Emotions run high this week when the lovely Lara and Patrick (Christine Stephen-Daly and Ian Kelsey) jump into bed. The sexual tension between the two colleagues reaches boiling point and tonight they finally get it together. But their night of passion spills over into their shift when they continue to flirt, and Lara makes a life-threatening mistake because her mind isn't on the job. Furious with herself, it takes Patrick to calm her down with a comforting kiss and cuddle. Ian insists his smooth lover-man character is at odds with his real personality. "I'm nothing like my public image," the actor says. "I'm really a shy guy and find kissing scenes embarrassing." Meanwhile, Charlie (Derek Thompson) returns from Canada to find that his department is stretched to the limit. Then his reunion with Jan (Judy Loe) is ruined when he sides with Dillon (Dan Rymer) in a row. Elsewhere, Jack (Will Mellor) prepares for his operation by ending his relationship with Nikki (Kelly Harrison), and Spencer's (Ben Keaton) daughter Gilly (Emily Dormer) starts work on the emergency department's reception.
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