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Sunnydale Slayers


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Anthony Stewart Head plays Rupert Giles.  Head was born on February 20th, 1954 in Camdentown, England.  His mother was an actress, best known for her role as Madame Maigret in the BBC series "Maigret." And as for his father, it was he who created the British production company known as Verity Films.
He attended the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Arts, and got his first show business break playing Jesus in "Godspell."  He then went on to star in a number of West End theater productions including "The Rocky Horror Picture Show," "Julius Caesar," "The Heiress," Peter Shaffer's "Yonadab" and "Rope."
Tony has enjoyed a successful acting career in Britain, but it was a series of coffee adverts that brought him great recognition in the United States. Head was a regular cast member on the sci-fi television series "VR.5." He also guest starred on the series "Highlander" and the Emmy-winning police drama "NYPD Blue."  Other credits have included the feature films "A Prayer for the Dying," "Devil's Hill" and "Lady Chatterley's Lover."  He has also performed in several BBC Productions, including "Secret Army," "Accident," "Bergerac," "Howard's Way," "Pulaski" and "Manchild."  Plus the British television productions "Enemy at the Door" and "Love in a Cold Climate."  More recently he appeared in "Spooks."
When not working or spending time in England with his girlfriend and their two daughters, Head enjoys co-writing an animated musical entitled "D'Ark Secrets."



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