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My Ate My Balls Web Pages  

No, I don't know how this business got started. All I know is I kept hearing people mentioning "Mr. T Ate My Balls", and it all took off from there.

Somewhere deep inside I knew it wouldn't be long before I'd attempt my own rendition... and then came the fateful day in Spring 1997 when I did...

Meeno Peluce Ate My Balls!
Meeno was a child actor. I picked him because, well... he was familiar enough, yet forgotten enough to not have had an "ate my balls" page created in his honor. And let's face it. His effin' name is Meeno, yet, as Soleil Moon Frye's brother, he's STILL not the one in the family with the goofy name. Yes, it's kind of thin compared to many of the other "ate my balls" pages on the net, but as my first effort, it holds a place deep within my heart. This was followed a couple of months later by...

Louise Woodward Ate My Balls!
(no longer online)
Laws-a-mercy, did this one ever generate some mail for me. I'm not exactly sure what a "prat" is, but some anonymous Irishman felt the need to berate me for being a bloody one. For the record, no, I don't have issues with women. And I actually kind of like them fleshy and British. But you can't go shaking the chi'rren. Call me a square, but I'm pretty non-negotiable about that. Maybe I crossed the line when I included a picture of poor little Matty Eappen, put a halo over his head, and gave him a dialog balloon that said "Damn it. Now I'll never know what it's like to have my balls eaten." Anyway. The page was hosted on sort of an experimental server. It crashed. It had no backup. This work is now lost to the ages, and perhaps that's for the best.

After two successes, I retired from the business of documenting ball-eating. And I haven't made a new "ate my balls" page in nearly four years. Oh, sure, from time to time, I think of someone who's just RIPE for an "ate my balls" page. I'd totally do "LaVan Hawkins Ate My Balls!" if I thought it would have any impact outside the greater Detroit area. But now I'm making baby steps towards a new page...

All Your Base Are Belong To Us Ate My Balls!
I've combined this old chestnut of a meme (which is to say, old in internet years) and combined it with a new one making the rounds. It's definitely still a work in progress, but I think this handful of graphics is ready for public consumption. More to come. Probably.

And while I have no desire to make this a clearinghouse list of other "ate my balls" pages, here's one by a friend of mine that I just had to include...

Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan Ate My Balls!
Tim, to you, I bow.

Got a problem with this? Yes, you do, too.