willow had to call her name three times to get her attention.




Spike wet his lips and whispered, “Slayer, Red is talking to you.”


~Screw Red~ she though absently. ~I’m content to stare deeply into your gorgeous blue eyes like some teenaged tramp.~ “What, Will?” she chose to say instead, finally breaking her gaze away from his.


“I was wondering, Buffy,” Willow traced a line down Tara’s arm. “Have you ever ‘Touched Yourself” while thinking of someone in this room?”


Buffy choked. She was sure that if she weren’t tied to the answer to that question, she would have bolted. “Consequence,” she whispered.


Willow nodded to Tara, who disappeared into the kitchen. She, herself, walked over and began to untie the restraints. Throwing them onto the coffee table, she stood, hands on hips, and tilted her head to the side. Buffy didn’t move. Tara returned and handed the Wicca a small bottle full of…cherries?


“Scuse me, Buff,” Willow stepped behind the chair and set the cherries on the back of it. With a quick movement, she grasped the neckline of Spike’s T-shirt and ripped it from top to bottom.


“Blood hell, Red!” Spike jumped. Willow placed a silencing finger on his lips, never taking her eyes off of her best friend.


“Your consequence, Buffy the Denial Sayer, is to clean up the mess I am about to make.”  Spike grinned up at Willow, amused by the play on Buffy’s name. He watched Willow unscrew the cherry jar and hold it over his shoulder. She leaned over and kissed the Slayer on the cheek and then tipped the bottle. Spike hissed at the icy, sticky liquid that cascaded down his chest, pooling in his navel and soaking into the waistband of his jeans. Willow capped the jar. Buffy’s gaze had moved down to Spike’s chest.


“Oh, and Buffy? You have to use your tongue.”


~I cannot do this. I want to do this. Everyone is watching me. Spike is watching me. I’m going to die of embarrassment. I’m going to go up in flames if he doesn’t stop looking at me like that. I’m going to kill Willow. I’m going to have to thank Willow. I need to run. I need to touch him.  I want to touch him. I have to touch him.~


~She can’t do this. She wants to do this. Too many people are watching. Focus on me, baby. Nothing to be embarrassed about. I’m on fire with needing you. I love that Witch. Why would she do this to her friend? I can’t let go of her…she’ll run. I need her hands on me. I want her tongue on me. Please, Slayer, I have to have you~


Buffy slowly leaned forward to the starting point of the sticky juice on Spikes shoulder. Spike could feel her breath on him, hot and uneven. Her tongue flicked out and she swiped it over his skin like a small kitten. Spike couldn’t help himself. He let out a low moan and then cursed himself as Buffy tensed. Her eyes shot to his and he saw the desire and fear in them. He lifted a hand to her cheek and gently cupped it, smiling softly at her. He then laid his head back and closed his eyes, trusting her completely with his body.


She tested his trust with another swipe, feeling better when he just breathed in deeply. Feeling bolder, she moved to straddle him and licked from his shoulder down to his nipple. She pulled it into her mouth and swirled her tongue around creating a hardened nub. She felt her own nipples harden in response. She moved down his chest, alternating between licking and sucking his flesh into her mouth. ~God, I love the smell of his body~ His slightly cooler skin felt like a balm to her heated face.


She slid off of his lap and knelt in the floor in front of him to reach his stomach. Placing her hands on either side of his waist, she dug her nails in. He sucked air in sharply and thrust his hips upwards. Buffy smiled against his skin, feeling powerful. She dipped her tongue into his navel and delicately lapped at the juice pooled there, making sure to create a bit of suction to get every last drop. Spike could feel that suction strait through his body and his cock twitched in tandem.


Buffy moved lower, nipping at the trail of hairs beginning just at his waistband, and swathing her tongue over his quivering stomach. She finished her exploration by forcing her tongue a fraction of an inch into his waistband. Spike forced his hands to the arms of the chair and squeezed so that he wouldn’t frighten her by following his first reaction: unzipping his jeans and forcing her lovely mouth onto his cock. He vaguely heard the sounds of ripping cloth, but dismissed the sound in the rush of sex and adrenaline his Slayer was causing in him.


He nearly wept when she withdrew her wicked tongue and resumed her place in his lap. She curled up into his arms and laid her head on his shoulder. Fiercely, he wrapped his arms around her and held her for a long moment before finally opening his eyes. She had her eyes closed and a sweet satisfied smile on her face. He moved his gaze to the couch and smothered a laugh.


