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Yahoo! Chat with Rachel Hayward

Rachel Hayward

Actress Rachel Hayward joins Yahoo! Chat to talk about her role in Call of the Wild on Monday, May 1st at 8pEt/5pPT. Inspired by the Jack London story, Animal Planet's Call of the Wild combines adventure, romance, humor and intrigue into a compelling new series. London's legendary canine hero, Buck, remains an integral castmember, now sharing screen time with his human family. Hayward is thoroughly enjoying her role as turn-of-the-century Yukon mom Adoley Thornton. "I love the outdoors and I adore animals so I really feel at home in this environment," enthuses Hayward of the Wild experience. Last seen on Chris Carter's Harsh Realm, her TV credits include appearances in Stargate, Sliders, Millennium, The Commish as well as the Robert Altman pilot Killer App.

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y_chat_diva: Welcome to Yahoo! Chat! Tonight our guest is Rachel Hayward who's starring in the Animal Planet series Call of the Wild as Adoley Thornton. Call of the Wild is based on the novel by Jack London. The series films in Vancouver, British Columbia.

basketballgirl62 asks: is Rachel here
y_chat_diva: Rachel's here and we're just getting settled... We hope you have a great time tonight with Rachel! Thanks for joining us and please welcome Call of the Wild star Rachel Hayward!
rachel_hayward_live: Hello everybody! Hey! Whoo!

CRUSHADAMS asks: I read you like to mountain climb as a hobby. Any chance of doing that in the location they shoot CALL OF THE WILD?
rachel_hayward_live: If only I could convince the writers to get me out of the kitchen! This season coming up possibly has a chance that Adoley will get out of town, perhaps go to look for gold herself, or wind up being saved by Buck in the woods... but so far, it's been pretty well keeping everything in order in the home. but I'm trying to convince them to let me adventure outdoors more.

Olivia_99 asks: Hello..what made u want to become an actress?
rachel_hayward_live: I think one of the best things about being an actor, definitely the most attractive, is being able to meet so many creative people, being able to change character, location, wardrobe, time periods, etc. It's very exciting! I always liked watching movies, thought it looked absolutely fun....

fourteen92 asks: You come from a very creative family, did that come naturally to you?
rachel_hayward_live: Yes, it did. My brother was doing commercials with me. We all did modeling as children, then he ventured off into photography. After I finished my four year college in graphic design, I just launched myself into attention seeking acting. I love it! All of us are all very social, and it just sort of attracted us to the creative side of life.

fourteen92 asks: What drew you to the role of Adoley Thronton?
rachel_hayward_live: I just finished "Harsh Realm" and I was out of work for a couple weeks. As I said, I haven't played a Mom before, and it was a challenge. I really liked the setting, and where the book was inspired from -- The Jack London series -- and I thought it would be a real challenge to throw myself into this role. To see what I could do with it.

CRUSHADAMS asks: Rachel, I've been a fan of yours for a long time, and I was wondering, I first saw you in the film BREAKING ALL THE RULES as Gina, yet after that film, I didn't see you in another film for 5 years. Did you decided to take some time off acting, or to pursue other interest?
rachel_hayward_live: Yes, I went to college! My mother insisted that I get an education. For four years I took off to go to college, and all I could do in between was commercials.

JContiExec asks: what college?
rachel_hayward_live: Ontario College of Art , in Toronto...Canada...and it was fun! Art School... :) Yahoo!

callanator asks: where were you born
rachel_hayward_live: I was born in Toronto, Ontario (Canada)..."Tor-an-a", as pronounced

CRUSHADAMS asks: What was it like to work on HIGHLANDER twice?
rachel_hayward_live: I had a bit of a crush on this character...Adrian Paul, and I had to make sure I didn't stare at him too long! I have a story... ;) I was requested to ride a horse while playing the duchess, so I practice up the street for 2 weeks at a stable. And as soon as I got to set, they tested my riding abilities.... and instantly decided I was no good! So I was crying, so upset...and angry at the stunt coordinator, who now works on Call of the Wild! And, she worked on Harsh Realm! So since we've become friends ever since. I forgave her. I can ride! I can! I loved Highlander. It was great.

