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New Orleans



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Bo broke into the museum and stole one of the prisms.  When he was almost caught he escaped and joined a procession.

Hope, Howie and Alice set about finding Bo

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Publicity was big for this storyline, it was a location shoot afterall.

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Peter and Kristian posing for photos.

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Bo went to the Plantation to wait on Hope 

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and she turned up dressed as a gypsy, this story should be good.

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Bo & Hope took a buggy ride onto the plantation and ate "gumbo" - it has to be noted that a scene from this was cut out of Melbourne episodes.  I was able to locate the "missing scene" some years later and it was well worth it.

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While at the Plantation, Bo & Hope exchanged private vows although no one knew how easily they could be broken.

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After a night of making love for the very first time, Bo and Hope returned to New Orleans on his motorcycle, promising to return one day.  And they did.

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