The witches had their hands clasped so tightly that their knuckles were white. Their faces were flushed and he could smell their arousal from across the room. They both had a dreamy lust filled light in their eyes and they were watching his and Buffy’s every move. The whelp and the demon weren’t being so delicate. Xander looked about ready to hyperventilate and he was trying halfheartedly to push Anya’s hands away from his own waistband.


He glanced at the arms of his chair and saw great gouges out of the covering. ~Oops, that’s what that ripping noise was~ He grinned. Screw the chair; he’s buy a dozen replacements in thanks for the last 5 minutes.


“I need another drink,” Willow croaked and headed for the kitchen Her words seemed to break the spell. Xander shook his head clear and pulled Anya’s hand out of his pants. She straightened her skirt and steeled primly back onto the couch, but kept her hand possessively on Xander’s leg, Tara smiled at Spike, a bit embarrassed, and followed her lover into the kitchen.


“Luv?” Spike whispered directly into Buffy’s ear. “Are you ok?” Buffy snuggled closer.


“Mmmmm, “ she responded.


Minutes later, they were all assembled back in their spots in the living room, with one exception; Buffy remained on Spike’s lap.


“S-spike?” Tara ventured. “I’ve always w-wondered, can vampires b-bite people without it hurting?” Spike nodded, brushing a stray curl off of his love’s cheek.


“Sure, pet. You have to have special circumstances, but it’s happened.


“What kind of circumstances?” Willow asked curiously.


“The vamp has to be a Master, and he had to thrall the human. It doesn’t have to be the kind of thrall Buffy had with Dracula, though.” He squeezed her gently as he felt her jump at the word thrall. “If the human and the vamp are both willing, it becomes a kind of mutual thrall. No master and victim scenario though. Sort of like no one exists but them. After that, the bite is just like rough lovemaking. A vamp would only do it with someone he trusted and who trusted him beyond all doubt though.”


“Why?” asked Tara.


“During thrall, the vamp is just as vulnerable as the human. Maybe even more so. It’s the ultimate merging of man and demon. If the human panics at the last minute, they can break their part of the thrall. The demon would smell the fear and push his own humanity totally away. The vamp could kill the human even if he had no intention of doing it. He would also be lost to the demon. No part of the man would exist anymore. He’d just hunt and kill with total disregard for secrecy, or his own safety. He’d be like a jonesing blood junkie, killing everything that moved.”


The scoobies looked horrified. “Sorry, kiddies, you asked.” Spike shrugged. Buffy sat up.


“Does it feel good?” she asked. Spike laughed.


“From what I’ve heard, luv, it’s the most amazing feeling you could imagine. It’s like a continuous orgasm, only you’re not just feeling yours. You feel everything your partner feels. Thoughts merge, emotions cross over. It’s like being one person in two bodies.”




“What, luv?”


“Would you bite me?”


Chapter 4


Spike sat shell-shocked. Willow stood and pulled Tara to her feet. “Thanks for the great night, guys! We should do it again really soon.” She and Tara raced upstairs to their room.


“Er, yeah…thanks guys. An and I are gonna be going, now” Xander tugged Anya’s hand.


“What? Why? I want to watch the biting,” Anya protested.


“An, honey, let’s go home and you can bite me all you like.”


“Really? Ok…Goodbye Buffy. Goodbye Spike. Thank you for the lovely evening and good luck in the biting and thralling department.” Anya recited as though she were reading off of a cue card, and then practically dragged Xander out the door.


“Well?” Buffy whispered when they were finally alone, leaning into him. “Would you bite me?”


“Slayer…I-I…” Spike swallowed painfully. “I don’t think that would be a good idea.” ~Does she have any idea of what just hearing her ask that did to me?~ He tried to shift so that Buffy wouldn’t be stabbed in the ass with his hard on.


“C’mon, Spike,” she nuzzled his neck, breathing in the scent that was ‘him.’ “I want to know. When Angel bit me, it hurt. Dracula, too. I’m betting it wouldn’t hurt with you.”


“Buffy, luv, you’re betting your life, and the witches lives, cause they are right upstairs. You are betting dozens of lives of innocents.” He moaned slightly as she ran her tongue up behind his ear. “If you panic, if I lose the man in me, the chip won’t matter. I will kill without caring about the pain.”


