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Eek the Cat

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Eek the Cat

Bates anyone? Eek the Cat is a perfectly lovable, huggable, purple cat. He lives in the town of
MacTropolis, or McTropolis. In earlier episodes, he is very clearly the pet of
Wendy-Elizabeth and J.B., two spoiler little brats who are usually much
to occupied watching television to look after Eek. Their mom is also
not of much use, since she is usually studying some obscure language.
Eek is madly in love with his neighbour, the five-hundred pound (approximation) pink cat Annabelle. Almost everybody Eek knows seems to consistently get into trouble, and its usually Eeks task to get them out of it again. Like Eek says: It never hurts to help

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Wendy - Elizabeth

Wendy-Elizabeth is the spoiled little daughter of the family that owns Eek Although she is generally very fond of Eek, she usually ends up ignoring him since she spends 90% of her life watching television and eating high-calory snacks her mother stuffs her with. She is particularly fond of the Squishy Bearz, and their TV show, the 'Rainbow of Enchanted Fun Minute'

Wendy also has a brother, J.B., who is every bit as spoiled as she is. He talks
in a very annoying tone and is generally a nuissance. However, he does not play a very
large part in any of the episodes.

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'Mom' is the mother of Wendy-Elizabeth and her brother, J.D. According to the show, she is a single mother and she is always very busy with house-keeping and feeding her children unhealthy snacks. She usually wears a walk-man that is playing a language course tape, that is supposedly teaching her some obscure language, 'Spangalese'). Spangalese is a rather strange language, sporting sentences like 'Your infant has tire tracks on its forehead', 'Your hamster has eaten my begonia', 'The library is full of tar', 'Your axe is swift, stewardess' and 'Your pants are ful of weasels' (I might have made some of these up, I'm not sure).

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Annabelle is the gorgeous (ahem) five-hundred pound pink cat that lives next door to Eek, and she's also his girlfriend. When asked about Annabelle, Eek will usually show his fold-out picture of her, revealing her in all her magnitude. The standard reply is 'Yeez, she's really fat', followed by a surprise 'Really?' by Eek. Annabelle herself is a real southern belle, complete with an over-the-top accent and her constant search for attention. She also likes to be protected, hence she has a pet dog, the fierce Sharky the Shark Dog, that guard her with his life and is notorious for his dislike of mailmen (and his dislike of Eek)

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Sharky the Shark-Dog

Sharky the Shark-Dog is the pet and protector of the pink beauty Annabelle, and also the bane of all mailmen, which he attacks on sight. He is also not very friendly with Eek (except for some episodes), and will often try to severely maim and/or mutilate the purple kitten. Sharky is part of an extremely viscious and rare breed of dogs called Shark-Dogs. All Shark-Dogs (except Sharky) known to mankind live on a deserted island, which is probably a good thing. Sharky lives in a dog house in Annabelle's garden (which is frequently destroyed by Eek). Although unremakable on the outside, this dog house actually houses a Bat-Cave like base of operations, from which Sharky carefully monitors Eek and makes deliberate plans to get rid of him, although they all end in Sharky chasing Eek around.

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The Squishy Bearz

the Squishy Bearz on Tour The Squishy Bears (Fluffy, Cozy, Woz-Woz and Pierre) are four brightly coloured bears that appear in the immensely popular 'Rainbow of Enchanted fun Minute', a rather silly TV show in which the bears live in a very cozy phantasy land, where they are constantly endangered by both The Bad Giant That Things Bears Might Taste Good, and their own stupitidy. On top of that, they also show up in several Eek episodes, where, of course, Eek has to get them out of trouble again. Of the four bears, Pierre is clearly the odd one out, as he speaks in a rather silly French accent, plus he tends to get hurt a lot more than the other bears.

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The Incredible Elmo

Elmo Elmo the Incredible Elk is one of Eeks best friends, although he is also the person that usually gets Eek in to trouble. Altough Elmo is originally a Stunt Elk by profession, he is actually one of the world's biggest cowards (although he is praised as 'Brave Elmo' in a parody on the song 'bicycle race' by Queen), and one more then one occassion he has tricked Eek into performing death-defying (and very painful) stunts for him, for instance falling down the Niagara Falls in a barrel covered with nails.
In later episodes, Elmo breaks with his profession as Stunt Elk, and can later be found as (among others) a dentist, a mad scientist and a colonel in charge of the 'Elk Emergency Culinary Squad, Mobile BBQ division'. In most episodes, Elmo is also trying to raise money for his little brother Timmy's operation.

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Do you know the muffin man? Mittens is a neurotic blue cat, that occasionally helps out Eek the Cat, but he is generally used to fill in empty parts in the cast. Mittens is actually one of the first characters to appear in the show, as he trades places with Eek in the 'Misereek'- episode, the first ever broadcasted.
Mittens' other appearances include the role of Ensign Mittens in the Star Treek - episodes and Chewbacca in the Star Wars - parody. Not much is known about Mittens, except for the fact that he is Exremely paranoid and very hyperactive. It definetely wouldn't hurt to put him on Ritalin....

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Jib & Hank

Who wants lunch Jib & Hank are the inseparable bald duo that appear in a number of Eek the cat episodes, usually as NASA scientists, although they have also appeared as dog catchers and police officers in some of the earlier episodes.
When working at NASA, Jib & Hank are usually involved in fixing the Hubble telescope, which is wearing a huge pair of glasses. This telescope is in constant need of repair, as
Eek has the tendency to crash into it when being shot into space (for instance after being bitten by Sharky). Jib & Hank don't take their jobs too seriously, as they are a little to pre-occupied drinking coffee and having lunch during office hours. They are also very fond of the show Melrose Place (don't expect any links to that show, I hate it), which they will watch at any thime, even whilst in an (inter)planetery crisis.

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Timmy Timmy is the little brother of The Incredible Elmo. He is notorious for getting himself in to very unpleasant situations that usually require surgery. Some of the most remarkable conditions Timmy was in :

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The Zoltarians

We come in peace The Zoltarians are a race of evil aliens bent on destroying the earth and everything on it with their mass destruction weapon, the Alien Death Ray. Fortunately, their plans are foiled time and time again by Eek (usually by sheer luck). The Zoltarians are also responsible for abducting Elvis Presley, who can be seen on in a suspension tank on board one of their spacecraft. (Elvis does pop up in several other episodes, by the way. In one of them, he is reduced to microscopic size and also suffering from amnesia. His name then is 'Winky, the Dustbody Slayer ')

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