Coming Soon!

What's New?
-- The quotes page is up! There are still many more quotes to come, so check back often to see if I've updated it. But, for now, there are a lot so go check it out!
-- The Scripts page is up! It's not completely finished yet, but so far, you can view tanscripts from seasons 1-3. More are soon to come so dont wig and explode. Just come back later! :)
-- I've added TONS more songs in the download section. Now you can download every song from the album, all the songs from the musical, and a couple extra things, too. I've also added videos to the download section. Some Buffy Bites, bloopers, interviews, and promos are now yours for the downloading. So, go ahead! Enjoy!
-- Phase 1 of the new and improved episode guide is nearly complete. Phase 1 is improving the current guide by adding features for easier navigation through the episodes. Phase 2 will be an entirely new episode guide with shorter descriptions of each episode. Phase 2 will be started very soon so keep checking back!

Coming Soon:
More quotes
Scripts from seasons 4-6
An improved gallery (in progress)
A new and improved episode guide (Phases 1-2)

Any ideas for the site? They're wanted! Send any ideas here.