dxdogg13 asks: Are you working on or going to be working on any movies as of now?
rachel_hayward_live: I' m actually, with the advice of Nick Mancuso, forcing myself to take a month off. So, that's what I'm going to Anguilla with my family. It's just north of Antigua, near the equator. As a matter of fact, my father just passed away...and I needed a break before we start up again for the series, in about a month.

JContiExec asks: why are you stuck in the kitchen, Rachel?
rachel_hayward_live: I'm a mom now! I have to keep the place straight, have the food organized. Look after my husband. Make sure my son does all the right things. Hey, it's just Season One. You just wait!

fourteen92 asks: How difficult was it not to speak on harsh realm?
rachel_hayward_live: It was.... This is going to sound totally bizarre...It was a very challenging role. I think I learned more about "acting" by not saying anything. I learned the importance of inner dialogue. I learned how important words are. I learned how to communicate without saying anything. And I learned how to steal the scenes! :) I was just talking about that the other day, actually. I'm just really happy I had the opportunity to experience a mute. At first, I found it rather insulting, and in the end, I was very grateful. If you were to see a bunch of actors in a room chitchatting, the one that's quiet is the one you wonder about. At the beginning, I had no idea what to expect.

CRUSHADAMS asks: I read in a magazine that your dream is to star in a U.S sitcom. Since you have build a tremendous resume, any plan of coming down to America to give Hollywood a try?
rachel_hayward_live: I'm probably going to stay put in Vancouver, obviously to do this show. I usually come down to LA a couple months of the year, based on how long this show will last. It's hard to say, but I love coming down there to audition. I find I'm received well down there, and the casting directors are always grateful to see Canadians. They're kind to us, and I feel I do better in my auditions down there, rather than up here. But I hope to come back down there, yes. The Shopping too!

weschick218 asks: hey Rachel! I just finished reading the call of the wild. did u read the book before starting the show to get prepared?
rachel_hayward_live: ;) We all have it in our trailers, and we all SAY we read it.... but ... my father actually bought the book for me, and I think I read about half of it, but it's been sooooo long. I think, I seem to remember, that it was standard reading for high school. I've seen the movie. Twice. I was cast a week before we started shooting. FOX cancelled HARSH REALM and I went in at the last minute. For whatever reason, they had trouble finding the Mom, and soon as they met me, four days later, we started the show. Not a lot of prep time! And I'm used to a lot more.

y_chat_diva: So wasn't your hair really short on Harsh Realm?
rachel_hayward_live: Yes! They shaved it army issue! I'm saying that with tears in my eyes. Should be more convincing. A wig in the heat is torture!

dxdogg13 asks: Who is your favorite actress and has she inspired you at all?
rachel_hayward_live: I'm not great with favorites, which is why I don't have a tattoo! I really like Meryl Streep, Jessica Lange, Michelle Pfeiffer, Susan Sarandon....but I have a different favorite every 6 months. That's what my Dad said. I really like Helen Mirren. I think her performances are excellent. I want to be like her!

words_2_liv_by_1999 asks: how do you feel about media invading on your privacy?
rachel_hayward_live: I like to share! I think it's part of the business, and part of the responsibility of being an actor. To share certain aspects of your life with the public. I wouldn't want anyone taking pictures of me working out! But I do feel as though it's part and parcel to the job, to talk about it with the people who are out there being your fans.

matt_d_cv asks: what's your favorite animal?
rachel_hayward_live: Horse! I looooooooove horses. And on the show I go right up to them and put my head on their nostrils and let them breathe on me... I'm allowed to ride at lunchtime, but we haven't had a scene yet with me riding one.
y_chat_diva: I think that's a work perk

isleseet asks: What's it like working with animals on Call of the Wild?
rachel_hayward_live: I was playing with 2 baby cougars on my lunch hour last week. But you can't be in a bad mood. You just go sit with them, and it makes you all happy again. I think they should introduce animals in stress management courses. ;)