Buffy straddled his hips and took his face between her hands. ~He’s so beautiful~ She ran her fingertips over his pale skin, traced his chiseled lips and his high cheekbones. She ran them over his delicate eyelids ad down his aquiline nose. Slowly, she lowered her head. She stopped when her lips were the minutest fraction away from his.


He felt her warm breath, smelling of tequila and cherries, and shuddered. He closed his eyes and waited. After an eternity, he felt the first pressure of her soft lips against his. She traced the outline with a pointed tongue and playfully nipped at his bottom lip. Her hands slid back to cup his head, her fingers tangling in his soft curls. He felt her tongue back on his lips, insistently demanding entry. Nearly delirious with need, he allowed her in. She melted into his mouth like warm chocolate. Their tongues twined around each other and each explored the taste of the other.


Spike felt himself falling. He knew he was seated firmly in the armchair, but Buffy’s nearness, her taste; the scent of her arousal gave him a bizarre feeling of vertigo. He grasped her hips and jerked her closer to him. With a small whimper she reached down for his hands and pulled them up to rest on her breasts.  Spike tried to control his eagerness to touch her skin, and shakily slid his hands under her T-shirt. Her flesh was like fire, searing his own cooler skin. With a deft move, her unhooked her bra and smoothed his hands over her silkiness until he’d captured her now bare breasts.


Buffy pulled her lips away from his and threw her head back, a low moan escaping her throat. Spike took the opportunity she presented and tugged her shirt and bra off in one swift movement. ~Dear God, she’s Aphrodite incarnate~ He drank in her beauty; her golden hair falling over her naked shoulders like molten metal, her alabaster skin glowing in the dim lights of the living room.


Buffy captured his smoldering blue gaze with her bewitching green one. “Spike, I don’t need to bet. I won’t panic. I can’t panic. You said that the vampire and the human have to trust each other implicitly, right?” He nodded, not trusting his voice. “You trust me. I know you do. I don’t know why…” she smiled wryly. “I haven’t given you many reasons to.  But, you know me better than I know myself, and you stay with me no matter what. You keep coming back even when I hurt you…threaten you. It’s like you know, somehow, that I can’t bring myself to stake you or push you into a sunbeam. Maybe it’ because you love me. …Maybe it’s just because you can read my soul.” She laughed.


“Buffy, luv, you have to trust me too. It can’t be one sided.” He whispered, feeling her words cover him like a warm blanket.


“Oh, Spike…how can you not know how much I trust you?” Her forehead crinkled. “You’ve proven time and time again how trustworthy you are. I trusted you with my sister’s life. And when I was terrified to live, I sought you out. I didn’t really know why, at the time. I just knew that you’d understand what I felt and that you’d make it better. I didn’t know how, but I trusted you blindly. You could have let me waste away, afraid of life, or you could have snapped my neck when you held me.” She shook her head. “I don’t know what I feel for you Spike. I know I want you. I need your strength. I don’t know if I love you. I don’t even know if I like you sometimes…but I do know I trust you. Every other emotion I have under complete construction…except that.”


Spike drew in a shuddering breath. ~She trusts me…She believes that I love her…She trusts me…she wants me to claim her…~ for that would be how it was. Once he had tasted her sweet blood, sunk his fangs into her delicate flesh and drew her essence into his body…she would be marked as his. Not just scarred, though she would always have the physical marks to prove it, but her soul would be marked.


In more ways that one. She would be his. She would feel it. He would feel it. But could she live with it? Could she spend the rest of her life knowing she’d allowed a dirty monster to sully her? Could she spend her life bonded to that monster? And what if she couldn’t? Would she hate him for touching her? Or worse, would she hate herself for letting him?


“No, luv,” he whispered harshly, his heart aching. She stood, her in his arms, and set her gently down into the armchair. She looked up at him with such an expression of hurt and confusion that he was sure, had his heart beat, it would have stopped. “I can’t, Buffy. I can’t explain it, and I can’t do it.”


He walked to the door, agony in every step he took. As he opened the door, he stopped. Resting his head against the frame, he heard the soft whimpers behind him that would turn into tears when he left the room.


“I love you, Buffy.” He whispered, and shut the door behind him.

