What a little devil Casualty's Dr Lara Stone is. She's already proved herself a force to be reckoned with in the A&E department and in this week's episode she dons a red PVC devil's costume for a Halloween party. How can Patrick Spiller resist? Christine Stephen-Daly, who plays her, is remaining tight-zipped, but admits, 'There is a definite attraction between Lara and Spiller (played by Ian Kelsey).' The 28-year-old actress from Melbourne, Australia, is thrilled her character is making such an impact but says she's thankfully not quite as forceful as her screen persona. 'We are both quite driven people, but Lara is a workaholic and more bloody-minded than I am,' she says. 'I am trying to ease off on that because I was very career obsessed when I was younger.'
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