The Best Intentions

The Best Intentions

Read the rest of the series before you read this or it won't make any sense.

The Best Intentions

"What are you talking about?" Joey sighed looking up from her book, rather irritated with Jen.

"I saw you and Dawson on Saturday night," Jen said eagerly. "So, what's up with that?" Joey leaned back in her chair.

"Nothing," she said. "Absolutely nothing."

"Oh," Jen said, rather dissapointedly. "Dawson wouldn't tell me much about it, either."

Joey sat up straight as the front of the chair hit the ground with a soft crash. "You talked to Dawson about it? What did he say?"

"He's confused, Joey," Jen said. "He's very confused. He was totally oblivious that you wanted more than friendship from him. Not that I knew, either, but he is your best friend. He should have noticed. Does he just pretend to be so oblivious?"

"I honestly think that he is pretending. I mean, I'm sure that he didn't pick up on my feelings before, but now that he knows, he's pretending nothing happened so things can stay the same," Joey said frustratedly. "He sometimes pisses me off so much with his rejection of reality!"

"I don't know what to tell you, Joey, except to talk to him," Jen offered.

"Thanks, Jen," Joey said sarcastically, "I hadn't thought of that yet."

"Look, don't bite my head off for your displaced anger at Dawson," Jen said looking hurt. "I'm trying here."

"I don't think we should be talking about this," Joey mumbled.

"Why not, Joey? Why can't we talk? Why won't you give me a chance?" Jen asked, annoyed.

"Why not?" Joey said, trying to keep her voice quiet because she was in the library but slowly getting louder. "Why not? Because every time I see you, I see the way Dawson looks at you. I hear the way he used to worship you and I see Dawson chasing you and kissing you and it drives me crazy. It drives me crazy because I know that it will never be the same for him and me. It's nothing personal, but Dawson once said it could be me, but it's you. It's just you."

"I understand," Jen said sincerely. "I guess I should just stop talking to you, then."

"Maybe I could be your friend sometime, but not now," Joey said sadly. "It hurts too much." Jen nodded and looked defeated. "Can you just do me one favor, Jen?"


Joey smiled. "Just be a royal bitch back to me whenever I am being bitchy to you."

"Your wish is my command. It's not hard to be a bitch to someone so inferior to you, though. There's no challenge," Jen said as meanly as she could. She got up and started to walk away.

"Jen?" Joey called out after her. Jen stopped and looked over her shoulder. "Thanks." Jen smiled and then fakely scowled at Joey and walked out of the library.


"Dawson, my man, you have got a lot of explaining to do," Pacey said when he saw Dawson walking down the hall. "Joey told me everything."

"What?" Dawson asked. "That's not like her. So, you know about our little makeout session at the dance, then."

"Wow!" Pacey screamed. "That's what happened?"

"Quiet down," Dawson said through clenched teeth. "I thought she told you everything."

"Eh, I lied," Pacey grinned. Dawson rolled his eyes. "So, that's great. Finally. What has to be 'resolved' then?"

"She kissed me, Pacey. Again and again and again. And then she told me that she's in love with me," Dawson sighed.

"And you were doing what this whole time? Reading the paper?"

"No, I was shocked. I don't know, it's kind of fuzzy."

"Pure crap," Pacey said. "I know you remember everything. So what's the problem here?"

"I didn't say anything when the song was over and she ran out. Then, I acted like I was pretending nothing happened. I don't know what to do, Pace," Dawson shook his head. "I don't know if I want a relationship or how not to hurt her if I don't." Pacey started to feel pity for his two best friends.

"Man, that's a bad situation," Pacey put his hands in the air. "I don't know what to say."

"Neither do I," Dawson said sadly. "Neither do I."


Joey was sitting on a bench on the docks staring at the water when Dawson came to meet her. She had been sitting there for a long time just watching the water. Dawson didn't pretend to be cheerful as he stopped next to the bench and looked at her. He hadn't said a word, but Joey knew he was there. She looked up at him. "Dawson Leery speechless," she said, trying to break the ice. "The second time in three days. That must be some sort of record." Dawson still didn't say anything. Joey laughed bitterly and turned back to the water.

"Why'd you do it, Jo?" Dawson finally asked almost inaudibally. He was looking at the ground.

"I don't know," Joey responded. Her eyes met his. "I just saw the way you were looking at Jen and I just couldn't bottle it up any longer. The moment just seemed right." Dawson nodded in understanding, but still looked a little confused.

"That's not what I meant. I meant why'd you have to fall in love with me?"

Joey clicked her tongue and let her gaze fall. She swallowed and pursed her lips. "Of course that's what you meant," Joey was getting a little annoyed. "I don't know, I can't explain it exactly. Unless you're fishing for a complement here." Dawson sighed, also getting a little annoyed.

"It's just that things were perfect before. Why did you have to change that?"

"It's called growing up, Dawson. Things change. My feelings for you changed. But don't worry. I'm sorry they did."

"Joey," Dawson moaned, "Joey, I'm sorry. You shouldn't be sorry, I should. I shouldn't have rejected it like that."

"It's okay," Joey was angry, "I'm used to rejection." She stood up and faced him. "Just tell me one thing: were you kissing me back?"

"Um... yes..." Dawson flushed.


Dawson was wondering why himself. He had just convinced himself that he had just gotten caught up in the moment, though. Joey waited impatiently for him to say something. When she decided that she wasn't going get anything besides silence, her eyes teared up for a second, but she willed them back. She sneered at him and walked away. Dawson yelled out to her.

"Joey! Joey! Joey, please come back here." As much as Dawson pleaded, Joey didn't even turn around. Dawson tried to, but he couldn't get his legs to follow her. He turned around and hung his head as he walked home.

Joey was about to let her tears flow when she heard a voice other then Dawson's call her name. She looked up in shock.

"Joey. That was very interesting."


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