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Some cool links

Personal links
Visit 't Hok If you look up 'chaos' in the dicionairy, you'll probably find a picture of 't Hok' there.
It's no use describing what 'Het Hok'is, just check them out at their site
Chino's Homepage OK, this is again something you should just see. It's somehow (Nobody knows why) related to the previous link Contains various information on music, sports and the dutch railways...
Fuzzy Lumpkin Fuzzy Lumpkin (rather silly name, I know) is a local band. Not my kind of music, but worth checking out. WARNING: contains lots of pop-up advertisements
General stuff
Google The best search engine around
Sites (loosely) related to Eek
Eek the Cat Network Very cool site featuring lots of information on voice actors, plus a (more or less) complete episode guide
Fox Kids Network Very annoying an loud site of Fox Kids Network, the channel that broadcasted the Eek and TTL shows. I hate this site, but I thought it was fair to include it
Sounds from Eek the Cat A site filled with sounds from Eek. However, I'm unable to download them. Maybe you are more lucky
A Mad Jack site A page devoted to Mad Jack the Pirate, another project by one of the creators of Eek
A-Team site For some good old '80's nostalgia (and because the Terrible Thunderlizards are based on them)
Gaming sites
games domain One of the very few fair and impartial game review sites on the net. Unlike most magazines, this site actually gives you in-depth reviews
Baldur's Gate 2 Official website for one of the best games ever created, Baldur's Gate II : Shadows of Amn
Fallout 2 Another official site for another excellent game, Fallout 2