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The Anime Universe Link Page

Site News

    Gah, not as much has happened as I had hoped so far. I have made changes, including a new filing system. Unfortunatally, my links do not work anymore and I have to fix that. I have asked for help from a friend on woreking out a new layout and that should go well. I guess I don't have much else to say for now, so ciao.
    ssgohanlv10 is no more, and is now Mage Kiton. In like, as I have changed my name, this page will be changing. Its main focus will change, and hopefully the layout will change too. I mean, even the forum will be changing! I am going to leave this site up for anyone who wants the links and stories, but little obvious will change. Untill our next meeting.


Dagon Ball Link page:Go here for DB links.
Dragon Ball Pic's page:Go here for DB pic's.
Other images:Here we will be putting the other pic's until there are enough for their own page. Curentally empty.
Other Links:Here is where our other links and general anime links will go.
Links to online RPG's:Check some out and tell them that ssgohanlv10 sent you!
Personality tests:Here are some of the personality tests i have taken and their results, feel free to take the quizzes yourself, you know you want to.
Story site:Ok, I got two up now, and one of them was too long to enter into my script editor, so it is in two portions now.

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