Groundhog's Day

Groundhog's Day

Author's Note: I wrote most of this last summer, after watching Season One. I don't know why I never got around to typing it. This is a ridiculous idea I had been fooling around with. I was inspired by Lisa's holiday topic in her weekly fanfiction forum (The Dawson's Creek FanFiction Forum).

Disclaimer: I never saw the movie Groundhog's Day, so if there are similarities between this and the movie besides in more than the very basic plot, I didn't do it on purpose, so please don't sue. I don't own the English Patient or Paula Cole's "I Don't Wanna Wait", either, which will come in later in the series.

Rating: PG or PG-13 for the series. Some days will be more graphic than others. This one might be PG-13, but it's not too terrible.

Spoilers: This series takes place after all the episodes in Season One up to "Pretty Woman" (or "Beauty Pageant" or whatever it was renamed to). That and "Breaking Away" didn't happen. Neither did any of Season Two (sorry all you Andie and Jack fans). There are references to past episodes, so try and pick them up. Basically, all this takes place in the Dawson-broke-up-with-Jen-the-same-night-Joey-got-drunk-and-kissed-him-and-Pacey-told-Dawson-that-Joey-is-ass-backwards-in-love-with-him-even-though-Pacey-has-the-hots-for-her-and-tried-to-kiss-her scenerio, only two months later. You know, the famous love triangle-type story. Oh yeah, Jen is on better terms with Joey, too.

Read the days in the right order or this will make no sense at all.

Remember, anything can happen in fanfic....

Groundhog's Day: Day One

Joey woke up, startled by her alarm clock. "Shut up you damn thing!" she screamed while slamming down the off button. Today was not going to be her day, she could feel it. She was tired and didn't want to go to school. Luckily, it was Friday. Friday the second. Joey lay in bed for a few minutes before she heard Bessie yell.

"I hear no movement, Joey. Hurry up. You don't want to be late for school." Joey practically threw herself out of bed and aimed at the bathroom. She sleepily climbed into the shower and yelled in surprise at the icy cold water. When she finally got herself cleaned up and had dried her hair, she noticed she was late.

"Ugh," she groaned, pulling on her sweater. She looked out the window. It was partly clouy and a little nippy. It was decent weather for February, though. Joey sighed as she grabbed something to eat and ran out the door.


Joey couldn't believe how fast she had run. She was ten minutes early for school. She put down her book bag and leaned against her locker to catch her breath.

"Guess who?" a familiar voice playfully said from behind her as Joey's eyes were covered.

"Ooh, Bubba. You've finally come back for me. I knew you would after that night..." Joey trailed off. The hands were removed and Joey turned around. "Oh, it's only you, Dawson," she said with mock disappointment.

"Who's Bubba?" Dawson asked with a hurt look on his face. Joey smiled.

"I was just kidding," Joey laughed. "You are so gullible. I am very happy to see you on this fine morning." Dawson cheerfully accepted her explaination.

"I knew you were joking," Dawson lied.

"Sure you did," Joey said, opening her locker. She heard Dawson laugh as she was once more attacked from behind.

"Guess who?" Dawson said again.

"Dawson, this is getting old," Joey said, starting to get a little annoyed.

"Hey, Jo, it's not me this time," Dawson said innocently. "See, I'm right here. I'm putting my hands on your arm to prove it." Dawson was right. Joey felt an extra pair of hands.

"This isn't fair, then. I have to hear the person's voice to figure it out," Joey whined. "Or at least I need a hint."

"How's this for a hint?" a voice asked behind her. Joey let out a yelp as she felt someone pinch her butt.

"Pacey!" she screamed, turning around to slug him. He anticipated that, though, and quickly dodged the punch. Dawson was cracking up. "Some friend you are, standing there and letting that primate get within three feet of me," Joey reprimanded Dawson. "Now if you two goofballs will excuse me, I have to get my books before I'm late to class." Joey got her stuff and stalked off, pretending to be mad.

"That girl has no sense of humor," Pacey laughed.

"None at all," Dawson smiled, shaking his head.


The day progressed as usual. It was lunchtime, and Joey, Dawson, Pacey, and Jen sat down to eat. "Happy Groundhog's Day, everyone," Pacey announced when he got to the table.

"Too bad your shadow didn't scare you back into your hole," Joey said, rolling her eyes.

"Aw... you're just mad about this morning."

"What happened this morning?" Jen asked.

"Pacey pinched her good morning," Dawson explained.

"So what's so bad about that?"

"On the ass?" Joey glared at Pacey. Jen started to laugh. Joey turned her glare to Jen. Cookie dough ice cream or not, Joey felt that killing Jen would really hit the spot right about now. She was being too clingy after their "bonding" moment, anyway. Joey silently ate her food to keep from blowing up at Jen as a pointless conversation ensued.


