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2600 Shadows

(by Atari - CX2691)

1or 2 Player
4  Game Variations

is another arcade game brought into the home by Atari.  It translated fairly well to the 2600.  The game story and play is actually quite unique.  You are a knight in armor riding on a flying, winged ostrich.  You press the joystick button to make the wings of your ostrich flap.  The faster you press the button, the faster you ascend.  You move right and left with the joystick, up and down by varying the speed with which you press the joystick button.  There are several platforms on the screen for you to stand on (or bang you head against, depending on your position).  Your goal in the game is to win jousts with other knights who are also riding flying, winged ostriches.  If you are at the lower elevation when you collide, you loose one of your knights.  If you are at a higher elevation when you collide, you win the joust and turn your opponent into a floating egg.  Catch the egg quickly or it will turn into a faster opponent!  You must also avoid a pterodactyl which will fly across the screen making the most annoying sound that was ever created by any video game company ever!  If that wasn't enough of a challenge for you, part of the bottom platform disappears at times to expose pools of molten lava below.  Needless to say, you will want to avoid the molten lava.  In the two player version of this game, you can joust with your friends as well as other knights.  This game is common and easy to pick up for a couple of bucks.  The originality and fun game play makes it a great addition to your collection. 



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