JContiExec asks: are you wed? any kids?
rachel_hayward_live: I have never been married, and I am a kid! I have no children. As of yet! ;)

CRUSHADAMS asks: Rachel, was it fun to play Richard Grieco's girlfriend in SUSPICIOUS AGENDA?
rachel_hayward_live: Richard's a very nice man. He just is sexy. So it definitely wasn't difficult. He was fun. We ended up getting a Winnebago and getting a bunch of crew people and going to have a big party up at Whistler after we wrapped. We hung out, and it was a lot of fun. He's a really nice person. :)

shinpeter asks: do you ever feel threatened by animals?
rachel_hayward_live: No, I do not. The trainers, the animal trainers are very careful with us. I got to horse around with the cougars, and they instructed us what we can and can't do, and how to be really careful around them. There's a Kodiak bear I haven't met yet, but I can't wait to wrestle with him! They tell me they'll let me :) This bear supposedly smells like garbage. NOT a work perk.

KKBean_1 asks: What was your fav. part?
rachel_hayward_live: I'm going to have to say the Mute in Chris Carter's HARSH REALM. It's because I got to be a hero, to save the day, I got to fire off a lot of automatic weapons, and I got to drive recklessly in a car with DB Sweeney, and pretty well have lunch everyday with Scott Bairstow. And of on a Chris Carter show....lots of perks... I can't even tell you how fun that show was! I was like Tank Girl.

isleseet asks: Harsh Realm got a harsh deal, what was it like on the inside?
rachel_hayward_live: We got chairs and trailers and lots of snacks. Free Fox jackets. Invites to parties. It was a hard show, lots of thick heavy plots, complicated story lines, very long hours...the crew was quite stressed. There might have been some warning signs. It was a difficult shoot, but we had such a good time, and the people were fantastic. Chris was very kind.

words_2_liv_by_1999 asks: how old were you when you first started acting?
rachel_hayward_live: 17

y_chat_diva: Did you always want to be an actor? rachel_hayward_live: Absolutely not! I had no idea. I never set out to be one. I was going to be a doctor, and then an art director for an Ad Agency like my father. I wanted to be in the Ad Business, and then upon completing my college degree, I realized I needed something with more of asocial aspect to it. I loved Mary Tyler Moore. I watched her all the time.

CRUSHADAMS asks: Rachel, you worked with Adrian Paul 3 times now, twice in HIGHLANDER and once in CONVERGENCE! Did he recommended you for the role in CONVERGENCE?
rachel_hayward_live: No, but Adrian wrote me a really nice letter of reference for my immigration papers. Really nice to me. But I will add that I had to kiss and co-mingle with him a second time in Convergence, and again.... ;) it was not difficult. He's a good kisser!

residentevil45_2000 asks: do you get nervous working?
rachel_hayward_live: yes, I do usually, the first day of a new shoot. Or, when you have to have an emotional day on set. At the right time... but it can usually wear off. Love scenes...oh yeah. It's like 40 breath mints later and you still want another package! Definitely a nervous time.

kid_rock_2k69 asks: Hi Rachel , what do u love to do for fun
rachel_hayward_live: 'I'm an avid mountain biker. And we have tremendous trails here in BC.

sallychacha asks: What was your first professional role?
rachel_hayward_live: It was a movie called "Breaking All the Rules", directed by James Orr We shot in Montreal at an amusement park, at night. I was nocturnal for a month. Very strange cause we had weekends off, and tried to stay up all weekend for the night. Weird.

rt_animator asks: What kind of bike do you have Rachel?
rachel_hayward_live: it's called a COVE STIFFY, and it's worth more than my car! there's a bike shop here called DEEP COVE BIKE SHOP and they make their own frames out of titanium.