School was finally over. Joey was getting her jacket from her locker when she heard footsteps slowly and softly coming up behind her.

"Pacey or Dawson, don't even think about it!" Joey shut her locker and turned around to see Dawson with a fake pout on his face.

"You mean I don't get to pinch you hello?" Dawson asked and burst out laughing. Joey rolled her eyes but smiled. She didn't think she would mind so much if Dawson was pinching her...

"Look, it wasn't that funny the first time. Is there any reason you came over here besides to make bad jokes at my expense?"

"Actually, yes," Dawson said. "We're going to a party tonight."

"Oh goody," Joey said sarcastically, "my life's dream." Joey knew the day was going to be getting worse. "Who wants the company of the all-mighty Dawson?"

"Well, Mike extended an invitation to the entire student body," Dawson said, holding the door for Joey as they left the school, "so me, Jen, and Pacey decided it might be fun." Joey snorted.

"Fine. We have nothing else to do tonight."

"That's the spirit, Jo! I knew you'd say yes," Dawson said joyfully.

"Yeah, whatever," Joey mumbled.

"Okay, then, I'll see you there."

Joey trudged home and fell back on her bed. "Were you late to school?" she heard Bessie call into her room.

"Actually, I was early," Joey answered.

"Well, you're going to be late to work if you don't get to the Icehouse pronto!"

"Bessie," Joey pleaded, not wanting to move. She had an idea. "Bessie, I'm going to a party tonight." Bessie appeared in the doorway.

"A party? Why didn't you say so?" Bessie asked in surprise. "When exactly?"

"A few hours," Joey responded unenthusiastically.

"If that's the case, I guess you can take the night off," Bessie said, smiling, "but only if you wear what I give you."

"Fine," Joey moaned, "but I don't have to get ready for another two hours so please let me vegetate. Being numb is probably a good idea before going to a jock's party." Bessie rolled her eyes at Joey's pessimism and left her alone.


Joey met Pacey at the party.

"Hey, Jo," he said, going to pinch her.

"Will you give it a rest already?" she yelled. She was already pissed off enough that she had to be there.

"Okay, I was only kidding," Pacey said, backing off. Joey looked at him strangely. Were you? she thought fleetingly. "Let's go get some punch," Pacey said uncomfortably. Joey had a really weird expression on her face.

"Why not?" The two walked over to the punchbowl and Pacey poured them both punch. They each took a sip and made a face. "Spiked," they said at the same time.

"Figures," Joey said, "and I don't want to get drunk tonight. Not after last time." Dawson had told her all about it the next week, except for the kiss, but she had vaugely remembered that. "Have you seen Dawson and Jen?"

"Right there," Pacey pointed to the dance floor. They were laughing and falling all over each other. Joey walked up to them and noticed the punch glasses in their hands.

"Look, Jen, it's Joey. Hey, Joey!" Dawson pointed as she approached them. Jen giggled. "Joey did you try some of this punch? It's really good and..."

"Spiked," Joey added. "Didn't you know that? How much did you guys have? I think me and Pacey are going to have to take you home."

"Ohhh, that explains it. See, Jen, we're drunk!" Dawson teetered.

"A while little and we'll leave, thhirrrty minutes," Jen slurred. "We just had one... and then another one, and another one." Joey went to go find Pacey and tell him they were going to drag Jen and Dawson out in about a half hour. Joey didn't want to fight with Dawson and Jen and figured that they couldn't get in trouble in only a half hour.

A half hour later, Joey was dancing with Pacey. She was surprised that he was a pretty good dancer. She was actually even having a good time with him. Pacey was kind of fun to party with. She looked at her watch.

"Okay, time to go find our drunken friends," she said to Pacey. They looked around. "Where are they, anyway?"

"We'll split up and find them," Pacey decided.

"Okay." Pacey crossed the dance floor and Joey went outside. "Dawson? Jen?" she called. "Half hour's up. Time to go." She couldn't find them and went back inside. She walked upstairs.

"Dawson, shh." Joey heard Jen giggle. Joey noticed an open door and poked her head in. She could not believe the sight in front of her. Dawson and Jen were both on the floor, covered by a blanket. Dawson was lying on top of Jen, and their clothes were scattered throughout the room. Dawson looked up at Joey and a wide grinned flashed across his face.

"Hey, Joey, want to join us?" he asked. Joey concentrated to stop herself from hurling right there. She ran down the steps and out of the house. She hated Jen. She knew it was Jen's fault. She couldn't bring herself to blame innocent Dawson for slutty Jen's actions. Jen got him drunk and seduced him, she was so desperate for sex. Joey whimpered and walked across the docks. Even though it was freezing, Joey sat down on a bench, and cried herself to sleep.


Like it so far? Wait until you read what happens next! Please send me feedback and stay tuned for Day Two.

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