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Welcome to Charmed Australia

Yes! the site is finally here, it has taken quite some time and several tries to get to this stage, I am with Angelfire now, having left Geocities, I would also like to thank Angelfire for providing such a quality service.

Um... The Trivia that I promised to make is taking a little longer than expected, it is up, which is a plus but there are some glitches I may have to work out. At the moment there is only season one for u guys to do.

I don't have enough room here to put up all my videos and things like that, but I promise I will find a way, eventually. In the mean time I have posted some flash films for you all.

The great new Menu script thing I have put in is really annoying, there are quite a few problems with it, so if you have difficulty, Email me please.


"Charmed" and all related with it are copyright the WB. This is just a Charmed Fan site. Thanks to the WWC for the pictures in the 'Spells' pages. :)