brutkd asks: Aside from Horses, what would be the animal you would most like to work with?
rachel_hayward_live: A lion. That's my star sign... ;)

waya2001 asks: what's it like working with a wolf??
rachel_hayward_live: I had a Malamute wolf cross for about 5 years, so I know exactly how stubborn these dogs can be. They do what they want, when they want the one on the show is more obedient is an exception. He's more obedient than any other hybrid I've seen. I'm impressed! I couldn't even get my dog to sit!

bigshooter_com asks: Do you ever get into rock climbing?
rachel_hayward_live: yes, and I've done an awful lot. I kind of had to stop because I was bursting out of my clothes cause my muscles were too big. I've got guns! you can see them in harsh realm, actually. I do a little now still.

kid_rock_2k69 asks: cool ,what music do u like
rachel_hayward_live: I love Kid Rock! I love Rap cause I like to boogie. To get down! I love Bush, Ben Harper... Metallica... a little bit of the hardcore, Tool... I'm all over the place with my music, but it's based on my mood. Love Sick is Country. Crazy is hardcore. But when I climb, it's Tool.

cute_e_girlie asks: how does it feel to be on tv?
rachel_hayward_live: I just make sure I don't turn it off. I loved being on the Harsh Realm show.... I've done a few things that are kinda kooky, but most of the time, like with this show, it's great for kids to watch. So, I feel like I'm contributing in a good way. I watched a lot of TV as a kid.

bigshooter_com asks: Phoenix, AZ has some awesome climbs. Where do you climb?
rachel_hayward_live: Just mostly up in Squamish. There are two indoor gyms here. And I've done some climbing in Bend, Oregon. Off the couch, I'm about 5'10 ... I like crack climbing...

words_2_liv_by_1999 asks: what would be your dream role?
rachel_hayward_live: There are two ways to answer that. First, I'd be interested in playing something closer to Florence, like LARA CROFT in Tomb Raider. I'd love to be an action figure! That was the funnest time I'd ever had. I'd also like to play like a Helen Mirren role in Prime Suspect. Great role...and she's just great. Those are what I like, Strong police women who know what they're doing, and action figures that can kick butt

Fitz711 asks: Is harsh realm coming back this fall?
rachel_hayward_live:'s airing on FX channel right now, Friday nights at Midnight...replaying the 8 episodes. :(

CRUSHADAMS asks: What roles you were up for, but didn't get that you wished you had gotten?
rachel_hayward_live: recently, I wanted to play the babe in the new Chris Carter show, "The Lone Gunmen" but I didn't get it. And she was also based on a Lara Croft type (shooting guns and wearing leather). There was a movie here called "Along Came a Spider" and one of my best friends got the role of a strong female undercover cop. Fabulous scene. Those are just the recent ones, from the last two months... I always look at it that something else will come along...I don't get too bent out of shape. I would have LOVED to do the role from Matrix. That's right up my alley!!!!!

Brand73 asks: if someone were to play you in an autobiographical movie, who would you want to see portray you?
rachel_hayward_live: Tea Leoni or Bridget Nielson a LONG time ago....long time ago, when I saw her in movies. She reminded me of my self when she first came out. A long long time ago!

rachel_hayward_live: I don't think I'll be climbing that one. I just got my false nails put on. No can do. :)

CRUSHADAMS asks: Any bizarre experience being sacrificed in a love ritual in STARGATE?
rachel_hayward_live: Other than being stark naked in front of 150 people? Nah....just another day on the job. I felt pretty good on that one, since I was the only one without fake boobs in that scene. Not that having fake boobs is a bad thing... Don't get me wrong.

hattric7 asks: Rachel....what is your favorite movie of all time??
rachel_hayward_live: I love all of Sean Penn's work, but one of his, "Indian Runner" with Viggo and Patty Arquette...that was excellent. Anything with Sean seems to be a favorite of mine.

sallychacha asks: What was it like working for Chris Carter?
rachel_hayward_live: an absolute pleasure. He was really soft spoken, very kind, really really smart. He had a plan for that show, and unfortunately it didn't unfold. But it was one of the highlights of my career, to work with him.

rachel_hayward_live: Yeah, I do. Sean Penn. and Viggo Mortenson.... (moans from the phone) oh, and George Clooney too.

googy91 asks: How many movies have you been in?
rachel_hayward_live: 15

PrincessLVSBubby asks: Are you afraid of any animals?
rachel_hayward_live: Raccoons. I don't like raccoons! They're rabid, and the sounds they make when fighting is one of the most vicious things I've heard in my life! And sharks....

webshackshag asks: If the Movie industry fell in the ocean. What career would you choose for yourself then?
rachel_hayward_live: Let me think about this.... I would want to be a painter. ! Famous painter.

CRUSHADAMS asks: Rachel, I thought you made a good opponent against Brooke Langton on THE NET! They ended that episode with a hint that you might return. Where they planning to? I thought you were great in that role! (O:
rachel_hayward_live: They actually told me I'd be coming back. I got a call from the producers that they really enjoyed it and planned to bring me back, but the show got cancelled.

sallychacha asks: Where are you drawing the inspiration for your Call of the Wild role?
rachel_hayward_live: I would have to say.... my own mom. maybe a couple of television characters too? I guess sort of like a Doctor Quinn Medicine Woman, and the lady on Little House. The shows I've watched with strong moms. But it's a lot of just instinct and that's come from my own mother.

webshackshag asks: racoon are little bad ass killer looking for trouble
rachel_hayward_live: They are Soooo scary. You'd have to hear them fight each other. It's like trouble. like hell!

zimal_eq asks: who is your role model?
rachel_hayward_live: these questions are hard for me. Like picking tattoos. It depends on what mood you catch me in. I'll make sure to come up with one.

fasttrack_70377 asks: what type of potraits would you paint!
rachel_hayward_live: I never said I'd paint portraits! ;) I do a lot of surrealism mixed with realism now, but not necessarily portraits.

gen_da_silent_1 asks: Do you have any bad habits?
rachel_hayward_live: yes, like everybody else. I bite my lips, and I can't stop! I have a bad sweet tooth. I can tend to be very lazy. I don't wear sunscreen... that would be one I can go on for a few hours with...etc etc.

Brand73 asks: Speaking of which, do you have any tatoos?
rachel_hayward_live: I do not! When I feel like having one, I get out a few pens, and because I'm an artist I can make them look pretty real. but I change my mind too much. I've had a henna one....but it comes off.

brutkd asks: You said you wanted a strong woman role...did you try for the X-men movie?
rachel_hayward_live: actually...I think I was in LA the time they were casting. No, I was here... sometimes you've not the greatest judge, and when I read that...I kind of didn't have al ot of knowledge of the comic books, and at the time it seemed a little silly. I guess I blew it. It didn't speak to me.... at the time, I didn't anticipate it. The sides were silly. I was doing Harsh Realm, and if I saw the breakdown, I could tell you who the name was that I'd read for.

words_2_liv_by_1999 asks: if you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live?
rachel_hayward_live: Aloha...welcome to Hawaii! I'm going to just have to say....the Tropics. Tropics. Tropics.

y_chat_diva: Thanks Rachel for chatting with us tonight! Be sure to catch Rachel on Call of the Wild on the Animal Planet at 9p on Mondays.
rachel_hayward_live: 9 pm...a bit late for little kids, isnt it?! I'd say we'd need to be on at 7pm, I was surprised they put it at 9 pm! :)

rachel_hayward_live: Goodbye and goodnight everybody. Thanks so much for asking me all these questions. It's been fun!
y_chat_diva: Thank you all for chatting with us. A transcript of this chat will be available at shortly. Goodnight everyone!

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